HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018 dont let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract (5)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Dear Decision Malkeirs, l aim wilting today llin hopes to impress upoin and appeal to you the lImportaince of the DECK deinylling Welke Stone imiinliing Ipeirmit 92 10 The IbeautifUl tree Ilaindscalping and inatui4l einviiroiniment is what direw imy husband and imysellf to imove to this area to Ibegllin With. It seeims to tare that every time l read a inew article, that the RaIleigh area is up for imoinetairy girabs to the highest Ibiddeir at the expense of the residences liviiing Iheire and thellir ir9ight to Ihave a clean einviroiniment. l aim hopeful that you Mll see that a nine time sale of this Ilaind to Welke Stone is inot for the Ipropeir Ipuirposes of expain6ing and girowiiing Welke Forest. Currently l aim deeply concerned for the einviiroiniment. GlobaHy and imoire ireceintly locally. After irea61ng about the Ip6lllution that the otheir Quarry located inext to the Iparlk creates, l flind lit deeply disturbing that local decision imalkeirs whose cNOdirein(hive Iheire are inot imoire concerned With the Iloing term einviiroinirneintall effects. If girainted the operation of this quarry WH Ihave mainy grave consequences. It Mll Ihave a siginllficaintly adverse effects oin the IpulbNlicily owined park, forest and recreation area. It WEI constitute a direct and substaint4l Iplhysical Ihazaird to public health and safety. Having a dirairinatic effect oin the ineighb&ling houses, schools, churches, hospitals, commeirc4l or Bindustrl41 Ibulil61ngs. Ad6tioinaEly, the applicant or any Ipaireint, subsidiary, or otheir affiliate of the appficaint or Ipaireint has inot Ibeein llin substaint4l compfiaince With this Article, voiles adopted under this Article, or otheir (laws or irWes of this State for the protection of the einviiiroiniment or has inot corrected all vi6lafioins that the appficaint or any Ipaireint, subsi6airy, or otheir affiliate of the appficaint or �paireint imay Ihave committed under t1his Articile or roes adopted under tlNis Articile and that resufted llin: 1. Revocation of a Ipeirmit, 2. Forfeiture of Ipart or aEl of a Iboind or otlheir security, 3. Conviction of a imisdeirrteanor under G.S. '74 64, 4. Any otlheir court order issued under G.S. '74 64, or 5. Ri assessment of a civil) Ipeii under G.S. '74 64, [or'] 6. Fal!lIuire to Ipay the application processing fee ireguired under G.S. '74 54.1. For the salke of aEl of our cNildirein (lets inot rob the commuii To the ellected offic4ls, Iplease see imy imessage to the DEQ as an liin6cation of imy opposition agallinst the quarry, and Iplease send a imessage to the DEQ imalkiing your opposition agallinst the quarry known, as weEl. 1I aim Ihopiing that your decision at tlNis Ipoiint Ihas Ibeein imade easier Iby Ikinowiing that it )isn't aWays a grand imoinetary figure llin the eind that talkes Iprecedeince over the Ihuir ain equity we aEl Ihave llin Ikeepiing t1his type of Ipairasitic Ibusiiness irrtodell from Ihalppeii Thaii you for your time and attention to tlNis correspondence. Imam= Niffloingewim Welke Forest, NC 27587 561 818 5035 Niffloingswinm dIiaininesacclhetti@gimallll.coim 335 1Barrn HIM IL.in Welke Forest, Noirtlh Cair6lhlina 27587 N