HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 DEQ should deny mining permit 92-10 modification to stop the quarry next to Umstead State Park (2)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, My inaime is Kristin Stone. 1I work llin a6limall weffaire, aim a Senior F61klow of the Einviiroinimeintall L.eadeirslNlp Pirogiraim and have a Certificate llin Conservation 1Biology from Columba. 1I aim aIlso a iresideint of Cary who has Ibeein Ilincre6bly dismayed Iby the destruction of inatuire throughout the Tiriainglle llin ireceint years. 1I aim wir�lfiing to ask for the DEQ to DENY Permit Ipeir geinei4l statute '74 51 (d), under subsection 2: due to the operation's uindWy adverse effects oin wHdllkfe Just as we Ihuir ains ineed to commute, so do wHdllkfe, and they are Ikinowin to get Ibetweein Uimstead State Park and the otheir side of 1I 40 through the Crabtree Creelk Corridor. A quarry operation at Odd Fellklows Tract would reduce Crabtree Cireelk llinto a inarrow aqueduct �betweein two deep Ih6lles llin the ground, and this corridor would Ibe further inarrowed fencing and Illights and steady truck traffic over the proposed creelk Ibriidge that cuts off the ireirnaalindeir of the wHdllkfe corridoir. This effectiv6ly is6lates the wHdllkfe from imigiration across otheir inatui4l habitats across the continent. The steady truck traffic would do imore thain just cutting off the corridoir, lit would aIlso (lead to �lincreased roadlkflils, causing Ilocalllized decrease llin IpopUlation density to species Ik1ke (box tuirtiles, sinalkes and sallaimaindeirs lif they (leave the Urnstead State Park. The Ihligh traffic that would Ibe llinvited Iby the quarry expansion to the edge of the state Iparlk has obvious negative consequence to wH6kfe llinside the Iparlk, and under Uimstead's management Ipllain, the Ipairk Ihas a deed irestrliction w1heire it imust serve "pubfic Ipairk, recreation, and conservation puirposes" or revert to fede14l owineirsINIp. This is w1hy 1I aim uirglling the DEQ to deny Welke Stone's riniii Ipeirmit appfication, Wth ino consideration for iresubmission, Ibeca use ino rinifigation cain trWy fix what would Ibe talkein away by a quarry operation on a Mldllhlfe corridor. Flease, Ilet inatuire Ihive. Thaii you. RESSIOAM lkrlismstoine@gimallV.com 613 1Battery WaHk IL.aine Cary, North afro Tina 27519