HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect Crabtree Creek (4)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, To whom it imay concern and to anyone who wiH Illistein, I'm inot the type to take the time to write Iletteirs to anyone about ainytINling, Ibut this issue is something 1I Ibelfieve is imore thain worth imy time, and you absolutelly shoUld too Urnstead State Park was created to Ipreseirve inatuire for the enjoyment of Ipeople, and the nouirishirneint of aH the creatures who ineed a habitat. It Ilegalllly Ibelbings to the IpulbBlic, and that shoUld Ibe enough to stop the irli6cubus notion that a Iprlivate company coUld seize the Ilaind for their owin gain. It appears, however, that the Ipoweirs that Ibe ineed evein imore of a ireasoin to deiny the atrocity of Ilaind destruction, so (let ire list a few: The Odd FeElows Tract has Ibeein identified as a "Cirificall IL.aind Acquisition Direct" Iby INC State Parks for Urnstead State Park for water quafity protection and IpoteintGall forested Ibilke traHs. The 1Boy Scouts have camped, Inflked, and bilked oin this Ipropeirty since 1958; how imainy others coUld Hind their (love of inatuire sparked or their llinineir peace fed liin this space? A inew quarry at Odd FeElows Tract would seveir the nine known Mldllllfe corridor connecting RaIleiglh to the rest of the Eastern WHdway that ruins from Canada to Florida. We cannot (let that happen; to think that we Ihuinrrains are above the inatui4l wodd is Ihubds. Too imuch of our inatui4l wodd has aIliready Ibeein destroyed liin the inairne of progress or Ipeirsoinall (profit, and we are seeing the impacts of that liin aIlairmiing ways. Why would anyone think it's a good idea to destroy evein imoire? EspeciaEly lain such a iralpidlly devebpiing area? We have aIliready doine the hard work of deciding this Ilaind is worth protecting; we must keep it that way! In Illight of aH that, here is a list of what l ask of the you For the DEQ 1. Deny Welke Stone Corp's application for a inew iroclk amine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative llimpacts on Urnstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireenway, recreation lien the Old Reedy Cireelk Corridor and the three adjacent Ihomeowneirs. We've already seen the impact they've had to th6lir ineighboirs off Hairirisoin ird, and the poHution of this would llimpact inatuire and Ipeople for decades if this is aHowed to go through 2. Restore the Sunset Clause to the current Welke Stone quarry operations that were promised to end lien 2031, 50 years from 1981. This is IpulbBlic hand. A Iprlivate company asked to inot oimly use it, Ibut to imiine and talke owineirsNlp of what is Ibelbw the dirt and ir9iglhtfUllly Ibelbings to the owneirs of the hand (agallin, the �public). The sunset clause was a con6tion to that Ibeliing (permitted. The reirnovall of it without any IpulbBlic comment is alkin to theft. You cannot chainge the terms of a contract without aIkl �pairties Ibelling lien agreement. We, the Ipublic, are inot. 3. Establish and rna�lintallin that as recreation areas gireenways should have a 250ft undisturbed Ibuffeir (old Reedy Cireelk Road) to rna�lintallin the gireenway experience. No Ibeirms or walls within that Ibuffeir zone. For IpulbBlic officialls: Flease see imy imessage to the DEQ as an Iiin6cation of imy opposition agallinst the quarry, and l Ilimplore you to (please send a imessage to the DEQ imalkiing your opposition agallinst the quarry Ikinown, as welH. As a Ipulbllic official, you are lien your role to Ibe the voice of the Ipublic at these imeetiings and lien these contexts where the thousainds of us you represent cannot aIkl Ibe Ipreseint. We ineed you to spealk up! Indeed, it is your duty as our representative to do so! Flease do inot let faincy wordsmiths or anyone else try to convince you that destroylling this �piece of land for is a good choice. We, the (people, ineed this land Intact; the earth and aIkl its Inhabitaints ineed this land Intact; (please do eveirytINIng lien your Ipoweir to Ikeelp it the way it was meant to Ibe. Clhellsea Hairtweg clhellsea.lhairtweg@gimallV.com 6721 HoEly Sprllings Rd RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27606