HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Dont give away Raleighs only connection to the Eastern Wildway to Wake StoneJohnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretairy DEQ, am�im I'm irequesting that DEQ deiny Welke Stone it iinlling Ipeirmit 92 10 due to the negative impacts oin Uimstead State Pairk, Cirabtree Cireelk, the East Coast Gireeinway, and irecreation llin the OM Reedy Cireelk Corridor. Recreation aireas gireeinways s1hoUld Ihave a 250ft undistuirbed Ibuffeir (6ld Reedy Cireelk Road) to ima�lintallin the gireeinway experience! A inew quarry at Odd F61klows Tract would aIlso seveir the nine Ikinowin Mldfife corridor connecting RaIleiglh to the irest of the Eastern WHdway that iruins from Canada to Florida. RIDU Airpoirt Autlhoir9lty was offeired a fallr Beall to conserve the Ipropeirty Iby the Conservation Fund, and s1hoUld irecoinsideir that offeir llin Illiglht of the Ipublic Ibeinefits it would Iprovlide And to the ellected officialls, Iplease see imy imessage to the DEQ as ain llin6cation of imy opposition agallinst the quarry, and Iplease send a imessage to the DEQ imalkiing youir opposition agallinst the quarry Ikinowin as w6lL LJindsay Firey, sma�lkl Ibusiiness owineir llin Carry lmm�� kindzyl @gma�!Lcoim 2120 R61aind Glen Rd Cary, North afro Tina 27519