HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Protect the integrity of wildlife corridors by protecting Odd Fellows TractJohnson, Robert E From: Laura McGuinn <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 2:59 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect the integrity of wildlife corridors by protecting Odd Fellows Tract Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, The Ipeirmit imust Ibe deinied due to severe adverse impacts oin ffllfiainn 1B. Uimstead State Park, D5, and Crabtree Greek, D2 The current NPIDES Stoirmwateir Ipeirmit issued under the "Geinei4l" Ipeirmit category for mines is IiinaIppropriiate for a imiinlling operation inext to a State Park and Crabtree Creek. The current stoirmwateir Ipeirmit oinlly Illists "beinchimairk" Ipollllutaint Ikmits and with ino einfoirceimeint teeth. The quarry imust Ihave a inew and Iin6vidualF NPIDES Stoirmwateir Ipeirmit. The current operation has Ibeein allowed to send fline se61meint lladein Ipollluted waters liinto Crabtree Creelk for decades. The iroclks liin their stream discharging liinto Crabtree Greek as it enters our Park are calked with a "wNlte(ish)" mateirl41, uinllflke any streams oirigllinafiing within the Park. In ad6tioin, closer to the imallin Park eintraince at Harrison Avenue, the current operation discharges untreated wastewater directly liinto Umstead State Park from their feeble, Ibut unsuccessfUl, attempt to Ilessein the great dust Ipluimes Iby using wastewater from their Ipit to irrigate the dust. This has Ikllllled large trees within Umstead State Park. By the way, their current, NPIDES Permit, as weak as it is, does inot Ipeirmit direct discharge !into WiHkainn 1B. Umstead State Park Welke Stone is liin vi6lafioin of their current discharge permit. Why does DEQ continue to let this happen? Using Umstead State Park to divert and treat Ipollluted wastewater from a Iprlivate iroclk mi16ling operation is a direct adverse llimpact oin our Park. A inew PDES Stoirmwateir Permit under the lin6viduall" category is required for the current operation, and for the proposed operation so that it can Ibe tallbred to protect Uirnstead State mommme m0m3VlmmZm= • VVIating NC water quafity 6schairge standards, sirnillair to used construction sites • New and expanded areas of deforestation, exposed soi1l, and liirr7pervlious areas • Increase storimwateir dischairge due to (loss of s6lll IiinfiIltration and water chainaIlhlzafioin • Massive amount of oveirbuirden that wiVll Ibe exposed and excavated lilk6ly equllvalleint to 500 trucks Ipeir day for 2 to 3 years e Direct s6lll (loss llinto Crabtree Cireelk from the trucks imoving soft and iroclk Ihligh above Crabtree Creelk via the Ibrlidge, conveyor Ibellts And, what is the excuse given for NOT inee61ng a inew Stoirmwateir Ipeirmit? Supposedlly, they willkl Ipuimp the water from the inew pit llinto the 6ld (pit. HOW exactly are they g6ling to carry that water over Crabtree Cireelk? Where is that Ipipe? It's imissing from the site plan. This is a HUGE imissing Iplece of tlNis disastrous Iproposall. DENY the Ipeirmit due to Adverse effects to Crabtree Cireelk, D2, and Uirnstead State Park, D5. Issue an INDIVIDUAL NPDES Storer wateir Permit. L.auira McGUInin lauiraIlovespairks@gimallV.com 1605 Roanolke Street RaIleiglh, North Cairofina 27606 N