HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Protect our Park entrance (6)Johnson, Robert E From: Valerie Macli <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:52 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our Park entrance Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, My inaime is Va�leirie MacNabb. l aim widting to the cypress my hope that DECK willll deiny the �peirmit Ipeir geinei4l statute '74 51 d, subsection 5, the operation for this inew Iproposed quarry willll Ihave a sig16ificaintly adverse effect oin the Ipuirposes of a Ipubllicly owined Ipairk, forest, or recreation area. Wake Stone clallims oin their appfication that the quarry would Ihave 100 feet Ibuffeir from the �pairk, (but the liinforirnatlon is mislea61ng (because Wake Stone should Ibe measuiring the Ibuffeir from the top of the Ibainik, inot the ceinteir of the stream. In that sense, the Ibuffeir size is much sni thain they claim. Furthermore, the stated(buffer is stllll fflied with iretalinliing wall, fence, oin top of massive clear cutting, so llin that sense, this Ibuffeir is llin ino way capable of protecting the Ipairk from the inolise and dust generated Iby the quarry operation should it happen. Wake Stone also Iproposed to Ibulilld a Ibrlidge over Crabtree Creek for their operation. The bridge is 800 feet from the Umstead Ibouindairy, (but l do inot Ibelllieve that is fair einough to inot Ihave impact, especially if theire is going to Ibe massive clear cutting. Also, llin the schematics submitted Iby Wake Stone, the roads from th6lir Iproposed Ibrlidge seeims to Ibe located llinside their Iproposed Ibuffeir. If that is llindeed the case, is theire any ireall protective Ibuffeir for the Ipairk at aH? For these ireasoins stated albove, l stroinglly urge DECK to deiny Wake Stone's Ipeirmit. l also disagiree with how the hearing was Ihaindlled. It appears that Iby calling people to speak Ihouirs (before th6lir slotted time is a way to deiny people their abifity to voice their concerns. Thanks for your time, Va�leirie MacNabb vimacnalbb@lhotmalll.com 8329 Fouintallin Pairk Didve RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27613