HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211206_7_Delineation_MapsS Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond h Mine Pit uatic Resource Sketch Ma Sketch Map provided for illustrative purposes and preliminary planning only. Not intended to be relied upon for exact location, dimension, or orientation. All findings and assessments are subject to verification from the Army Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Resources, and/or other appropriate local authorities. Do not reproduce map set except in its entirety. o 'Mffim il\\\14IIIIIIIAWHIRR-� 11 �� ,� �!!(((f/I///�� � �. �.� ii�• �i-w Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Ft� Date: May 21, 2021 9 .o JRC03 TflAYl6 91NC Lplfl� n. 3190 PWS _.. Project Name: New London RQ C Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 ONM/EN�TALL For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad e 2 of 9 Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 uatic Resource Sketch Ma Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit 1 / %.LJ ONMENTAL For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Detail 1 Coordinates: 35.4435611 /-80.2247091 A2: TRIBINT CH 100: - 75 LF, 0.004 Ac A4: WETABUT WL 1000: — 0.039 Ac (D 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 Date: May 21, 2021 uatic Resource Sketch Ma B1: WETNONAJD WL 3000: — 0.009 Ac A2: TRIBINT CH 300 Int: — 66 LF, 0.003 Ac \ A2: TRIBPER CH 300 Per: — 124 LF, 0.009 Ac Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial / Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit IB1: WETNONADJ WL 2100: — 0.011 Ac IB1: WETNONADJ WL 2000: — 0.006 Ac F Project Name: New London C Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 ONM/ENT�AL For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad A2: TRIBINT ICH 300 Int A: — 39 LF, 0.001 Ac 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft e 3 of 9 Detail 2 Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 uatic Resource Sketch Ma ISee Detail 11 B1 WETNONADJ WL 4400: - 0.013 Ac Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit e 5 of 9 Detail 3 IA4: WETABUT WL 4300: - 0.033 A4: WETABUT WL 4100: - 0.001 Ad A2: TRIBINT CH 400 int: - 388 LF, 0.019 g ( ( (" n=::� A4: WETABUT WL 4200: - 0.002 Ac l;;�7 A2: TRIBPER CH 400 Per: - 389 LF, 0.021 IA4: WETABUT I WL 4000: - 0.013 Ad Project Name: New London 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 uatic Resource Sketch Ma A2: TRIBPER 500: — 951 LF, 0.108 IA4: WETABUT L WL 5000: — 0.020 Ac Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit e 6 of 9 Detail 4 IA4: WETFLOOD I WL 6100: — 0.033 Ac A4: WETABUT WL 6000: — 0.010 AS B3: EPHEMERAL EPH 600 Upper: 21 LF. 0.004 Ac �� i Project Name: New London B3:EPHEMERAL EPH 800: — 165 LF, 0.008 Ac IB1: WETNONADJ I WL 8000: — 0.046 Ac[ A2: TRIBPER CH 800: — 290 LF. 0.012 Ac 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 uatic Resource Sketch Ma Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit IB1: WETNONADJ I WL 7100: — 0.018 Ac B3: EPHEMERAL EPH 700 Upper: 74 LF, 0.007 Id B1: WETNONADJ WL 7000: — 0.005 Ac -7, , , . V B3: EPHEMERAL EPH 700 Lower: 42 LF, 0.002 A2: TRIBPER 700: 297 LF. — 0.022 e 7 of 9 Detail 5 Project Name: New London IB1: WETNONADJ I WL 5300: — 0.005 Ac IA4: WETABUT WL 5200: — 0.002 Ad A2: TRIBINT ICH 500 Int: — 459 LF, 0.035 Ad A4: WETABUT WL 5100: — 0.025 Ac / CH 500 Per Continued 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 uatic Resource Sketch Ma A2: TRIBPER ICH 900: — 2251 LF, 0.216 Ad Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit e 8 of 9 Detail 6 A4: WETABUT WL 9100: — 0.001 A4: WETABUT WL 9000: 0.202 Ac Al LIPFLOW Pond 1: 0.805 Ac 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Project Name: New London Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021 uatic Resource Sketch Ma Legend r--1 Review Area L Stanley Co. Parcels Streets Contours: 2 Ft Delineation f Perennial Intermittent Ephemeral Wetland Pond b Mine Pit o. Ij e 9 of 9 Detail 7 O B1: LPINOSCFLD Mine Pit: — 2.225 Ac B1: LPINOSCFLD Pond 2: — 0.154 Ac B1: WETNONADJ NL 9400: — 0.049 Ac A4: WETABUT WL 9300: — 0.009 CH 900 Continued I Project Name: New London A4: WETABUT WL 9700:— 0.037 Ac .k..xxlkl laying • q ,I 1 B1: WETNONADJ WL 9500: — 0.033 Ac iA4: WETABUT WL 9200: -- 0.044 J 0 75 150 225 300 375 Ft Location: 301 Steakhouse Road New London, NC 28127 1 For: Landvestors Group Attn: Mr. James Schad Coordinates: 35.4435610 /-80.2247090 Date: May 21, 2021