HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Leave a Legacy of Protecting Our CommunityJohnson, Robert E From: Lauren Wilkins <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:15 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] Leave a Legacy of Protecting Our Community Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Dear L.ocall and State Officials and DEQ, l aim widting you as a 26 year iresident of Raleigh and a Iloing fime tral!ll useir. l have enjoyed the wondeirfUl resources we have llin Umstead and L.ake Crabtree for the past 13 years thirough ruini6ling, bilking, and (Milking. In the past couple of years, l have also llintroduced my cN!Nirein, ages 4, '7, and '7, to this special place. l have expl141ined to theim the lImportaince of protecting our Ipairk for the einviroiniment, for wildlife, and for our coimni to continue to einjoy inatuire llin the face of aggressive devellopmeint within our city and county. My cN!Nirein are aware of the plains of RIDUAA and Wake Stone to destroy some of the last ireirnalinliing gireein space ceint4l to our coimni and oin our State Park's crliticall acquisition list, The Odd FelHows Tract. Why is it that smallll cN10direin cain girasp the liirnpoirtaince of saving this Ilaind (but our adult elected officials (with very few exceptions) 61their are unable to understand or choose to look the otheir way due to th6lir corruption? l have Ibeein liinvollved llin this issue for over 2 years inow, ever since RIDUAA quietly sigined the lease to Wake Stone llin Mairch 2018 llin a 5 minute meeting, which was obviously pre pllainined. Wake Stone was Iprepaired and out the f6lHowiing Monday with Ibulllldozeirs. l aim well liinforirned of the negative effects this liindustrii4ll amine will have oin our most used State Park, the East Coast Gireeinway corridor, Ipllains for a future 1 40 Tidainglle 1:111keway, Iprlivate (property and residents, wildlife and wildlife corridors, Crabtree Greek and reuse River (buffers, dowin stream floo61ng, our coniy's health and well belling, and our abifity to continue to Ibrlling the (best eimployees and compainies to the Tidainglle. l confident that the mi16ling Ipeirmit cain Ibe deinied (based oin all 5 of the statutes, (but o6ly oine is required for de1641. I'd like to highlight G.S. '74 51 (subsection 4) substaint4l Iplhysicall Ihazaird to �public health and safety. l aim deeply concerned that it willll ino Iloingeir Ibe safe to continue to visit Umstead State Park wind L.ake Crabtree, should the inew mine Ibe allowed Iby DEQ. 1 Quarries are Ikinowin to irellease IhairmfUl IpairticUlate it atteir (PM2.5 and sifica) llinto the surrouii areas. Exposure to these IpairticUlates cain cause Iluing and otheir orgain daimage and is attributed to sificosis or "imineir's luing". Even inow, air quafity shoUld Ibe imoii MINlin the Ipairk and the IpubBlic Ikept liinformed of the resufts due to the cuirireint Tidaii Quarry Ibut this is inot Ihalppeii This Mlkl Ibe even it cruciall shoUld the inew amine Ibe approved and go forward llin ad6fioin to the cuirireint amine. 1I Mlkl Ibe forced after 13 years of trallii and enjoyment, to ino Iloingeir iruin, cycile, NlIke, or Ibrlling imy clNlOdirein to imy favoiriite Ipllaces, Uimstead and L.alke Crabtree tralOs. I've seen the effects of Iluing disease oin imy motheir's quafity of Ikfe and cain tellkl you that Ihavuing 50% Iluing capacity and irequllrlling ain oxygen imaclhliine for the rest of your Ilife is detrllmeii Heir Iluing disease is idiopatINIc, imeaii theire is ino Ikinowin cause and she has ineveir smolked llin Iheir Ilife. 1I wonder what she has Ibeein exposed to Ilinadveirteintily to cause such daimage and lif 1I and imy clNlOdirein (2 of which were twiiins Iboirn at just 32 weelks gestation) are it oire at rislk Ibeca use of our faimilly history. There are seve14l IlocaIl iraces that use Uimstead tralOs, Iiiiig the aii Uimstead 100 Bice Ruin. L.ocaIl Ultrairuinineirs spend hundreds of Ihouirs trallii oin the Ipairk trallils for this race and Ipairticilpaints come from aIlkl over the woidd. On race weelkeind abine, iruinineirs are oin the trallils for up to 30 Ihouirs and v6luinteeirs spend the eii week Ikviing oinsite Iprelpairliing and supporting the race. We are inot taflking about just a 30 iminute casuall waflk llin Uimstead for poteii quarry IpairticVe exposure. This is it ainy Ihouirs of exposure. There is Ipoteii for lawsullts agallinst the Ipublic Ilaind owineirs (Duirhaim City and County, RaIleiglh City, and Welke County) shoUld traill users experience inegative IheaIltlh effects. 1I ask aM of you to Ibe oin the right side of history and do what is (best for our commuii and the heafth of our iresideints. Many of you (Duirhaim County, Duirhaim City Couii RaIleiglh Mayor Mary Aim BaMwiiii and RaIleiglh City Couii Wth the Iloine exception of David Cox) have �loolked the other way, chosen to do inotlNlii voted for RDIUAA imeimbeirs who are Ikinowin to Ibe pro quarry, and have Iblataintily iginoired the Ipeople's concerns. NCDEQ secretily omitted the suinset cila use that woUld have lhellped Ipreveint this 6sasteir Ibut has the chaince inow to right this wiroing and DENY imiii Ipeirmit 92 10. Now is your opportuii to do what's right and 1I hope you Mlkl talke action today Ibefoire lit is too hate. 1I have doine what 1I cain and cain assure imy clNlOdirein 1I tried imy (best and 1I was oin the ir9ight side of history. But cain you? MUMMA, INW, RaIleiglh iresideint siii motheir of 3 L.auirein WiHlkiins �lbw��Ilkiins@lhotma�l.com 200 Woods Ream Didve RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27615