HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Protect our Park entrance (9)Johnson, Robert E From: Ben Wolverton <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:27 AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our Park entrance Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, K, l aim a Raleigh inative and have Ibeein bilking, Inflking, and iruininlling out at Umstead State Park, L.ake Crabtree, and the gireeinway oin OM Reedy Greek Road for over the past 25 years. It has Ibecome so Ipopullair that a inew Ipairlking lot has Ibeein Ibulillt to accommodate aIIII the cars. There have Ibeein iraces, giroup outings, and mainy, mainy llin6viidualls that have used the area for fitiness and getting outdoors. The Ilaind offers a irellease from our daily girllind and the �peirvasive anxieties that willl inot go away. Rlease doin't make us fight for irooim agallinst the duimptrucks and the dust and the inolise that are sure to take over. The existing quarry creates einough of that already. Also understand that l like RIDU Airport and what it offers. If the RIDU Authoir9lty ineeds more cashflow to sustallin it's activities ... l understand that. IIBut please doin't allow any expansion within a 250 foot(buffets around the roads and tralOs. The quarry ineeds to �be out of sight and out of imind. Rlease accept the Coins eirvation Fund's offer. That Ilaind is so valluable to me I'd even chip llin, aIlbellt inot einough. l siinceirelly hope you aIIII do the ir9iglht thing llin preserving the Ilaind and the peace of imind it offers. &inceirelly, IlBein W61veirtoin, Raleigh NC Bein Wolverton wbw61veirtoin@gma�!Lcoim 921 Northbrook lair Raleigh, North Cairohina 27609 1