HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Stop the quarry trucks (5)Johnson, Robert E From: Stephen Snyder <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 11:15 AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop the quarry trucks Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Rlease deiny Wake Stone Corp's application for a inew irock mine (Permit 92 10). It Ihas Ihad negative llimpacts oin Umstead State Park, water quality liin Crabtree Cireek/L..ake and Park, pairticUlate and inoise IpollllutGoin to the East Coast Gireeinway, and Ihas llimpacted recreation liin the ON Reedy Greek Corridor. In ad6fioin, Gireeinways s1hoUld Ihave a 250ft undisturbed (buffer (61d Reedy Greek Road) to imallintallin a inatui4l Ilaindscalpe for irecreatGoinall experiences. We(hive liin a Iheavily develloped uirbain area (2 imflfioin (plus liin the Tiriainglle metrop6llltain area). There is (precious little uindev6loped gireein space left; it s1hoUld Ibe treasured and protected iratlheir t1hain destroyed. We ineed imoire open spaces for recreation, and inot reduce theinn theinn for airiinlling facility wNich does inot service as imainy iresidents liin the Tir94nglle imetro area. Stephen Sinydeir ssinydeir@clhccs.lkl 2.inc.us 116 Fisheirs Greek Court Cary, North Carolina 27513 1