HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210903_ADI_letter_92-13ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary BRIAN WRENN Director Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7016 2140 0000 4367 6911 Jack Garvey Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC 3825 Barrett Drive, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27609 RE: Holly Springs Quarry Mining Permit No. 92-13 Wake County Cap Fear River Basin Dear Mr. Garvey: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality September 3, 2021 We have reviewed the modification request your company submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with G.S. §74-50 and §74-51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments: 1. Please clarify your stream and wetland impacts so that it can be determined whether a 401 authorization or Individual Permit is required. 2. Please provide an updated JD or and AJD with the increased proposed impacts. Please clarify the affected acreage table on pg. 5 of the application. The tailing/sediment ponds and the mine excavation acreages to not appear to total correctly. Also, this table does not match exactly the table provided on M&ECP-1. 4. Please provide coordinates in decimal degrees to 5 digits on the map for permit corners. Please provide information on how basins at the toe of the overburden slope will be maintained. Basins are very close to the toe of the slope of the overburden piles (in some cases the toe encroaches into basin.) It does not appear that there is adequate space to maintain the basin and the overburden slope. 6. Please provide larger scale details for locations where overburden piles are in close proximity to sediment basins, in order to show a sufficient level of detail. 7. Please clarify how erosion and sheet flow will be mitigated at the toe of the overburden where flow is directed to the basins. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map any additional diversion ditches that are proposed. 6. It was noted that calculations for E&SC measures use Q10 rather than Q25. Please clarify how this is adequate to prevent offsite sedimentation or provide calculations (and designs) for Q25 flow. 9. Please specify in the basin table, the expected design life of the basins. D E Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 NORhI CAROLINA - oaPermemoieomronmenmiuuaiity /`� 919.707.9200 Certified Mail Mr. Garvey Page 2 10. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map the erosion and sediment control (E&SC) measures for the construction of the stream crossings. 11. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map all proposed haul roads used to access overburden piles. 12. Please provide a construction sequence for the construction of overburden piles. Please clearly indicate the order areas will be constructed. Please include staged seeding in the details. 13. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map pipes associated with E&SC measures. Please provide pipe details such as size/diameter, material, calculations, and any energy dissipators needed. 14. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map access across diversions. 15. Please identify and clearly indicate on the map any slope drains proposed for use during construction of overburden. 16. 14. Please clarify if the proposed perimeter buffer is unexcavated or undisturbed and label on the mine map. Please specify the width of the buffer on all plan sheets and insure it is drawn to scale. 17. Please revise skimmer construction detail to include a rock pad on which the skimmer will rest and a retrieval rope for maintenance. Please include details that the retrieval rope must be staked at an accessible location. Please note, this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. Be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 As required by 15A NCAC 513.0113, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. Certified Mail Mr. Garvey Page 3 Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Adam Parr, PE Assistant State Mining Engineer cc: Mr. Bill Denton, PE