HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Stop RDU Quarry (9)Johnson, Robert E From: Rachel Maydew <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:18 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop RDU Quarry Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Dear Dain Sams, Hearing Officer DEQ Vli16ling, and Elected Officials, l request that you deiny the inew mi16ling Ipeirmit for the Iproposed quarry oin IpulbBlic Ilaind (the Odd Fellows Tract) adjacent to Umstead State Park, as described Iby the Umstead Coalktioin https:Humsteadcoalition.orq/StopRDUQuarry. For the elected officials, l urge you to irevlisit the offer from the Conservation Fund to Ipuirchase the Ilaind and formally add it to Umstead State Park. The Iproposed quarry wiH Ihave a dramatic, negative impact (i.e., dust, inolise, ain eyesore) oin the quafity of adjacent gireeinways and tral10s of Umstead State Park enjoyed oin a daily (basis �by people of all ages. Rlease refer to subsections 3 and 5, wNich state that the operation wiH vi6late standards of air qualkty and that the operation wHH Ihave a siginffiicaint adverse effect oin the Ipuirlposes of a Ipubllicly owined Ipairlk and recreation area. L.flke countless others, Raleigh Durham is my home liin large part (because of the high qualkty of life it offers, Iiincludliing outdoor recreation. l Ibelllieve that Umstead State Park, located liin the ceinteir of the Raleigh Durham area, is a valluable IpubBlic good for the commuinllty. The highest and (best use of the Ilaind is recreation for the IpulbBlic, inot ainotheir iroclk quarry. As a IpulbBlic seirvaint, l encourage you to think about Ihow you wiH reflect oin your career whein you are retired. Do you waint to Ibe ireimeimbeired as the Ipeirsoin who alklowed gireein space, oin �public Ilaind right liin the ceinteir of the Raleigh Durham area, to Ibe turned liinto a Ipeirmaineint eyesore? Or do you waint to Ibe ireimeimbeired as the Ipeirsoin who protected precious gireein space to Ibe enjoyed Iby generations to come? Thanker % Rai g Maydew Cary, NC Rai g Maydew irache§lk2O@gim2Lcom 502 MideinlhaH Way Cary, North Cairohina 27513