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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Please deny request for Wake Stone's Quarry ExpansionJohnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, My inaime is Matthew Jenkins, and 1I aim widting oin Ibelhallf of Tiriainglle Off. -Road Cycilists to caIlkl for the deinl41 of the Miinlling Permit under subsection (5) Ibeca use lit wHH have a siginffiicaint adverse effect oin the Ipuirposes of the gireeinway systeim, and otheir IpubBGcVy owned recreafioinall areas Iby liincreasing air and dust IpoHution The East Coast Gireeinway iruins the einfire Ileingtlh of the west side of the inew quarry Ipit, and this creates ain llincreased ir9islk of exposure to dust, PM2.5, and PM10 for the thousands of �people Ipeir day that use that traill for routine daiily exercise. AHowiiing Ilogglling trucks oin the giravell Ipoirtuoin of the East Coast Gireeinway WH create safety issues and ad6fioinall exposure to resuspended dust, as the traill is Ibulilt using the quarry Hines from Welke Stone. Using water suppression oin the giravell traill WH oimly create a muddy Ihazaird for Ibotlh the Ilogglling trucks and the irecreatloinall users. The East Coast Gireeinway traill is inot designed to imeet the weight irequllreimeints of Iloggliing trucks, and they wHH aIlso exceed the weight Himit oin the siinglle Maine Ibrlidge fuirtheir dowin ON Reedy Cireelk Road that goes over Crabtree Cireelk. Flacing Ilogglling trucks or quarry trucks oin this traill and siinglle Maine Ibrlidge is daingeirous and shoUld Ibe Iprohliblted. The coinflict With pedestrl4ns, cycHsts, and dog walllkeirs WH create ain unacceptable Ihazaird to the cNlNirein, adufts, and eMeiriy who use this traill at aIlkl Ihouirs of the day. There is a inew tral!lIlhead abing OM Reedy Cireelk Road, and inew Crabtree Cireelk T14l�l that was ireceintly added that has resufted llin ain llincreased usage of these traHs Iby Ipedestrl4ns, cycHsts and dog waflkeirs. llin ad6fioin, 1I have seirious concerns about the ireclairriatloin Iplain for this Iproject. The funds aIlklocated for ireclaimatloin woUld seeim to Ibe woefUlkly llinadequate, and 1I see ino Iprovlisioin for enforcement of even t1his rni6hrnall "reclamation". WoUld funds Ibe IhelN lien escrow? What would happen if the funds allocated are Iiinsuffiicieint to complete the reclamation (process? What happens if Walke Stone chooses to restructure to dischairge t1h6hr reclamation obligation? Thank you for aHowing the citizens to Ibe heard duir9ling t1his difficuft time, and please deny t1his �peirmit. Matthew Jenkins 100 Evans Estates Dr. Cary, North Cairofina 27513