HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State Park (4)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, 1I aim j6linlling as a concerned citizen, Scientist, motheir, scout Ileadeir and outdoor enthusiast. 1I aim requesting the Ipeirmit Ibe deinied Ibased oin &Iteiriia of GS '74 51 (d5) adverse effects oin Uirnstead state Ipairk and 6ld ireedy creelk ird irecreatGoinall corridoir and crabtree creelk. Just �because we cain does inot imean we shoUld. This Ipeirmit shoUld Ibe deinied Ibased oin D5. 1I have Ibeein a Welke County iresideint for 19 years and a frequent visitor to Uirnstead Park for bilking, NlIking and Camping. 1I had the Ipleasuire of camping llin the odd feElows tract wiith a giroup of scouts. There is a Iloing history of scout caimping/ NlIking oin this Ilaind for devebpiing their outdoor suii slkiHs. Haviiing ain area to caimp ireirnotelly llin ain uirbain Vocation is unique. Duir9ling current firines wiith a seirious COVIID exposure ir9islk, ouirs gyims and commuinllty Ipo6lls are cilosed. Therefore, having ain outdoor area wheire nine cain exercise saf6ly is imoire limportaint thain the short term gallin of quarry i Me6call Iprofessioinall agree that we cain reduce ceirtallin types of cainceir Iby lincreasing exercise. Therefore, we ineed to encourage our commu6ity to exercise imoire inot (less. Uirnstead ineeds to ireirnaalin llintact wiith ino expainded quarry wiith a safe Ibuffeir. Welke Stone's Kiniglhtdalle quarry has a imassive Ibuffeir from ow16ling rinuftiple acres of Ilaind. MeanwhHe, the buffeir Ibetweein the Tarr 4nglle Quarry and Uirnstead Ipairk is smaH, and is decreasing! There's aIlso Ibeein ain airguirineint that this quarry would Iproviide future recreation as a Ipooll. It's Ibeein reported that swiiimming liin quarry Ipo6lls is daingeirous and deadlly Ibeca use the water is steep and c6ld. Who MH talke respoinsibifity whein (people dirowin llin it? The city or the county oin this public Ilaind. This Quarry expainsion would Illlmit and reduce our oppoirtui6ifies for exeircising illin a Ihealltlhy safe einviiroiniment. We ineed to (protect Uirnstead and Ipreseirve this strip of Ilaind for future generations of NlIkeirs llin imy opinion, t1his quarry lis inot llin the llinteirest of the imaj&lty of Welke County iresidents. L.or14line King IkiingIloirirallineim@gimallIl.com 921 Meirwh Rd RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27606