HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External33_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect Crabtree CreekJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 7:13 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect Crabtree Creek From: Jay Spadie [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:04 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect Crabtree Creek II ask that the DEQ deny Welke Stone"s application for a anew Iprlivate rock quarry (permit 92 10) on Ipublic (land adjacent to Umstead Park (because of the negative liirnpact it will Ihave on Umstead and the suriroundliing recreatGoinall areas that are enjoyed by so many In the Tiriiainglle area. II also ask our elected officials to (please Ilisten to the (people you irepresent, and do your (part to (protect Umstead Park by working to (prevent tlhlis anew rock quarry. As the Tir9iainglle area continues to Ibecorne irnore develloped, Uimstead Increases In vallue and Ipopularity as inatu14l areas of its type Ibecorne increasiinglly hare. Right In the it iddlle of our suburban sprawl, it's a (place for all to get outside to irun, (bike, walllk, and Nike to hose ouirsellves forjust a (bit In inatuire and irnaliintaliin our Iplhysicall and irneintall welHbeliing. And tlheire"s ineveir been irnore ineed for that than the lisollated, lIndoor Ipandeir is tunes we're Illiviing through snow. A anew quarry inext to Umstead will Ihave adverse effects (leaking sift Into Crabtree creek and Iloweirliing air quality with Iblasted rock dust (particles In the air. The many irunineirs, walllkeirs, and Ibikeirs wlho travel) aIloing the 1 popWair Reedy Cireelk MUT enteiding from the Crabtree IL.alke side inear 40, travellking through Urnstead and exiting the other side, WEI Ibe Ibreatlhling that unheafthy dust from (blasts. The (Milkers on Company WH traH witlNlin Urnstead inear the (proposed quarry wiH allso ceirtallinlly Ibe lImpacted from the dust and inoise. And of course, the continuous stream of dump trucks for years to come WEI further damage the Ipeacefull sanctity of the Ipairk. Urnstead shoUld remain a sanctuary of trees, cVeain creelks, quiet s6ktude, and fresh air for aH who (love it for the humans who visit and aEl the a6lirnalls that have made it their (home. Flease don't degrade Urnstead and our cherished IpulbBlic areas Iby seEling out to a Iprlivate iroclk quarry. Thanks, HER= Jay Spadie a ay(a-)_ncdanceinstitute.com '7805 Ebeinezeir Church Rd Ralleiglh, North Cairofina 27612