HomeMy WebLinkAboutBL-1959-001-00_lithological_loga C r ' CCIRBM' 4.1 VIE-' J, &pprox. 2 miles s . e . of he l r, COUIdT'f, i3ORTH CAROLINA drill©d, Sept. 12-17, 1959; elc7.=23ft.;depth= 765ft. i'®rm- ation If.—ut® mt°1. post Creta- ceaus PecDee 0 ! 101 sand 10 201 20 30 30 40 401 50 sand sand sand & clay sandy clay 45i46J marl 40 46 marl 50 65 NO S.41 sandy 65 70 clay sandy 70 75 clay 75 80 clay. I 80 85 marl 85 901 marl sc.ndy 90 95 clay dcocrintlor. tan; our�artz grains; o glaucanitte; �rec�-:i pyrite; feldspar 1, and magnratito; 21sa pint to rose colored mihoral; no mica cr clay; no shell fragments or fossils tan; ssme az 0-10 tan; same as 0-10, except slight decrease in glauconite ; traces cf hc.rd red rnl. (foldspar?) ; introduction of gray clay in lumps 50�'o' clay, 50% sand; increase in amount of coarse- ness of quartz grains up tC� subangular to subrounded; glaucon'to 1-2%; traces ©f pyrite, magnetite, feldspar, and mafie ? mr_15.; micas and fossils still absent 60% dark gray clay, 404% sand; lack of coarse grains of quartz; grains subangular to subround= ed, constitute 95 % of sand; traces of pyrite, feldspar, glaueonite 2-4%, and raafic mils. ;reaming cuttirgs);75jo shell fraigments; remainder is sand with truces p,rito and Y4 glaucenito (reaming cuttings) ; same as 45-46� TLES calcareoua gray clay; fine sand of subengulsr grains; 5-71,. I auc-L)nita;trace of shell fragments calcareous cl cy; very fine, subangulrar.. to subrour_ded r,tz. grains; 1-2% glauc©nite; traces ®f shell frags.; fow pieces of siltstone calcareous, sandy, grzy clay; sand is very fine subang. to subrounded,; lauconite 2%; few pieces of siltstone and shell fragments calcareous, slightly sandy., gray clay with shell frags., slightly glauccnitic;h" pieces of silte stone slightly <.-r,,nacc©us, dark green -gray clay with shell 5N glvuconitic; with pieces of buff-gl a;r c-.jlcrred siltstone very slightly sc,^clv, dark groan -gray clay with s�.ell fraSn:ents; 40o sand, 60J; clay, 10-15% Zlauconite - 1 p CORBETT jil f arm-' -' ationlf= tol pmtdescription ------------ calcareous, ga� ��1:'.s�l_fir y_with 3 � `ine n PeeDee 95I100 clay subang. to subr�nunCled grair_s; : -)me mica; 10�o I glauconite; few shell fra`,mer_ts calcareous, greenish -gray; same as 95-100, ex- j 100 1101 clay cept decrease in ;lauconite to about l%, and I! addition of ligniTized viacd particles calcareous, aranaceous clay; increase in shall 110j 1201 marl ! fr4grients; greenish -gray clay 40 '; 45;a file sand; 15% shell frogs., 10glauconite in sand; itraces of mice; trace of bluish -opalescent qtz. in rounded grains larger than qtz. grains in san calcareous, arenacecus, c,_ayey; increasin;,7 ~he11 1 120 130 marl ;fragments; 25 greenish -,;-ay clay; 25% shell 1 frags. ; 50% fine sand, suba. to subr. with 7% glauconite, j calcareous, arg-0 llaceous with 20% stray clay; de- 130 140i sand creasing shell frogs. to 5%; 75' fine sand, sub- ang. to subr. with in glauconite; traces of (-Lamplp #1) bluish -opalescent quartz grains, rounded and I iapprox. 10 times larger than qtz. grains in sand 4 I calcareau; 3u shell fra1s; 55% fine wane, sub- ! 1301 1401 marl ' ang. to subr. ; 15, s;,ray claay; same opalescent qtz. grains; j- glauconite in sand (s�npl� 2) slightly cs.learccus; C5;-,Fine send with 3% glau-' 140 150` sand cnnite; lG;'. a y clay: 5 sizall frogs.; trace of same opal. qtz. grains slightly c&lcnreaus; s _a tas 140-150' 15 1601 sand ! calcareous; 25% sne", r::o s. ; 60� fin c sand, 160 170i marl ( suba. to subr. with %; ;-lauconl te; gray clay 15% same opal. atz. press;:',.. calcareous; 25% shell 60`'o fine' sand with 17C 181 marl 3 � glaauconitc ; 15% grey clay; na opal. gtz . noted II ca1car€�ous; 1� % u.:­li fra; s. ; 75 fine sand, 180 19C marl suba. to subr. vvith glauconite; 15% gray clay; opalescent cluartz absent aargi11 slightly calc:,rcous; Faith pieces of siltstone up 19 20 acer us to 1"; 75 verY fiat swnd, suba. to subr. ; 200A silt- gray clay; M,o shell frogs; glauconite 3`0 ,j stone CORBETT# 1 fo m- atrion Ifro''tc rIt' 1. PeoDee 20 210 _stone - silt- 21 220 stoner silt- 22G. 230 stone ?o eDe Black Creek ?eeDee I: Black reek , 1� !, sandy 230, 240: clay I sandy 240 250I clay 25 260 clay 2b 270 270 280 28d, 290 29 30 31 clay, sand clay sandy clay argill- 300' aceous marl 310 marl 320, marl 320 3301 marl 33C 340 clay 34 350. clay 350 36 description calcareous, argillaccous, with ninny pieces of siltstone; sauma as 190-200' same as 190-200'; sli`ht decrease in glauconite to 1%; noted 1 Grain of op?lescer.t otz. calcareous, ar;gillaceoiis; 25 gray clay; 75% ,fine sand, suba. to subr., with 5�; glauconite; no mica; few shells -cnd one fossil spline noted slightly calca: (nous ; dars reen clay; 40p fine sand, suba. to su':.f, , vrit , traces of mica, it 2% glauconite, ;,lus sone pieces cf siltstone 75�o dark green n clay; 2�;o sand; remainder same 230-240' slightly cclec--reous, arenace©us c'ay; increase in shell fraos . tee 15%; fines sand 20;6, suba. to subr. with tra-Ics of. mica, and 3% glauconite; 65% dark grQe:n clay 50% clay and sand; 50;'; wood fibres same as 250-260 ex -co t glauconite at 5% slightly calcareous, arenaceous; 25% fine sand, suba. to subr. grains, 75% dark green clay; plus 3/4" pieces of siltstone; glauconite 0 2% calcareous, a Gnaceous; 70% dark gray clay; 20% fine sand, subr. to subr. grains, traces of mica and 2% glauconite calcareous; 60; dark gray clay; 20% shell frags. 20% fine sand, suba. to subr.; traces of mica & glauconite, and wood fibres l arenace®us, and 50;o vy. -lightly calcareous dark gray clay; 30% fine sand; 201% shell frags.; (traces of mica, with pieces of siltstone; (with less wood fibres than in 300-310' same as 310-320' ! very slightly ccleal ecus; 8Z dark ;_,,ray clay 15 vy. find sand with traces of mica, glauconit few shell fre`.R, vn(-;. picCes sf siltstons vy. slightly 70�) dar4 gray clay; 30% very fine s..nd, suba. L,, subr. with traces ®f mica and glauconite; fibres present; 1/16" pieces of soft green clay mnl. present clay isame as 340-350', ercept no wood fibres present n CORBETT # 1 *urm- ,1inn frm,ltol --t ' description sl i,-,htly calca*_rc:>u'.; b^; ^.ram :>r--Y c t;ty; % tiy. Crick 360 370� clszy fine sand, subs.. i,3 su`,_ ., ,pith traces of nice and glauconitc, an-d small shell frees. 3701 380' clay I not calcareous; 85 der:: gray clay; 15% vy. fine I sand; trace of gla uc©nite & mica; n© fossils vy. sli. calcareous; 851d derk gray clay; re- 3801I3' clay mainder same as 370-380 l trace of calcareous; same as 380-390', plus 390 400clay-- woody fibre content not calcareous; 75% dark gray clay; 25 p vy. fine 400 410( clay Bond with. sub&. to subr. grains, 2� 12.ica f same as 400-1�10' 410 4201 clay traces of glaucenite and green ferrous oxid©? same as 410-420; plus wood fibres end carbonae- 42014301 clay eouB matter; traces ©7 vy. fine pyrite 4301 4401 clay not calcareous; vy. dark gray clay; 65% clay; 7 v vy. fine sand, subc., to subr. , with 5% mica; 4401450 i 450! 46oI 4601 470 1470 ! 480 1460 4901 1490,5001 5001510 5101520 5201530 1 truces of glauconite, green ferrous omide, vy. fine pyrite., also sell pieces of al&ystono not calcareous; 755 vy. dark gray clay; 25% vy. clay f ne sand, etc., with 2% mica and traces if py- ritized carbonaceous matter not calcareous; 75',"o pry. dark gray clay; 201p vy. clap . one sand, etc., with 2n mica and Sp wood fibres, and carbanaccous matter; also chips of mudstone, dark gray to brown clay so e as 450-460, clay same as 450-460, clay sane as 450-460' not calcareous ; same ,as 45®-460' , but 80p dark - clay ,greenish -gray clay; 20`; sand and decrease in wood fibres sli. calcareou*; `%o dark gray clay with chips of clay mudstana(gray);25f3 vy. t'-ne sand, subs. to subr.; 5o fibrous mtl; -trace cf grn. ferrous oxide; 2% Arica; nwticablt; ch_ir.ga chips fro::: mud vy. zli. calcareous: 65p greenish gray clay; Clay vy. finG Lund, etc.; 559 fibres & carbonaceous F mtl.;traces of green ferrous oxide, calcareous matter and mica. calcareous; 80p vy. fine Nand with chips of silt- �•: silt- stone up- to -14", 15p - shell fras. ; 5p fibrous stone carb©naccous mt1.;7p glauconite in siltstone; COREETT # 1 f�rffi- _ I Black � 53 Creek 54 Tusca- loosa taw?) 51�0 si lt- stone silty 5501 .clay silty 550 560� clay silty 560 570 clay -570 580! clay descrintic:n cralcare©us;6G3c w+, .-:- ;___:., iz;-UCe with 70 7 glaueonite aria silt --tone;4f% greenish gray clay sli. calcareous; [-►reen_ h gray clay 50%; 50% vy. fine silt, etc . , with 1;lauconi tea and green ferrous oxide; chips �f� ciltbt-cn,-� calcareous; sezie as 540-550, except increase in glauconite to 10P sane as 1,40-550 sli. calcareous; greenish gray clay 70%; 30 �a vy. fine silt, suba. to suUr. grains, viith 3% glau- conite, and few shell frogs. sli. calcareous; 60 vy. fine sand, etc.; 40% 5.':;0 .590 silt greenish grey clay; glzzuc©nito 2;6; shall f'rags25� sand & sli. calcc;recus; 30% gray clay; 60% fine sand, 590 6001 silt etc., with chips of silt --tone calcareous, argillacozpus; 70 a' vy. Pine sand, etc. 600 610 silt with 5% glauconite, fow vhell frags., chips of siltstene ; no mica; 30;5 dark gray clay 610 620 silt same as 600-610' Sandy- 311. calcareous; variaolorad, eoaiso sand (1/16") 620 630 gravel predominantly vvhit,s, pink, red, and yellow; sli,*': glauccnitic; 5410 medium sand to 50% fine gravel, subrounded to uubangular in gravel; trace' of magnetite; few fraGs. o3 siltstono ! sandy 630 640 gravQl samo as 620-630' f sandy bk 650:gravel same as 620-630'; sizes up to 1/8" 6ravall 75% mediun sr�l.d; vy. sly.. calcareous, and glauc- i 65r 66 sand ©AI 5`w; varic®lnrcd fine gravQl 25 ; ints%a%- - - 660. 6 Tusc loo2a 670 6 elatQ duction of green colors into gravel angular to subroun(Ical sand to fine gravel; graverll varicl©red gravel ite,,a !. cI.q as _green.rock; sand 5% glauconits in sand argill 70;� coarso, vuriLolerc,` -nd; 30% gray clay; wi'tb ► accous wood f1brez and yellow stain in clay_ _ sand Y-" -. 5 - CormuT2 § 1 n 1ation frc,_t •) _ Mt I 1 Tusca- gray®11 slightly calc,.�•�� :� ; 75 ' coarse 3and, subang. to 100SO 680 ��90 sand � subrounded; 25`N fine, -aricoloread gravel, sub- ?? rounded to rounded; colors From yellows to reds, Carr and greens; traces of pyrite ling yellow -red to tan mud (clay); vy. sli. calcar- -- slate 9.0 00 clay + e►©us; contains vy. fine &and y y ( mud) 1 �j00110 clay same as 690-700' 1 meta_ 10 720 clay same as 650-70�)' _ volcanic 65� andesitic tuff with epidoto, calcite; 35% veloan 20 tO ��' tuff varicolored gravel and send k,olcanic _ 30 �40 tuff same as 720-730', but also chips of gray siltston' volcanic 5% andesitic tuff with epidote and calcite; 25% 40 750 tuff gravel and sand; no chips of siltstene volcanic 50 F60 tuff same as 740-7.50', but 85% tuff, and 15%.gravel f olcanic �. �60 �65 j tuff same as 750-760' fl Cuttings logged at drill site with 10x hand le 4� _ � by A.i. R. Lee .ton, Geologist Aston Mineral Engineering Service Box 326, Tate, Georgia Box 4134, Chattanooga 5, Tennessee Mr. Fred Paee - 3 December if, Keseler, }tanager 11, 1050 gL- oi= /- 59 tod in order to determine the feasibility of deeper drilling 421 _ r The following wells were,drilled b}k-Bryant P. Ssay Houaton, Texas, Hoffman Forest - owner - located as followa:- Approximately 91,1 miles northeast of Jacksonville, Onslow Count in Hoffman Forest. Completed 5/4/50. Bottomed in crystalline rook t a depth of 1430 feet. Dry and abandoned. Well No. 2 - Hoffman Forest - ovrner - located as follows: - Approximately 751 miles duo north of Jacksonville, Onslow County in Roffman Forest. Completed G/5/59. Bottomed in crystal- line rock at a depth of 1335 feet. Dry and abandoned. In September 1059, of New York City drilled the SL-o-T 1-5g ,Corbett No, 1 Woll oast of Kolly, .:laden County, in basement at 695 feet. Dr �� - 6 7' _; - .�7 limerican tiinin g and Development -Company following two wells in North Carolina: - located approximately 4 miles south - North Carolina. Depth 765 feet. Bottomed y and abandoned September 17, 1950. 'Keith -No. 1 "Jell - located approximately 7 miles north of Acme, in fonder County, North Carolina. Depth 730 feet. BOttomed in basement at 690 foot. Dry and abandoned September 27p 1059. _ - z Section 113- 378 of the General Statutes of North Carolina requires that before may person, firm or corporation begins drilling for oil and gas in North Carolina that it registers with the Depart- mont of Conservation and Dovelopment, giving the exact location of the site or sites to be drilled and furnish bond in the amount'of v2,500.00 running to the State of North Carolina to guarantee the proper pluOging or any wells that may be drilled and abandoned in the state. _.. Section 113-370 of the General 5tatutoe of North Carolina requires that upon completion a log of each well shall be deposited with the Department of Conservation and Dovolopmont. Attached are two copies of the "Regulations Governing the Plugging and Capping of .abandoned Oil Wells", which was adopted on October 8, 1946. These regulations were adopted under authority grunted the Board of Conser- vation and Development by the 1045 :session of the General Assembly of North Carolina. (continued) BL-w OT-,- I -,,- 5c) Well Data • P '! P W C . rriTni ni-�71�, lr,7(j' RLIFLIL'.u2o_z Lt,..i.► --.. "•�'a m:: �""""�r.'': ,t.e'�fi�lSl�K —111 ED'.S_rL1TTJn —1S _L.Qr— &I-1V.- _rrnoLjvcit Al_ I nr_ . BLADEN COUNTY API NO.: 32-017-1 WELL NAME: Corbett #1 COMPANY: American Mining & Development CHRON NO.: 31 COMPLETION DATE: 9-17-59 LOCATION: 34° 26' 05"N 1.24 mi. north of 34' 25'N TOTAL DEPTH: 765' BASEMENT DEPTH: -650' 780 16' 30"W 1.41 mi. west of 78' 15'W DRILLER'S CUTTINGS/LOG: Yes/Yes GEOPHYSICAL LOGS: GR-N THIS LOG NOT TO EE 3 cL)riEa Y--.d �' kA�4"< In 3 � - "YP ( Vy R1�`(4'0 I D —d ->0 J D of , /mr, 4 4 aDb -I III � 1D Itfl 0 zoo-23D V f _ c% i /W77- XT 2►��� 3 bo-- W o-A- , /r s ►, he 3 D 11f(q*hv v S� qorn � ► r �l 1 �--60 -S-1 1) p,�=too /ol- ---- - _ vGrx - ,,FfM 1 —, -I'r o�LS�I/A rn `-v i 1 / ,i 1 , ' 1A ..�. � & FA�04 MW40M Al