HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211206_7_Delineation_ReportWaters of the US and Isolated Waters of the State Delineation Report of Findings May 24, 2021 Project Area: Approximately 294.57 acres Project Parcels: 663102550857, 663102652376, and 663102567965 New London 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 Prepared For: Boulder Associates LLC Mr. James Schad 304 S. Second Street Albemarle, NC 28001 Prepared By.• AQ V0 ENVIRONMENTAL Atlas Environmental Inc. 338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411, Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 Page 1 of 16 Summary of Findings Atlas Environmental Inc. staff conducted a pedestrian survey of the project review area of the three Stanley County parcels totally approximately 294.57 acres. The project is located along the South side of Steakhouse Road in New London, North Carolina. During the field evaluations in May 2021 Atlas staff observed nine streams and twenty-six wetlands as Waters of the U.S. in the review area. Atlas staff also observed two ponds and one mine pit. Stream and Wetland Delineation Introduction At your request, in May 2021, staff from Atlas Environmental, Inc. (Atlas) performed a detailed pedestrian survey of the subject parcel to identify the presence of surface waters and wetlands that are subject to Federal and State regulations. Surface waters such as perennial and intermittent streams and their impoundments are subject to Section 401 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Isolated streams are subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NC DWR) Isolated Waters Rules. An area is determined to be a jurisdictional wetland if it exhibits wetland hydrology, hydrophytic vegetation, and hydric soil characteristics. These characteristics are required to be in accordance with the definitions in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Wetland Delineation Manual from 1987. Isolated wetlands and open waters are subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NC DWR) Isolated Wetlands Rules. Surface Waters The field delineation of assessed jurisdictional stream features was conducted utilizing current methodologies which are consistent with those outlined in the 1987 US Army Corps Wetland Delineation Manual, the Regional Supplement of the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region (Version2.0), April 2012, post RapanosSupreme Court decision guidance (2007), the Navigable Waters Protection Rule of 2020, and other Regulatory Guidance Letters provided by the Corps. The latest NC DWR Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams, and NC DWR Isolated Wetlands and Waters Rules was used to classify stream types. Evaluations and assessments regarding jurisdictional limits, permitting requirements and allowances, mitigation ratios and plans, Section 7 consultation (protected species), and Section 106 consultation (historic and archaeological resources) made by consultants are subject to verification by the Corps, NC DWR, and other appropriate state and local regulatory authorities. Potential jurisdictional streams on site were evaluated based upon criteria outlined in the resources mentioned above. This includes assessment with regards to the geomorphology, hydrology, and aquatic biology of each feature. Typical indicators are presence of an 'ordinary highwater mark", sediment sorting, evidence of flow, absence of vegetation, and presence of macro benthos or other aquatic wildlife. Upon review of the existing site conditions, Atlas has assessed that there are nine Corps or State jurisdictional streams within the review area. There are multiple drainage features that receive storm water flow from the site. None of these features are jurisdictional streams. Wetlands and Isolated Wetlands Potential wetland areas on the site were evaluated for the presence of hydric soils, evidence of wetland hydrology, and hydrophytic vegetation. In these areas, hydrologic proof would be the Atlas Environmental Inc. 338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411, Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 Page 2 of 16 existence of hydric soils with oxidized root channels in the upper soil horizons that have low chroma matrix colors. Indicators of hydrology may include water borne deposits, drift lines, scour marks, the presence of crayfish borrows, redoximorphic concretions, or regional indicators of soil saturation. Hydrophytic vegetation can range from facultative to obligate wetland plant species. Twenty-six wetlands were observed to exist within the review area. No wetlands were observed to be isolated on the project site. Open Waters Impoundments of jurisdictional waters are also jurisdictional under Clean Water Act regulations. Impoundments that have been excavated in high ground are not jurisdictional. Impoundments that are not Corps jurisdictional may be captured by DWR's isolated waters rules. Three impoundments were observed within the review area during the site evaluations, but only one is Corps jurisdictional. Public Sourced Natural Resource Mapping The resource maps are included in the figures section of this report. These maps were generated from publicly sourced GIS layers. Delineation Findings Summary In summary Atlas assessed that there are nine Corps/State jurisdictional streams within the review area. Atlas assessed that there are twenty-six wetlands, two open waters, and one mine pit within the review area. Atlas can obtain written concurrence of the findings from the Corps/State. Permitting Summary Corps or State Water Quality permitting will be necessary for development of this project if impacts to streams, wetlands, or open waters are necessary. Conclusion This concludes our project review and report of findings for the stream and wetland delineation. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services. Please feel free to call with questions or to discuss this report. Best regards, (I + d1&wW_' Jennifer L Robertson, President Atlas Environmental Inc. 338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411, Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 Page 3 of 16 Figures Page 4 of 16 Parcel Ma a. Legend O Boundaries Stanly County Parcels Streets Figure: 1 ti 663102550857 'A Project Name: New London 10256 663102652376 13 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 10, 2021 Page 5 of 16 mor Figure: 3 Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 10, 2021 Page 7 of 16 S Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond h Mine Pit uatic Resource Sketch Ma Sketch Map provided for illustrative purposes and preliminary planning only. Not intended to be relied upon for exact location, dimension, or orientation. All findings and assessments are subject to verification from the Army Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Resources, and/or other appropriate local authorities. Do not reproduce map set except in its entirety. il\\\�IIIIIIIAmiuiiu�uv �� 11 ��,� �� - Project Name: New London TLMLocation: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 iRONMENTAL For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Page 1 of 9 Figure: 4a Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Ft� Date: May 21, 2021 FACa TNRYIg 81NClAI °p, ]1fi0 PWS Page 8 of 16 - Project Name: New London TLMLocation: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 IRONMENTAL For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad e 2 of 9 Figure: 4b Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 Page 9 of 16 uatic Resource Sketch Ma Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit Figure: 4c 1 A2: TRIBINT CH 100: - 75 LF, 0.004 Ac A4: WETABUT WL 1000: — 0.039 Ac (D 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Detail 1 Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 Page 10 of 16 uatic Resource Sketch Ma B1: WETNONAJD WL 3000: — 0.009 Ac A2: TRIBINT CH 300 Int: — 66 LF, 0.003 Ac \ A2: TRIBPER CH 300 Per: — 124 LF, 0.009 Ac Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation 1"4 f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit IB1: WETNONADJ WL 2100: — 0.011 Ac IB1: WETNONADJ WL 2000: — 0.006 Ac F - Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 IRONMENTAL For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad A2: TRIBINT ICH 300 Int A: — 39 LF, 0.001 Ac 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft ure Fi - 4d Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 e 3 of 9 g Detail 2 Page 11 of 16 uatic Resource Sketch Ma ISee Detail 11 B1 WETNONADJ WL 4400: — 0.013 Ac 9 Le end A2: TRIBINTNT r--1 Review Area CH 400 Int: — 388 LF, 0.019 Ac L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets A4: WETABUT Contours: 2 Ft WL 4200: — 0.002 Ac Delineation f Perennial A2: TRIBPER Intermittent CH 400 Per: — 389 LF, 0.021 Ac Ephemeral Wetland A4: WETABUT WL 4000: - 0.013 Pond b Mine Pit e 5 of 9 Figure: 4e Detail 3 Project Name: New London IA4: WETABUT WL 4300: — 0.033 A4: WETABUT WL 4100: — 0.001 Ac 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 Page 12 of 16 uatic Resource Sketch Ma A2: TRIBPER 500: — 951 LF, 0.108 IA4: WETABUT L WL 5000: — 0.020 Ac Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit e 6 of 9 Figure: 4f Detail 4 IA4: WETFLOOD I WL 6100: — 0.033 Ac A4: WETABUT WL 6000: — 0.010 AS B3: EPHEMERAL EPH 600 Upper: 21 LF. 0.004 Ac �� i Project Name: New London B3:EPHEMERAL EPH 800: — 165 LF, 0.008 Ac IB1: WETNONADJ I WL 8000: — 0.046 Ac[ A2: TRIBPER CH 800: — 290 LF. 0.012 Ac 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 Page 13 of 16 uatic Resource Sketch Ma El RAL. B3: EPHEMERAL Vir, L Stanley Co. Parcels mmm Streets B3: EPHEMERAL Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland b Mine Pit e 7 of 9 Figure: 49 Detail 5 Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 Page 14 of 16 uatic Resource Sketch Ma A2: TRIBPER ICH 900: — 2251 LF, 0.216 Ad Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit e 8 of 9 Figure: 4h Detail 6 A4: WETABUT WL 9100: — 0.001 A4: WETABUT WL 9000: 0.202 Ac Al LIPFLOW Pond 1: 0.805 Ac 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 Page 15 of 16 uatic Resource Sketch Ma Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit o. Ij e 9 of 9 Figure: 4i Detail 7 O B1: LPINOSCFLD Mine Pit: — 2.225 Ac B1: LPINOSCFLD Pond 2: — 0.154 Ac B1: WETNONADJ NL 9400: — 0.049 Ac A4: WETABUT WL 9300: — 0.009 CH 900 Continued I Project Name: New London A4: WETABUT WL 9700:— 0.037 Ac .k..xxlkl laying • q ,I 1 B1: WETNONADJ WL 9500: — 0.033 Ac iA4: WETABUT WL 9200: -- 0.044 J 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 Page 16 of 16