HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Protect our Park entrance (4)Johnson, Robert E From: Robin Owen <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 2:39 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our Park entrance Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, l aim Robin A Owein 30 year iresident of Cary also a irecreatioinall cyclist who has enjoyed the RDU forest for years. l aim requesting llin this Ipublic Iheair9ling that the NCDEQ deiny Ipeirmit NO.92 10 for Expansion of Tir9�ainglle Quarry as requested Iby Wake Stone Corporation. In ad6fioin, l request that the 50 year Sunset Clause Ibe irellinstated. This appfication is for a Iprlivate crock mine to Ibe Iplaced oin Ipublic Ipropeirty inext to a NC State Park, and this operation most ceirtallinlly willll vi6late section # 5 as it willll Ihave a sig16lficaint adverse effect oin the Ipuirposes of a publicly owined Ipairk , a forest and a recreation area linclu6ing but inot limited to Umstead State Park, The East Coast Gireeinway, Old Reedy Greek Road connector and L.ake Crabtree County Park corridoir. There has Ibeein a Ipletlhoira of evidence llin the course of this Ipulbllic hearing Iby otheirs very cogently, and l request that the NCDEQ willll i and llinvestigate aIIII of the evidence offered Especially the evidence gatheired llin the documentary Iby Charlie Morii 400 Feet Deep outfi16ling seirious effects, and vi6lafioins of sectioin# 6 that similar operations llin6cates a substainfiall Ipossibilllity of that the operation will iresullt llin substainfiall deposits of se6meint llin stream beds or IlaIkes , Ilaindslides, or acid water Ipollllutioin. Most assuiredlly, the executing of said Ipeirmit willl vi6late section # 3 That the operation willl vi6late standards of air qualIlIty, surface water quafity or ground water quafity that Ihave Ibeein IproimUlgated Iby the department. Ceirtal161y, questions are iraised about the possible vi6lafioin of Section #7 so it makes clear that there must Ibe imore study and liinvestigations of the impacts specifically set out as vi6lafioins llin SEC.s #s 35 , 6 and the also the uinusuall ireirnovall of the 50 year suinset clause that does inot appear to Ihave Ibeein processed llin any trainspaireincy . In suimmairy l request that the 50 Year Sunset Clause Ibe irellinstated, and that the Wake Stone Corporation Ibe deinied the Ipeirmit inuimbeir 92 10 for Expansion of Tir9�ainglle Quarry. Robin Owein irobiin@taoauto.com 1009 Paimfico Dir Cary, North afro Tina 27511