HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Deny a permit for the destruction of this public park land.Johnson, Robert E Michael Regain, Secretary DEQ, My elected and appointed officials, l and imy family are Iloing time iresideints of the tdainglle. l currently Hive liin SW Welke County, and l grew up liin Duirhairn. My family frequently enjoys N11king liin Urnstead State Park, and we geinullin6ly Ibelllieve it is a critical Ipart of our Iplhysical and rneintall health liin the Tir4nglle's �lincreasiinglly urbanized Ilaindscalpe. I'm opposed to granting any Ipeirmit for a iroclk quarry adjacent to Urnstead Park, and explicitly request that DEQ deiny Welke Stone Corp's application for a inew iroclk imiine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts oin Urnstead State Park as Ipeir subsection 5), Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation liin the ON Reedy Cireelk Corridor and the three adjacent Ihomeowineirs. As a preface, I'm frainkly disgusted that RDUAA has any liinflueince over the use of this Ilaind for other thain legitimate aviation Ipuirposes. If they doin't ineed it for the airport Ipllain, thein the Ilaind (wNlch RDUAA gained Iby eimineint domain liin the first (place) should Ibe removed from their control and reverted to local authorities for the best Ipulbllic use, which is obviously inot to provide some back room, sweetheart deal for Welke Stone to Ibulilld yet ainotheir inoisy, poHuting, strip imiine adjacent to the Ipairk, with evein less einviiroinirneintall buffers thain the original, IiIH advised operation, and the added liinsullt of the u in coin scion able abrogation of the "Suinset CIIause" liin the original imiinliing Ipeirmit. The DEQ has the ability, and the duty to the Ipulbllic, to deiny a Ipeirmit for this especially inappropriate use of this Ilaind. If this Ilaind and the surrouin6ing Ipairklaind are destroyed forever by Ipeirmittiing a strip imiine liin this location, you will also destroy forever the Ipossibillity that our public Iparlk could ever use this adjacent Ipubllic Ilaind for the good of the Ipublic. That oppoirtui6lty cost has a ireall and sig16ificaint vallue to the it ission of the Ipairk wNich ino nine can geinullin6ly argue is offset Iby the Ibusiness llinteirests of it owineirs. Such a Moss would Ibe ireall, and Ipeirmaineint. The Parks department has aIliready offered to trainsfeir it oiney to the allrport autlhoir9lty llin order to talke over stewairdsNip of tlNis IpubBlic Ilaind toward the Ipuirpose of the Ipublic �pairk, so cVeaidy the destruction of that IpossibHkty would detract from the Ipairk's ability to VIRIH Its Ipuirpose llin the future. Therefore, any application for a Ipeirmit to operate a Ipr�vate strllp it on Ipulblic Ilaind adjacent to this jewell of a Ipubllic Ipairk imust Ibe denied, and the 50 year suinset clause llin the oirigllinall imii6ling Ipeirmit imust Ibe irellinstated. Thank you for your due consideration of the Ipublic llinteirest llin this imatteir. HEMEMM 3513 T�Irnbeirwood Court RaIleiglh, NC 27606 Jeffrey 1Biridges jtoddbriidges@gma�ll.com 3513 TIMBERWOOD CT RALEIGH, North Cair6lkina 27606