HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Deny the permit! (3)Johnson, Robert E From: Charlotte Jones -Roe <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 5:55 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny the permit! Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, l aim widting to request that the Welke Stone miinlling Ipeirmit 92 10 Ibe deinied (because expansion of the quarry willl daimage IpubBlic Ilainds and have a negative effect oin the visitoir experience at Uimstead State Park; contribute to Ipollilution llin Crabtree Greek; and violate standards of air qualkty. To esseint4kly give away this Ipubllic Ipropeirty, a treasure of the Tidainglle, is totally unacceptable. My faimHy lives ineair Uimstead Park wind we have visited the traHs wind caimpsites theire for four decades. l aim especially llinteirested llin the fate of the "Oddf6klows Tract" inext to Uimstead Park (because l have caimped theire mainy times as a chapeiroine for scout giroup associated with my church. We always had to contact the airport authority to request permission to use the site wind we did so, giratefUl for the oppoirtuinllty. l was always told that whein the Oddfelklows firateirnall organization gave up use of the Ilaind adjacent to the airport and to Uimstead Park, they did so oin coin6tioin was that the site would ALWAYS continue to Ibe avalOable for youth camping wind day activities. The Oddf6klows site was especially usefull for Iprliirnitive camping Iby youth giroups who were doing mouintallin Ibilkiing or oirieinteeir9ling activities, as wellll as for younger scouts Ilearnliing geinei4l camping s1kiHs. The other good thing about the OddfeHows caimpsite wind its Iproxiimity to Raleigh was that it allowed high sclhooll age Scouts who played footbalkl or had Ibaind obligations, wind thellir Ipaireints, to join the giroup after the 8:00 pm gate closing for giroup campsites within the Ibouindairy of Uimstead Park. The Occoineechee CouincH 1Boy Scout caimp is inow about'75 miles away llin Moore County, wind this Ilocall camping option allowed mainy youing mein to continue th6lir liinvollveirneint with Scouting wind Iprovlide Ileadershlip for the younger scouts. Whein l Ihave llinqullired ireceintly about the promise to Ihave the site remain avalOable for youth camping, l Ihave Ibeein told that the OddfeElows file and any documentation of the agreement had Ibeein 'Iost," or evein that cuirireint imeimbeirs of the organization imay Ihave Ibeein Ilobbied Iby parties that stood to imake it oiney from the destruction of the site, Wake Stone and the Airport Authoirrlty. l hope this is inot true, Ibut liin any case l think it is iregirettable that a promise to the youth of our area is Ibelling Ibrokein and that future scouts will inot Ihave the opportuinllty to use this site adjacent to Urnstead Park. Whein l was working and commuting, l dodged Wake Stone trucks daily oin l 40 and Harrison Avenue with their (big sigins saying that ino nine should drive within 200 feet to avoid damage from flylling rocks. In traffic that is simply inot (possible. Wake Stone is inot a good ineighbor, and l can't imagine how people who(hive inear the proposed quarry site will Ibe able to stay. The inoise from the Nasting and the Ihuindreds of trucks that will carry away imateirrials from the quarry daily will take away the llinteinded use of our Ipulbllic Ilaind, damage wildlife corridors, degrade water quafity, and Iprovlide a great deal of dust and inoise that will imake Illiviing inearby or using our Ipubllic Iparlk unpleasant and unheafthy. This is clearly a (profit motivated taking of our Ipublic Ilainds as well as a Ibrokein promise to youth of our area and local iresideints. l urge you to acfivelly oppose the granting of airiinlling permit 92 10 to Wake Stone, and to look liinto why the Airport Auth&lty would support having this (bad ineighboir destroying the site and the vallues of our Ipublic Urnstead State Park. Sincerely, Charlotte Joines Roe Charlotte Joines Roe joinesroe@imiindslpr�ing.com 6410 Arrington Road Raleigh, NC, North Cairofina 27607