HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Stop RDU Quarry (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Barry Zee <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 2:53 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop RDU Quarry Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, DEQ disallow and deiny wake stoine application. They Ihave Ibaclked out of the suinset clause by the tactic of Ilegall maineuveiding. This means they cain inot Ibe trusted and they are Ibeliing dishoinest. It is oinlly through their dishoinest success liin IlBireaclhliing the suinset clause agreement that they Ihave opened the door to starting ainotheir mine , IIBPQAUSE IT IS A GREAT $$ DEAL.. FOR THEM. If it cain Ibe Iprovein that Wake Stone ma16lpWated DEQ liinto accideintalIlIy Iiinvaficlating the suinset clause IIBy clallimiing they were merely making "adimii6istrafive and typo chainges" to the 1981 agreement, thein there should Ibe Ilegall actions takein against them and they should Ibe identified and treated as dishoinest entities . ShoWdin't that Ibelhavlior DISQUAL-IFY them from getting to further Ipluindeir our area Iby becoming the FIRST Iprlivate company allowed to destroy Iprlivate Ipropeirty And Iprofit Iby selling the top 400' of that Ipropeirty? ShoWdin't they Ibe FORCED to work with DEQ to come Ibaclk liinto comphaince with the legal agreement and Reinstate and Ihoinor the suinset clause?? In the orgainizafioinall chain of our state Ipolllitics , who has oversight or Ileveirage over DEQ? Can't someone at a higher Revell Iiinstitute (thirough Ilegall action) a imajoir PAUSE oin DEQ granting ainytINIng for Wake Stone? Why shoUld we reward Ibad Ibelhavlioir (irnainlIpUlafiing the contract) Iby aHowing theim to iginoire the suinset cila use that has Ibeein liin affect since 1981? Doesn't some agency have the abHkty to : carry forth IpuinlitGve judgements against walke stoine For Ibreach of contract ceinsuire theim from any fuirtheir it iinlling action liin this liirrmediate area. Disquafify the qullclk and 61rty contract they it with RDUAA Without the Ipropeirty owineirs fuEl consent query the actuall Ipropeirty owineirs to determine what course they Iprefeir for this Odd FeElows MMIEMIM If the counties and rnu16lcipaIlkfies are IbelhoNein to voters, thain get this voted upoin Rewair6ing Ibad Ibelhaviior to corporations who Iiinteintionalllly gaime the systeim of government is HORRIEll-E Ip6lllicy. Rewair6ing walke stoine for Ibaclkiing out of the suinset agreement using a 6shoinest tactic , and granting theim the opportuinllty to Ibe the first company liin NC Nistoiry to imiine Iprlivate Ipropeirty, !in a Ipriistiine Forest, inext to a treasured state Iparlk is absuird. Why would anyone think this is a ireasoinable idea for ain area which has otheir sites thain cain be imiined that are it oire ireirnote and do inot eindaingeir waterways and Ipeople? Why shoUld our IlocaIl government Ilalbell to aH of the rest of the Uinllted States that this area is so uinllmportaint that the Ibest devellopmeint option is to destroy the top 400' of this area and turn it liinto the surface of the moon? lirnag�line ain executive flylling liinto proposed locations for a imailoir corporate Regioinall headquarters ..... and seeing the deep stairs of the these imiines at the very lhub of the RIDU Cary / MoririsvHile juncture and liirnme6atelly tlNlinlkiing ..... .. what's wiroing with this area Such that the best llimproveirneint and dev6lopmeint option is to dissect and discaird this?? Is it a toxic duimp?" 1I aim appaEled that the oimly Iloglicall expllainafioin is that walke stoine has IpoweirfUl connections within RDUAA and DEQ which they have cuftivated. WiM they get a free Ipass and get to destroy t1his area Ibeca use they Ikinow Ihow to Ipllay the gaime Ibetteir than Ipeople Wth etNics and imoralls? Barry Zee lau 1 3@twc.coim 1809 1Balkeir road RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27607