HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Wake County needs more open space and public recreation areas not a hole in the ground (5)Johnson, Robert E Michael) Regain, Secretary DEQ, Dear Dain Sams, Hearing Officer DEQ Mi16ling, and Bected Officialls, 1I request that you deiny the inew imiinlling Ipeirmit for the proposed quarry oin IpulbBlic Ilaind (the Odd FeHows Tract) adjacent to Urnstead State Park, as described Iby the Urnstead Coallktioin https:HumsteadcoaIition.orq/StopRDUQuarry. For the ellected officialls, 1I urge you to irevlisit the offer from the Conservation Fund to Ipuirclhase the Ilaind and foirmaEly add it to Urnstead State Park. The proposed quarry wound have a dramatic, inegative impact (i.e., dust, inolise, ain eyesore) oin the quallkty of adjacent gireeinways and tral10s of Urnstead State Park enjoyed oin a dal10y basis Iby (people of aEl ages. LJ11ke couinfless others, 1I have made Ralleiglh Durham my home liin Ilairge Ipairt because of the high quafity of Illife it offers, liincludliing outdoor recreation. 1I Ibellieve that Urnstead State Park, �located liin the ceinteir of the Ralleiglh Durham area, is a valluable Ipulbllic good for the commu6ity. The highest and best use of the Ilaind is recreation for the Ipubllic, inot another iroclk quarry. As a Ipulbllic seirvaint, 1I encourage you to think about Ihow you wiH reflect oin your career whein you are retired. Do you waint to Ibe remembered as the Ipeirsoin who aElowed gireein space, oin �public Ilaind right liin the ceinteir of the Ralleiglh Durham area, to Ibe turned liinto a Ipeirmaineint eyesore? Or do you waint to Ibe remembered as the Ipeirsoin who protected precious gireein space to Ibe enjoyed Iby generations to come? Edwaird I.... Maydew mad ewed@gim2Lcom Edwaird Maydew mad ewed@gim2Lcom 502 MIDENHALL. WAY CARY, North Cairohina 27513