HomeMy WebLinkAbout[External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Lake Crabtree County’s Park’s connection to Umstead State Park (2)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, As a North Cairofina educator, 1I request DECK deiny Walke Stone Corp's application for a inew iroclk amine (Permit 92 10) due to the inegative llimpacts oin Urnstead State Park, Crabtree Cireelk, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation lain the OM Reedy Cireelk Corridor and the three adjacent homeowners. I've heard experts from vairious fi6lds of study explallin how inri16ling oin this specific site woUld inegafivelly impact our einviroinimeint. Whein air quallkty, water quallkty, and ecosystem liintegrity irright become compromised, it grabs imy attention. School day after school day educators Illilke imysellf staind before our students, your cNlOdirein, struggllking to Hind examples of good stewardship irellative to our Iprecious inatui4l resources. Our North Cairofina Science Standards Course of Study IiincMes the examination of air quafity, water quallkty, ecosystem liintegrity, and stewairdsNip. As a North Cairofina educator, and a North Cair6lkina inative, 1I urge you to it lain such a way that your decision regarding the use of these North Cairofina inatui4l resources Ibe nine that reflects ain example of good stewairdsNip; nine that our students cain Iloolk upoin and say to you, "thainlk you, job well)) doine!" �Kairein CIIairk Ikaireinclairkinc@eimbairqmallll.coim 2939 Highway'/3 West Find, North Cairofina 27376