HomeMy WebLinkAboutProspect Hill Quarry ADI Response Letter 12-13-202111SUNROCK� CAROLINA SUNROCK LLC Scott Martino Manager Environmental Compliance 200 Horizon Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27615 CERTIFIED MAIL No. 7020 3160 0000 2173 7386 Return receipt Requested December 11, 2021 Mr. Adam Parr Assistant State Mining Engineer Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 RE: Carolina Sunrock LLC — Prospect Hill Quarry and Distribution Center 1238 Wrenn Road Prospect Hill, Caswell County, North Carolina 27314 Dear Mr. Parr: The purpose of this letter is to provide you and your department the additional information to Carolina Sunrock LLC's application for a mining permit as requested per your email dated December 10, 2021. Please find attached to this letter a memo prepared by our consult, Piedmont Geologic whom issued and conducted the hydro study associated with our permit application (May 7, 2020). This Memo address and clarifies the previously provided Mitigation Plan for Quarry Pit Dewatering. Thank you for the opportunity to address your and other agency comments provided on our latest application submittal. Please feel free to contact me if you or your department have any further questions. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Carolina Sunrock, LLC Scott Martino Manager Environmental Compliance Enclosure Mitigation Plan Memo smartino@thesunrockgroup.com Phone: 919, 747.6336 Fax: 919.747.6305 PIEDMONT GEOLOGIC SMART EARTH SOLUTIONS December 13, 2021 Mr. Scott Martino The Sunrock Group 200 Horizon Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 6003-145 Chapel Hill Rd Raleigh, INC 27607 P: 919-854-9700 P 919-854-9532 www pledmontgeologic.com RE: Updated Residential Water Supply Well Mitigation Plan/Adverse Impact Letter Proposed Quarry Site Prospect Hill, North Carolina Dear Mr. Martino: This letter is in response to a December 10, 2021 email from Mr. Adam Parr (North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality) to Carolina Sunrock regarding the Revised Hydrogeological Study Report (the "report") completed by Piedmont Geologic (dated May 7, 2020) for the proposed Carolina Sunrock quarry site in Prospect Hill, North Carolina (the "site"). Specifically, Mr. Parr requested an update to the Residential Water Supply Well Mitigation Plan/Adverse Impact Letter contained in Section 8.2 of the report, with verbiage to explicitly state that the temporary water source to be provided by Sunrock would be potable. The revised Residential Water Supply Well Mitigation Plan/Adverse Impact Letter is provided in the text below. Residential Water Supply Well Mitigation Plan/Adverse Impact Letter Should a problem occur with a residential water -supply well, the property owner should notify Carolina Sunrock LLC or NCDEQ of the water supply well issue. The proposed procedures to address complaint/concerns are outlined below: a. An analysis will be made to determine whether or not the water supply well in question is located within the projected zone of influence from quarry dewatering as it exists at the time of the notice. b. A Carolina Sunrock LLC representative, or designated agent (a qualified well repair/installation specialist), will evaluate the condition of the water -supply well to determine the cause of the issue. c. If a determination is made that the well issue is due to mechanical reasons not related to drawdown from the quarry, the NCDEQ will be notified, and the procedures outlined in this mitigation plan will not be applicable. The property owner will be notified of the findings of this determination and will be responsible for any necessary repairs. d. If a determination is made that the well issue is due to a decline of groundwater level that has been caused or is a direct result of mining activities or dewatering of the pit, then Carolina Sunrock LLC, at its expense, will proceed as quickly as reasonably possible to provide a functioning, permanent water supply to the property owner, either by rehabilitation, repair, or deepening of the existing water supply well; or drilling of a new water -supply well of the same diameter; or by connecting the residence to a public potable water supply, if available. Carolina Sunrock LLC, or a designated agent (a qualified well repair/installation Updated Residential Water Supply Well Mitigation Plan/Adverse Impact Letter Proposed Quarry Site, Prospect Hill, North Carolina December 13, 2021 specialist), will evaluate the existing water -supply system to determine the most reasonable method available to restore the permanent water supply. The options available must be capable of meeting the minimum volume used or needed by the property owner before the disruption of water -supply occurred. e. Based on the time necessary to re-establish a permanent supply to the property, it may be necessary to arrange with a licensed and reputable water distributor to provide the affected user with a temporary potable water supply. This water supply will be for use in normal household activities, such as bathing, washing, drinking, and sanitary facilities. This supply will be in the form of a clean -water tanker or container that will be refilled as needed, all at the expense of Carolina Sunrock LLC. This mitigation plan relies on the use of qualified outside vendors to satisfy the needs of a temporary water supply and to develop a permanent water source for those wells verified by a qualified third -party expert to have had a direct impact from quarrying activities. As licensed reputable companies, they are expected to accomplish and cant' out their assigned duties in a manner that ensures that all work is completed within a predetermined time period. If for any reason, this work is not completed to an acceptable level of quality and or within the time frame agreed upon by all parties, the outside vendor will be replaced by another company designated by Carolina Sunrock LLC. Sincerely, JanathawtV. Mvrph*-ey Jonathan D. Murphrey, P.G. Staff Geologist cc: Peter Dressel, Piedmont Geologic 2 PIEDMONT GEOLOGIC, P.C. 2 2482 i