HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Deny new rock mine - save the Odd Fellows TractJohnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, l submit comments coinceirnlling the Ipeirmit application requested for the proposed Walke Stone quarry oin the RIDU Airport Authority's "Odd F61klows" tract (co owined Iby Welke and Duirhaim Counties and the cities of Raleigh and Durham). l recommend INIC DECK deini4l of the requested Ipeirmit. At mi16lirnuim, DECK should refuse to consider the imiinliing Ipeirmit application uintfl after the Airport Authoirrlty and Welke Stone produce a complete and acceptable, full Einviroinirneintall Impact Statement and ainallysis, and produce a complete and competent imiine ireclairriation Ipllain. l aim retired after a Iloing Iprofessioinall career liin Ilaind and einviiroinirneintall coin se irvatio in, liincludliing having Ibeein the origllinaUfouin6ing director of Ibotlh the State of North Cairofina's Nlatu14l Heritage Pirograim and also the Conservation Trust for North Cairofina. l aim geineiraMy faimifiair with the "Odd Felklows" tract of Ilaind and its inatui4l resources having thoroughly waflked the site whein it was aval10able and open it ainy years for use Iby local 1Boy Scout troops for camping activities. The proposed deep pit quarry would VVIate seve14l core criteirlia of the INIC Mi16ling Act, prllincipalkly its negative impacts oin the adjacent Urnstead State Park and the East Coast Gireeinway Ipulbllic Ibilkiing and waflking tral!L The tract cointallins inatui4l resources (forest, poind, tributary streams, dirairinatic i Ibluffs) equall to those liin the adjacent state Iparlk. SpecificaMy, the proposed imiine will Ihave seirious air, water, and inoise Ip6lllution negative consequences oin the adjacent Ipubllic irecreatloinall resources. DECK should IpairticUlairly inote that TWO dedicated State Nature Preserves are located abing Crabtree Cireelk lirrmediatelly downstream from the proposed quarry liinside Urnstead State Park. Those two state inatuire Ipreseirves were dedicated Iby affirmative action of the Governor and CouincH of State whein l it ainaged the State's Nlatu14l Heritage Pirogiraim. The water iruinoff from or failure of retention walkls of the quarry liin some Illnevntalble future it ajoir storm event would Ihave catastrophic dairnag�ling effects specificaEly on those inatuire Ipreseirves and geineiraEly on the Ipairk and Crabtree Cireelk. State agencies acre expected Iby state Ilaw to dive special) attention to safeguaird the State of North Cairofina's dedicated inatuire Ipreseirves. 1I uirge NC DECK to irefuse to issue the irequested it ii6ling Ipeirmit. Chaides E. Roe, 6410 Arir�ingtoin Rd., RaIleiglh NC 27607; teL 919 600 9893 (c clhuclk—iroe@imiindslprlling.com 6410 Aridingtoin Road RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27607