HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State Park (2)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEC. , 1I aim wilting to request that the DEC. deiny Welke Stone Corp's appfication for a inew irock amine (Permit 92 10). If approved, this operation WEI have a sig16ificaintily adverse effect oin the Uimstead Ipairk, as a forest and recreation area, and a Ipeirmaineint detrllmeintall impact to the surrouin6ing Ilaind The Uimstead Ipairk holds Ilincredlible vallue to trliainglle commu6ifies as a Ilairge Ipairk ceintraEly �located to the thiree cities wheire nine cain escape to the forest. One spec4l Ipairt of the Ipairk is the connection to Ilalke crabtree and the gireeinways Iby imeans of the 286 Ibrlidge or 6ld reedy creelk ird. this imalkes lit so easy to Ikinik gireeinways to create a Iloing uinllinteirirupted experience from Cary to RaIleiglh. To have a (large irri16ling operation Iiinterirulpting this MH have a Ipeirmaineint negative effect oin what is a imajor (positive for the iregion. The vallue of the Ilaind as ain uin6stuirbed irecreatioinall area suii exceeds the vallue of any i that cain come from lit and this Ilaind shoUld Ibe �preserved. RIDU Airport Authoiriity was offered a fair deal) to conserve the (property Iby the Conservation Fund and shoUld reconsider that offer llin light of the IpubBlic Ibeinefits lit would provide Flease deiny Welke Stone Corp's application for a inew irock amine (Permit 92 10) Slinceirelly, Steven MazzaireEli Steven MazzaireEli steveimazzaireIlIli@gimallV.com 2204 EdWin Ave Duirhaim, North afro Gina 27705