HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect Crabtree Creek (2)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, 1I ask that the DEQ deiny Welke Stone's appfication for a inew Iprlivate iroclk quarry (permit 92 10) oin IpubBlic Ilaind adjacent to Urnstead Park Ibeca use of the negative llimpact it wiH have oin Urnstead and the surrouin6ing irecreatGoinall areas that are enjoyed Iby so it ainy liin the Tir9�ainglle area. 1I aIlso ask our ellected offic4ls to Iplease Illistein to the Ipeople you represent, and do your �pairt to (protect Urnstead Park Iby working to Ipreveint this inew iroclk quarry. As the Tidainglle area continues to (become imore devebped, Urnstead liincreases liin vallue and popWaidty as inatui4l areas of its type (become llincreasiinglly rare. Right liin the imidd�le of our subuirbain spraW, it's a (place for aEl to get outside to ruin, Ibilke, waflk, and NlIke to (lose ouirsellves for just a (bit liin inatuire and maintain our Iplhysicall and rneintall weHbelling. And theire's ineveir Ibeein imore ineed for that thain the lis6llated, liindoor Ipaindeimic times we're kving through in ow. A inew quarry inext to Urnstead wiH have adverse effects Ilealking sift liinto Crabtree creelk and loweiring air quafity with (blasted iroclk dust IpairticVes liin the air. The it ainy iruinineirs, waflkeirs, and �bilkers who travel) abing the IpopWar Reedy Creelk tMUT einteir9ling from the Crabtree IL.alke side inear 40, travefing through Urnstead and exiting the other side, WEI Ibe Ibreatlhliing that unheafthy dust from (blasts. The NlIkeirs oin Company WH traH witlNlin Urnstead inear the �proposed quarry wiH aIlso ceirtallinlly Ibe Impacted from the dust and incise. And of course, the continuous stream of dump trucks for years to come WEI further damage the IpeacefUl sainctity of the Ipairk. Urnstead shoUld remain a sanctuary of trees, cleain creelks, quiet sofitude, and fresh air for aEl who (love it for the Ihuirnains who vlisit and aEl the ainllma�ls that have imade it their home. Flease doin't degrade Uirnstead and our c1heirished IpulbBlic areas Iby seEling out to a Iprlivate iroclk quarry. Ummm Mari= '7805 Ebeinezeir Church Rd. RaIleiglh, NC 27612 Jay Spadie jay@incdaincellinstitute.com '7805 Ebeinezeir Church Rd RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27612