HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Protect our Park entrance (8)Johnson, Robert E From: Matthew Tabor <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:53 AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our Park entrance Michael Regain, Secretary DEQ, To local our elected officials, (please see irr7y irnessage to the DEQ as ain liindlication of irr7y opposition agaliinst the quarry, and (please send a irnessage to the DEQ making your opposition agaliinst the quarry (known, as well DEQ, My fairnilly requests DEQ deiny Welke Stone Coup"s appBlicatioin for a anew irock mine (Permit 92 10) due to the inegative liirnpacts oin Uimstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the Past Coast Gireeinway, recreation liin the OM Reedy Creek Corridor wind the tlhiree adjacent Ihorneowineirs. We also ask DEQ to restore the Suinset Clause to the current Welke Stone quarry operations that were (promised to eind liin 2031, 50 years from 1931. We Ihave Ibeein using tlhlis area with great enjoyment, (lasting IheaIltlh Ibeinefits wind ain outlet for day to day stress for 20 years snow. Most IImportaintly, the ecoinornic liirnpact to our ireglioin from tlhlis resource fair outweighs the peinaince that Welke Stone is offeir9iing for tlhlis Ilaind. This liirnpact cain be seein daily at the Ipairlk, as Ipairt of oine of (best Ipllaces to (hive liin the US, year over year ecoinornic growth, wind is evein more lImportaint snow with it belling a (key outside resource duir9iing tlhlis Ipaindeirnic. We all Ihope to ineveir see these tunes agaliin, but tlhlis is a somewhat inaiive global perspective. This Ipaindeirnic is oin track to continue through inext year wind cain be irepllaced by the inext oine at ainy tune. Ilosiing up, the filip side of all tlhlis (positive growth wind develloprneint is snow tlheire is (precious little uindevelloped gireein space (left liin the Tiriiainglle area. We slhoulld be Iloolkiing (protect these resources as tlheire will ineveir be irnoire of tlheirn. Best regards, Matt Mattlhew Tabor matt.taboirl 2@gimallll.com 1009 Ellue Riveir Fair Rd. RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27603