HomeMy WebLinkAboutBL-1977-001-00_lithological_log• NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES OLE— "" OFFICE OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES WELL RECORD GROUND WATER DIVISION i3 L / 2, P. 0. BOX 27687 — RALEIGH, N. C. 27611 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Sydnor Hydrodynamics, Inc. REG. NO. 144 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO• 2454 I . WELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the location on back of form) B 1 aden Nearest Town: County: Dublin Y cf� 0 o ty or Subdivision and Lot No. Quadrangle No. 2. OWNER: County f' 1B �'66 well #2 (Dublin 3. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 36 - Dublin, N.C. 28332 r DRILLING LOG 4. TOPOGRAPHY: dx*X)fgd*X>6)Q]j G)M)toVX flat 5. USE OF WELL: Municipal DATE: 7/22/77 6. DOES THIS WELL REPLACE AN EXISTING WELLS No 7. TOTAL DEPTH: 450' RIG TYPE OR METHOD: Rotary 8. FORMATION SAMPLES COLLECTED: E!nCYES No. of B.�i_ 9. CASING: Inside Wall thick. +2 t Depth 57 or t?ypm.A wei ht/ft. —ee T1 ��'_11 From to +2' 6" 34 3 ft. St, I 8 322 Steel spacers �422- 8 -322— Steel 10. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 to 57 ft Cement pumped I[. SCREEN: Depth Diam. Type and Opening From 343 to 353 f1. 8 S.S. #30 361 3371 8 S.S. #30 —#> 12 —g— S . S . 30 12. GRAVEL: Depth Size Material From 310 to 430 ft. #2 Mor i e We] 1 Gra- vel 13. WATER ZONES(depth): 343-353 361-371 3 3- 39 02- 12 14. STATIC WATER LEVEL! 93'Z" ft. 114 top of cosing. below Casing is ft. above land surface. ELEV. DATE MEASURED: 7/20/77 15. YIELD(gpm): ?00 METHOD OF TESTING: pump 16. PUMPING WATER LEVEL: 1211511 ft. after 24 hours of 200 gpm 17. CHLORINATION: Type )i TH Amount 5 1 bs . 18. WATER QUALITY: TEMPERATURE("F) 19. PERMANENT PUMP:(Show a sketch of well head on back of form) Date Installed Type Make Capaci ( pm) HP Intake pth f.. Airinef D MI.; 20. HAVE FO TH L 0 N R; OF. Tr $ DEPA NTS _ S 7 21. REMARKS: I do hereby certify that this well record is true and exact. 290 320 320 350 350 420 42 o 425 425 435 435 450 rf ! 7 V r Top Soil Yellow and Red Sandy Clay R,ed Sandy Clay Yellow Sandy Clay Gray Sandy Clay Gray Sand with Thin Streaks of rown n ray an � grown Sand Gray Sand, Wood and Mica Gray Sandy Clay Gray Sand Gray Sand with Clay Gray Sand Gray Clay Gray Sand, Some Gray Clay Dark Tough Gray Clay Light Gray, Sandy Clay Gray Sand Tough Light Gray Clay Brown Sandy Clay, Coarse Sand -Brown Clay Gray Sand with Streaks of G ray ' C 1 ay, Sand & Wood Tough Red and Pink Clay Tough Rt!d Clay Green SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE 7 7 WELL HEAD COMPLETION installer Name Address Reg. # Meets Min. Standards Measure Yes No Remarks Enclosure .0001- Enclosure floor —� ` Casing height Access port ,! / Valved flow Water tight pipe entry Well entry ode Vent Z Hose bib Tee (Jet) Suction line .001,01 Chlorination Temporary Aband. f� Date Well Constructed7/,&77 Date Pump Installed 010 IV Signatage Witness Name Address Type 1 ` Name Address �. - Type tot a.r M of • N r � •t o �SGJ DIAGIUM OF PROPOSED 'I CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS _ned iced Well a unconsolidated formations) 13L,-P-/-77 Open —End Well (Constructed in consolid— ated formations) --- land surface i Casing: i 1) Inner: S��rI type 9 I..D.,Q2 SJ lbs./ft. ' 3 S O ft. (depth) ft. (into rock) i 2) Outer: Sir type 19 I. D. 71• 6 lbs./f t. L 5 O ft. (depth) Er B) Cement: 1) Inner Casing: 300 ft. to ^ 3 / O h. 2) Suter Casing: O ft. to S'O ft.T�717T1T �~ Sfc • Rock C) Screen(s):/J/css type -I . D. r SS D ft. to 371' ft. 2� ft. to Y1O ^ ft. 34� _— D) Gravel: :t. to -s o ft. OVO in. 3 "11 1r — — ` � • (size) (Fill in each blank that applies and use appropriate diagram to show proposed construction includine, but not limited to, casing.(outer and inner), sealing material (cement, clay, T = etc.), packers, screens, gravel, chemical feed lines, etc.) Location Diagram: (Previously prepared maps may be submitted provided they con— tain information required in item (g) of the application). GW 22A-5/70 21 Rock NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES OFFICE OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES WELL RECORD GROUND WATER DIVISION j L P. 0. BOX 27687 - RALEIGH, N. C. 27611 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Sydnor Hydrodynamics, Inc. REG. NO. 144 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT N0. 2454 I. WELL LOCATION: (Shaw a sketch of the location on back of form) B1 aden � Nearest Town' U� In — County: _ Quadrangle No.y 7 - CZ Count °f .B o���ty or�ubdivision and Lot NoT 2. OWNER: Y Well =.2 (Dublin) 3. ADDRESS' P.O. Box 36 - Dublin, N.C. 28332 4. TOPOGRAPHY: d9wxxR)M>o)pAK>tU4ltQVX flat 5. USE OF WELL: Mun i c i pa I DATE: 7/22/77 6. DOES THIS WELL REPLACE AN EXISTING WELL? No 7. TOTAL DEPTH:_ 450' RIG TYPE OR METHOD Rotary_ 8 FORMATION SAMPLES COLLECTED: YES No. of Boil1'S `). CASING: +2' Depth From to 57 ft. +2'6" 343 spacers -422— Inside Wall thick Cr {� ./4ii we.I hl Tie. -� Steel 8 .322 Steel — 8— -322— S e e 10. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 to 57 ft Cement pumped II. SCREEN: Depth clam Type and Opening From 343 to 353 ft 8 S.S. ;''=30 361 371 8 S.S. ==30 3�3 — 399- �— —#D2— —#. 2 _ 8 S.S. ' 30 --S -Fl Or 12. GRAVEL: Depth Size . Material From 310 to 430 ft. 112 Mori e We] 1 Gra vel 343- 353 3 6 1 — 371 13. WATER ZONES(depth): 3 3— 39 02- 12 14. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 931 Z" ft. �� top of casing. below Casing is ft. above land surface. ELEV. DATE MEASURED: 7/20/77 15. YIELD(gpm): 700 METHOD OF TESTING: pump 121' S" 24 16. PUMPING WATER LEVEL: ft. after hours 200 of gpm a I . TH 5 1 bS . 17. CHLORINATION: Type Amount 16. WATER QUALITY: TEMPERATURE(°F) 19. PERMANENT PUMP:(Show a sketch of well head on back of form) Dote Installed Type Make capacity (9pm) HP IntakeZ'91"O th :; _ 9 } Airline; Depth 20. HAVE ED` THE",WJ^LL OWNER OF THE DIE PA NTS I S� .660 N l�21Q�JS7 r- 21. REMARKS: I do hereby certify that this well record is true and exact DRILLING LOG FOPMATION DESCRIPTION EROM TO 0 1 Top Soil 2 10 Yellow and Red Sandy Clay 10 20 Red Sandy Clay 20 30 Yellow Sandy Clay 30 48 Gray Sandy Clay 48 58 Gray Sand with Thin Streak 58 90 raynan3n rown Sand 90 100 Gray Sand, Wood and Mica 100 118 Gray Sandy Clay 118 140 Gray Sand 140 170 Gray Sand with Clay 170 180 Gray Sand 180 190 Gray Clay 190 200 Gray Sand, Some Gray Clay 200 230 Dark Tough Gray Clay 230 240 Light Gray, Sandy Clay 240 248 Gray Sand 2 290 Tough Light Gray Clay 290 320 Brown Sandy Clay 320 350 Coarse Sand -Brown Clay 350 420 Gray Sand with Streaks of 420 425 GrClay, sand &Wood a 425 435 Tough Red and Pink Clay 435 450 Tough Red Clay s of A Green SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE Form GW-I VIPsP CnpV- Oift-p f an`nr and Air Resources; Blue -Drillers Copy; Green- 00efS Copy GROUND WATER SECTION Resource Planning and Evaluation WELL AND PUMP INSPECTION REPORT Well loc.ation��►� �P� ��� r� '�`7 Qti S* 'p (Townie, Comm., Subdivision and Lot No.) Owner "�7e�a1i *; �Dt,6 � 1m 'p Addresso WELL CONSTRUCTION Drilling Contractor 4 Na,.,e Address Meets Min. Standards Measure Yes No Permit Location Distance from Pollution source Other location standards Total Depth Casing Depth Diameter Weight/thickness Height Drive shoe Exception approved by owner 'gout: Type Thickness • Depth Screens Development I. D. Plate Abandonment (temporarv/permanent Water level drz. 02, Well test Chlorination Cuttings Reports Water camp (appearance) M ..S -.000, M Date 15177 Area 1;041K cti$-It.4a County G1,4 d e?j Read/Street Awv % Well No. Remarks Reg. " GW-36 114 WELL HEAD CI)MI111 1-.TION I -Pump installer Address Meets Min. Standards Measure Y c s No !,:-I o.s u 2 Enclusuff Access 2—(Lr--t a !v- ",7 rl t i- Well c-,i!- r Vent !ios(. bib leoo* Tee i r--t i — Suction iI)c Chlorination Temporary .- Date Well Constructed 7/ZZ 17-f Datc Pumo Installed It OF f I fv W i tn e s s Y, + (o d -.?,- Reg. # Rema rk � 4� - a�vwl SignatiF Name Address Type Name Address Type tot I vool CD i avers � � ,ao _ -_ �i � i•- �' _ - _ • ' �J i� ��-'�+►_��.'� � < _ { -�rzc N v `, a }i3 t � Y VH mA a k.i�e:�l� �i ���� \ . - - �� �[- � 1 ~~] i:�°'' ai�. y -� �•. �..-: � Q�-- �,`.. WELL HEAD COMPLETION: Draw a sketch of the well head showing casing, pump piping, seals, vents, access port, grout, and enclosure. _ 4o d- WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch showing the direction and distance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, intersections and streams. Identify roads with State Highway road identification numbers.