HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211121_Summary_Document_17-02CAROLINA SUNROCK LLC NEW MINING PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING SUMMARY PURPOSE OF HEARING To receive public comments related to Carolina Sunrock LLC's request for a mining permit for a crushed stone mining operation located near Prospect Hill in Caswell County. DATE, TIME, PLACE Monday, November 4, 2019 7:00 PM Caswell County Historic Courthouse Commissioners Meeting Room DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES STAFF • David Miller, State Mining Specialist, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources • Judy Wehner, Assistant State Mining Specialist, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources • Tony Sample, Environmental Program Specialist, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources • Tamera Eplin, PE, Winston Salem Regional Engineer, Land Quality Section, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources • Zachary Lentz, Assistant Winston Salem Regional Engineer, Land Quality Section, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources • Christy Simmons, Public Information Officer, Department of Environmental Quality OPENING called the hearing to order at 7:02 PM, welcomed everyone in attendance, introduced the staff, explained the purpose of the hearing, outlined the hearing agenda and stated the guidelines to follow for submitting comments at the hearing. I stated that the proceedings would remain open for a period of ten days following the hearing for additional comments. I then explained the action for which the mining permit application is required: "The applicant proposes to establish a crushed stone quarry located near Prospect Hull in Caswell County. The applicant has submitted an erosion and sediment control plan for the mine site intended to protect surrounding areas and watercourses. A reclamation plan has been submitted to the Department as well, for review concerning restoration of this area in a useful land use once reining has terminated." David Miller presented an overview on the mining permit procedures pursuant to the Mining Act of 1971 and explained how it relates to the subject permit application. The actual comments are attached as Public Hearing Format and Land Quality Section Public Hearing Presentation. 210 people signed in for the meeting 62 checked - Wish to speak ORAL COMMENTS Speakers Jennifer White — Comments included health concerns including air quality issues, ground water, blasting, truck traffic, road usage and property values. Leslie Zimmerman — See written comments Speaker # 2. She introduced the audience and is concerned about the detrimental effect on the community. Pat Warren - See Speaker #3. Comments included concerns about the community concerns, environmental group concerns, expert concerns, water quality, and air quality. Steve Pietsch — See Speaker #4. He is concerned about water discharge rates and flyrock from blasting. Regina Petsch — See Speaker #5. Concerns include blasting noise and flyrock. James Painter — See Speaker #6. Comments included the effect on the farming community, impacts to air quality, and impacts to surface waters. Bruce Pleasant — See Speaker V. Concerns include effect on the local church and congregation, agricultural community, and lack of economic development. Blasting, air quality water discharge, and public safety are included. Earl Wrenn — See Speaker #S. He is concerned about the drill holes/core holes being left open and not properly abandoned. Dale Kemper — See Speaker # 9. His concerns include blasting damage, his wells, public road usage, wildlife, and water discharge. Mark Zimmerman - See Speaker #10. Surface water effects on water quality, creek classifications, blasting, geology, stream diversions, and blow outs of streams are his concerns. Susan Hester — See Speaker #11. Her concerns include ground water quality, quantity, and surface water quality of nearby lake. Randall Hester — Concerns include the effect on local farming, wells and springs. He feels more hydrogeologic information is needed. Jennifer Wynn — Her concerns include health risks to the community from air emissions and particulate matter. Mark Wynn — Blasting with explosives and quiet community are his concerns. William Sharp — See Speaker #15. His concerns include chemical and hydrocarbon chemical leaks from equipment, truck traffic, and wildlife. Christopher Bodderman — Comments are related to proximity of home to site, blasting, air quality, and water contamination. Amy Pearson — Concerns about Carolina Sunrock's environmental record and violations. Robert Anderson — See Speaker #18. He commented on the quality of life, quality of the development and effect on the community. Sharon Williams — See Speaker #19. Her concern is the environmental risks to the environment and community. Ken Dawson — See Speaker #20. Concerns include ground water effects on farming community and homes and feels the hydrogeological impacts will be devastating. Asphalt plant emissions will be detrimental. NC Representative Graio Meyer — His responsibility is to represent the community. He feels the increase in mining activity is because of the Life of Mine law change. Rachael Hibbard — She is concerned about the effect on water supply for wildlife. Roger Hibbard: - He is concerned about the erosion & sediment control plan using the 25 year storm event standards. He is also concerned about his well water. Jeff Kirby — See Speaker #24. He is concerned about the effect of the quarry on Roxboro Lake as a park and recreation area. Cindy Kirby — She is concerned about the endangered spiny mussel, the effect on the ecosystem and water quality. Michael Graves — The effect on the farming community is his primary concern. Bill Bush — He spoke on fracking and coal mining effects to other areas and the lack of reclamation of sites that the community would absorb. Bert Lea — See Speaker #28. Exceedances of the stormwater permit standards through the tiered system of monitoring is his concern. Belinda Layne — See Speaker #29. She has concerns about the proposed asphalt plant noise and air pollutants on health. Timothy Layne — See Speaker # 30. The concerns include effect of asphalt/quarry emissions on the community. Gerald Zimmerman — See Speaker #31. Damage to neighbor dwellings from blasting is his concern. Mark Chandler and Virginia Chandler — See Speaker #32 and 33. The Chandlers presented a detailed review of the hydrogeological study submitted by the applicant and noted several discrepancies in the report. Matthew Ruis — Concerns include drinking water problems within the state, effect on water supply for Roxboro, unclear monitoring, clear cutting effects, and erosion control measures. Lynn Pender _graft — See Speaker #35. Her concerns include well water impacts and silicon dust emissions effect on egg production and health of animals on her chicken farm. Ben Solomon — Concerns include the effects on agricultural economy and land use, well water quality, and safety of farm equipment on roads. Mark Wrenn — Watershed, springs, and well water impacts are his primary concerns. Mark Langan — See Speaker #38. He commented on truck emissions, diesel exhaust, and truck traffic effect on health. Steve Solomon — See the Speaker #39. He read the Resolution signed by the Caswell County Commissioners. Mini Logothetis — Written were provided in lieu of speaking. See Speaker #40. Heather Langan — See Speaker #41. She is concerned about air quality, wildlife, and health issues related to blasting. Sarah Curtis — See Speaker #42. Her concerns include noise, dust, blasting, and flyrock. Steve Small — Dust, surface water runoff, and truck leaks are his concerns. Michael Wong — Ground water capacity, surface water turbidity, pH, and ground water quality are his concerns. Marvin Winstead — He stated the facts have been presented. Amy McCauley — See Speaker #46. She is concerned about the impact to her PTSD clients from blasting, her son's asthma, and air pollution from smoke and dust. Barry Hager — See Speaker #47. Air contaminants effect on plants and animals is his concern. Gay Pleasant — See Speaker # 48. She feels that people have the right to peaceful neighborhoods with good water supplies. Steven Pulium — See Speaker #49. Concerned about endangered species, wells, blasting, water supply lake, erosion & sedimentation, noise, and vibration. Dawn Leigh Daurity — She is concerned about the effect of basting on her home, wildlife, bees, herbs, garden, etc. Commissioner Sterling Carter — See Speaker #51. He is concerned about the citizens and peacefulness of the area. Sylvia Hebert — See Speaker #52. Water rights, water quality, air quality, heath of husband and grandchildren are her concerns. WRITTEN COMMENTS As a part of the official record of this public hearing, the following written comments are attached: 1. Residential Property and Owner Association Disclosure Statement 2. An Assessment of the Economic Impact of the Proposed Stoneco Gravel Mine Operation on Richland County 3. The Environmental; Impacts of Aggregate Extraction 4. Quote from MIT 5. Quarry Blasting, crushing and hauling operations 6. Letter from Daniel F Read 7. Comments from Hanes Wells 8. Letter from Sherby Manaley 9. Press releases from several news media 10. Letter from Susan Ward 11. Letter from Dr. Martinelli 12. Postcard from Mary Roy 13. Letter from Virginia Pietsch 14. Letter from Mark Wrenn 15. Letter from Dwayne Campbell 16. Letter from Peter Christopher 17. Letter from Matthew Burawski 18. Letter from Michael Clayton 19. Letter from Joanie Alexander 20. Letter from Kristin Prelipp Oguntoyinbo 21. Letter from Katherine Kopp 22. Letter from David Regan 23. Letter from Lynden Harris 24. Letter from Cathy Blackman 25. Letter from Mary Kessler 26. Letter from Elizabeth Ruben 27. Letter from Sandra Cianciolo 28. Card from Audrey Williams 29. Letter from Karin Yeats 30. Letter from M A Moomew MD 31. Letter from Kristina Baldridge 32. Letter from Marcia Angie MD 33. Letter from Robin Arcus 34. Letter from Sterling Carter, County Commissioner 35. Letter from Heather, Mark and Emily Langan 36. Letter from Matthew Ruis 37. Letter from Pam Schwing 38. Letter from Ed and Dawn Dougherty 39. Letter from Margaret Martin MD 40. Letter from Dorothy Dix and Richard Willborne 41. Letter from Kim Steffan 42. Letter from Daniel Parkhurst 43. Letter from Libby Outlaw 44. Letter from Mark Wrenn 45. Letter from Karen and Skip Anderson 46. Letter from Jeffrey Whitfield 47. Letter from Cooper Harris 48. Letter from Ann Moss Joyner 49. Letter from Bernadette Pellissier 50. Letter from Erik Reavely 51. Letter from Donna Nicholas 52. Letter from Noah Cooper 53. Letter from Grey Williams 54. Letter from Hannah Jacobs 55. Letter from Michael Weil 56. Letter from Oriana Galardt-Este 57. Letter from Allan Parnell, PhD 58. Letter from Rebecca Gollmar 59. Letter from Heather Murphy 60. Letter from Susan Bellinger 61. Letter from Christiana Chavez 62. Letter from William Sharpe 63. Letter from Pat Warren 64. Letter from Margaret Pink -Weil 65. Letter from Mark Wrenn 66. Letter from John Bianco, DVM Emails from 1. Diane Rodell 2. Lisa McDowell 3. Melanie Mitchell 4. Stephen Barmann 5. Peter Christopher 6. Pat Warren 7. Pat Warren (2) 8. Geoffrey Gisler 9. Virginia Chandler 10. Randolph Hester 11. Lyle Asley-Warrick 12. Lisa Means 13. Matthew Burawski 14. Brooks Lockhart 15. Cooper Harris 16. Rachel Velez 17. Marcia McNally 18. Kathy Kaiser 19. Jack Hunnell 20. Patty Stage Harris 21. Marilyn and Jeff Faski 22. Joanne Dahill 23. Elaine Ortiz 24. Melanie Mitchell 25. Bert Lea 26. Stewart Griffith 27. Patricia Martin 28. Tain Collins 29. Jennifer Wynn 30. Sam Wolff 31. Charles Clotfelter 32. Gretchen Wolf 33. Susie Deter 34. Lynn Martinek 35. Katie Jacobys 36. Sharon Karnash 37. Vincent Toups and Shelley Rogers 38. Jerry Michelle 39. Peter Christopher 40. Stan Branch 41. Cathy Wrenn 42. Tim Cline 43. Wendy Cline 44. Louise Koslofsky 45. Richard London 46. Matt Fuller 47. Lee Lichtenwalter 48. Wayne Schacker 49. Patricia Anne Bywater 50. Jane Wettach 51. Sarah Hunt 52. Bonnie Carden 53. Adrian Oliver 54. Laura and John Cotterman 55. Lisa Pope 56. Cheryl Michalec 57. Edmund C Tiryakian 58. Michael Garner 59. Lynne Millies 60. Miram Brodersen 61. Jude Casseday 62. Donna King 63. Rebecca and Jesse Perry 64. Jane Meadows 65. Nichole Engel 66. Kathleen Merpig 67. Linda Smith 68. Donell Kerns, PhD 69. Jaqueline McConnel-Graf 70. Joanie Alexander 71. Rachel Hibbard 72. Adria Wilson 73. Alfreda Kohan 74. Allison Zirkel 75. Martha Hill 76. Betty Lou Chaika 77. Albert and Lynn Lauritano 78. Becky Laskody 79. Joanna Carey 80. Susan Adley Warrick 81. Lisa McDowell 82. Barbara Stenross 83. Ann Gavek 84. Mariam Angress 85. Joy Toro 86. Joseph D Regan 87. Victoria Roy 88. Aubrey Griffin-Zill 89. Beth Harris Owen 90. Ann Simon Koppelman 91. James and Cynthia Michael 92. Beverly Miller 93. Jan Giodano 94. Jessamine Hyatt 95. Charlie Gibbs 96. Melanie Mitchell 97. Bob Johnson 98. Maple Mary Ann Osterbrink 99. Bill and Felecia Mundy 100. Margaret O'Brien 101. Lynden Harris 102. Garver Moore 103. Emilee Collins 104. Rebecca Uchida 105. Kristina Baldridge 106. Jamie Hager 107. Lauren Spey 108. Lori Hendrickson 109. Katherine Ruiz 110. Heather Murphy 111. Shelley Heath 112. Linsey Amundson 113. Cooper Harris 114. Marci Coiselle 115. Michael Mulligan 116. Patti Riesel 117. Karrie Comatas 118. Jennifer Sewell 119. Noah Cooper 120. Daren Limas 121. Nitya Fiorentino 122. Jena Matzen 123. David Nicholas 124. Kim Dupre 125. Sally Greene 126. Nirav Desai 127. Lisa See 128. Diane Rodelli 129. Emily Agee 130. Amy L Livingston 131. Katherine Hale CLOSING COMMENTS I thanked everyone for attending and for their comments and presentations. I stated that the Department would review the items presented at the hearing as they relate to G.S. 74-51 of the Mining Act of 1971. 1 reiterated that the proceedings will remain open for a period of ten days following the hearing which is November 14, 2019 for filing of any addition comments or statements. The hearing adjourned at 10:42 PM. Attachments: Public Hearing Notice Public Hearing Format LQS Presentation Written Comments Emails Sign In Sheets Respectfully submitted by: Samir Dumpor Hearing Officer