HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Give us clean air Umstead State Park (3)Johnson, Robert E From: Suzanne Ballantyne <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 3:59 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Give us clean air Umstead State Park Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Dear Fellow CIIfizeins, Excerpt: ... the most obvious ireasoin seeims the most liirnportaint and Illiteir4lllly VITAL to us and OUR einviroinimeint. ... Air qualIlIty is THE most liirr7portaint Ipiece of our vitall systems. Take a breath. Take ainotheir Ibreatlh. Notice. Notice how it chainges you, inouir9islhes you, irellaxes you. We are connected to our limmedliate einviroiniment, the Ipllainet, the u6lveirse, Iby our Ibreatlh a thin thiread of gases that Ikeeps us afive. We ineed two things to keep this air, and us, heafthy: the trees and a reduction llin air Ipolllut6oin. l have Ibeein f6lllowiing the Uimstead CoaIIlIfioin and the citizens' efforts to (protect The OddfelIlIow's tract of Ilaind inext to Uimstead State Park and the surrouin6ing areas, Iiincludliing the resident4l, coma and liindustrli4ll Ibulil61ngs. l aim widting to ask you to deiny Wake Stone's application for a inew crock mine. l cain think of seve14l ireasoins why this is inot a good idea: for the foundations of the surrouin6ing structures; for the safety of Ilocall llinlhalbitaints and our fellow citizens that use the Ipairk regUlairly; and also (because so much of this area has aIliready Ibeein heavily develloped and we do inot ineed to einllairge a miline so close to a high density coimni and yet the most obvious ireasoin seeims the most lImportaint and Illiteir4lllly vitall to us and OUR einviroiniment. You also live Iheire. You also must have a vested llinteirest llin the limmedliate einviroiniment llin which you live, for if inot, you have ino llinteirest llin your self or future geineirations. We are �pieces of inatuire. We just happen to Ibe Illiviing thirough a Ipaindeirn6c. Air qualIlIty is THE most limportaint Ipiece of our vitall systems. Take a Ibreatlh. Take ainotheir Ibreatlh. Notice ... notice how it chainges you' nourishes you; r6laxes you. We are connected to our llimmedliate einviroiniment, the Ipllainet, the u6lveirse, Iby our Ibreatlh a thin thiread of gases that Ikeelps us aIIlIve. We cain survive about 5 weeks without food; about 5 days without water; and about 5 1 minutes without Ibreatlh (tNlinlk about George Royd). We ineed two tNlings to Ikeelp this air and us heafthy: trees and a reduction llin air IpoIIllution. If you've watched the Documentary, "400 Feet Down" Iby haides Morris, and/or read the imainy Iletteirs sent Iby Ipeople who are Ibetteir equipped to describe the details, you Ikinow that the air qualkty llin Urnstead Park and surround areas becomes unheafthy to Ibreatlhe when the quarry is active. l Ikinow, as a weHiness Iprofessioii that imainy of the Ipeople who have had trouble surviving Covid 19 or didn't survive lived llin Ilairge imetropofitain areas llin which the air Ip6lilution was very high and made it very difficult for theim to fight the virus. You imay Ibe olkay Ikving with the consequences of your decisions or Iperlhaps you haven't reaEly thought about theim. l aim appealing to your heart and Iluings liteiraEly your vital systems and asking you to deny the expansion of the quarry. Over and above the vital ireasoins theire are Ipleinty of illegal ireasoins why this Ipeirmit imust Ibe deii 11H leave those explanations to the imainy eimpassioned citizens who j6lin ime llin imalking this request. Thank you for coinsideir9ling your vitality and that of your loved ones as you rinalke this decision. The einviroiniment reaEly ineeds us to (pay attention before it's too late. If you're inot Mlfiing to talke a stand, (please consider your r6le llin serving the (people. We are inatuire. We are the einviroiniment. Ignore us, and we will all go away. Slinceirelly, suzainine BaMaintyine Suzanne BaElaintyine zainic.irr.coirin 121 Crest Rd Cary, North Cairofina 27513 N