HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Boy scouts used to be here until Wake Stone comes along - Stop quarry operation at Odd Fellows TractJohnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, My inaime is Patty Dennis Joines, 1I Illive llin HoHy Sprllings, Ibut have Ibeein a Tiriainglle area resident for ineady 20 years. One of the ima�lin attractaints for ime llin deci61ng to it to the Tir�iainglle was the amount of inatui4l space llin the area. As someone who works llin the tech industry and who is ain avid outdoor enthusiast, this was sometINling that was Iiincredlibly mportaint to ime as 1I considered vairious Vocations around the country to Ipuirsue advancements llin imy career. 1I can't stress enough how vaIluable this space is and how imuch it improves the quallllty of Ilife for the citizens of the Tiriainglle. 1I urge, ino 1I 1BEG you, the DEQ, to deiny Wake Stone's request to expaind tlhellr Tiriainglle Quarry. 1I cannot fathom how expain6ing this quarry WH improve the quafity of Illife of Tir�iainglle iresideints or coUld ireimotelly Ibe Ibeinefc4l for the einviroiniment, wH6�lfe, or ec6logy of tNis area. It shoUld Ibe deinied due to G.S. '74 51 (d)(5) it wHH have a siginllficainfly adverse effect oin the purposes of a IpubBlicVy owined Iparlk, forest or recreation area. This expainded quarry wHH have a sig16lficaint adverse impact oin Uimstead Park and the East Coast Gireeinway. This expansion would Iplace Wake Stone's quarry imuch cbseir to Uimstead State Park and affect aimuch �lairgeir portion of the Iparlk. It would aIlso it the quarry inext to the East Coast Gireeinway, which ruins abing ON Reedy Creek Road. This is a very IpopWair bilking and waflking area which connects IL.alke Crabtree Park to Uimstead Park, and aIlso connects the Cary Gireeinway system to the RaIleiglh gireeinway systeim. The Nasting, allir IpoHution, and inoise of a quarry would have a sig16lficaint negative impact. It shoUld aIlso Ibe deinied due to G.S. '74 51 (d)(4) it would Ibe a direct and substainfiall Iplhysicall Ihazaird to a ineiglhb&ling dwellfiing house. The Duinin residence is oimly 200 feet from the proposed quarry pit. Wake Stone and th6lir coinsuftaints have stated that tlhellir Nasting wHH inot daimage a Ibulil61ng as cbse as 500 feet away, Ibut they have inot and cain inot cVallm that tlhellir zm��Illlll 11 KNEMEM 1I urge you to deiny tNis expainsion and to continue to fight to imallintallin the inatui4l Ibeauty of this area. It was ceirtallinlly a consideration for ime llin choosing ain area to Illive and cointftute to as a imeimbeir of the colau6ity. 1I would hove to continue working and Illivuing llin this area, Ibut decisions about these imatteirs uftiimatelly affect imy decisions oin imy owin quafity of Illife. 1I Ikinow that there are a inumbeir of other areas llin the country that do consider the ec6logy of tlhellr area to Ibe very importaint. 1I would hope that the Tir�iainglle would do the saime llin order to continue to attract those llin the tech industry to this area. Thank you for your coin sid eiration. Flease do the right tlNling for citizens and the einviroinimeint Patty Dennis �pattyjdeininlis@gimallV.com 4601 1BasiVlica Didve HoMy Spdings, INC 27540, North Cair6lkina 27540