HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220308_ADI_ReceivedMarch 7, 2022
Mr. Adam Parr
Assistant State Mining Specialist
512 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27604
"' Hanson
Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC
South Region
North Carolina Territory Office
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3825 Barrett Drive, Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27609
Tel 919 380 2500
Fax 919 380 2616
w Jehichhanson.corn
Subject: Response to DEMLR September 3, 2021 ADI
Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC — Holly Springs Quarry
NC Mine Permit No. 92-13 Revised Mine Modification Map Submittal
Holly Springs, Wake County, North Carolina
Dear Mr. Parr:
Having met with the Department on October 11, 2021 and following further review, Hanson
Aggregates Southeast LLC is hereby responding to the above referenced request for additional
information and is additionally hereby removing its request to expand the existing pit to the
southwest corner of the property until the USACE issues an updated jurisdictional
determination. We will address each item as received in your letter.
Please clarify your stream and wetland impacts so that it can be determined whether a 401
authorization or Individual Permit is required.
The following impacts were clearly stated on the M&ECP-1 Mine Map and were
associated with the southwest pit expansion: Stream E, Wetland Area #1, and Stream C.
has been our intent to submit an application for an Individual Permit w/mitigation once we
secure an updated JD or an AJD. In our 7/8/2021 mine modification application submittal,
we included email correspondence from the USACE Raleigh Regulatory Office where
James Lastinger agreed with S&EC delineations as shown on its updated map, and he
assigned an AID for the project, SAW-2017-02623. We cannot submit an IP application
w/mitigation until we obtain a final determination. Thus, Hanson has elected to drop the
southwest pit expansion portion of the project until a JD has been secured from the
The resulting application has (1) no impacts encountered for the placement of overburden
piles and berms in the recently acquired properties north of the existing quarry pit, (2) nor
are there any impacts where we have requested to slightly extend the northern pit limits to
a point that is at least 50 feet from the high water mark of the existing stream, (3) nor are
there any impacts where we have requested to slightly extend the pit limits to include the
primary crusher area.
2. Please provide an updated JD or and AJD with the increased proposed impacts.
Please see above statement concerning jurisdictional determinations from the USACE.
Hanson has been unable to secure a final determination for AID No. SAW-2017-02623.
3. Please clarify the affected acreage table on pg. 5 of the application. The tailing/sediment
ponds and the mine excavation acreages to not appear to total correctly. Also, this table
does not match exactly the table provided on M&ECP-1.
DEMLR is correct. The table included on page 5 of the application was correct, and the
tables on the M&ECP Mine Maps were incorrect. However, with the removal of the
southwest pit expansion from the current mine modification application, the tables have
been changed again on the mine maps to match the following table.
Permitted to be Affected
Tailings/Sediment Ponds
Processing Area/Haul Roads
Mine Excavation
Other Areas Permitted for
Disturbance: Asphalt Plant, etc.
Total Acres to be Affected
Other: Buffers, Wetlands, etc.
Total Mine Permitted
4. Please provide coordinates in decimal degrees to 5 digits on the map for permit corners.
Please see revised M&ECP-1 and M&ECP-2 Mine Maps. Property lines and corners are
marked at the site, and in most cases, all property lines and corners exist in undisturbed
buffer areas.
5. Please provide information on how basins at the toe of the overburden slope will be
maintained. Basins are very close to the toe of the slope of the overburden piles (in some
cases the toe encroaches into basin.) It does not appear that there is adequate space to
maintain the basin and the overburden slope.
An access road to each sediment basin has been provided with diversion ditching installed
between the overburden pile and the access road. Culverts will be used to keep
run-off from topping the road. A typical cross section layout can be viewed on X-3 Mine
Map. Adequate space has been provided for maintaining the sediment basins and
overburden piles.
6. Please provide larger scale details for locations where overburden piles are in close
proximity to sediment basins, in order to show a sufficient level of detail.
As stated above in Item #5, a typical cross section showing the overburden pile toe of
slope, the diversion ditch, the access road w/occasional culvert, and the downstream
sediment basin can be viewed on the X-3 Mine Map.
7. Please clarify how erosion and sheet flow will be mitigated at the toe of the overburden
where flow is directed to the basins. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map any
additional diversion ditches that are proposed.
As stated in Item #5 & #6, an access road to each sediment basin has been provided with
a ditch installed between the overburden pile and the access road. Culverts will be used to
keep run-off from topping the road. A typical cross section layout can be viewed on X-3
Mine Map. Adequate space has been provided for maintaining the sediment basin and
overburden pile. Diversion ditches leading to the appropriate sediment basins are shown
on the M&ECP-2 Mine Map.
8. Please provide baffle detail for sediment basins. It was noted that calculations for E&SC
measures use Q10 rather than Q25. Please clarify how this is adequate to prevent offsite
sedimentation or provide calculations (and designs) for Q25 flow.
In previous mine modification submittals, it was an accepted practice to use a rock baffle
as shown on X-1 in lieu of the staked fabric. They have performed very well with a longer
lifespan on other quarries around the state. All calculations have used the 25 year storm
event as the design storm.
9. Please specify in the basin table, the expected design life of the basins.
Statements of basin design life can be found above the basin table located in the lower left
corner of the X-3 Mine Map and the below the basin table located in the upper right corner
of the X-4 Mine Map.
10. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map the erosion and sediment control
(E&SC) measures for the construction of the stream crossings.
Details of the erosion and control measures for the construction of the stream crossings
can be found on the X-4 Mine Map. An installation sequence has been added for clarity.
11. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map all proposed haul roads used to
access overburden piles.
The general location of the proposed haul roads to access the overburden piles and basins
have been identified and clearly marked on the M&ECP-2 Mine Map.
12. Please provide a construction sequence for the construction of overburden piles. Please
clearly indicate the order areas will be constructed. Please include staged seeding in the
A construction sequence has not been finalized. There has been much discussion as to
whether to complete the visual screening berms along Rex Road, first, along with the
overburden piles furthest away from the pit, or should Hanson complete the piles closest to
the pit. OB-3 Pile will probably be the last pile constructed. The visual screen berm was
installed years ago for that pile. In lieu of a construction sequence, we have developed a
list of steps that must be adhered to for the construction of each pile and berm.
1. Regardless of which pile will be constructed, the haul roads used to access the pile
and associated sediment basins will be installed with diversion ditches and rock
outlets necessary for erosion and sediment control.
2. Slopes will be tracked with a dozer during construction to aid in the establishment
of vegetative cover.
3. Seeding will be applied following the construction of each visual screening berm
and completion of each overburden pile bench.
4. To construct OB-4 West overburden pile, sediment basins 24 and 25 will be
constructed along with the associated access haul roads.
5. To construct OB-4 North overburden pile, sediment basin 26 will be constructed
along with the associated access haul road identified as 4-North.
6. To construct OB-4 East overburden pile, sediment basins 22 and 23 will be
constructed along with the associated access haul road identified as 4-East.
7. To construct OB-5 overburden pile, sediment basin 27 will be constructed, RC-1
road crossing will be installed, and the associated access haul road identified as 5-
8. To construct OB-6 overburden pile, sediment basin 28 will be constructed, RC-2
road crossing will be installed, and the associated access haul road identified as 6-
9. To construct OB-3 overburden pile, sediment basin 21 will be constructed along
with the associated access haul road identified as 3-North.
13. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map pipes associated with E&SC
measures. Please provide pipe details such as size/diameter, material, calculations, and
any energy dissipators needed.
Pipe details including size/diameter, material, specifications, and energy dissipators are
clearly shown in the top right-hand corner of the X-4 Mine Map. Calculations are included
in the revised calculation packet prepared by Draper Aden Associates.
14. Please identify and clearly indicate on the mine map access across diversions.
Access across diversions have been identified and are clearly indicated on the M&ECP-2
Mine Map.
15. Please identify and clearly indicate on the map any slope drains proposed for use during
construction of overburden.
Slope drains proposed for use during overburden pile construction have been identified
and clearly indicated on the M&ECP-2 Mine Maps.
16. Please clarify if the proposed perimeter buffer is unexcavated or undisturbed and label on
the mine map. Please specify the width of the buffer on all plan sheets and insure it is
drawn to scale.
A 50-foot undisturbed buffer is proposed for the perimeter buffer and is labeled as such, as
well as, drawn to scale.
17. Please revise skimmer construction detail to include a rock pad on which the skimmer will
rest and a retrieval rope for maintenance. Please include details that the retrieval rope must
be staked at an accessible location.
Skimmer construction details have been amended to include a rock pad on which the
skimmer will rest and a retrieval rope for maintenance that must be staked at an
accessible location. See X-4 Mine Map for skimmer construction detail additions.
Finally, a complete new set of mine maps has been included to reflect responses included in
this letter and the removal of the southwest pit expansion this mine modification application until
a final jurisdictional determination can be secured.
- 2 (two) copies of this response letter
- 2 (two) copies of the revised calculations for sediment basins and diversion ditches
- 2 (two) sets of revised mine and reclamation plans
- 2 (two) copies of the 09/23/2019 submitted JD Request and ensuing email
correspondence between Bob Zarzecki with S&EC and James Lastinger with the USACE
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at our Raleigh
office: (919) 380-2746, Jack. Garveya-lehiohhanson.com , and you may also contact our
contracted engineer, Andrew Mericle: (919) 827-0864, americle(ccildaa.com .
Jac Garvey
Environmental Manager
cc: Daren McMorris, NC Operations Manager
Nathan Duryea, Plant Manager
Andrew Mericle, Draper Aden Associates
Bob Zarzecki, S&EC, PA