HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210916_NCWRC® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 9 Cameron Ingram, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Adam Parr, Assistant State Mining Engineer NCDEQ, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, Land Quality Section FROM: Andrea Leslie, Mountain Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: September 16, 2021 SUBJECT: New Mining Permit for Waycaster Stone Co., Inc Mountain Mist Mine, McDowell County Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) reviewed the application for a permit for the Mountain Mist Mine in McDowell County. Our comments on this permit action are offered for your consideration under provisions of the Mining Act of 1971 (as amended, 1982; G.S. 74-46 through 74-68; 15 NCAC 5) and the North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et. seq.). A permit is requested for the Mountain Mist Mine, which has been in operation for years; this permit would apply to several smaller mines on adjoining properties. The total disturbed acreage would be 5.9 acres on 26.3 acres of land. The site is a granite mine, and mined materials are harvested and loaded directly into trucks, which take the materials off site. Ditches and sediment basins are planned to provide sediment and erosion control; to protect downstream tributaries to Toms Creek, it is essential that sediment and erosion control measures are adequate. The reclamation plan includes Tall Fescue, Bermuda Grass, and Sericea Lespedeza. NCWRC discourages the use of these highly invasive plants and instead encourages the use of more wildlife friendly species, such as Creeping Red Fescue, Switchgrass, Big Bluestem, and Black- eyed Susan. Consider using seed mixtures that are beneficial to wildlife (e.g., native warm season grasses and pollinator beneficial species) in the reclamation plan. An exact seeding mixture would need to take into account soil types, moisture, pH, and degree of slope of areas to be stabilized. We refer the applicant to reach out to Andrea Leslie at andrea.leslie(ab,ncwildlife.org for additional information and ideas on reclamation for wildlife. Mailing Address: Habitat Conservation • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 Mountain Mist Mine Page 2 September 16, 2021 McDowell Co. Thank you for the opportunity to review this permit action. Please contact me at (828) 400-4223 if you have any questions about these comments. ec: Shawna Riddle, NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources