HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210623_Mine_Maps_ ki _c �. �. N 0 r., S ci �. SITE DATA TABLE OWNER: PRIMO HOLDINGS LLC 3214 SUMMERFIELD DR . MONROE, NC 28110-6001 PIN:226100495187 . PARCEL ID: 00500016 DEED BOOK: 03922 PAGE #: 1385 TOTAL PARCEL AREA: 322.4 AC +I- . EXISTING ZONING: NW -CI EXISTING SPECIAL USE PERMIT AREA: 80 AG +I - PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT AREA: 322 q AC -H1- (242,4 AC ADDITIONAL) PROPOSED USE: MINING CLASS If (SAND & GRAVEL) PARKING CALCULATIONS REQUIRED: INSTALLATION .: I. REMOVE ALL TREES,BRUSH j fG GROUN 7 Ili/j /%ll/ / I I .•ll EX1$rfNG GROUND NOTE 1. SEE PLAN THIS SHEET FOR WIDTH HEIGHT DETERMINED BY SIDE SLOPES, 2. WIDTH INDICATED ON PLAN IS BOTTOM WIDTH. 3. SEED PER TEMPORARY/PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE PER DEMLR. 4, NATURAL VOLUNTEER VEGETATION SHALL REMAIN.(TREES, GRASS, ETC.) 5. BERM ENDS SHALL BE 4:1 SLOPES LIKE SIDE SLOPES. 6. BERM SHALL BE 6.0 FT MAX HEIGHT. VE E"r TI . E ('T ) PROPERTYIPERMIT BOUNDARY (TYP) 322.4 AC +I - PROPOSED GENERAL NOTES: . 1. EXISTING TOPO IS STATE LIDAR FROM BRUNSWICK COUNTY GIS DATA. 2. BOUNDARY SURVEY PER PLAT PREPARED BY BRUNSWICK SURVEYING INC., SUPPLY, NC SEALED JULY 25, 1999 ' 3. STREAM AND WETLAND LOCATIONS BASED ON USGS MAPPING AND PER PLAT PREPARED BY I BRUNSWICK SURVEYING INC., SUPPLY, NC SEALED JULY 25, 1999. 4, AS PART OF THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO BOND THE RECLAMATION OI" THE AFFECTED AREA OF PROJECT BASED ON THE STATE MINING PROGRAM REQUIRED) AMOUNTS, 5. DUST SUPPRESSION ON ACCESS ROADS AND PLANT SITE SHALL MEET THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT, 6. A PROPOSED 100 FOOT WIDE MINIMUM UNDISTURBED BUFFER WITH AN ADDITIONAL 50 FT WIDE x 6.25 FT HIGH VEGETATED BERM FOR A TOTAL OF 150 FOOT MINIMUM BUFFER WILL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN THE EXCAVATION AND ANY ADJOINING PROPERTY BOUNDARY. I AFFECTED AREA (TYP) { +++++++++ { t4( <0 7. PER SECTION 5.3 H (CLASS Il MINE) OF THE CITY pF NORTHWEST UDO ALL MINING OPERATIONS AND ++a+ + + +a++ + � .`.� �A �..� GORES ERUTIiERS 91.7 AC +I- +++ +i+a++ + G' PiN:z2s2co,sc5sa ! THE#R ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS WHEN 100' UNDISTURBED VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TYP) 1 SPACE/PER EMPLOYEE X 6 EMPLOYEES: 6 SPACES NTS PROPOSED: . 6 SPACES (INCLD H.C.) ' _ ADJOINING PARCELS M PROPOSED MINING AREAS EXISTING PIT 63.3 AC PIT EXPANSION 86.2 AC ULTIMATE PIT 149.5 AC PLANT SITE 5.5 AC TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS 2.5 AC (INSIDE OF ULTIMATE PIT) STOCKPILES 16,6 AC (INSIDF OF ULTIMATE PIT) OTHER MISC. AREA 22.7 AC (BERMS, TEMP. DIVERSIONS, ETC.) PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED 73A AC AFFECTED AREA - TOTAL AFFECTED AREA 177.7 AC VEGETATIVE AREA 144.7 AC NATURAL AREA TOTAL PERMIT AREA 322.4 AC LEGEND PROPERTY PERMIT BOUNDARY WETLAND PROPOSED PIT BUFFER PLANT SITE AFFECTED AREA CREEK BERM-- 1 RANGEL 5iLVA 22 NORTHWEST I 50' VEGETATIVE BERM (TYP) ROUOLF0 - LAND CO-NIPANY LLC PIN:22611T2693900 PIN_226100286401 H=$.4' _ ZONED: CO -RR ZONED, CO -RR SIDE SLOPES=3:1 BOTTOM WIDTH=50' 2 ORTIZDANIELCA.STILLO 23 NORTHWEST ' ETUX ! LAND COMPANY LLC - APARIC10 IRMA LEON PIN: 226100205:561 - PIN: 2261G'26910(U ZONED', CC -RR _ ZONED. CO -RR 24 K€NCAIDLINDACRIBB I 3 NORTHWEST - PIN:226100284190 . LAND COMPANY LLC : ZONED: CO -RR - PIN:226102599932 - i ZONED: f;O-RR 25 DELGADOORLANDO , . PIN:226100274829 4 BECK LINDA H ETVIR ZONED', CO -RR BECK MICHAEL R i PIN:226'100506044 26 NEFF STEVEN ZONED. CO -RR PIN: 2226100273763 . ZONED', CO -RR 5 ROMEROIRINEO - PIN: 226100409047 27 THOMPSON KEVIN ET :1 QN ZONED. CO -RR THOMPSON KANIECEUVIJA PIN:226100273518 \• 2 6 NORT.HVVEST ZONED: CO -RR LAND COMPANY LLC PIN: 2213"00508464 28 SILVA EUSTACIO RANGEL ; ZONED: CO -RR PIN:226100272477 1 ZONED co RR ' LAYDOWN YARD--` 7 JACOBS EL01SE PIN: 2261U0249$81 29 ANGEL BAZANJOSUEAND 1 EXISTING ` ZONED: CD -RR ROMERO ANGEL B Plrr. z261oa27232! PLANT SITE""I' S FALS0111NCENT ETUX ZONED, CC -RR t FALSO 611_DA {, 55.55 AC +/- - PIN: 226102663083 30 DELGADO LEAN DRO ET ZONED: 90-RR ❑ELGADO MIRIArf A SITE ENTRANCE---- . PIN:226100271281 9 FALSO VIt?CENT ETUX ZONED: CO -Rif WIGATE EALSO G'ILDA - r i 11'1" , f '". / CCUPfED RESIDE• a60 FT+; FROM PIT b'ALIA'eXi1'Homo xs E IR ,WI WAMa TH°M ,b2 E-Ij( PIN: 2252UO3E7201 r FIN 22fi26C3'LuG95 -..° ZUjJEfr. C,iRR ""-t, ZCNEU: L'L} R ��, ' ' r CCUPiEP RESIDENCE I. 461 Fr +/- FROM P)T ' , � v \ -61 CORE=EROTHERS '✓, �` PIN: 22CMG53S1C0 Q � ZONEDCO-RR rs.�� -, o', 1 o `�� f�R®P®5E13 TOTAL AFFECTED AREA (TYP) 177.7 AC +I- /f / / /' / f +a+ + r + :..zQO zoNED:co-RR DEWATERINGOGCURS: y+aa r {#++++ V J '"O I. MUST BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 100 FEET FROM ALL PROPERTY LINES. # + 4 + ♦ r + + + MEYM.IC INC ,*+ #+}+++}++ r' / II. THE DEPTH OF EACH EXCAVATION PIT SHALL NOT EXCEED 35 FEET, PIN. z2s2oLiaasss + + + + + COMf�IENTARY: THE PUMPING OF SURFACE WATERS FROM ONE EXCAVATION PIT TO ANOTHER ZONED.CO-RH ++ + + + ++` ++` + EXCAVATION PIT WHEN LOCATED ON THE SAME PARCEL OF LAND A5 THE MINING OPERATION SHALL 11 ,++` ++++++ 0' VE�aETATIVE`BERM (TYP) `� NOT BE CONSIDERED DEWATERING. . +ff +++ +{+++++++++ H=8.4' l 8. THE SUBJECT PARCEL HAS BEEN UNDER A STATE MINE PERMIT SINCE APRIL 13, 2009 - . i {+++ ++++++ + SIDE SLOPES=3'1. NCDEQ PERMIT # 10-82. *+++ +'+++++.+ OTTOM WIDTH=5W,, 9. ALL STATE MINE PERMITS ARE LIFE OF MINE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE AN ANNUAL FEE TO THE NCDEQ 1! , , , + +++'. ++'+ "", \` / ❑EMLR. ANY MODIFICATIONS TO THE PERMIT ARE REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED BY NCDEQ DEMLR AS ++++ }} a+a * ` t 100` MIN UNDISTURBED A PERMIT MODIFICATION. . }++ `1 I//+:* +++ + + + + + `` . VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TYP) . + a + + + + r \ { } 4 # i # + } + + _ \ i a + a + r + CORP._TT PACK&,GE COMPANY - . . +++++r + CCOPIEDRES?DENCE PIN:22e2D'3036c +++}++ o y,,195 FT +/- FROM PIT ZCfvED: CC)FIR. 11 I + ++++a++ CCUPIEDRESIDENCE - .I +.,+ +++ �, 284 FT +/- FROM PI T - - + r CCUPIED RESIDENCE 11, ++++ ++ r �; ;^>�'-.,..354 FT +/- FROM P!T - . ++++ + , 4r'3 oho , CCUPIED RESIDENCE + + Q - or,°,,o f60F7+/-FROM PIT +++ < a Q �z ' 1' y +++° s 3e.VC', 1 / CCUPlEDRESfDENGE f� ( + * I +++ CI11 . 624 FT +/- FROM Pr r - _ V t + + EXPANSION +*.*}*{ . , s/ r CCUPfED RESIDENCE s + + . + - 719 FF+/ FROMP?T -Ti +'+ AREA #4 + f+++ ' Q Q + + + CCUPfED RESIDENCE 1 +++ 59.9 AC +1- + 7 - 0 , + + arof"rii PRorrrPlr + + ++ !p 11 ,..,( u I + + q 1 ./ { + + + (� ". + } ♦ + + + + + + a + + + + z 0 i ,� - A ,� �.. \ + + + r i r a + { + r { r + + a + r ,n ;r, �021 / Q f (-, L,.g� r ) /f . + t y:, I Y /, . , ., 4 , U / +. + + U :+. + -` \ *+++ . _ + + CCUPfEDRESfGENCE, . i1 {+ SssFT+i FROM d BLUE LINE STREAM P + ;lam f Of f BL QUAD M ++ + + a i , / PER USGS QUAD MAP t +{ +*} �� o ' -, F I UGCUPlED RESIDENCE -- -..-- = �� / : + .. .\ }+ +++ ��� + + \ + + { N'x l o`mo N�z - 332FT+/-PROMPIr ., ;ram o- ...f;-_ i� . ".. / / - \, _ _ + + .'' _ .. + + ,�sf' Am ,1' ' ' m,,", a ON z IrrLCl2iI'll , .`` + U-- � -❑ ++ ++ -moo o -. nU , / + + + + '... ' . .. ' . ♦ + �U „�', n i Y a r, 5 if • LOFR, i 1 `,w - + + + + +++++s 1jc>PUa,. O :o v - , o y } ❑ N _. -,.r 7'lrV. LrJiir r -A,%u w ` i + / / * + u m G -J - z26n S, / \ >) - , O' ro a -t m 1 rr ., ::, N Z •N£ -°GSCEs. ,'--.- ..-.- r' -. ` ...I / \ ... / a r \ p p+ 'U ,�go� G \ C. z �i1 z w L;N r . „ LANp , ZrLg.. v ._.... -0 O i i ..- �. --. A D .ONMA�NY LL., CUly I •R , ..,' I F ,,, n : a,- F!N-12c_CO5 )31.fJ r'"j'i _NYU ' " : '� / /',/ / _ CCL'PrEDRE51DEr'tiCE zoN!:U:GC-ftR ZGn�EG:C`ct5s LkA,L�kTF,NiES , ICI . I #�r / _ '� �� tit �� + as s / ° r / cf p N , /. / + .{+ - .. - ..- '.'... ++++ 2v3F.T.+/_.F,RC!v1PIT '....... __.......__.. _-,..... - •R rrf.z --�.,�fy �. - + + + \. -1 _,WANETS LANDING ROA � -Rk . DNE -.. z-; 1 � \ + + i ; t + e ti . a.. - / \-- - .� +a f r.h. r;= z�-> --. I 3 n.� CCUPfED RLSIDEN�,'t Q; ; 'r 34 `� /, I. ti i +++ 2c64-079 . 31 REYES.�ALVAN RENE + + + + + - 7 #22F-T..lFRDMPIT PIN 2261L1 i ./ / /. / / ./ / ,' / / / / / +a+ + + \ o o v m '= - - _ 11 o Q i , ZONED. O-RR - FIN. 2261002r 1151 /O/ / / / f / r / ✓ / + + ... .. + r i tc' 4 -{ t ° o : ,j - t z L z z c v .. ZONED. C , / r , � a `i A O / e / + + - \'.'.: + + - a %�- I r , o z ,� z ti r, o -' v ' r ^ ? CC`DP?ED1ESID NCE--._. CCUPfED"RESIDENCE ? .. s R , � -'„ /// ZONED', GO RR : /' / r / - / / / / + \.' -. \.,., �' <, ! v. o m ro' . v- ,- a `". a s n o v . 7 ti o iU 7Y PARTNERS r , +fi ..ti{.� o"„ter �`�'%'r�i 0'y'" f oq"� .�.� -; 588FT</-TRUMAIf 572FT+/-FRO:NiPfT y.._.,,''`�,:.:,N_�t.�tx'�p9o92� 10 PA A H K I-ARTNERS LLC / .."' r /, / / / / ++r °.++ n `o� s x c>'v 7 _, z E o < �, o .a. `v .� .�.__�_ _.. _,.,...,..., r-_...._- -. __ -.r... -_ C�LUP?ED RESIDENCE r� °Osv+s,,z2yao _ Ft ,, PIN 226iC2565210 32 LACKEY RORY S ETUX HAUL ROAD TYP , , ' / ,' + + : 4 n "; �x,; z z \ ( / r + t \ \ ++++ ',6N?� ��� �`r ' t cr��sr •nNnr, / Nv.i 5Tf'FT_},'-FROMPII �N- -.- er95, 2O O�° LLBREND,rrrER '/ ZONED: CO -RR LACKEY YONG OK ' ....-- / ,/ / / r / - _ ., . , P _ _ + ... �, --I rn .o E -a v Y i>,: 618? .p;: r � o 2 USPIN. 22�IC2r929Z5 "� 7 // / ' l / ++++ .. .. - +{ + ✓ '` i A m r- I .L n r. '�'r n r-. . -,; i z.v ° I n ➢ ""'c- -ro f �`' _ _ t:JNr. 13: GO P. --'�, .,.,, PIN: _26100271010 ,� n , �' n ti v S , „ r, o' � 7 ' F F N \ 50 iEGETATIVE BERM (TYP PARKIN /',' / /' / \ ..\ -, ,,, m� : � �z ` o�;+A' -,� ;� �,ny o o"-, ,. y `g/� \ 11 NOBLES FFRNIE L ETALS ZONED'. GO -RR - , / ,/ r ✓ / -\ --. ,v `cwmi: + m 2:`2 $ " / H=8.4` W/ H.C. / / / I -- . r �.__. fi ._ -f 1 3 r, n, s f C o _,, ° I A � , yF' 1 p st, '/i' NOBLES MELODY R / / r -'� "''\ Y; i ! z z : O. �r /:.' .! � .✓ i, / / /' r /+ ++ '�� �� \ aI-,n 2 1 I nN_ can U`'Ps0 �!. v FlN:226�C0509827 33 BDSWELL13RENDATYNER SIDE SLOPES--3:1 (G SPACES} ", r /' / / , � - *+ j 11 ., r �� l;; 1; o"z� o � � y ,, �/ ,, .✓ r >`a G f ,/ / , / / sea+ -/ - - ._, f ? rn a 'A `s- yF - ZONEDi CO -RR PEN: 226200701130 ✓ s , , � �+'= _ . "n ! 'j . ,� 1 _ '! P s ,p :. C PIED !/D N L. � l 0 zeNED: cD-RR BOTTOM WIDTH=50' SCALE HOUS / , ++++ /.' ✓ / � �v ,, rI �Fr� � � / f/,/ / �/ / , + + } a ./�✓ �, 1 590FT+'l ROM P� > ,,: . 12 L:-".NDAVL=ROE FERNANDU A ETt1X , ,, , + + a } .,,/w ., C. OFFIC / LANDAVRDE NDHEMI A .: 34 OZORIA PURA BALLE '1 /r `� , // / / +++ . ': .. + + { + .( + + _. ,,./ V, .- ++}r}+++ + SECRE.TARY OF HOUSING` `. �� PIN:2262 0506922 PIN.226102606815 --- \ q T - , ZONED' CO -RR ZONED: GO -RR + + } + + + _- -- _ M1 O ;. / {+++ + + +++ /' / . f / ` / ♦ + //f �> ' + { + ..;P.,�...� �- 1'.' 'r' F, N: e.261t:2793"31 // / , +.` t + p /}{J R ,% �_ �_ ZCNEU: CO -RR 13 ,;ONES>`ATRINATAMIKO 35 COOKTHOMASLEEEIUX i.I ++ ++ / //// / r� �: ++a+++ " WETLANDS JYP) �``-�-.. , •l '✓ '' \ \ . PIN: 226C051602.2 GODK'vIELISSA CANTER + / _ �F y \ \ . +++ +++++ ++++++++++` + ,, PER BRUNSWICK SURVEYING INC., SUPPLY, NG� �/� '` ZONED', CO -RR PIN: 226102667709 � �� ++ ' - w _ ++' /' SEALED JULY 25, 1959 � .-, Y '1: I, ,, zoNED: co RR +++ / % ��� 0' STREAM BUFFER (TYP) \ y 14 ❑E LA CWZ - ,v - + .-. � + + - h4EJIAAL JANGRO 36 MiTCHELLC,ALVINJR +++ / e ++- +++ / FROM BANK OF CREEK DRE E , �; s' PIN:226100299465 hdETCriELLL,OLLEEN +++ +++ _ EXPANSION + `` GCUF'IEDRES+DcNC_ f ' / SLUE LINE STREAM (TYP) (55�Fr FRo;vlfii 'c PIN:226102665828 _ i` f ++++ : / ./ / ++/ --- +++ AREA #2 +++ 1�1 - _ - __ . t ZONED, CO -RR OCCL'P1LD RESIDENCE-� + / / .�- +++ - 1-, \ - - . zbtiFD: ca-RR' + + ;' + + + + PER USGS QUAD MAP . �1 258 FT +/- FRO:M PlT { + + /, j ++++++ .5J. �7 Ali +I-.,_,.,%'' / i 4 r' - \ ; ' I 15 DE LA Cl:Vz +� +'+ + + *++0` UNDISTIJRBEO BUFFER (TYP) l .. % \ r' MEJIA SALOMON i, , 37 FALSO VINCENT ETUX t-``'M11'I 17 / � - y� ' �+'++ FROM WETLANDS . - � 1 �'P '�.\ P1N:226190299334 FALSO . - ' / ' 4 + * PROP�SE:D. \ y y I .. °y"&`1 , '> , OCCUPIED RESIDENCE / a + + r r _ v f r,,F D- Pw: 2261oz6649a7 -- ''' / / + + AFFECTED AREA (TYP) ._" �:""*>, + °®, w'r! ��,�, �- v/� ZONED, C 219FT+/-FROMPiT i /.' + + + + + + r �'aG I y Ot CO-.RR CO-RR - - f1 ! ��]///'J), // �/y ++i._ +++a + - -e + ++++++ :. O_c y,4ti�, O >, _ ` / '� � 16 NCR'THVV 5T 1 ):"5 / / / /, / \` /++ ® / F \ U +++ G.9 AC LAND CoJ APANY LLC 38 SUPPLY GROUP INC. _ * ' , + + :,,a`-� ° s�'c + I I G _ //y' + + / -.' �. v /, � CCUPfED'2'L' NCE� PIN:226102673190 1 "> re -'tr ... d +++ /'' � +++ / ✓ +'+� �✓ - 1. - P 1011 FT+,!;FROM PIT PIN:221CO298164 td. CNL / C S�D,f1'Vlt - A ,! + �--' '� .'� '�. ZONED, f:a-RR ZONED: CO -RR plN.2'Ac4�Oj L j % ''' j/ / / /.r/ ' / / + / , i 1.++ �.W \.1 5'Lt�n �,, I' 1,.a _'.�. Y ++ OCCUPlEDRES?DENCE- i TU. < / / +++ } P�72 RtiUp, ; ' . llopv + , a i '�' s G 17 PEARCE DANNY L 39 'BILLINGS ROBERT ETUX 263 FT+/ -FROM PIT r -... CU-RR +++ ,.• ;' / / % f✓'' ° ,' '' I `ZUhF 1b2%sr, / E 0298023 BILLINGS LYNDAL / + - - - / ! + + o:a 6gc CCUPIEDRES?FJENL ` , 1 G4FT+/ FR01GIP1T ,- PIN :22619 _ ; `� .� +++ �/ • � ' ' / .� ,;r f' ,% � =� / � X1 .P IN d / EXCAVAT D / °.RR ZONED, CO -RR PIN: 226102674202 OCCUPIED RESIDENCE �� / / ✓ / '�. 256FT}/FRorrPIT ' ' ++ 4/1/ / / ' ' ' F'MP Y DV2S Y)? / AREA5UMP „ - -"-.-,- \1 - ZONED: CO -RR .- ; 1a + / . .' � ; ",✓ �:•� *EXCAVATED / �`\ 1�1 BENTON ALYC[A M - - .++ / - - 0 18 / r / , / / r' / / �� ++� ✓ 1, v I�i NANLr !tOU CTRCT 4 GCUf?SLD Rf-30D GE ��\ €2261CO207852 40 IiENRYFLOYD /i ✓ �'° RE S P / i % FN. , ✓ SEsusPTceM+.- 1055FT+-FRO:MP?,Y'' - DE R$E /'% i �/ /" N 2?61ozr51c� ZUNED: CC -RR PIN. 226102674sOw 100` UN STU ,/ � / / /" / / �� y F - °. ZONED: GO -RR 7 / / J / J i / ' i r v v zoNC[-- c° RR VEGETATIVE BUFFER TYF?" ,/ I E /' � 1 / N r ccuP1ED srDENCE + 10 LOPEZ f ALOMON DELA CRUZ E-F f l`-.- ++ / '_' (..' . / / I. ; r //1 /'' /.' / �, w .. __ ... ` 1053 PT - - LANDA MEJA 41 FALSO VUJCENT ETUX + + .-::.- '. EMPQRARY / .�`'' /` / / L fi rP i 3" / w SAU SS L5'S -h(E J E1 JK_.ry +/ FRQM P1T HERNANLEZYO vU; , a ✓ // , r R ASUMP / / /' `' r I / L6!0274cL s - C C r L,1 7). +++ .< ,. J - / ' �/ ' ✓' / //J1y '', 1 -lt +++ 1'v ,/ / ✓ / ✓ PIN: 2eo i627a'rg2 i' / . P[N:226190287T12 FALSO CCCUPfEpRE..rBLN.,E- Nr�c. IwES- { r '.'''. STQGKPILEAREA''7" �` / . // I PIN: 226102674429 25I FT +!- FROM M Y , ' ''!N-z. c:1;PgN, , + * + ' ' ' ZONED. CU R ZUNEU', CO -RR ! ; 1 ,' + / �M' � w r EXIS LNG Pl��.� , + cc„ + / / '/ ' ✓ +++ ( -___ �...�._ _._. C�urarEDaEsrDE`nIGE I ,r ZONED: co -RR ;: f .. zOu�o °pzaT,s3. ++++ fl, . AC . �� �- -�'� I . r \ -- -.... .�_ _ cU- , ,/, . �/ � ' / d' CAVATED� •' , 1 U64 FT +!- FROM PIT• ARELLAfJO NOEL GOMEZ OCCliPlED RESIOEN.,E R'3 +++ , ' i ✓ / 63 3 A I !'' /' J , '" '? v _ _ sE Or �'�76za12 - 20 i Xj Tp rCI?IL + - Ir / + + + / �' AR A }++ PIN: z�s z 4 P€N:226190266672 42 SPENCER OARRYLCIl 250FT+/-FfiUMf??T + �✓ ', -�' ,' / I 'IN d NEu. GO:. - R PIN 2261C2653303 ; - a r .y. - - .. / ; ,' / r / / ' / ''-� + r+++++ F. :'. '�. / / a + r / i. / / T MP RY -I 5O. /' / ++r+ r _.. ZONED: CUR f a + , ED:CO-RR TftEY61AC1NC f ,, - .'.'.. ..,. .. ' / 1 f s' I%. _W / - -- T ii 3 GCUAlEDRESIDENCE.' ZUN + r r / / // / + ++++ + 5^AITHL JLIK AAMJ 1 . fff 21 HINES WILLIE L JR ETUX �,N_ 22�1.1� `a'319 - }+} .. .:' .. / ✓ 1 - - .. ?. v- - -.. .-.. /..- ✓,' ; ,,/ / ;� / / 1 ✓`` y .✓Y �` +++++* ,/``�-yam---' SMI7H1^nLtIEH . t 11o1FT+/FROMPIT -:,fi . ZONED. cO RR ++ ,'`� ' /' >'° + + !'',N-2261C2idz732 ✓ .�'. RaaelriJ TYEscHA ra + + ' + - / I / . / / r r / PW:2261CO236541 + + / / 'G' ,,'1 ,,+` '' / / / / _ ,' / / + +++++ 30' VEGETATIVE BERM'(TYP) zctiEo.LURR _ - °� OCCUPIED RESIDENCE I, r` i° / _ - __ .-._.-. ry -- ? °. -' I ® ZONED', CD -RR 4 +++ ✓' _ '', j' ' / // �. / / �•' f + + + - H-8.4' 1. SLEVINS HENRY .I \ 241 FT,,' FROM P1T .,. ✓ � t!: i � " J � � � y i - / / SIDE SLOPES=3:1 • � EXCAVATED /i � / � 1 FIN.2>6M1^27a25A2 .r.-----oCGUP1EDRF5rDENCF f ' /� ;'' �' ® - zoNEU: GO RR I F 1204 FT+A FROM PIT I.:: / `> �. ARE SUMP PIT /, BOTTOM WIDTH=50' " lJ -- . f STREET' YARD (BLUE BANKS LOOP ROAD): GCCUPrLD PESfD�NCE ;% _� +++ � � / ' � r - I + y .. .. / / / i / / / W� FO'NERS BRb,N C ETUX /. 249Pr ! FRGMPIT. EXPANSION '' ' . w �' ,/ � -1''� � /� � '� � � / - EXP 1 - / P4JVEF2S Cr',THYL � - ++ .'tires - /' / >' ! ,/ - 20' WIDE - 1 CANOPY TREE OR 2 UNDERSTORY TREES PER 1U0 L.F. FRONTAGEll�_ - REQUIREMENT: +++ y/ �/ /'' o / I /i/+++ / \ AREA#I ��ROPOSED E.;- z°NED.coRR 1.!:..,. _..�: . 11 `. .. % ;' I + �, vCCUPIED RESIDENCE w AFFECTED AREA TYP GCCUPIED RES?UENCE a1 ++ - /.. , ,, / / /+ C +I- ( ) ..--'GAftC1:VJunN [,AEPi\fi Flux 1 I _ - ATION FOR 242FT+/-FRGMPIr + + / i ; + 4.2 A RC . PROVIDED: 20' WIDE - 2 CANOPY TREES (179 LF OF FRONTAGE) - EXISTING VEGET . , ! /; i ,�,�: s�RCI„KIn19ERLY I t22- . +' / / / /, "' PIN:2ze19273zaa2 �PiT REMAINDER OF FRONTAGE i J l 5 7 AC +! '--- Fn 1"] PLANT' LIST KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY PLANTING SIZE QN _ QUERCUS NIGRA WATER OAK 2 2" CAL. 110-15' HT. �},; //' _ -j' j41[/oS 0, _, 4 - "Q»� , 3� \o-;<. 360 00 � 0, rr' r/1z 4 ,��� ' '' o.� . ' i r-\ l + a', ; ` 8 , `�� 4 �. ��,. ',, ,,. , / 3`-_ . c�� ' 7 �1000 PT PERrMIT 42 <p �� /�� NOTICE BUFFER \ ;4,/:�, -% - / ,.. -_ - it 1 / 1 I ADJOINERS 'SOUTH' G / mr�re r. OCCUPIED RESIDENCE / - r:I,'R' „ ET r 1 .�+' + 227FT+/-FROMPfr; a a '� /. / // / .:' % ++ + + + + + + + 44}i /,.. , ,:¢ - .J % Y,lifir.E.1hR:LY2! €..,..-.._.. ' i + ,� / - y' + + +++ + a + + + + �.� ,y PL'J: 2261C'27823C7 __ - + �, / /'' + + + + + a CCOPIED RESfDF+VCE I 11+ + .. /.... / . ,/� �'' / ..°.'. "�'---y �-->-- ,d,- °y2j 2 r4 FT +/- FROM Pit r ,. ° i / �.. ., ./ , % % .. z M /J/ C + + . c .gyp + + .'.. ".. .. F. .' s' :'..., ../, :.::" �11r ., , -ll :�. 7 s Lr + ... / w \ / / / ! / .. I / y 0' UN STIIRBECa BUFER TYP w ,_._ \ Fo. °a F \ OCCUPIEDRESIDEfJCF. °r✓E.. ;<es + + PI /. .. ./.�., i / ,° i'- /. O I ( ) .c�a,YT -`.7 _ _ G. c 230 + + - /. , - :6 /.'... -..: - , ... .. .. ,./.. ./ , . �._.,r,_._._ y `✓ •✓ '✓ .r •r w :✓ •', .✓ a .d .d v `./ ° / S p -: +. ... MPrr o.RR + , :^/ ." .. ,. ; FROM MVETLAND`J �.. -� V << / ---- I O -„ EXPANSIC7N TEMP PAD / y f ,+v I a 3 ✓ _._-_ r v w r w ✓ v l F s C r \Q CCUPfED RE IL6VCE j. ++4 e .. I a •--- -v{r ' \-;' 1340 FT +/- FROM PIT ' !1/ STOCKPILE AREA_ f AREA #� ✓ -, T / . f, 1 +++ / -.. y- "y / , 1 v ,/ .rd ,r •r -w 'r ✓ / ,, •� ✓ �_v 1 _^•� z'' 15.7 AC I '. }} E .. '........ a C /'+ - - .. ✓_ _ . -, . ' 1 r ,i ;.g -y .•✓ -,.d 'w v✓ ,✓. r ^i d ':r i,` s\ r `-.'� ° ' `I p a } 16. Ali + - .-,( _�;. .y:. -.r 1. ✓ 7 •'" -i• F3 nFy 'C' � w ,•: - + r Q o ' � Fs .._ � ,.. f,. ., ..., - .'- .'. - ,�+,'.' t .y y r r `Y v v '.a .y ty ar .✓; w s, .i � . ,I I GGCUP?FD RESIDF.NGE .. zo ..f;,c. kFl.'v, � + r /. ... - ., /... .: ..,✓ . '- . .. ' -... .. .-. ... >' ... - ' - 'w � P � G ,r :yLc �7ey. CEL ... + + -.,t .. .. i.. ... ,, .. .. % '.:. z / j r - ' C 'UPfED RESIDENCE -T+/-F Cr.?PfT c •+s -/ ..►"" \ _ - '� 4 269 F R °. + %--'_....- ... .. .. ' ' ° - - �. , •✓ FAL50 VINCENT ETUX t + .. ++. . �..- -.',�, - . - . .- .: \ w ✓ .. 13s"6 FT-1- PIT. 7 . j + + ,,.. .. .., .. .. ,l. ...�"� ; ::. EALSG GILDA '. - / 1.j..'. I w " �5 + - -,..--�,._..._, •' - 4 PIN: 22ai 02678364 �` . r Q r + ,°',.. / -'. ., Y 4 E€ / : 1 Z°NED:CU-HR !`\ .:/ `,. .•>-: . _ 25 °� - OCCUPIED RESfDEfVCE %'..... + + / O I i ' r N f w: s 295rr !FROMPrr, / / / �� w EQUIPMENT �- XISTING LAYDQWN YARD (TYP} ° + + + ,.:^s: -- LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE {TYP) 1 /' ' . + ` f . +++++++++++ 73.4. AC +I- [ ' ! . ' - `1 �. + + + + u ++'++a. I I 11 11 ✓ w FEN . { + + OCCUPIED RESIDENCE : + + + ,s � a . g� CE (TYP) + '. + + + 11. ° +°+ + +++ ^\�\ � ! y w �' 352 FT +/- FROM P1I f + + + + + + + + + _ _ „ O p - - _ CHAIN LINK • .... + +++% ++++ + ++++++ ++,. _ y y -v r / , �, s + + _+ + I+ � ✓ Tp GaT� 4 (NO BARB WIRE ALLOWED + OCCUPIED RESIDENCE + + + + + 4S L! SEC 6 1 D 1 ) ;. 425 FT ,I FROM PIT ;` 27 : w . :. v „, .w 'I . I - y `DQ .g'T PER 4 + + OCCUA?EDRESIL'ENCE �•-- ✓ ' ' ' "' 669FT+/-FROM PIT / -✓ -r ✓ •b .1 w w .� \ , 1 s w OCCUPIED RF,51DENC fr , ✓ -.; "' �� ,\ 661 Fr+/-FRCMPfrr 11 . 29 ✓ w w / v v 'v�•', lA�� .. -d .� ✓ -./ '.✓ ✓ - / W � f C,cCUPfED RESfC7ENCE' -. - .. / .y 757 FT +/- FROM PIT ,..�.30 --w, -r --�-=a � j f 1 Q �- �.11 /- OCC(!P?ED RE,rDFNCF ' $SETT+/-FRUMPII' 31 0� / 100' MIN UNDISTURBE I 11 j VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TYP) OCCUPIED �ESIDEN'CE , 1006 FT +i FROM PI T /? I 11 . 11- ❑ !f _. : 11 !rh NM1Jf RO$r t "/v 4R°Jx nr4h'O I RALLARD SFKE . ZOry IC_,QT J4 ,�PSN?NER'C00774 HZONED:IN 'NiN8 I E ERR �� ZONcO,NW-RR PA v u P y v w r y ,. w w W W r w� b'T4ck .+ u e . a w ,y .y v v�" ✓ w ;:' . O' STREAM BUFFER (TYP) GATE I/1TG�R� SCALES + ZI ' + ✓ FROM BANK OF CREEK SITE ENTRANCE ,E w -� a . v ✓ w w v r' y ✓ w ✓ v BLUE BANKS LOOP ROAD WHEEL STOP (TYP) I s / PER SEC. 6.12.5 I + p%` w .-' . 11 y 11 y / `NST MILL BRANCH (TYP) 30' WIDE ACCESS ROAD (TYP) { `� 7W y �? w SCALE HOUSE �, w �\ w v w `; w' ," 500 SF � :� w ! a � �, � w , �„ ,; PARKING CALCULATIONS W1 H.G. RAMP ; 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE ; . a 1 I .. ,I �J ' • � "!! � �-- �1- REQUIRED: HANDICAP SPACE (TYP) 11 N 4 1 SPACE1300 SF OFFICE CQNGRETE SURFACE ` X 1000 SF = 4 SPACES 6 PARKING SPACES - 9'X18' MIN I I WETLANDS (TYP I PER BRUNSWICK SURVEYING INC., SUPPLY, NC SEALED JULY 25, 1999 .E PRIMO KA.DINGS U.C, BALLARD FRANK E SR I SPENCER 01%ENT i BLUE LINE STREAM (TYP PIN: 2251025C32i7 PIN: 22C3C93ir1oC'7 PiN', 22510C3C3732 PROPERTY BOUNDARY ZONED: CO RR ZCNEU: NW RR ZONED.- NW -RR PER SEC. 6.12.5 PROPOSED: INTERNAL HAUL ROADS (TYP) 1' OFFICE 6 SPACES 500 SF INSET "A„ TYPICAL SITE ENTRANCE & SCALE HOUSEIOFrICE W/PARKING SCALE: 1 "=100' I'm 250 0 250 500 750 Scale: 1" = 250' , ..,.,y / ,..., _.-,>';...•_. �, ,t ;t ' ' \ -. _" . _' j1 \ �,.4"'._... _ '` i,�i 1c : j _, /// r /•/ / 4 i` t 'k�__,i _ �� k � • � _ 7 , € I f , V E` ,- � , : : � i ! `. i '•,_ �'- ...... .__...., .. "''r /✓:✓i/ � v - ..,...... - �• i 'frr�i /l; €E E11\ .�' \1: 1� �\ .. .- i S /� "�' , ✓ ter`- �\ � �'.,. r I � ; , j W , f, / A l ) l N ' r " - L D 12 : t t ; , i f/ _..._ -DA # 4 07 i/ r IDA t O QYA t 1 t a , , .j 06 ' / 1 r ; , r' L r' , ! c= , , r 4 / 1 , , Il ! a / 1 i PIT ,0 EXPANSION r t : r , , AREA #4 , f f if f 59. 9 , y , �y , /j E , r• �.u., - 71 °• I r 44.4 AC , i , , I , S L / , : 1 E 1 , r !_ \ 122AC /- > / , " `� � , .- 1 _., ', , � i .yx v ,,_ ,, V � �'; - ,' +� € r / � W h- '.��,. ,✓r;'' tf r \ v STING f _..... ,. p •cam EXISTING PLANT 51TE f„ i , ♦ , " 5.5 AC iE 1i41ANET S iNC , LA " N \ � \ ,- 1 ! o ,._,. -� � : r � i ! •-.._.._ ,,' .' / , � �/ r / \ i �' ,, ��� `Q i' i , E � / ., /, � .. Jr �,i � j t f: f w , 1 , , 04 r j f r 2,1 AC ,. A A 1 a. A �`, \ / is r -� � � � ,... i i : ! ' 1 ,/�� .✓ ✓ s � .r r _ , � E a Er �. ,_ � ,, ,y ,. t \ ��; �, ..-...\. � � ,r ; l , f t � i� ; -�tiE .>� _.r/ j,r �'f' •/� i/J ! : , t t � a / / 1 ` �r \ � l / �' r :�— ✓ �i _� ,. �--... .t� �-'� ... './ _ 1'�r ,/ � i / f, y//. / i \ , i k, ,„f / /•/ t` E,.�t- i :� ` .' \ i i DA .jj / f l 7 .... _ `� __ - '' E - - ' t.. ... i / r ,.✓ d ..::.,/ -.r r � f_-^' ! E r sr l,'t r. ��� � - ,;;/ „// I } \ , 1 7 --, f ✓ ,r ! 7 ' , : 1 7(� .V QQ -t /� (/'-AL�� ._ /, ,.,\� .,. .. ,Y "" - /- .z., % rr rf 1 ' /V�,d . `.yam r/d -.r ,.". ✓� ''s, - \r +yl - 5.5'AC %: , t � � �,r'° \ ."__.v - ✓✓� ', f ?� t \\. _ /�, '✓ � 's / \ l `'/ i E\ 1 % /-, _ S \ 1 L . °s � , , : :E t j ° ♦ 1 � J f i ✓ .�,✓ , .,- ,. - -. - - �-. - � �``'�` J :,\' 1 r . \A,,-. ' E "ti " , PIT , , EXPANSION 7 7 AC AREA #� _ � A 2 ' 1 .- i � `, • , i I `� 1 , ; L. � i \ a ` \, .:,.,".' - ._,r r ' � t JJJ ` f . f f ''�' ' /�✓^ ? •� ; E D k#ll 0 r �.... - /// 4 ��s r� S ✓ter ! /// .// 1\.._,✓ t , S 1y/ AC 1 f a ° . I ,'✓ -. _.:.,_ � f �-.- �� l I \ -_-\ � �" z"'�._, - E ` ._ ,_ _.,, t ,F 'ti E � � l y �� j {' ��1 t { - .� ` � f ` f , d i,, 1• 1 r° , E / / 1 i \ i `:. ,�. f / - f f j j{ I r ` ,.�,... ♦ l � t _ i 1 -_ - / ��''� \1 - E i i a \ 1 `, � € ✓ `:L s , \ t J!) u �.. l.'.�3- :' <_ � .,; 1 t � ,, ,.,, _.� E �_�_ ...._:_ -."."_ - _.'-Y-- E _ \ ., '.. E I -. . 1 =t l ✓ e / / _ 1 I ,// / ! f € tf i � � ' ! �i w `'j,,:_ i \ / s � I. � ' , e',�' . / � ✓ � `; � � .-t kS ;1 ';::. �- f / / f � .�� ' '�`/ I d t r ` , { _. /: --" � s r , � z , 1 % - _ - VI ✓ y r � ; ii f -_ ,�_._.'_r_-.(-�1 C € -y j � { ✓ f 1 1j f i 7 EXISTING PIT _- �� � �\v`'� %� i ' 1 i ✓ Y� '''r ( f �1 � t 1 j � i i r / '•, } €I i AC, ' W ♦ / / r , PIT i f E / / EXPANSION AREA #14. �2 AC +1- i--� r t j ( / � � I E i � 1 � � sa`' � / E. � l %" y� � \ f �i {', � �• � E fj� � I I `� ��` � �� ; � j .. M, - l / � t E yt , 1 i E f i •r'.'-." , � 1 •i -� ``. ` , 1/ „i / f i �i ~�-�~ . -_" .i� % i�/' w�" , rdj� '✓„".,._ �-' w � '�\� ,r 1 / 'i ff� � ,f� I r i 1 rj 1JI ; , W - , PIT EXPANSION , �~ / E \ �: ! I l,,j � : _-,--''✓�' .d _ ; ✓ �".31 w j�,-v a v, �'4�'. % / /// � ,/ '�: rf= � i : AREA#3 / j......,_ e' l/ - � /' r / \ � \ ✓,i` i r �r / { '✓ i I /',r� ;ie 1 y v ,_ � v' =r s !'d s }�-.-�. � Y � f/� i r __�2C��%/' j' r` i : r, = `... - - ' ( - ., k v a f •✓ I `✓ ! -s ! `s/ v v !f" v \ . ./;� , tom, A #5 , r- 1 .t s .__ �,_....a / ., , r i i .,-., N�:�--�` _ i r/ � / / I f _ ... ._ — _ l -- r��"•.. / `J� ✓ t i I , 1 Ft i 10f AC +f- - —.11 1 ! --.E i ✓ \ r/ r ii t ..-. L '' iJ ,.i i/ �.`f..,- i. fit. a E 1 % /r ,r' �-,•� .-./ r - / t� _..... - ; , ®A # 00 - f ✓i 1 r ,, a {' f _.:., ,.., / /. ! j / 7 J`- � = i / / /. , , t r �� t , ✓ ! ✓ v a _ '✓ � ✓�'"•a �r/�/ 'V A--.... .._ A r ! %: � ..— '' -U r.;,�.. �-� ` 4 J' f e \ \ \ F �I v : , i , L ' tr is ✓ ff l r , _�--:r„';>- .✓ f -✓ _a: ✓ 1 w . -i // /� r/ }F i' i N` 1r , r Y f t t is -/ - ., ....,_ ; , ,. ......,-� � -.. � �. ... ,,. ,. , � , w «_ 'w- a .... ,.. Y .. _ v. ..:,, -_ e' ,&, r ....ry / r ✓ r f -✓ w ( ..,.._ ., / =fi � ..-ti � �Y ' ! i r , t / 1 ,y a� ` t t % f \ r -,. i � ,r. „ � � � r :• w ...r ... ". _".".. / �: � ,� w ,. �. w >r ✓ ,� > / , ✓ y ✓ ✓ r r _ ".. _.� � '� / r • �✓ / .1 .� , r , S f I ,; .. i t '� vE .i ✓ .,i ./, .� -.✓ -w .. rr ... v y-_,".�- v" r,..". .:,._. , �: ,� 'a`,,_ gym. � . _,,, - w � , ✓ .r i ' r / - `,. - � f r ` , � i , , \ � _ 1, .,.__...__ _._../ \ee,,,�` 1 —. _. -_.. ,.� ... •� �.°� "E , �, w ,. '1 € I j,! E � %, .' _."..,�,,. �. � '�`` 1 •.��. - i ... -, r' ;d .r ✓ ,-. ✓ v v ✓ w ✓ ✓ � v :� ....r ./ v Y w w f. -�.- ,Y ;� w r ,; b -y ,y ... 3 't".. i , .1 //� :. i.' C . 'E� i \ - \ ' , V y t � w > w �> , r ✓ ✓ ��1� I1 i". I'�// � �t i �. V v v r `d ,✓ , \ ✓\, 'v 'W 1 e , � v -'✓ y ,> ,y -� �-. , ✓ / /i ,i.,�-' J f % _. ,` �! / f ���t / / � \ �� i . 11 , r w : ..,K: «......,. • � -. i � y. . ,--' � �. - ... .� 1 �...-__ r l ,,,:,:., � ...., -, / j ." - y , �( ,t ` + ` � 1, 1' \ -\ Y , i r ,. / : i ......- n � � r ., . ., , / _„ ._. .....,° ,...: � .✓ /� r'_-_- _, ,, ' F � � \ i � `w �� �\ Z. t � � 1 ', a \r'` / - A tt /� _ j' , , i 0 � e r J -- , ` . , / i � � i ", , ...-- \ , ./ �, % ��•, \ "-".J - f , • ,,,' ., ._, � : �`,1\ - '`\.� a / ` —_ E..,._\ 1,st i ..'t ��i k , 1 a 1 �Z a t � r - ♦ �w t \Lx i _ : : ! , 1 : '�.} _„ C-. `, � 1"� i v -.. �� t ' j f f , �-`.,_-.., / „' � / ',/ O� • ,.�� 5 SZi �S� � \. { T E f }� ( 1 JS Y , y ° .,� `l 1 I l r t � / �r" .//'' ' V y, - V "a •s . }' � 3 � :� � i � r � � ' r E t: IN CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE MINING ACTIVITY PHASE 1 " LITY SECTION 910 796-7215. 1, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONTACT NCDEQ LAND QUA ( ) PLAN, i PER PLA 2, INSTALL SILT FENCE BELOW ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH SILT FENCE OUTLETS 3" COMPLETE EXCAVATION OF EXISTING PIT. BEGIN RECLAMATION OF PIT SLOPES A5 MATERIAL IS REMOVED FROM EAST TO WEST. 4. INSTALL PERMANENT BERMS AROUND PIT EXPANSION AREA. 5. ONCE BERMS ARE COMPLETE AROUND PIT AND ARE STABILIZED AND SEEDED. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE UNTIL THIS ACHIEVED. REMOVE TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASINS ONCE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IS ACHIEVED TO THE PIT. MAINTAIN ALL DOWNSTREAM DIVERSIONS AND SILT FENCE UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. IS. EXCAVATE EXPANSION AREA 41. 7. INSTALL SKIMMER BASIN #6. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL BASINS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. 8. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS 910 & 11" STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL DIVERSIONS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL TEMPORARY/PERMANENT LINING, AND GOOD GROUND COVER ON FILL SLOPES IS ESTABLISHED. " r , r / r r z - , / J \ `:QUTLET"J'Rf)�VN l STONEfd 'CLASSfa'R1F'/,RAP`, / + Q PROPOSED BASIN TABLE i. I BASIN ID TOP WEIR BOTTOM POOL TOP WEIR BOTTOM VOLUME VOLUME WEIR WEIR WIER RISER BARREL RISEII SKIMMER SKIMMER BAFFLES DIM DIM DIM DEPTH EL: EL. EL. EL. E REQUIRED REQUIRED PROPOSED LENGTH DEPTH LINING SIZE SIZE BASE ORIFICE SIZE SB#1 18DIM 177X3S4 147x324 5 4$.. 41.0 275715 CIF NO OUTLET NO DISCHARGE SKB#2 84x156 72X144 54x126 3 48.0 46.0 43.0 17640 CIF 25758 CIF 10.0 2.0 CLASS A NA NA NA 4" 1.8" i 3 SKB#3 75x138 63X126 45x10$ 3 47.0 45.0 42,0 13320 CIF19197 CIF1D,0 2.0 CLASS A NA NA NA 4" 1.6" 3 SKB#4 84x156 72X144 54x126 3 56.0 54.0 51.0 17280 CIF 2575$ CIF 10,0 2.0 CLASS A NA NA NA 4" 1.8" � 3 SKB#5 85x158 73X146 Si 3 56.0 54.0 51.0 18000 CIF 26547 CIF 15.0 2.0 CLASS A NA NA NA 4" 1.9" 3 SKB#E 76x140 64X128 46x110 3 42.0 40.0 37.0 13860 CIF 19878 CIF 10.0 2.0 CLASS A NA NA NA 4" 1.6.1 3 SB - SEDIMENT BASIN SKD - 3K1MIiAE'R BASIN STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY " EMERGENCY SPILLWAY TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN CUT ONLY ' PROPOSED DIVERSION TABLE 9. INSTALL PERMANENT BERMS AROUND PIT EXPANSION AREA. � � - + 10. ONCE BERMS ARE COMPLETE AROUND PIT AND ARE STABILIZED AND SEEDED- MAINTAIN SILT FENCE UNTIL THIS ACHIEVED. REMOVE `--- rl. f' +` MER"GENCY ` '�, �� TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASINS ONCE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IS ACHIEVED TO THE PIT. MAINTAIN ALL ' 'w / i i«*� P) ' °+*+ !NG - - ��., SPILLWAY (TY ++++ \ \.g 0 % L© E SLOP CHANNEL 0 FT STRAW WIRNETT IN PERMANENT j \ CHANNEL ID CHANNEL -SLOPE PE -SIDE ES CH DEPTH G LINING DEPTH DOWNSTREAM DIVERSIONS AND SILT FENCE UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. ..,.- "` '' \ / / :•++ BAFFLE (TYP,) +*++ � ; "0 °/ _ TD#1 3 � l' / } -� "- � f �} } € E',. TD#2 1 ° 3'1 2 0 FT NAG P300 VEG BERMUDAGRASS I r l ++ l � .� + ++a+ + E'° TD#3 3.0 % 3:1 2.0 FT NAG P300 VEG BERMUDAGRASS 11. EXCAVATE EXPANSION AREA #2. i //+ � j 14B'�S'4 TYP) . ` �.. I � ` + + + a !` l �\ r. 12. REMOVE STOCKPILE MATERIAL IN STOCKPILE AREAS #1 $r #2 EXCAVATE MATERIAL IN THOSE AREAS. \ _._, *,« j� � �• � � : 'r'+++++* �\ TD#4 1.O % 3:1 2.0 FT STRAW W! NETTING BERMUDAGRASS - 13. INSTALL SILT FENCE PER PLAN BELOW ALL PERMANENT/TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND BASINITRAPS WI SILT FENCE OUTLETS IN LOW \ r ! +*. ' r `. '� r r TD#5 1.0 % 3A 2.0 FT STRAW 0 NETTING BERMUDAGRASS ,.", � ,• , + '' ,� �� \,v �++*+*+*+ � E� � �� � '' TD#6 3A % 3:1 2.0 FT STRAW Wl NETTING BERMUDAGRASS - AREAS PER PLAN. � r +,1/ ^W + 14. INSTALL SEDIMENTISKIMMER BASINS #1 8� 2. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL '" +++ < � � � k C� «+'+ + + '�. TD#7 1.0 % 3:1 2.0 FT STRAW Wl NETTING BERMUDAGRASS ...-- : / � �� dl+ + TD#S 1.D /° 3:1 2-0 FT STRAW Wl NETTING BERMUDAGRASS BASINS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. * �-- ' � � s i `' '1 `' � _-'"- � + * * + � \ - 15. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS #1,2,3 &4. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL "r r J / +++" ! ) '' + «++* ' l j TD#9 1.6 °/u 3:1 2.0 FT STRAW WI NETTING BERMUDAGRASS / /�� i TD#10 1.5 % 3:1 2.D FT STRAW Wf NETTING BERMUDAGRASS DIVERSIONS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL TEMPORARY/PERMANENT LINING, AND GOOD /,-�`JJ"� ✓ ;:, +'+ TD #7 �"" �' ? ' � �� _ r « + +; - - � + a , � � � * +r + TD#11 0 5 °1° 3"1 2 f1 FT STRAW UJ/ NETTING BERMUDAGRASS r GROUND COVER ON FILL SLOPES IS ESTABLISHED. j ,, .... ! + r / r I l � I ``: `� ;y , ��+ +�€*« ' TD#12 1.5 % 3:1 2.(} FT STRAW WI NETTING BERMUDAGRASS - 16. USE AREA #3 FOR STOCKPILES WHEN COMPLETING EXISTING PIT. CLEAR ONLY AS NECESSARY FOR STOCKPILE AREA AND BASINS. 'r � f �'��� f ? - `� '- '"" �"` �` f 17. INSTALL SKIMMER BASINS #5. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL BASINS. l /' }*+*+ � �/1'��1, r j�° '. 14' � /''� '�, ''. �'� � ;+� j'" f f INSTALL CHECK DAMS IN CHANNELS WITH STRAW W! NETTING MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. r 1'/ r f� +*. %!f, ✓ , ' ;++ ` ,✓` i i(3)iB€1FFLE�3 (TYP'r` r' f ,I � ,..J ,• J! },'} _-.. --- f, 18. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS #8 & 9. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL � DIVERSIONS: MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL TEMPORARY/PERMANENT LINING, AND GOOD ! ,' ! ,+, \ \ � \ � � / f r \ f ' i / i� � t � ' + � � -_.... J , 3., .., ):B #3 (TYP) � , GROUND COVER ON FILL SLOPES IS ESTABLISHED. ' E � +++ � ?' �IT \. � ` } 7 ,,/ ( - TD,� *+fd+ + / J! '` %/ I' ; 19. INSTALL PERMANENT BERMS AROUND PIT EXPANSION AREA. Q" +'+ ? EXPANSION \ `' � � } � ` f !-'-'-� F MAINTAIN SILT FENCE UNTIL THIS ACHIEVED. REMOVE `�++� ; �, t ,, 4 � t ! / (31 HArrFL1:S':�3;�P 20. ONCE BERMS ARE COMPLETE AROUND PIT AND ARE STABILIZED AND SEEDED. MAI TA O, F AREA �4 .s., TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASINS ONCE POSITIVE DRAINA�iE IS ACHIEVED TO THE PIT. MAINTAIN ALL � -� r 59.9 AC +I- € �, �. �-\ `a ' �� ;` , �`P�L�.WR`( (TYP) / J - ++*'+ KIP�iMER EA DIVERSIONS AND SILT FENCE UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. + , l" 'TO /' DOWNSTREAM i O�� +++ i � I l i� SKIMMER__ r/ i ++< UTL�ET PROTECT{O�! « r + ✓ i 21. EXCAVATE EXPANSION AREA #3. �O',G +++` ;` \, - ,'.. , :�'. '/ ` // /'• __ �a=7.5' , , r W 3 PHASE 2 + + . ... � � � r ,., * + ,+ .�_- `• I< ,, � P,;. S"TONE f� = C�A$S A RIP RAC' Q ` STOCKPILE AREA #3 i '/ +J / « + + +„r « + + _ //.,/ SILT FENCE PER PLAN BELOW PERMANENT/TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND BASIN/TRAPS W/SILT FENCE OUTLETS IN LOW Q)- *,* " ;1, ,.' =:I �'� ' l +#+ f ' ' , '`; + + # a }. *}.. +„' + � j %; f �,,•'/,, , 1. INSTALL ca , 1 ✓, / i ''s;' I/ Qy'/ � ,: K r" ..''` AREAS PER PLAN. _...._ �C1'_.,,,_ +* ! .,. ,_ ...._,. -._.__ � "i ' CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL BASINS. ,..,f" ' `; ; ! / �' ; ++> 2. INSTALL SEDIMENT BASIN #3 � 4. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY * * ` MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. } � `, STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL + , �''.. ~;, , .. .. . � ; ; .:: ' � , + +, r E' ! r 3. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS #5,6,7 & 12. STAB �<.. - . ; rE I � � < # :+1+ , •,. , , , . � - MPORARYiPERMANENT LINING, AND GOOD , , \ NS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL TE r + + « +, � -'. l' - ,:".,. � , E • } , ,4 �, +, \,,°,, -�. •, ! \ � ;' f ;, I / ! ' { l• ! " .' t ;-' � DIVERSIO EXISTING ♦ + r` # \, I,Af`;E %/ f F ESTABLISHED. I GROUND COVER ON FILL SLOPES IS S } , , _. . _ PLANT SITE + , t \ ` ,, + + _ }, '\ `\ �i T BERMS AROUND PI a ' , + «� ' } 4. INSTALL PERMANENT T ; : J '_..-.,._. w 1` 3' r / , \ i0 �.,�? Aili !- ,% + ., -.. .., f... � 1 , r :, ' ; E � r f f # �....__ ONCE BERMS ARE COMPLETE AROUND PIT AND ARE STABILIZED AND SEEDED. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE UNTIL THIS ACHIEVED. REMOVE , - � - � � °, `, ', + � 'OUT• '�PRf3TEC,T(O #2 E P RARY DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASINS ONCE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IS ACHIEVED TO THE PIT. MAINTAIN ALL • *+*}*+ , � . � .. '.'."�",. "'��"''- � � _ ' `'; } �, + « / / �' � �, 1 ` � - + - - /' UlIA1VET S. _ I DOWNSTREAM DIVERSIONS AND SILT FENCE UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLIaHED. � "�, � � � ' �" � � ' , 7\ 6. EXCAVATE EXPANSION AREA #4. ' ;i �' RO / AD ! % i r TD 2 3r / ALL PHASES '� «+r ....� E / +,t#+ _.. X ! ,/ ;_.-.-\ a E.- t` � ' r' / �'- _'.�"�-...... ✓ l'1 E " j, .`;% / • + . � '.. �".'- . i ! OTD #4 + + ,TO�E ,'�= �tASS,A RIP'RAP ,� -.. _._, _..... _- _ ...._.,..-.-.__ s li i'�ra': . "�✓, �// ter' � � f O REMOVE ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ✓ r + a ;;j ....,,..... r r � / + : ;=". ,' J � � ! E.., /' , .,.i/ ///,, -,,,,: � ,� �„ �/ i t ' •"" ' 1. ONCE GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED AND NO RUTTING OF SLOPES IS OCCUf�RING -/� � ;EMERGENCY / % /' �"` -r-- �-'3.. /^ /l /'.,,'��!'l/ .;, .• fr✓ i WHILE MAINTAINING SILT FENCE ON DOWNSTREAM SID1=. f�.-._-_ . + i ! , !;; ,.-.1.-, --'r ,✓-__�.. `r . ,- 4 l% .. ".. � , SPILLWAY (TYP / !✓ �� ,/ -..._ '` / _ ' : I // w � r' _ AND REMOVAL WITH SILT BAG PER DETAIL, !F NEED + + � � 2. DEWATER ALL SEDIMENT BASINS AND SKIMMER BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE` '- / "'. + _ : _ r S KI IdIM E R ✓ , i' l ' of _.., , E AFTER MAJOR RAIN EVENTS. - • 3. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE SAFF 'EST / ITHIN 7 WORKING DAYS OR 14 CALENDAR DAYS. K WILL NOT RECOMMENCE vV 4. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS IN WHICH WORK , } � � , ..,�✓ � -•---°�-^-"." �. -, ! �� ;rf; ; ,. �,�, i AVATION PIT, � NATION AREA IS EXPANDED POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO BE MAINTAINED TO EXC + + ' 5. A5 EXCAVATION s + ' ;` a# t - �!� , a 'f' f �✓ d r � �✓ _ / 6. TEMPORARY SEED AREAS THAT WILL BE DENUDED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE. / - `� + + r ✓ w , SKB'#2 (TYP + 7. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WEEKLY AND AFTER MAJOR STORM EVENT-5. b �'" . :.. +,+� / / ;- MERG NOY E �..� f /,_,.._ �� �� ✓ `� /r� + , : + + + _"SPILLW 8. CALL NCDEQ LAND QUALITY SECTION FOR INSPECTION (910) 796-7215. f ++} +' '+*+++ f + , ...' ' ' ✓� + , _ . + + . + + _.., \, � ✓ --\ _rv_.__ -.. ✓ / � + / ,r ;,I + ++++ ✓ ( i i f :' /� a++zs f ,i� JTD � " i/,� + + # + ra+ "^ --/'' ;'+� � ��+*+��(LET P T�C3IGN#5 DISTURBED AREAS i ++;+ +;+ °,, � X. SEDIMENTPOiJ ��, + + SEDIMENT OND` !' ,+� f � ++++ ��+ � • ✓Vlf. S. -_ v �� ' \� \ \ ti' "�� / + } r PH OUT''ETPIPE' ��++� r ' +}* d= ��` TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS 2.5 AC�`�` - +'+ WASH PLANT `. �,." 3 � `} � - .,�+ � � + + + EXPANSION ,*<° \'d / �, +b4+ OUTLET PIPE I f � � r +"++� +a.r+ 1 ++ a .\ Uf�E Off- �LASS.A RIP F2A�""`_.._.,` ' I , € < (INalGE OF ULTIMATE PIT) � - � i + , 40 «#+;+ I � .!�� �.... � AREA �� ._ .. i 5.V C EX WAS '� STOCKPILES i } B #6 TYP / / ( � -.. � +}* PLANTISCREEN ��,. .+ `.. }} \ TC� # r+ + + � 4 rj'�/r INSIDE OF ULTIMATE PIT) '� � i '`"t*� �, « II ff '.. + S � S i + + rr°a°`r ' '. a. + + ,_.... 4 , i i f _.,.. % 'rIj i (ti ' / ✓ ,F' r, w .N INTERNAL. DRAINAGE - 149.5,AC _ � _� + W�f ���° $ x , WASTEPILES 0.0 AC AINAGE= 28.2•AC ' - - , - , EXTERNAL DID ;*+ � , �,� � � i + \� _- � .� � - + � � E,i 1 � ;+4, } � 14 � � ,��" � , ,4 . i ,. r" FCOW;OIRECTIOI�I--�----; � � /"� - � a' h r r . '. .� * QxiTD#'E 10_D PROCESSING AREA/HAUL ROADS 5,5 AC PIT su�P #4 + / tu � \ PIT SUMP #1 ' ! co MINE EXCAVATION 130.4AC* r _.�.- ..-_ ++. ,moo . ,,.,,. � � .� J r ! � % 1� I �.+' Ste/ _��`\ + � E 4 � +�+ r � j ,-!� ,. � !r ',�j / %I {,r 'ti' I � .. ✓ � fi _� �....,E. �li�lll �` i � - f � '..- � i ./ PkT U Y' # ,J \ 1 � - r �: i EXCAVATION 22.7 AC � '� w r / � � �' i �' t . OTHER M 1 SC � �., / ; `� ; 1 � -- � }+; � � �, ' � + r a , BERMS DIVERSIONS, ETC. + r �- � �' EXIS j,� �` i ��' � ;`' : � I :I;I , • ( f ) 1 ,%- + r - , : ; -� -, - iING PI�',a R � I' + SUMP # �� ARr X STOCKPILE , � TD # 101 5/ - / / PIT" TOTAL DISTURBED AREA 177.7 AC J � ;: ,- , +,++ JI ,=e l� _ i;� y + r r a 'i( r t N AREA -149.5 AC - TOTAL MINE' EXCA VT14 AREAS BONDED AS HIGHER BOND AMOUNT E. �� , ` � ! �.%� �r \ ��. 1 � � ' \ € ; � I� I 1 � �• ` I �'� ys � , ; y fy; IPIT SUMP'r#3 �' � � 1�y} {' f /J % / / /'/ ,� + raa{ , � / 3 f �, , f' r f r � �� \\ r,, •` � ��,� `. i-IT E ; + ll 1i , LEGEND q � + ' _ (! j V a++ l � � � 4 '� �fs j / / � / % -'' � -+4�b� !J� EXPANSION f � � / ! I, I 3 AREA#1 1 � � I �. C PROPERTY r� a++ "� � � - � � i 1i3ErI �- i r ,✓ �J,+�"'�J� � �� +st+'* Y 7r ' �✓ `i 4.Lk AC �'1- } /ts. � � 5. v � � f� �I�. �. r - + r I�;�� f` / �.'E` � r / ,' + �� ; ,/r' ';, �-,� i r / ✓ ,/ � t € f -I js PERMIT BOUNDARY ;; ,'.:,��'!i` , r� ,�v� ) , � E 1 //J r - t � tt � 1 ` r - X. STOCKPIL � � ! , : f � + + '++,.., + + ,=z ! �''" \. ,.,r' + + �i r -,... , _E AREA #2 t `, � # +'+ " +°+ + + + � +/.� . !� �-_-. � , 3' r 1 / WETLAND � + l } J/ ,., - c 1 r r j i -:f _ /- i , - �.......l', \ ' l / / / w / � } ' f�r' ..✓ If PROPOSED PIT i. .. 3 , , '.-.. a. .-. .. ... ... ...'... ! / ,_ 1 ... ..' •., •. •..,.... .. .. d a , j/v''�v w ., �i _ �✓ �iJ o\ I i%; �. a /'1 - + PIT , ..✓ - -.:. ! E .' r / � I� l'� - 4' u( r, v: ._ + r + + <. �..i f f -^�'.-.,.-:ter~//':. / r` ,•,,,' ! ! �./„ SUFFER EXPANSION r , r AREA #3 ,y .� ♦ 1 v Y� y � PLANT SITE ,; w ,, :.'. ..":,_ .. ,,. ' "; ," r' � r �� � >' ! � , 1, 1 / -',�. , + r ,. Jf , J / :AFFECTE®AREA + + KB #5(TYP � ...._. .__ __-- .,_. _ :r---• ; I � ---1- -- - ; ,„, '"- � \ �; v � r, r , _^ _" _.... -. ., \ � '; `" � -._ i -/- �- j : CREEK 1 ---_ _ TD w BERM t .� � � � r + + / % I '4,. , �....- r_� / _ �' r: �, E� r 1 i '`«""";-.-• ., / /' � ._.. ,�.----. e�`'' � 'f r /`_-r�� �� \ i J. - ._.l _ ,. . + ._.; ,/ __-' .. - --�_-- `, #, + r ,.,,. !✓ ! -' � / .. �-- .,-_ ._- . -_% t _.,% //. � V`• '✓��}r ' ? � r - 1 / V� /� , .r ...... f v I \ I o- 1 _.,-_ � ,. _...,._.. __. ,.. -. __. 3) BAFFL�S (TYP) / ,� _ ' / • •-' -- MER�ENCY _ J SPILLWAY TYP ! _ ✓ ;' l TOP OF BERM ` "- �^ ..� SKIMMER �� �.,-_ .... - ...... �.��'`�... , . ' �%r � % PUMPING SEQUENCEI ,, 4 �"^ \�"� �� w i ✓ ��' ✓ ,,/�w ✓ � / r1 / , % , r , -:. w. ,'� � �✓ > ✓ �, OUTLETPR{3TTEETit1N#5::./'� J'f ✓ ✓ � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ r i SEDIMENT BASIN � l / j . -, _ .._._._ l f r� ,✓ ✓ WIER _ BAFFLES ,,-,- ,, , ._. �, .,.,-_. �-, �,_ _ _-' � .:�._-~•^%✓ <� °' � ! ✓ r' � ^/�✓ � ;% � 1. ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL 15 BEING REMOVED FROM A DRY PIT SECTION THAT IS COFFER DAMMED FROM THE REMAINDER OF ; r,;/ 1:_� (� kt-/ w,/ ✓ ✓ \� - __ _^ __ �_.. ' � "r ! ��; - 'i �' , � - EXCAVATED PIT AREA. I. � � .�. .:1 r v � '. 'r ✓ ✓ '✓ w; w._.._�-..�_,' ,, 'a �� � ��w y, � w,/ / � .,. ! _._.' _.. 2. DRY PIT AREAS ARE PUMPED INTO PIT SUMP #1 OR 2. • ° � : ' "- -. -: ��--� ,' . ,., TONE.-0= to A„R _��_-... ��, - / f �-- ,,�,'` } (} : } vE „` ', `\ ✓ I ✓�-'-_ v -__ �- - ��� ✓ ._ �J , ✓` _ �,..-. ;✓ w -' ✓ ✓ r 3. PIT SOMA #1 !S USED FOR WASHING OF MATERIAL AND ON DUST SUPPRESSION. THE SUMP 1S ALSO CONNECTED 50 THAT IT CAN i ROCK CHECK DAMS ;,'' i � ' ' �, � I , :`, -�_ `, ✓ '' � .w :;/ ,.�! ,,' � ✓ ��✓ - v � ✓ � ! � , , 'I - -..-.. 1 % : v "v i :„ v ,✓ ,✓i ., .,s i ;/ ✓ -�` v"; ,.. ✓ `w ✓ i 4, PIT SUMP 1 FROM D WASH PLANTS CONNECTED IN A PIPE THAT DISCHARGES ORA THEE SEDIMENT POND. (TO SETTLE OUT SILT FENCE SF / ' I `` � ✓ \ „ -_ ,� ✓ •`.: __-.,, � ,�.-_ -�,%! MATERIAL IN WATER) �'� I.,,." ` � j" ,` �✓ •" �� S. ONCE THE WATER ELEVATION REACHES THE OUTLET PIPE THE CLEAN WATER FLOWS IN THE TEMPORARY DIVERSION #100 TO SUMP # 4 r ,I / ,-- WHICH 15 ALSO CONNECTED TO THE REMAINDER OF EXCAVATED PIT ARE TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH 6. NO PIT WATER IS DISCHARGED FROM THE PIT DURING EXCAVATION AND WASHING OF MATERIAL ALL WATER IS RECYCLED. / r ,, ,-n _ 1 ,. __.,: � - / €" - . / ,.., � -- ;.✓� \ �"'-rY 7- THEORY PIT AREAS ARE ONLY DRY FOR THE PERIOD OF TIME IT TAKES TO EXCAVATE THE MATERIAL. ( \ ✓ � f / / ._ 7. ONCE THE DRY PIT AREA HAS BEEN EXCAVATED TO THE MAXIMUM DEFT 5 F HE PUMP IS REMOVED AND THE COFFER DAM IS - � ,•// ;i � ' , I „-_ ,'-:. •',., I _ \ r'.r - �.--� r- ' �'.:,-�� ' ' % - EXCAVATED TO ALLOW THE GROUND WATER TO FLOW INTO THAT AREA, 3 OUTLET PROTECTION � _.. � �'� ; / ;� r° ; a. � ; ;> � °" ,'. � `� _.^. ._ ,�. _�/% _ : �- ^ . ! - � _. �` THE SUMP AREAS WILL CONNECT TO MAKE ONE LARGE LAKE AS THE MATERIAL IS REMOVED FROM THE SITE. k � r• J-HOOK WI SILT FENCE NUTLET � �' • __ fi250 0 250 500 750 SILT FENCE OUTLET ! Scale; 1" e NOTES. 1. EXISTING TOPO IS STATE LIDAR FROM BRUNSWICK COUNTY GIS DATA. 2. BOUNDARY SURVEY PER PLAT PREPARED BY BRUNSWICK SURVEYING INC., SUPPLY, NO SEALED JULY 25, 1999 3. STREAM AND WETLAND LOCATIONS BASED ON USGS MAPPING AND PER PLA ('PREPARED BY BRUNSWICK SURVEYING INC., SUPPLY, NC SEALED JULY 25, 1999 - 4. A5 PAW OF THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO BOND THE RECLAMATION OF THE AFFECTED AREA OF PROJECT BASED ON THE STATE MINING PROGRAM REQUIRED AMOUNTS 5. TOPSOIL STOCKPILE MATERIAL SHALL BE USED TO PROVIDE FERTILE SOIL DURING RECLAMATION TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT GROUND COVER. UNUSED TOPSOIL MATERIAL IN THE STOCKPILE AREAS SHALL BE REGRADED PER DETAIL TO PROVIDE STABLE SLOPES. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AND SEEDED: 4 BERM 4 1 (� r /i�✓✓�/ll � �r �1 / ,,... ,/ --„ 1 t i/! /; ..✓ / �/' '^ \ �,: ; /i"~ -.. .. . // / , ; i, f ✓/,/.r -� ;. ,/ ^ �i t 'rr i �� r ! /' t \_ r % / / r ,. -.. .,-..,,,,' •'' � t \ : - .. "' ,- t` � I E ,-'`f 'I • � it ,S } i - - gi'r \ \`•, i �'" �r , r \� r„— - .._ / i ,.^% ,> % ! z� L , t ^ f 'r, 1' , r / 1 � u � t / 0.. .... .. .. .. .. - X + + � ♦ a 1. J � -'M. // r e 1 ! ,.,^.. ; I _I / ^ , + a + a + + , ,e \ I r +++ E ? � REMOVED + fI DURNG t / i 'iMINING.ACTiVIT1ESue WATER LEVEL (APPROX.) v tr .; w� :. . ,... NOTES. _.. ; .. +-r": .\ / TOPSOILIOVERBURDEN _ �,�� E .! _✓ .. � + r .. .. + F: r..., V ER LINE + . - *+ + + + _ :. 3.1 MAX SLOPE ABOVE WATER E ^ �- ++ 3.1 MAX SLOPE BELOW WATER LINE AT MIN 20 S # '/,//'/////// .,. Ji// / �} POSIT ' //////,r;•/////////�.}� F10RT. AND 10 VERTICAL DISTANCE +++ REMOVED DURING M1NlNO. ACTIVITIES ALL DENUDED AREAS ABOVE WATER LINE TO j BE VEGETATED , �/ // /• ,-/ : // //i,,// /// // /�°, /// , � + + REMOVED DURLNG .' , / 1 t r/: '.� ; /// /////•. /// /////,, . �.\ ! h11N,ING, ACTIVITIEIleS. f•� 4 a, 4 + E�` � }+rs - ... ..... - ...... .. ...... .. .. ... .. .. •++ + + + +t+} +. *a+yt�+r+++,+++++++ ± ♦ + r 1 V TS � + + .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. + r .KJs„� F a _ I + + ALL TEMPORARY DIVERSION +: t°�+` ✓ E : � f f, TO BE REMOVED + + . *, + / • ^ �.Q R 1 i lr 1 4 ,I .+ S 7 , t BUILDINGS rx SCALE ' / '. ,++++a� REMOVED *+* BE REMOVED ,�i ,' / r + +++ 1: �� ^ r �� Ev;a� i,_ `v TQ J , / , , ,, , � + + MINING ACTIVITIES. f y..« � `v •- y-� � ` � � � i � ! y /y J ENTRANCE WIT #` i / /,' /r', a++ ��� yi • � F i' � / � ^ � \ �%% i f � E � // ; {}r. r/ r ^ 3 • � -i � GATE /',' / r',' /�f✓ ++++++ .. .. .. .. .. .� +++..} : � / , i... ( `! � '_.___-_^..... - - � �, ' . ^.^ /.^, ^^--- ✓• 1 r ' J !kq .',, . , // j J f ff \ / a , / ,/ / `� - - - + i /// , psi � % ... j .. / , \\ � `�-•. ^ .. � __.. 3 i 1 � irj/ Y / '\ / �, r• S i :'� S TO REMAIN +aa + + / NETS- LA . D , / ACCESS ROA or I i , / , / / , + + .. .. ...... .. ... . . .. „ ice � � ��:,. t ` . . - .�._ ___..-'1";�,,,.�' I 1 / �� ✓ ,/ ' TO REMAIN ,r / , ,, //.. +': Y / / !' ✓ / ,/ r / ,/ '' *a+ .. .. .. ..I. .. ... .. C'j i # .� .. �:9�-i' '�� —' - ✓ ; ) j ✓ _..._ ,^,,.^ ._. � `\- ; 1f .i -a .,i `r 4 STRAND BARBS , ✓ _ _ __ , ,/ / , ,/ + + REMOVED < , - _._ - - WIRE FENCE (TYP) / /' � + � '—w-- `�._�`� � � ✓- / + + MINING ACTIVITIES � *+� ��/ [ ._•::�� � _ -. _.,.. ;%%� WARNING SIGNS J{i / / , / , / + �,.. .. a P r� ,fit.-.='"-` � _.._ -.- ;'r% •r!• /'! ... %/i" F- / � r ALONG FENCE r , ,r • r ,'� ✓ / + + r r PIT Ai,GE55 T ', r , ,✓ r/ , ,, I / } � +. +/ , + r +«++� ��} ,,,_ . � } �/^ � :/,, r, ilt� , _.. ,° lr BERMED / / ,f / , / r/ a + + + ,,,. +'+-+._..+ + +.+ + + -_. jr�.d ,w r •a--•_.,:�—Tr'----,_• ;, , � /J .�' ✓r Jp ;� •� + + J - / �, +a+ ♦..,�T x � _,... ., F....++*++++ ,.,++++a♦ ' / i� � , 4`1 _ - - �- -"'-•Y / _ J ,'w - Yx ' tE + T + / ,'' � '++ 1"'+ i'+�+ ' �-i + +"•`T + .,Y ,-, / �� ✓ �\ ,. _ H ry �� N \.,. - �i.� 4' � / -y � i j _ f + + ....... ,� .�.�51. +��+ _ .. -. � -...� .- ..�. .'. +ter �a,_r" - E `�.� € o_ -., � j!• �! ! 1 + a, + / l .. \ 1: - + 4 rf[f � * + E I + + i , kk \ 1 t 1 :�.^�, .. ... . E VE[7 DURING .. .. _ R MCA. DISTURBED AREAS TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS 2.5 AC** (INSIDE OF ULTIMATE PIT) STOCKPILES 16.6 AC** (INSIDE OF ULTIMATE PIT) WASTEPILES 0.0 AC PROCESSING AREA/HAUL ROADS 5.5 AC MINE EXCAVATION 130.4 AC* OTHER MISC EXCAVATION 22.7 AC (BERMS, DIVERSIONS, ETC.) TOTAL DISTURBED AREA 177.7 AC * TOTAL MINE EXCAVTION AREA =149.5 AC "AREAS BONDED AS HIGHER BOND AMOUNT LEGEND PROPERTY PERMIT BOUNDARY WETLAND PROPOSED PIT BUFFER PLANT SITE �•�� ',`• �� AFFECTED AREA CREEK ...�-.-� BERM +++a+++++ + + + a r T + } M.!.NINGAGTIVITIES +'L+ ji ,'., /': - ...- III f " ,...... ,... LAKE ACREAGE-: 135.4 AG TOP OF WATER — ... ... T ♦ 4 # r`i: 3 'ar � � I.l. I ' ' I � _. l - EL 37 (ARPRX.) STABILIZE ANDSEEDALL SLOPES, P1T SEEDED AREy/:+-22.2'AC ' _ _ :'t+,.--'" ;'t�t �.L� f� , .F '•�'. a *3r/ AL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS TY � x + + + + #.++ + jfffr ;' i + REMOVED DURING MINING ACTIVITIES- ,. % _---' �; i:�•- j ` .. _�.i ,. / ,�-._ "-__'=,� ,-_ % r 71. r + a, r J._ i" „ .- # _,,•. _ .'+ r'a a lam. l;, " � � w / I/ J INTERNAL DRAINAGE 149.5 AC r 1 EXTERNAL. DRAINAGE= 28.2 AC , REMOVED DURING .. t � } Sw '✓' / ;-,� �x • _ ..-' \ / a hr11NING AC. fJVITIES I f + i i i : i ASSUMED WA' LINE -� I F /" I PPRX. E =3T i + j ,• r \ i t f € 3:1 MAX 'LOPE � i d r r�' ;. ;r• „ ^,_ ,. -+^. t r .�__.�..�.-- � A OiI WA EFj LINE I. I ., .. ✓ � -.� ''%'/ _._._ � ! r a y *+ '�+ * % ! - / . r / 't '• ",, \�,.., , f � . r ti' /' � v, -:r" ' % �/ ' .,_,v \.—� - �-"`-..._ 1 ! ' / ./'.,. ' r !.•'�, f` 0-B3�VE' P,T,ED •,/ ,"- + + . I ...t / r ,i �.^ ''__....,_ ... ... .�`' _ ✓ r' -'Y J' � Jif / i 1 / .-r-� �ti� -::.:r r�i z, S w � r .,., /- ...._...... .:.,,.. y....+ + + .. + - , r � -'- .a� .�- `... ^-. .: r ✓•r ':.� r a v / :;y w w w ! v i � ..... ,% � f` f -- l JR JJ / nn11 r rV. 1 O + +-..� , � �� / '' / -�-'___�-� �� ;,� 'l ' � ,: !tr I WAY N , FF / 1 f `'`, \ .- �"-,. I f'i / s .,.,,:,__ ✓ Y, ✓ r ^. _,_:/,/ ,. ,;, / y 't I I 1 ! Y f i lr Ifl 1 y. �� r- v , d r r ;,, _., / / , r ,, �`� -:i "✓ -,, , ✓ .: v r e r ✓ v ! .. ! � € I u '. ,' -' � = i/,, � I F r / ♦ r.., �, { w > v .r r r r. �,�_ , .._....,. _.. _._..._ -,. �,r v s ,� r / v r, v v ,r .. ✓ x .. -. //-.-"..-.... �,. I i / i /r I '�•_ _�- /`' r\ t �. ` i _. , .:, .\ \,..,. ..y ,. ..y ..y �� - -w � .-✓ € .� '.% .:mJ v 'v f �'r v ,/ ✓ -'✓ ., i , 1 ...� ., , . / F / � ✓ `�. ✓ C .\ i � � } ",,:_-.. -. , -� 1 \�.\� f ..'.r ,`� ir/ / f { �'I r r I •' i �j ;r ,y _.�. //-,%-.-�F � �\ >< rl-. `N r f i < r v ,.'H .r ✓ � \ -,✓ 4 r /\x v / t ---�. \ � � � :/ ./� ..✓ � _ .. � ,,%' i t� 1 .1 .. F � + \ - � I E € / r1 f .'..� f '� ✓ ..,.,_.^-✓ , .' �1 d „ ./ .. ,,�,. , d ✓ / ram- --_-.,. :�'_- \ :�.^.., -\ \-..-..,.�." \`., 3S i I E � f � � 1 `'� F. _. ! ;, - _^ ,; ., . _,,, -__ / _...' , , �, it r _^_^. \\.t b .Eti--. •! : .� • / s I , t: N. , r \� , , ' r 250 0 250 500 750 ML Scale: I" = 250' i I MAINTENANCE PLAN THE OPERATOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EROSION CONTROL DEVICE6 THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT DURATION. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL DEVICES AS DESIGNED. SKIMMER BASINS: 1. BASINS ARE TO BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT WHEN ITS STORAGE CAPACi (Y IS REDUCED BY 50%. PLACE SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM THE BASIN IN A STOCKPILE AREA AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN OR AN AREA THAT HAS ADEQUATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 2. CHECK BERM STRUCTURE, SPILLWAYS, AND SKIMMER PIPE EVERY WEEK FOR EROSION AND PIPING. 3. MAINTAIN BAFFLES AS DIRECTED BELOW. 4. ANY RIP RAP DISPLACED FROM SPILLWAY MUST BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. 5. AFTER ALL AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE BASIN (PHASE.2 OF CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE) AND ALL UNSTABLE SEDIMENT. GRADE ACCORDING TO GRADING PLAN OR BLEND IN WITH ADJACENT GRADES -ADDITIONAL COMPACTION EFFORTS MAY BE REQUIRED IF STRUCTURE IS PROPOSED FOR THAT AREA. STABILIZE AREA. BAFFLES: 1. MAINTAIN ACCESS TO BAFFLES. SHOULD THE FABRIC COLLAPSE, DECOMPOSE, TEAR, OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. 2. REMOVE BUILDUP SEDIMENT WHEN IT REACHES ONE-HALF FULL, TAKE CARE NOT TO DISTURB BAFFLES DURING CLEANOUT. SILT FENCE: 1. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN IT BECOMES ABOUT 0.6 FT DEEP AT THE FENCE. THE FENCE SHALL BE REPAIRED AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A SUFFICIENT BARRIER, 2, SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE, DECOMPOSE, TEAR, OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. 3. AFTER ALL AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT. GRADE AREA TO GRADING PLAN OR BLEND WITH ADJACENT GRADES. STABILIZE AREA, TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS: 1, IMMEDIATELY REMOVE EXCESS SEDIMENT FROM FLOW AREA AND REPAIR DIVERSION RIDGE. 2. CAREFULLY CHECK OUTLETS AND MAKE TIMELY REPAIRS AS NEEDED. 3. AFTER ALL AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED REMOVE THE RIDGE AND THE CHANNEL AND GRADE ACCORDING TO GRADING PLAN OR BLEND WITH ADJACENT GRADES. STABILIZE AREA. RIP RAP LINED DITCHESICHANNELSIOUTLETS: 1. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO INLET AND OUTLET SECTIONS WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOW ENTERS. 2. INSPECT FOR INDICATIONS OF PIPING, SCOUR HOLES, OR BANK FAILURE;; MAKE REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. 3. MAINTAIN VEGETATION ADJACENT TO THE ROCK LINING IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION TO PROTECT THE AREA FROM EROSION AND SCOUR. GRASS LINED DITCHESICHANNELSISWALES: i 1, DURING GRASS ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD, INSPECT AFTER EVERY RAINFALL. 2. AFTER GRASS HAS ESTABLISHED, INSPECT PERIODICALLY AND AFTER HEAVY RAINFALL. IMMEDIATELY MAKE REPAIRS. 3. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO INLET AND OUTLET SECTIONS WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOW ENTERS. 4. GRASS SHOULD BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY VIGOROUS CONDITION A'r ALL TIMES, SINCE IT IS THE PRIMARY EROSION PROTECTION. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE WINTER & EARLY SPRING Seeding mixture Species Rate (Ib/acre) Rye (grain) 120 Annual lespedeza (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain, Korean in Mountains) 50 i Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June. I Seeding dates Mountains —Above 2500 feet: Feb. 15 - May 15 Below 2500 feet: Feb. 1- May 1 Piedmont —Jan. 1 - May 1 Coastal Plain —Dec. 1 -Apr. 15 Soil amendments Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 Ibfacre straw.. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE FALL --------------- Seeding mixture Species Rate tiblac, e) Rye fg4n) i? 3 Seeding dates ,Mountain , —Aug. 15 - Dec 153 Gaastai piain and Pie larlont _� t rJ ,'1 - Dec. 3.0 h Soil amendrinents Follow soil tests or a0ply`2,0G lhl2cre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 Iblacre 10-10-10 ferfilizer. _ Mulch Appty 4,000 lblacre straps, Anchor stra]xr asphalt, netting, or a ; e€ch anchoring tool. A disk Mttl blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Repair and refertili7e damaged areas immediately, Topdress witil aC Iblacre'of nitrogen in Hafer,. if it is necessary to extent lemporwy cover beyond June 15, overseed with 0 [Nacre Kobe (Pied'alant and Coastal Plain) or Korean (Mou.r!fairls) lespedeza in late February or early March, f PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE SOURCE: NCDEQ EROSION CONTROL MANUAL 6.1lb HERBACEOUS PLANTS -Seeding recommendations for primary stabilization Successful development depends on planting date (effectiveness yoai, 6 mo. - a yrs. without an ongoing maintenance program) Table 6.11.b �svrm-rrr9 e t v r... wr s..vrr�wr O blrs lPianin 4. 98#as Cornman Name Sefluea Lespedeza --------------- Botanical Name 1 Cutlivar Lrrsptdeza cvneaia {Jurttant' Hative ! n1f9dUGed Broadcast aa!ea ]6s uc a 15 tbs Fertt6r -WW tirr]sstona hfl atf• $ sail last Maur'a ns 9r1 -fill V ¢dn oat 1!1 ^ 511 Couat� Pl+ns 1W1 - 411 surVShade 1010rant Sun Wetlands NR Riparian Buffers NR iltvasiva es or o Yee Instal€a!ion 1 Maintenance CanSidurstion5 Responds Wall to controlled burns Dtt 83 in urmaki9n, Born t @ntd Severe Threat _- __] invasive c codes Crown Veldt Secu era vatic E 15Ihs N11 NR Sun NR NR Yes - ro ejlyd e _...ferstrMs Prefers ne:,trai sods $ sod test 3'15.4r30 (GOFOnfi/ff Yafia� _- not rQGrliTatteittlad llnle95 an aE_C_aP le alternative _____ - is not avaiiaMe. Centipede Grace - ._ Eramvchlaa �iuuroi _ 1 .__ __ a Fbs By sod fast_ 10 lbs. for road shoulders Nil ---- Eabtern _ cr�_ 0!1 - 511 �- Sun__._ _. _NR _ tJR - _ "ta -- �,_.-_ i ea t maintenance S �n fi n -- -- -.._.. ay ba ra% ired to obtain__ - i ©oes oat tolerate h h raf';ta _- -__ _- - .._.8- Aucoptabla tot soddin V ; Y 31 Taq Fescue Seliedunorus phoeni I 100 Ibs S soil jest 8115-511 911741j 5 9M - 3115 Sun! NR NR Yes dBbJfed Cover if ut$md, it is im emotive Acce tattle fur Bodo n Fesiuca a undrnacae _._. _. - ----- -- - - ._._. _. moil, Shade - -- - - _ _._ .- - that rwintenance includes -- a contalnnlent plan -- - KY Blue Grass Poa rensrs-- i 151tss B soil last AI15 511 - N(i - NR Sun NR MR Yas If utlized, it is im aratrva Prefers neutral sails, hl h - - — -- --' �'- _--"- that maintenance includes a carsEainmantLkcn conetitve, not rem nnnded unless an aece table alternative � -- - i5 .._n_o_t _a-.Y._a.i._a._b.Ia. ._...T Acce tabs®iorsaddm Na d Fescue -"T FesrJca brevPda-- l-asiuca iGn IhJlld - I 15lbs BYS d test_ 8/1 - a!' 'All _ NR -. Shade _ _ _ NR - Pl" i ._.—_. No - ---- Nat recommended for __ rester than 5 � Low..,....-- - - - $e1Tn�ria Crass -� - C nudun dart nn �� --i 26 Ebs S sail Sea! NR41154/30 4.15-&730 Yes i Dozed, it's n erative that maintanance Includes -- Exttente a ressiva no€ recommended and should be Sun NR NR _ . — a coatainme_nt�ian - _ - avoided unless a}t acc�ptabie _ , sit®raativa is not avadabie. Ana sodcfad or spr'Ied. - --------- TEMPORARY SEEDING PROVIDE TEMPORARY SEEDING TO ALL DENUDED AREAS THAT WILL NOT BE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: PERMANENT DITCHES --> IMMEDIATELY (ROCK LINED) SLOPES 4:1 OR STEEPER --> 7 DAYS ALL OTHER AREAS --> 14 DAYS IF SOILS BECOML COMPACTED DURING GRADING, LOOSEN THEM TO A DEPTH OF 6-8 INCHES. SEEDBED PREPARATION: LIME: APPLY LIME ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS, IF THE SOIL PH IS NOT KNOWN, APPLY AT A RATE OF 1 TO 1 I TONS PER ACRE ON COARSE -TEXTURED SOILS AND 2-3 TONS PER ACRE OF FINE -TEXTURED SOILS. APPLY LIME UNIFORMLY AND INCORPORATE INTO TH1= TOP 4-6 INCHES OF SOIL. SOILS WITH PH HIGHER THAN 6 DO NOT NEED LIME. FERTILIZER: FERTILIZE ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. WHERE SOIL TESTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, APPLY A 10-10-10 GRADE FERTILIZER AT 7QU-1,000 LB/ACRE, INCORPORATE FERTILIZER INTO THE TOP 4-6 INCHES OF SOIL. IF A HYDRAULIC SEEDER IS USED, DO NOT MIX SEED AND FERTILIZER MORE THAN 3C MINUTES BEFORE APPLICATION. SURFACE ROUGFIkNING: IF AREAS TO BE SEEDED BECOME HARDENED, SEALED, OR CRUSTED, LOOSEN IT JUST PRIOR TO SEEDING BY DISKING, RAKING, HARROWING OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS. GROOVE OR FURROW SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 ON THE CONTOUR BEFORE SEEDING, PLANT SELECTION: SELECT THE APPROPRIATE SPECIES BASED ON THE PLANTING SEASON. SEEDING: APPLY SEED WITH A BROADCAST SEEDER, DRILL, CULTIPACKER SEEDER, OR HYDROSEEDER. USE SEEDING RATES GIVEN IN TABLES. BROADCAST SEEDING AND HYDROSEEDiNG IS ACCEPTABLE ON STEEP SLOPES WHERE EQUIPMENT CANNOT BE DRIVEN. HAND BROADCASTING I5 NOV RECOMMENDED. SMALL GRAINS SHOULD BE PLANTED NO MORE THAN ONE INCH DEEP AND GRASSES AND LEGUMES ON MORE THAN yZ INCH. BROADCAST SEED MUST BE COVERED BY RAKING OR CHAIN DRAGGING, AND THEN LIGHTLY FIRMED WITH A ROLLER OR CULTIPACKER. HYDROSEEDED MIXTURES SHOULD NOT INCLUDE A WOOD FIBER MULCH. MULCHING: MULCHING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL TEMPORARY SEEDING AT A MIN RATE OF 2 TONSIACRE WITH ASPHALT TACK, MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO MONITOR GRASS ESTABLISHMENT. PROMPTLY RESEEED AREAS WHERE A HEALTHY, DENSE GROWTH DOES NOT ESTABLISH. CONTRACTOR MAY NEED TO PROVIDE NETTING OR TEMPORARY LINERS TO AREAS WHERE GRASS CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED DUE TO EROSION, TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE SUMMER Seeding mixture Species Mate (Idtacre) German €oillct 40 In b the pig drn'Qnl and mount nin, a small -stemmed fSudotlgrass may be s<ubMituted et a rite of -r0 i 3reiCr . Seeding dates Medjnont--May 1 --Aug, 15 Coastal P'lairlw.,.,AArl 15 -Aug, 1 Sall arnerldalents Follo,oj rr=cot11rt10 =1s€ion of ;soil tests or apply 2,000 lh acre ground agricultural Iirgestone and 750 lblacre 10-10-10 fertilizer, Mulch Apply 4,000 l jar: re straw, Anc or traW b} tasking i11 a:�l ;lalt, tie ing, or a mukh anchoring tool. A disk 01ith blades sat oeaely straight Pan t, I Used as a mulch ar:chorsng toil. Mairtferlarlca Referblize if grovith is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch I immediately foliowing erosion or tattler da loge, REREACE005 PLAN MGcodlng far primary ,4ab71121tIQC1 5twcessfuli dove iopmen( dvperszls on pkanling dale jetfetiveness ,goat: 6 mot -3yrs. without an angeing maintenance piugiam) Tab€e 8,11.E NATIVE SPECIES a� Flar;Iry I C.rles — -1.,1�: e �I..:.,[ I r[;lwu , re¢c3, d:•1� _L I;iL.aSa -=aM::r„ NP I F4', Lu 1. r:. V,n :U�JJI rr PJ ar' .4� A I; .:14.1.4 v N: IJ n 1_.II:'-ram ..I..1 .tilLl= - _.I_,^� �I :i 1 . ; � 4,1 %�,l 4,1 _.v�. : IF P -. u r I' 120 1 "rl J,: - .I-.ir'-3 Ir:. .roll t.J It III - - __� -� -u1 1: i1,,, � ullt'a �...-...,k 1 1°t; Iu i r'° .a : L : ..,_................. -t. i-" -:.,:.. .. _ A ...... 'IR �,Jr �rl "r ,11 - I:.J P,;G:I• 1,. :LLII .. `k' 'T 7FI. ::t:' f.I:IE: 'J;.r.51.�I�Ia _ - T_ rv1 w- I , :s;:i ila PERMANENT SEEDING SEE SEEDING SCHEDULE FOR SEED TYPE AND RATE. PROVIDE PERMANENT SEEDING TO ALL DENUDED AREAS THAT WILL NOT BE COVERED BY PAVING, BUILDINGS, OR OTHER LANDSCAPING. AREAS RECEIVING PERMANENT VEGETATION MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN THE FOLLOWING TIMEFRAMES AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED, UNLESS TEMPORARY STABILIZATION IS APPLIED, PERMANENT DITCHES - IMMEDIATELY (ROCK LINED) SLOPES 4:1 OR STEEPER --> 7 DAYS ALL OTHER AREAS --> 14 DAYS COMPLETE GRADING BEFORE PREPARING SEEDBEDS. IF SOILS BECOME COMPACTED DURING GRADING, LOOSEN THEM TO A DEPTH OF 6-8 INCHES. SEEDBED REQUIREMENTS: THE SOIL SHOULD MEET THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CRITERIA FOR VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT: • ENOUGH FINE-GRAINED (SILT AND CLAY) MATERIAL TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE MOISTURE AND NUTRIENT SUPPLY (AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY OF AT LEAST 0.05 INCHES OF WATER TO 1 INCH OF SOIL • SUFFICIENT PORE SPACE TO PERMIT ROOT PENETRATION. • SUFFICIENT DEPTH OF SOIL TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE ROOT ZONE. THE DEPTH OF ROCK OR IMPERMEABLE LAYERS SUCH AS HARDPANS SHOULD BE 12 INCHES OR MORE, EXCEPT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 WHERE THE ADDITION OF SOIL IS NOT FEASIBLE, • A FAVORABLE PH RANGE FOR PLANT GROWTH, USUALLY 6.0-6.5. • NO LARGE ROOTS, BRANCHES, STONES, LARGE CLODS OF EARTH, AND TRASH. CLODS AND STONES MAY BE LEFT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 IF THEY ARE TO BE HYDROSEEDED. IF THE ABOVE CRITERIA CANNOT BE MET, SPECIAL SOIL CONDITIONERS OR TOPSOIL MAY BE APPLIED. SEEDBED PREPARATION: LIME: APPLY LIME ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. IF THE SOIL PH IS NOT KNOWN, FOLLOW RATES ON THE SEEDING SPEC TABLE. FERTILIZER: FERTILIZE ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. WHERE SOIL TESTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, FOLLOW RATES ON THE SEEDING SPEC TABLE. SURFACE ROUGHENING: IF AREAS TO BE SEEDED BECOME HARDENED, SEALED, OR CRUSTED, LOOSEN IT JUST PRIOR TO SEEDING BY DISKING, RAKING, HARROWING OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS. GROOVE OR FURROW SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 ON THE CONTOUR BEFORE SEEDING. PLANT SELECTION: SELECT THE APPROPRIATE SPECIES BASED ON THE PLANTING SEASON, SOIL TYPE, SLOPES, AND LAND USES. SEE SEEDING SPEC TABLES IN PLANS FOR RECOMMENDED PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE. SEEDING: USE CERTIFIED SEED (INSPECTED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA CROP IMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION) , APPLY SEED WITH A BROADCAST SEEDER, DRILL, CULTIPACKER SEEDER, OR HYOROSEEDER ON A FIRM, FRIABLE SEEDBED. USE SEEDING RATES GIVEN IN TABLES. WHEN USING A DRILL OR CULTIPACKER SEEDER, SMALL GRAINS SHOULD BE PLANTED NO MORE THAN ONE INCH DEEP AND GRASSES AND LEGUMES ON MORE THAN %z INCH. WHEN BROADCAST SEEDING; SUBDIVIDE AREA INTO WORKABLE SECTIONS AND DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED FOR EACH SECTION. APPLY ONE-HALF THE SEED WHILE MOVING BACKAND FORTH ACROSS THE AREAAND APPLY THE REMAINING SEED IN THE SAME MANNER BUT AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE FIRST PASS. COVER SEED BY RAKING OR CHAIN DRAGGING, AND THEN LIGHTLY FIRM WITH A ROLLER OR CULTIPACKER. MULCH AREAS IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH RATES GIVEN IN TABLES. ANCHOR MULCH WITH NETTING OR LIQUID ASPHALT AT A RATE OF 0.10 GALLON PER SQUARE YARD (10 GAL 1 1000 SQ FT), HYDROSEEDING: SURFACE ROUGHENING IS REQUIRED, FINE SEEDBED PREPARATION IS NOT NECESSARY. RATE OF WOOD FIBER APPLICATION SHOULD BEAT LEAST 4,000-6,000 LB/ACRE..,..-- APPLY LEGUME INOCULANTS AT FOUR TIMES THE RECOMMENDED RATE WHEN ADDING INOCULANT TO HYDROSEEDER SLURRY. APPLY LIME IN DRY FORM. APPLICATION STEP 1 -1/3 MULCH RATE, ALL SEEDING AND ALL INOCULANT SPREAD IN ONE DIRECTION STEP 2 - 213 MULCH RATE APPLIED IN OPPOSING DIRECTION MAINTENANCE. IF STAND IS INADEQUATE, RE-EVALUATE PLANT CHOICE AND QUANTITIES OF LIME AND FERTILIZER, REESTABLISH THE STAND AFTER SEEDBED PREPARATION OR OVER -SEED THE STAND. CONSIDER SEEDING TEMPORARY, ANNUAL SPECIES IF THE TIME OF YEAR IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR PERMANENT SEEDING. i i s , i A I RAFTING AND DESIGN SERVICES, INC. 6728 Carbonton Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 (919) 499-8759 phone draftinqanddesip,n@vmait.com Scale: Drawn by: MTB NTS Sheet. Designed by: MTB Reviewed by: V 6 of 13 MTB ��ww Project Number: Date: DDS JOB #: 2021-07 MAY 2021 p NCG01 PERMIT PROVISIONS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AS GENERAL GUIDE WITH MINING OPERATIONS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF THE PROJECT AS A BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. HOWEVER, MINING OPERATIONS ARE CURRENTLY EXEMPT FROM THESE REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE NCG02 PERMIT, GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE orisrrr_ cal;£RETE awasilouT THE NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. srijucrLll=VVITi1 LINER Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction 2. provide drip pans under any stored equipment. ""� activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling s f i ki l ibl air as soon as f leaks and repair pease, or remove leaking equipment from the a e 7r sections of the NCG01 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). The 3. permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the project r id fl all t llaspent us, store in separate containers and properly dispose as Collect r f delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet 4. may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. hazardous waste (recycle when possible). 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATION has been corrected. "" k v• R, 1 Required Ground Stabilization Tirrteframes 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. -=-` _ 1 Stabilize within this1 wrr,°E` ma ny ca lenda r LEI OVJ GI'EAGF V.'A5n0UT STR[ICTIJRE ALOVE GRAnF VJA;i four STRE'CTVRE Site Area Description days after ceasing Timeframe variations g LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE land disturbance I. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. (a) Perimeter dikes, 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash CONCRETE WASHOUTS swales, ditches, and 7 None receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement sluff from the site. Perimeter slopes 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface g y 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with loco) (b) High Quality Water waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 7 None and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. (HQW) Zones 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff 3. Manage washout from mortar rji[Kers in accordance with the above item and in (c) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10' or less in length and are from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot perimeter silt fence. allowed provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 4, Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If all -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds, alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, containers overflow. types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 i4 ditches, perimeter slopes and FiQW 8. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk Zones 9. On business days, clear) tip and dispose of waste in designated waste containers, sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain sy3tem or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE be pumped out and removed from project. (e) Areas with slopes ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, there is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. install protection of storm drain itilet(s) closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the practicable but in nocase longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from approving authority. activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the construction sites. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. (units. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. PORTABLE TOILETS GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limit 1. Install portable toilets on level ground, at least SO feet away from storm drains, overflow events. Re Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the sail. Use one of the place the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structural streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. if 50 foot components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary techniques m the table below offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place m hproducts, follow manufacturer's iftstructlons. M on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 10. At the completion of the concreto work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of ss seed covered w,th stray or . Permanent grass seed covered lvith straw or 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high in an apprnved disposal facility. F111 pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance and tackifiers other mulches and Ockifiers foot traffic areas. caused pr removal of washout. • Geotextife fabrics such as permanent sail 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. • Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting Utilize a licensed sanitarywaste hauler to remove leaking g portable toilets and replace � without temporarygrass seed Hydroseedin„ with properly Operating unit. • Appropriately applied strata or other mulch • Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES + Plastic sheeting with mulch - • Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen -material stockpile areas at least restrictions. Structural methods such as concrete, asphalt or 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls 2. Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the retaining walls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of • Rolled erosion cantro[ products with Brass seeci accidental poisoning. I R available. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of 3. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS five feet from the toe of stockpile. possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water 1. Select flocculants that areappropriate for the sails being exposed during or surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. g P g 3. Provide stable stone access paint when feasible. 4. Do not stockpile these materials cinsite. construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMSIFlocculonts• 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erasion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE PAMSIFlocculonts and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. - 4. Provide pending area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on -site. offsite. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. S. Store flocculants in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. or surrounded by secondary containment structures. NC O. GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/0I/19 k PART III PART III PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF -INSPECTION RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION A: SELF -INSPECTION SECTION C: REPORTING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING Self -inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table - 1. E&SC Plan Documentation 1. Occurrences that must be reported below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection The approved E&SC fan as well as an a Permittees shall report the following occurrences: personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on pp P y approved deviation shall be kept on the site. The (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storrn event of equal to or approved E&SC plan roust be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self -inspection shall be The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be docurnented in the manner performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections described: (b) Oil spills if: were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. • They are 25 gallons or more, Item to Document Documentation Requirements • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, Frequency (a) Each E&SC Measure has been installed nitiai and date each E&5C Measure on a co • They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or Inspect copy P (during normal Inspection records must include: - W business hours) and does not significantly deviate from the ofthe approved E&SC Plan or complete, date • They are within 100 feet of surfaco waters (regardless of volume). (1) Rain gouge Daily Dildy rainfall amounts. locations, dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each maintained in If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or shown on the approved E&SC Plan. E&SC Measure shown on the approved E&SC good working holiday periods, and no individual -day rainfall information is I Plan. This documentation is required uper the (a) Releases of hazardous substances In excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 order available, record the cumulative rain rncasuroment for those on- of the Clean Water Act Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3 or Section 102 of CERCLA initial installation of the E&SC Measures or if { ) attended days {and this will determine if a site inspection is g• neede(T}. Days an tvf3ich no rainfall cccurrcd shall Inc recorded as the E&SC Measures are modified after initial (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S, 143-215,85, "zero." The permittee may use another rein -monitoring device installa tion. approved by the oivisian. {b) A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the apprnved E&SC z E&Sc At least once (b) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipaLed bypasses. () per 1. Identification of the measures inspected, Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection Measures 7 calendardays 2. Date and )Irmo of the inspection, report to indicate completion of the and within 24 3. flame of the person performing the inspection, Hours of a rain 4. Indication ofwhcther the rncasures wurc operating construction phase. (c) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the evant> 1,.0 inch in properly, environment. (c) Ground cover is located and installed InitiaE and date a copy of the approved E&SC ' 24 hours 5. Description or maintenance needs ter the measure, in accordance with the approved E&SC Flan or complete, date and sign, an inspection G. Uescriptior:, cvldenco, and date of corrective actions taken. Plan. report to indicate compliance with approved 2. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements I) (3) S[orcmv.ater At least once per 1. Identification ofthe discharge outfatls inspected, discharge 7 calendar days 2. Date and tithe at tl;c inspection, ground cover specifications. outfalls (sDn<_) aril within za s. Marne ofthe person perfomaing the insperion, After a permittee becomes aware of an 6ccurrence that must be reported, he shall contact (d) The maintenance and repair Complete, date and sign an inspection report. hours of a rain 4. Evidence ofindlcators of stormwater pouution such as cif regtlire€ttents for ail E&sC Measures the appropriate Division regional office yylthin the timeframes and in accordance with the event> 1.0 inch in sheer, Iloative or suspended solids or discQlarauon, other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be 24 hours 5. Indicatior of visible scdimcnt Icaving the site, na`i� been performed, q y _ --- - --------- -- - ---- ---- _--- reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956, (800) G. DeseriptEon, evidence, and date of corrective actiorstaken. {e) corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC (4) Perimeter of At leastanre per If visible scdirnentation is found CLuSide sitciimits, then a rCLQHJ site lcalendar days ofthe fahawingshalfbclTaade: 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. to F&SC Measures. Plan or complete, date and si ri an ins ecCon and within 24. 1. Actionstalaen to clean up orstabilize the sediment tI°at has left report to indicate the completion of the i fcorrective action. event> lours of a in the site Iirnits' Occurrence Reporting Timeframes (After Discovery) and Other Requirements 1.0 inch in z, Leseription, cvidencc, and date of corrcctiveactionst:nken, and (a) Visible sediment . Within 24 hours, an Kral or electronic notification. 24 hours 3. An explanaticn as to the actions takente control future releases. Z• Additional Documentation deposition in a • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the (S) streams or At Icast aacc per It the strcafn ar WCtland has increased visible scdlmantation ora stream or wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. In addition to the E&SC Plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the wetlands ensue 7 calendar days stream has visible increased turbidity from the wnstructi°n Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a or offsite and within 24 activity, then a record of the folla,ving shall be made: site case -by -case (where hoursofa rain 1. Description, cvidencc and c'&te of corrective actions taken, and and available for agency inspectors at all times during normal business hours unless the basis. • l3(c]) Its) accessibfe) event> 1.0 inch in 2. Recardsof the required reports to the appropriate Division If the stream is named on thew ",3 as impaired for sediment- 24 provides a site -specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this Causes, the fjermittee may be required to perform additional 24 hours Regional Office per Part in, Sectior: f, Item (2)(a) of this permit requirement not practical: related of this perm t, monitoring, inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff (6) Ground Attcr each phase 1. The phase of grading (installation of perimeter E&SCE - determine that addiflonal requirements are needed to assure compliance stabilization of grading measures, clearing and grubbing, installation of storm - (a) This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage, after it is received. with the federal or state impaired -waters conditions. measures drainage facilities, completien ofall land -disturbing (b) Oil spills and • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. The notification activity, construction ar redevelopment, permanent ground cover). (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days. The permittee shall record release of shall include information about the date, time, nature, volume and ill Ur release. z. eocra„entatiar, that the rcgahed ground stabitizatialn the required observations on the Inspection Record Farm provided by the Division or hazardous location of the spill measures have been provided within the required a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of substances per Item timmframe gran assurance that they will be provided as electronically -available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if 1(b)-(c) above soon as possible, shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard -copy records. (c) Anticipated . A reportatleast ten days before the date ofthe bypass, if possible, bypasses [40 CFR The report shall include an evaluation ofthe anticipated quality and NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. 122.41(m)(3)] effect of the bypass: (c) All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and alder inspection records shall be (d) Unanticipated • Within 24 hours, ari oral or electronic notification. maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available � bypasses [40 CFR . Within 7calendar dugs, a report that includes all evaluation of the upon request. 140 CFR 122.411 122.41(m)(3)] quality and effect of the bypass. (e) Noncompliance • Within 24 hours, an ®ral or electronic notification. with the conditions • Within 7 calendar dilys, a report that contains a description of the of this permit that noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, may endanger including exact date3 and times, and if the noncompliance has not health or the been corrected, the 2nticipated time noncompliance is expected to environment[40 continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and CFR 122.41(I)(7)] prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. [40 CFR 122.41(I)(6). • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. _ NCCTOSELF-IN SPEC "ION, DECO KEEPING ANT E_PO T LNG EFFECTIVE: 04/01 / 19 6.64.8 Practice Standards and S'pecificftiiotts Construction 1. Clear, rub, and strip the area under the e[nbaukment ti# all v'egttution and g p 9. Erosion cou[rol-Construct [he structure so that the disturbed rttea is roar mat. Remove all surfaw soil cuntairling high alliuunty of organic matter nlininlrzcd. Divert surface water away born bare areas. Complete the Specifications and stockpile or dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable material to the embunknwrit before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway designated disposal area. Place temporary sediment cont[;ll measures below enlbaukment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the prilicipal - - b351F1 as needed spillway immediately after constriction (References: Siirfuce Sluhiluu7iu r). 2. Enswe that fill material for the embankment is free of roots, woody 10. Install porous baffles as specified in Practice 6.65, Porous Bggles. vegetation, organic matter, and other objectionable material. Place the fill i❑ . - 11. After all the sedhnen-producing areas have been permanently stabilized, lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it, Overfill the embankment remove the structure and all the unstable sediment. Smooth the area to 6 inches to allow" for settlement: blend with the adjoining areas and stabilize properly (References: Alfifce 3. Shape the bash] to the Specified dimensions, Prevent the 6kilnilling device SlulilitZG1t017). from settling into the mud by excavating a shallow pit undcT the skimmer or providing a low support under the skimmer of stone or [irnl4r, l ' n.ct Ins skunrlier sediment basins at least wct;M and alter each significant Maintenance y 4. Place the barrel (typically 4-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe) un afirnl, smooth (one-half inch or greater) rainfall event and repair inimediately. Removo foundation of impervious soil. Do not use pervious material such as sand, wrliment and restore t cr basin to its original dimensions when sediuleuf gravel, or crushed stone as backfill around the pipe. Place the fill material accumulates to one-half the height of the first battle. Pull the skimmer to around the pipe spillway in 4-inch layers and compact it tender and around one side so that the sediment underneath it can. be excavated. Pxeaxacc the the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Care limst sediment from the entire basin, not just around the skimmer or the ill cell. be taken not to raise the pipe from the Gail contact with its foundation when Make sure vegetation growing in the bottom of the basin does not hold dntvn compacting odder the pipe haunches. the skimpier. Place a minimum depth of 2 feet ofcompacted backfill ever the pipe spillway Repair the bailees if they are daruaged. Re-arichor the bathes if wrher is before crossing it with construction equipment. .in nd) ca z,; should the pipe flowing underneath or around them. conduit be installed by cutting a french through the dawn aftef the emhankm_ cnt is complete. Ifthe skirl ner is clogged with trash and tiwre is water in the basin, u;iralfy 5. Assemble the skimmer following the manufacturers instructions, ur as jerking on the rope will snake the skimmer bob up and down and di.dodae ucsiy�ncd. the debris ally r'e iote flow, if this does not work, pull the' skimmer over it, nil 6. Lay the assembled skimmer on the bottom of the basin with the llexr t the side of the basin and remove the debris. Also check the orifice inside the o the barrel PiPo joint at the inlet of the barrel pipe. Attach the ticxiblejoint l 1 P - skimmer to see if it is clogged; if so remove flee debris, and position the skimmer over the excavated pit or support, Be sure to attach if the skimmer arnt or barrel pipe is clogged, the orifice can be remov4d and a rope to the skuanncr and anchor it to the side of the basin. This will be used the obsttuctiou cleared with a plumber's snake or by flushing with water, Be to pull the skitnrn£r to the side` fin- maintenance. - stn e and replace the orifice before repositioning the skimmer. 7. Earthen spillways-lnstaIf. the spillway in undisnirbed soil to the greatest Check the fabric lined spillway for damage and make any required r'ipairs extent possible. 't he achievement of planned elevations, grade„ deli{ nwidth, - and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operalion with thbric that spans the frill width of the spillway. Check the embanlunent, laminated plastic or of the spillway. 'rile spillway should be lined with la era spillways, and outlet far erosion amage, an inspect the enlbauknren t impermeable geotexiilc fabric. The fabric must be wide gild foug enough to piping and settlement. Pr all necessary repairs Immediately. Bement Al cover the bottom and sides and extend onto the top of the duns for anchoring trash and other debris from the skinner and pool areas, in a trench. 'rho edges may be secured with 8-inch staples or pins. The fabric Freezing weather can resell in ice forming in the bast(". .Some special must be long enough to extend down the slope and exit Oilto stable ground. prccautiuns should be taken in the winter to prevent tlic slcimmo frorn The width of the fabric must be one piece, not joined or Spliced; otherwise plugging with ice. water tail get under the fabric. lrthe lengili ofthe fabric is insufficient for the entire length of the spillway, multiple sections, spanning the complete width, may be used. The upper section(s) should overlap the rawer section(s) w that water cannot flow under the fabric. Secure the upper edge and sides of the fabric in a trench with staples or pins. (Adapted flow "A Manual for Designing, Installing and Maintaining Skimmer Sediment 13, sins." February, 1999, k lhr. Faircluth & Son.). S- fnlets=Discharge water into the basin in a manner to pre vellt erosion. tAv temporary slope drains or diversions with outlet proleclioli t[3 divert wiliOlen t- laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve b3aln trap etliciell" - - (References: RiloOt)Conn -o1 Mea Fnres and Griller Pi(1reefiai[). - - Rev. 6166 tie,. 6106 - 6.64.9 I DIMENSIONED AND t NOTED ON PLANS BOTTOM QF BAFFLEINt Wf STONE LINING 6" X. 6" TFiF-NCH AND FILLED NNITH SOIL AND COMPACTED PERSPECTIVE VIEW HOG WIRE ATTACHED TO POSTS WITH LENGTHS OF WIRE BAFFLE INSTALLATION OnStfLlCtiQn MATERIALS 7 Lstend 9 gaug ntiniinuru high n tetort wire strand to sid t f basin or install �C,.o] 1-posts f } anchor b ifllu to side of ba;m and sdx;ure to ti4rlical end posts as. slcdshown Specifications 1. t"se lnalhtlpmadc of lol)9'u,QocolJut fiber (Coin) tvllne lwov`erl into ]limit � Specifications nt l is to b�G71r. strerlylt rnatr4Y R'lth the properties shown to Table 6.6-5n. i3. Drape the Can' Ail1e1 neat tin L the wire Strand mountud al a iwiglit of 6 inches- 2. Staples should be made of U.12� inch ddiarltet l rrevt Steel v ire fortllyd into a '1'lra abavc tllti sltillwar elevation. Secure the Lair fiber inat to the vs ire ttamd isitil `U' Aiape not leas than .12 inches in, letilmh with a throat of 1 inch in )vlllth. 131astic ties Or wire fasterreis. 1i€ichl)r the nl ttting to tll� ;ides an ] floorOftlt'o staples arlallor-tie-po;aus batfees into the sides and boitonl ofthC resin. basin with 12 inch wire staples, approximately 1 11 apart, along the boftont acid silo slopes of the liashi. 3, ) lt5nle th t Steel hosts -for putouS baffles are Of a sufficient heiQlit tG $Llpt)Ort balncs at desn'Gd height. Doss 51tould be approxnpillelq 1-18" wide Illeasurcdl 9. Do not s k.i the fahrie bialLSc ai continuous )iuQv aCl-osS the i)asin 1 1 he lusts parallel to the fence, and have a ruiruwltm weight of 1.2> ]h%livaar N. (1 must be cqurpped with an anchor plate having a mr.itiimilrn area of 1`0) Stltb".1- 10. -S.cllustinc:ids .may be ictinircd in (lu: stapinip Ccgnri'GnIGYIIS to tit Cndividlilat 1nC17u5 and be or the SL'11 fIStcfi r itll ytC Sfeel type tl) 1lj,%,U a IlleaitS Of f�jitrrlillg 51 t4' Collihtio113. wire and coin fiber ntat in the dunked positron without displacenleriL Maintenance llu5pcct ballles;'at least ("lice .a v;u& aria after e:tuh rainfall. make in), required 4. UseI-. '. �,,aUgOhljh tC'IlSiOn ti'n�e felt' support Lwll'll. - r t)ans nmrietliatety. Table 6.65a Specifications fnr PnrntIC'RnfflP ltjt.'1ltPri2l Clair Fiber Baffle Material Property Requirements Thickness 1 0,30 in. minimum Tensile Strength (Wet) 90_0 x 680 Ib1ft minimum _ Elvin atior et 69% x 34% maxirnum Flow Velocity,10-12 Weight fusee _ -20 oziSY 68D im') mWmunl Minimum Width 6.5 feet Open Area ---------- 50% inaximum 13c surc to uiaintalti aec;uss to trw halilcs. Should thtc labric of a Value GUI]ap5e, tear, decompose, or become incffe,:6ve, replace it promptly. Remove sediint:nt deposits when itreachcs half frill.. to prt3vide adequate storagevolulnefor tltu next rain and to cerluce pressule on the battles. Take care to ati oid danuiging the bat'13es during ctcanout, :and replace if daniaawad during cicanouA d p: nations. Sod meat dle^pth Should n-- er exceed half the designed storag;; depth. After, the cantiibuting diainao-e mea has beenpropcirly staabilirc t, veinoce all baffle materials and unstable sediment deposits, bruln� tlio area to c l ode, :nlct CONSTRUCTION sla,iluc it 1. Ciiade the basin so that the bottom is level frolat to back and side ter side. 2. distill the coin liter bafltes itltrnediately' opine-xc avation of tdie hasiu;> 3. Iistall Posts across the .width of the sv;duttcil trap (11rae6ce 6.62, SerlllYlalat- diiCG'). 4. Stccl posts should be drive to :t dcdil3lof 24 inches and spaced a ni ciltlmrn of 4 feet apart,'The lop of the fabric should bQ a mFtiiinuin of' 6 inelic's high T than - . the invest lops Ol bafffps shsiuld be a mininlutn Of 2 inclics lomer than the top of tilt ear{lltn timbankuwnt. 5. Install at least three rows of halllcs bdvccen tern inlet and outlet discharge: poiill. l3a9nlfi less thrall 21) feet in lell"ih may Ilse: 2 baffles. 6. Attach a 9 gauge htah tension wire strand to the steel posts at a llfr��lglit Irk' 6 iuOies above flit spilhi' vaClov�ation. iSitlt. plastie tics or. wire lastenLTs b) Pre%cfll Sag :ig. ll' tllc'i termpurary SCd miCilt b219m will be cornerted to a �1�'rmanClit stonlllvater basil of a 2TcaLr depth, the baffle height should be bastxd oil the pool depth dorim, use; as a temporary sediment basin. TEMPORARY OASIN BAFFLES NTS PVC END CAP l FITS END VIEW NTS IUr VIr_VV 01/i' FI WWI LVA m lw�ti�riri V ..r�iItatnrr �t� rrat�ximtasn la�ac�riie deiearti�. p�t?sid b�f tiro baajn. is comp *11y 64vatomd (at 1ta 0.hours). €nf ow rats ih inftow velmity are divert all di of rw10 . sx�� as g�rerar.3trazs x}�cr,wxy cxcru uvr� .oculrriKfilCrass-5action eoroge zone Firm Mgurisd.Wc Example, ul a i mant thin with a skirnmer bullet and emergercy. zpillway. Fria "ri Nr-riaylvaniaa E osl ro =. and ir,,*nt PclhjiOn Coniri>i Ilert;eal, March, 20W. rev.L3 4.it,'7 NTS "C" ENCLOSURE i,TER ENTRY UNIT ,3; TOP EL= 48.0 PVC VENT PIPE \ SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE (SEE PLAN FOR DIA.) END CAP SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE IN E (SEE PLAN FOR DIA.) FLEXIBLE HOSE FRONT VIEW ORIFICE PLATE (SEE PLAN FOR DIA.) TEE V WATER SURFACE BERM _.._ .._ CONTROL SECTION FREEBOARD (1' MIN) EXIT SECTOR \ SEE PLANS FOR LINER LENGTH SPILLWAY INVERT ELEV \ MIN. EXTEND LINER V BELOW BOTTOM ELEV. LEVEL OR S L- GREATER 100, APPROACH PROFILE ALONG CENTERLINE CHANNEL CROSS SECTION AT CONTROL SECTION TYPICAL EXCAVATED EARTH SPILLWAY NTS j Notes 1. La is the length of the riprap . apron. 2. d = 1.5 trines the maximum stone diameter but not less I than 6" Pipe Outlet to Flat Area- 3. In a well-defined channel ex- , No Well-defined Channel tend the apron up the channel banks to an elevation of 6" above the maximum tailwater depth or to the lop of the bank, i 3do A / r' q whichever is less. ' ' .-__ 4, A filter blanket or filter fabric should be installed between . the riprap and soil foundation. - Plan Construction t • Gel,sure flat the suhgrade for the filter earl riprap follows t!ra reyuirecl fires mlgrulcs ho%vllnitheplun. Ccn1pactawl}'fill weeraredl2flee'subsrruetothe La Specifications clen5rty of the sun oandtn.- undistutbcd mat ii il. Low areas in tire, sut,t,r de On. undisturbed soil m It also be filled by uicreasmi2- die riplal) thickness fi 2 The ri pr 1 p and < avtl litter must confanu to ale s ecrlitd ruidillg ]runt Illl�`�a-- Ige= F�.t#. `'- 3 p g � I l -arty = nil shown on tl-.z phin5 *Filier 3. filter clot) when used, must Meet deshLii re oilentents. and be properly Section AA blanket ' q P 1 }' I prutected from pwichiri, of tauiri2 dtuillg uisiallai c:n. Repuir any daralal d by romoving tile riprapardplaciuganetherpiece offilter Qlad ct er (liedamag,ed Pipe Outlet to Well -define arts. All connecting joins should overlap scl the top layer is aboi a .the Channel downstrearu Iayer,a lnininiu[u of l ruuL If the (11111agd is d;tteiisive„repaac. the entire filter cloth.: 4. Riprap may be placed'oy equipment, but tul:e care l a oic1 duniagirig, the tiller. A / 5. The minimum ilfickiiess of the riprap should be 1.5 times the nr axur im Stolle diallieler. .I T 6. Riprap may Le field stcine or rough quarry stone. It slxiuld be hurcl 4 - i ,nluar, {t5'tilv wea,.her-resiantd anwell � ue. L'la highly 'S tdd jt 7. CL`r15[Cllet die :iplUil on zero grade with no uvertr)l rt tllu'eCiCl Ilfdketlic - tc )of die ri )ra attin' dowrisbeaul end level >a ith the receiver are to r sli•ziltl Plan 1 1 P ) beluw it. I. 8. Ensure that tile 'a proh is Property uli< it,d w tl > i r g n r k Property l 1 tl>�, r:cen a„ Skrv,tt and preferably stiaight throuuhorrt its lcrgth. I a cilrye is heeded to lit site La t;oiiditioiw, plaace it ill the upd;u as:ctien of the apron.: a. hnmediat£lyaftercorrstructiori,stabilizeal.lclisturUudareasivitltvt.gctaii�n (Prdcfeces 6,10, Tempvta))t&MMiilg, -=6 6.111 PunvalierrtSced)igf. 1 F r'�l tq 9.-i Jd -i1 i 6 ' . ,,2ction 4AA i, iidr_= Mal to 11Ct? tnspectriprapcutl.:I.slructureawzeklyanclafEersigaufic.urt(1 inchorgred€ r) ., _ n n Hiter raenfalt events to scc;if any erosion around or LQlo%v the ripror has take 11)lace, blanket c)r' .tt stones huv%� betel dislodgcd. fi11mQ iiately niak� all., rleed ed repairs to Fl the 6,4r c Riprap ovtiot protCcilcn tmodiFed from va S Ncc#. prevent further d.Ln12�e. References S'lidLceslabilizrfiioli 6A0,'fetnperaiy ceding 6.41.4 6. 11, Permanent yezding C 15, Riprap r]pl3encli� S.06, Dcsign of R ipiap Cutlet Protection Rice, C.E- Ka-,bv�y, h.0-Riprtap Design. for Pipe spilhv ays at -1 <TW/➢ =0.'1" resented at the December 13, 1994 Internaticnal tVinler lizet n_, rlfnu,can Society of Agricultural Elr'ireers, Paper: 1' umber 942341. l [ Rice, C.E. and K C. lSad.avy. 1994, Plunge Tool Dcshp at ii:bnlergecl Pipe Spillway Outlets. 'l�ransactions of the AS .=- E 37(4):l t 6) 1 I ,i. FIIWA, 1933. Irlt dGalic Dcsinn of Energy Olissipa[e13 to C- ulven* and Channels. Hydraulic I'sn_ilieeti.n� Cireuicar I� rnLe; ]•t OUTLET PROTECTION NTS 1" ■ f. i fear tlt� i`rutxiativn nice af uccn' s8'lufp5, roots, ]oast 10''hf Wrd °flier Construction E+fF;eGtional?ldsiafat�rial, w Specifications 213 W 2., E:acav'ate; the cxos s :don to thu Iillws avail "rades of Inc foudda 4lotl of the knor as shcomi, pit die plans. Bf4ip over-e ar�dted areas to gtad� i 'lees [sin ih� thicksiess of the liar or by b:a�filtirig avidl moist soil ci)rlapWed to dse ddrisity i f dl 5r rrlsaitldiag material. -111i1 �illl- d 1=1111I-11111. 1 Concrete RniDgs: • Piao, concrete linings w Lhe thickness shaevil. ail ih ; llatas jd ilai:>kt there � 18" =111ll �— �a 6—11111=1II I1. 4" to 12" in a svurknfil:� ruler. s"——.,.;o�;a �•::ea'.-f�I= i"' I`<a&ttadeau;itepreizautiovsioprotect €'restzlerplatced concrete 6ainextreme —nEl€ 31E11 llil, — GRAVEFILTER BEDDIABRICNG G GRAVEL BEOUING Wimp oraaiuyes to ear we proper ckriag. • tare [hat sltbecadt i�; moisi'Mital ccalctete is po td PARABOLIC -SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN • Inzill lcaanditiun brains or weep boles w4pre Ilzeded to pluteci wasia st upliftand piping• • Provide tramverse (wrauto4riittr€z crackirdatsplr©�itrratelh 2ts-feet intervals. These joitlis way fornred bt , t!sitlf; a WI -4161 Net removabh� timiplate or by sam iw, to a depth of ?a least 1 snail, • histalTextalLlsicriiairlrsatintcnalsoat to"N.Crod10t)feet. � I��_V1111-11111— — d Reek ii ra iinin : Piarke 0 13 R xcrt (SHAPED BY BULLDOZER) W p p r^• 1 1$" _III= — 111��`=iEIII0— lr 4 40 1 �, 5..Place filters, b d€iila's, and froundatioir drairys to (flaw aill ,giad� iri dte li _ �I II11 _ _ 12, wwinei specified. Place filter mid bedding mate€ials ills€sl�dia1 1 �i�r shape 6" —�I=-YY€1� — FILTER FABRIC OR prep<ratier. For synihedc Filter Cibriea. overlap die ciciaa°nsts'ect n tafg€s ° at � =11� t=,fill GRAVEL. BEDDING least l2 imdies as'ith the ilpstremn adgt; whicii is hurled a rnininidi11 12 inches in a trench. -See fwmre 6,1 ta, page 6,14,6. `pac c anshoj pilaa uvrry 3 feet atilnp !kaeall'erl.zpt. 5.prsaigr laIre<a riaisiil mast nnlilay r. WhL111nofe V-SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN than oni� g;i4dation is retitiiitd, Elpiear3 thv l [tiers aft There zs n.irlirl?i� n iirg. (SHAPED BY MOTOR GRADER) Filter material should 6Unsist of at least 3 ine Iles of maleria l Uri "ill sides oi� tilt dmjn pipe. 'the draairi pipe conduit shoidd be a wivimun oM inches in diwncier. Accep[able matetisis hirhide peffbralcd, c ltintfcus, lased stint - e's ri ialirs of city: c altcrctc, rtlt ai. plastic, ilr aloe€ slit€able sitateli[ (i'ritctice 9; , >iuiisurf�c's 13r�ainj, TYPICAL RIP RAP CHANNEL 6, 0Perform Lill rhatratel construction :o keep erosion d ts'alcr pollution W a r€airiir€wn, trrtlncediately Capon Cw11j1Ie[kxa of cite channel, vegetate all dtstai.aEstiiaras orcth�rsais plct€ctthe€a3ag iistsoilEIC}${A?u, w1 rechajulel d W =I Il corIMsrartion will tick€ lonfp t 01an 30 days, shtdtilize chwme;ls by Maintenance inspetit chwwols at regular issten,'als as well as after major minx, and rake ' ll�_jlll —_Illfl=1IiEf. �IIII1=1111f= repairs prorliptly. Give s"cial a€tcation to this outlet and tract sacfiuns autd of her points where c:vnc=trated flirts ciltcm CarefulN, check siabiliry° a€ road FILTER FABRIC QF2 cr°ssmgs, act Iook for indicationi of piping, scvalr hoies, or bank failures. GRAVEL BEDDING Make tepaias immediaiely. NIxt€taiga aft vegwwioa aijacerti 10 the rlaann.et in a heaitfay, t i (),this € onditign to proii:> t the sreaa from etession wij sour €lurid;,, flow TRAPEZ00AL Longitudinal anchor trench Stake at '-' intervals t €at 2' =. t ry als Terminal slope and channel anchor trench } Intermittent check slat } Construction 1• Remove all trees, brush, sturnps, and other € bjQcti€ mile tnatterial from the Specifications foundation area, and dispose of properly. 2, la.xcavate the channel, and shape it to neat lusts alai d.i.tl.lot.lsions shown on the plans plus a 0,24bot overcul around the channel. perimeter to allow for btdking during s�edb€:d preparations and soil buildup. . Remove and properly dispose of all excess soil so that surfacc water inay enter the cliannel freely. . The procedtlre ki5 d to establish grass in the channel will depend upon the severity of the c ondition.s and selQction of species, Protect the channel with atulc,h or a temporary lirwr sufficient to withstand anticipated velocities durinc, the cstablishment period (Ajymndbc 8,05), Maintenance Dunn thQestablishnwntperioc4,aftereveryrainlall, After grass is established, periodically chvc k the channel, check it alter every heavy rainfall event_ Immediately mike repairs. It is particularly imp€ariatltt€a check the channel outlet and all }road crossingfor bank stability and evidence of piping or sc:ou.r hoics. Rctatt_ vo all significant sedbuent 4acc:ttmulattiolls to mairatal.in the designed. catTying capacity. Keep ffiv brass in a healthy, vigorous condition at all times, since it is the primary erosion protection for the channel (Practice 6.1 f, Permanent Needing)� GRASS LINED O'IFEMpr4'0'u"'RArm"Y/ur'-4ERMANEorlloT I 10 N D I NTS Figure 6,17d Temporary Channel .i ers-, Washington State Department of Ecology Excavate channel to design k 7­1v l fap €alit. grade and cross-section 2.4 3 � t Design depth q' >r �_ Longitudinal y r / �✓ �� rsa v r > ; � E ^-^z ✓F✓ � "',,: OP ' anchor trench vercut channel during seedbed preparrztiart Intermittent check slot Shingle -lap spliced ends or begin new Typical installation with erasion control blankets or turf r irlfor°cem nt mut5 Longitudinot archon trench NOTE. 1, Check slots to be constructed per manufacturers specificalons. Staking2. ��staplinglayout per fYf�:�f��t�`k � specifications, I 8'.�. e.: .��:1✓,.�y a x � f 3 a r r pp C` @ yy �,g: before t�3..i� is C# bi`tta €'tT � t� C3�' y�/+ the �IC� e surface «fir all d,7� smooth �+� � � ay . .,,../y.!.. / ;:�°oe: .: r'?:? �'.s ,...,..,z ..✓..,. ,� ,>v;;sir°�r.,,., ,.,a.�.,, .. gg„„ [� ¢ {,J ,�„t for proper It :`�ri.yecslope,anchor up -slope a�g i the berm.u,. > .. ✓,�°, ,:». �. ... �i.. c..r .. :::;�E>:;�:: .�.� .wain .�` ...,.✓. ,'a ., ,:, /' '° ;gin✓.N,�k✓�°.�;.;-. Y� ,::',✓'E��, ...,. �::•: 1�::2'%:;^.^s=,.�.,.a.<E::: ^- �... .:✓. x a..�,�,',�.;. �si.:i. ^:".ia*ea»/i,.%.,,;.oi rye; r�y Stapling pattern a5 1. s rca� in xtlr. 3�� � ch averl �Y ,:'. ,�,i ,�f�/�u'r°4n=gA. e'manufacturers ard alat 1intervals. .-.✓^°oyBi� d 4 - .J recommendations. � , ... °, rde� dE„.. °....... .... ..l�r: e.,.::E.,....._......,.,..r,,,,,.°.°... .:/ rv¢ ... ..:s�Y.°.. °.°. »:.x._..,,.. ._!:✓.,...,. '.„ i°.,,. r.,E:°:/°.1:;,4�de�,'m°.�,�^e�vd•1.'`s:mP'�ef.',Lf.2.,'f..,.f:4-a«:b<..'/..l<....y< °..^ °z.¢a:..,..."..^l;. x ,:, Fg 4 Ge;C""v: /`,'/,f�:".�,�;r._3.-,. n=_�.v., ».:.�-.:,.'✓➢. " ,✓` -� Min. 6 €3Vd"f-a' f .,•z, .:ems:-:;....�.: �;'- ,:h„ .x, Eta:: w r .4 .�. ,...°.°� ...: � ........<..,. , .,, ems.,....,_......, .... s M .. .E ..'Y,. «':5.. .. ............Sat%,....._,« .. ....... .....s ... t ..: :,..trot ,. ,.-.,.<:-.,.e..,.<...�%..r.................._. n.,. �... .:.. ,,._. ....,. 5 ,... 'c` .. t „l Sring material down to of level area, NOTCS. o not stretch b arikets/matt'i g light -allow turn the end tinder 4" and staple at 12" 1. Design velocities exceeding 2 ft/sec require temporary blankets, mats or similar liners to protect the lolls to conform to any irregularities- intervals, seed and soil fa ith vegetafion becomes steablished. i Lime, fertilize¢ and seed befor.. installation. tion. Pl arcing . Grass -lined channels with design velocities exceeding 6 ft/ser- should include turf reinforcement For slopes less than : .l , rolls of shrubs, trees, etc, should occur After installation. mats may pfa d in horizontal strips. f q TEMPU. RY LINING .; s: on DIVERSHO"N DITCn NTS Construction Cougtruction Specifications t i properly d is�`a , if` ilia property° installed; It 's ixill probab.ty 1101 function as desired, proper instaflaiiosn is impenaative. Every if properly installed, if not proper y timed and nourished, ve e anion will probably not grow as desired. Proper seed/vegetation seleoio€a is also imperative. Grade the surface of installation areas so that the, ground is snaooth and loose. 'hen seeding prior to installation, follow, the sf ps f(w seed bed preparation, sail arn*endinents, and seeding its 6,1. All gullies, rills, and any other disturbed areas must be dirty rad€�d prior to installation., Spread seed before fi C.P installation, (ftnporfant Remove aft largo rocsks'. d.it-t clads, swr ps, foots, t s clunlps, trash, and ocher obstructiolis golf the sail surface to allow for direct cos act bet'�v en the soil .surface and the .EC'l? j Terns nai anchor trend vs afro required at REC.P ends and ilaterrraiiteaat trenches must e r�nsEructed aacrca,s� chalnrr�la Rat ��-fo;ot irzl t-vaa,ls. Terrrlirlaf mclaG trenches shotAd be a mini uni € l- 12 inches in depth wid 6 inches in v idtha while interrraittent trenchos rued %e, only 6 i€':elms deed aEld 6 inches wide. 1jistWiation for Slopes place the RECP 2-3 fcA ever the top € f di.Q slope and into an excavated egad trench tta nri g, approximately 12 Inches deep by, 6 inches wide. 111ri the RECP at t foot intcry ds along the botioni of the tretich, backfill, and cut'ripact. Umolt the RECII down (or along) the slope iaaaintaining direct contact ba�V wen the soil atlid RECR Ovedap adjacent toils a trlinirnirtm of a inches. Pin tlae RECP to the ground lasing maples or pins ,in a 3 foot center —to —center pattern. :Mess frequent siapl n /pinning is acceptable on mo erate slopes. Installation in Chaftnells— Exeavaw tern al tren&zs (t 2 inches deep and 6 inches wide) Across the channel at the upper and lower end of the linv,d channel sccdotls. At ?-foot intervals -Jong the clasaav 1, anchor the RECP aca`oss the channel either in ii inch by 6 inch trenches or by instal ling tivo closely spatted roNvs of anchors, Excavate 6 €ncia�s d"p and wide along tiwrael edges (above water lido) iriwhich to bury lbe outside U edges. Plaace the first RECP ai flee dta rt8tremi ettd of tht chaimeL Place dw end of he fifst RECP its ilae totininid trench and pin it at I font intervals idoll'g tlic bottom of tile to eIt& Note. `blab R.E(, P should be places upside down in the trench v ith the roll on ]fire cfowlastrx arrr sideoIi"t e bench, A wad y Once trtrl a 6 1 e� pinned si ba�k€ill�d tl:� 1�.° as cue to '� over tht t�d b�� wrapping p la � � pp ¢ e' tea ,af flea E�cerao attad tarlrolllrp rt �streaal 1 ' 1 h• �i i art tllo l tl e � �nllrf�. s 4vader 1 r'�ilP € ' adjacent provided ded r®lls, lace ends of ad 4oceft€ roll i t terminal �l tla teat. 1 ° la � s l terra tn�ll trench, €a� � pp �, x t theadjacent malls a ttliiparataraa of 3 iaaches, pies of 1 Blot intervals,e laaaeltfill, ataad compact Unroll the f.It hr�' upstream dild�tiartt r = €aaE the first t " f tttteratlatt�.zat tfettcla, gold the E `p roll on f, back over ltstdlf, oasiti alit day y�qq 0 ${$, 5 Y X� the downstream side of the trench, and allowing he mat to confotip to the trench_ `flea pill the RECP (two layers) to the bottona of the trench, bachfill, and Compact, Continue 'refs the channel (wiapping over the top of'the i-n'[01 r Uent tnunch repeating this step at other, intermittent tree h s, until reap ling, the uppel, terminal trench. Al the upper terniinaal trench, allow the REVP to conform to the trench, secnr with pins or stapb� , back -fill, roinpact and than bring the aiat back over t e top of the french [miff o ntol the exis€ifig rnaft (2 to 3 feet overlap its the downstrearn direction), rod pint. at l foist intefvals across the C'p. 'inii starting installaaliarl oaf a new roll, begirt ira a trench or shhi le -fall ends of rolls a auflialull-i of I feat with upstreaaral RECP Oil top to plower] uplifting, Mace the outside: edges rat` the RECP(s) inlongitudinal treatises, pin, baacRftll, wid conipaaot. Axtchoring Devlces,--1 I gab o., at least d inches len da by Baste[ width staples or 12 inch minim un—i lesagtli wooden stak es sire recommended for arichoring the C P to tht ground, tine staples fit pints so that the tall of the staple or lain. is [bast[ with duo'group surface. Anchojr each RCP cvety 3 f'eot aloully its center. Loa it dirnaal overlaps must be sufficient to accomniod.ate as row- of mchors and Piform ,dong the entire length of overlap and anchored every 3 fee Wong thd 9VeflaP lerl fie. Bolt ergs may be spliced by ovedapping I foot (in tha difUtiori of vv,ater f o 5°):4 'w-ith t.e upstreamlopslope gnat placed on tote oaf'the doWlLstrearnl downslope p,ECR 'This overlap should be wichored % I fit spacing across thQ l E'C R When installing multiple width mats .heart seamed in the f toaf`y all facatoa , sexils [arid field, overlaps should be similarly anchored. PER"EMANENT DIVERSION' BERM NTS NTS i Notes 1, La is the ientgth of the riprap apron. 1 2. d = 1.5 tunes the maximum stone diameter but not less than 6". Pipe Outlet to Flat Area— 3..In a well-defined channel ex - No Well-defined Channel tend the apron up the channel banks to an elevation of 6" j _ above the maximum tailwater depth ur to the top e f the bank, 3d° A - A whichever is less. d° 4. A filter blanket or filter fabric should be installed between the riprap and soil foundation.. f Plan .. , Construction .1' Eni-etpluttile slal}g,fadcfor thetrtmanclrL}'rapfollowsillclecptiitdllnes r La and grades shown in dic plan. Cullip act uny.l ill required in tilc scat grade to the Specifications F l.@I191 t)' t3r tile Silll'OL1L7Clina�_ 11n411.•?.Ciri?Cd I11llterf of _ t.0 i1 dl c afi ]rl the s Llt`� l ar lz call I� .1dA5tllrtfel Sell iii ll aISU �. _5ll it v y � � b uzcrzasirl�t5 the ri xa thsciuxss. I P E y The ripr.tp : rfd gn:vel Iilt�r ttailsl colillarii3 to tht sjieailiccl grading limits ltllI f 5hmvn Oil th2 PI.id,3. Section • d - Filter AA 3. Filter c:otfl when turd ]mist meet dcsi n rep uirzLiten>s anti to Ya ]e fit � l blanket p I - ;.IL I�:Ctcd ll"ol]] 7L'35Cfllil l r Cca€'.fill dLlllnt' 1t11LJlluFiarr 1�2 ?air atl\' Cttalri t_c t - r 1 a 17 � _ .I .� IQ In ov ing thu Iiprap and. pluci ng imutficr pi,'6� of L7l Cui" uJutll o) ,er the damaged ' - Pipe Qutlet to Lliell dE-'firL area. �LII c�rinectin� ui s u I . � Fit, he i4l overlap so the lei l.tvzr is lttave the , .d _ J p } _ Channel , nlLniurruii'of l f00i. If Lltztlaznai e i rht nslue;'ieplacy -` - the entire fitter ctoth. 4. Ri;', e ]�.t in:t p listed e ul ttttent but I.tk:� c- i - c% 1 r 5 IJV dry lS i Jld 41.lYLla(="lLl°' Lf1C 1 ... � t r .� fl ' e hit i. fL a. ..hG t?llrilnlClnl CILL'1'Jl 5�' ? •! e s 4t he a, Ili ;r_oiiiti'be l 3 fillies tnQ,>;�.I1.,tII1 t. p _ .L stem: diaulettr. a 6. Riprap they be fwkl stone.. Y ! ,Aryl quarry .Sti•x.L.. it Sshok ld be -161.1, 1' --'� n]�ular, highly at''.atller rctiisiant ird v.-cit maicd. . � ll ?. Construct thz apron on ,eke gi adz-tti'ith no ovcr}eLL A the earl fal,.a th.z Plan topoftllartiprapatthe dowlIsireumend.level-wiLhtilzreeervin ac�turslhtiy below it. S. Enure Hatt the 'apaon is .pwpcily hligned svrtli tIl>? rucivin strednl and panfeiutily straight illaoughout zts lcngtf] ff 17 cuss a is Ili:ilea t4i Fit site �j¢_ La Cori d itla:r75, place it II] the Ll"+f7 `r y:LLI[1n C'.Clhv. ,Ipif;l] I ' j. I17111c`ditltzlY att�r:011�tt ElCfli l7 sL�plllze all dlatU71,'41 :iL"eaSl�'Iih 4"i'�i;[l[1oY1 - (Yntc lit.'s G.IU, Iz,nporu,y 5'zi•dan�, .and f,l 1, L'zriaa:�nelrt SeeifinK). ' . Section AA , Ili a 151slaectril:raguetletstruciules'weeklyLrrd,,Ifterslghiilcant(1/2i -`tli }III=� Maintenance cl-iorgrealer) Filter ruintnll ci-enistosec if any uosior arinuld or'below tiro riprap his taken pRioo' blanket ur if :tortes I:av t fixer] diskldgc.l. ImliicdlatclyMake .all nzeded top2irs to - Fi¢ute 6,41c Riprap nutict protection (modified foam Va SYSGG). pL'BV lit furthvr (Lln get - References C_1C1a'C'eir3por.try >i:eclirig G.31.4 tit l 1, 1'elnlarle.nt Set c(Hn, f.l �, IZil�rlp Y.[ 6' Dcsion of Rip'nip Outlet Irrotcoiiorl I ice, , haJavy, K C "Riprap BcsiLli for ripe-Spitivrnys a�t i <0.?'° Prescrlted atEht Deeembu 13. 1994 Tntertlational `Nintcr t feeti ig, Amcric<ui Sociv[,• of Aprlciilmiil nginzzrs, Paper Numlwr 912541 Vito C.E. and K.C. Kadkivy, ty�i-t,.Flkwge Fool Design at Sulime.iged Pipe �pilli',gay'Uut1�L�.-'CruSsui;ticrosafthetiSrl.ti37(��j:Il67,LI73. FIlLLr�. 1J83. flytiralic �usi;;n otl:nrrgyDissiliLiLers fur Ctllvelts and mrinels. Etydr=sulic tipninzering Circultr �untter I I. OUTLET PROTECTION NTS C TYPICAL FENCE SPACING . 10' MAX SPACING STAPLE WIRE TWIST-- V MIN FENCE STAPLE WARNING SIGN .,. ,.. .;.. WIRE CLIPS STAPLE WIRE 1" MIN FENCE STAPLE 1' MAX WIRE SPACING 9 6' METAL "T" POST 0 u 4.5' MIN HEIGHT u ABOVE GROUND �. i 1.5' MiN DEPTH 1.5' MIN DEPTH BELOW GROUND BELOW GROUND SF SF LL CORNER BRACING 5'-1C" MAX SPACING 4.5' MIN HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND STAPLE WIRE TWIST= 1" MIN FENCE STAPLE ELEVATION VIEW i 1L�(TYp/ SF SF SF SF CORNER BRACING 5'-10" MAX SPACING CORNER BRACE 6' x 4" MIN TREATED POST. CORNER POST -15.5 GA BARBED WIRE r�r LISTING GROUND (TYP) NTS 2:1 MAX SIDE SLOPES (TYP) SF Cn n W n EX 15.5 GA BARBED WIRE -6' METAL "T" POST -6' x t MIN TREATED POST NAIL BRACE TO POST USE 30 PENNY NAIL MIN (4) -NOTCH POST 1" MIN FOR CORNER BRACE 5.5 GA BARBED/ 12.5 GA HIGH TENSILE WIRE IWIST x 1" x 1" WOOD STICK INSTALLATION: POST TO BE DRIVEN OR BORED AND TAP, NOTE: USE ONE SECTION OF CORNER BRACING AT GATES AND FENCE ENDS TYPICAL CORNER/BEND rILI Cr, FABRIC NOTES A) MINIMUM WIDTH OF CONSTRUC`HON ENTRANCE PAD SHALL BE 20 FT B) STONE SHALL BE 2-3" WASHED STONE, 12" THICK. C) THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOW- ING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-CF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. D) INSTALL PADS WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS OR OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PAD NTS i i BRACE TREATED POST FILTER OF 1 INCH DIAMETER # 57 0 WASHED STONE O NOTE: j c31 POST SILT FENCE FABRIC TO OVERLAP HARDWARE CLOTH BY 12 INCHES r y x5 F.- �`tv"� STEEL FENCE POST�Fr f,,> WIRE FENCE SILT FENCE FABRIC HARDWARE CLOTH STEEL FENCE POST ON WIRE FENCE ON WIRE FENCE HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER OF 1 INCH DIAMETER # PLAN VIEW NOTE: 57 WASHED S (ONE USE SILT FENCE OUTLETS ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 114 ACRE r AND THERE IS A LOW AREA. USE AS A REPAIR FLOW DIRECTION x. ,. OF SILT FENCE FAILURES. W. r GRADE STEEL FENCE POST SET HARDWARE CLOTH m MAXIMUM 2 FEET APART WIRE FENCE I SIDE VIEW - I - I u SILT FENCE FABRIC c ♦.�''f OVERLAP 25i r $ INCHES � GRADE .i, �i%fi ME Installation; Refer to the approved erosion eoittxol plan for location, extent, and J specifications. If silt fence is not installed corrc ctly the first time, it will have to I r € I' ' I I 13 I I f � 'r . -s;.. -.:I I.I .I , I � be reconstructed. Determine the exact lcacatit�rt the outlet before completing a NOTE: u �1 installation of the silt fence, taking into consideration: BURY WIRE FENCE, HARDWARE CLOTH, AND FRONT VIEW SILT FENCE FABRIC 6 INCHES INTO THE TRENCH 1, histallation.at the lowest point(s) in. the fence where water will pored. Maintenance Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each. rainfall. Maikc.any 2. Maximum allowable drainage area restriction for silt fence. required repairs immediately Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become- 3. Installation where the outlet is accessible for installation, maintenance and ineffective, replace it promptly. removal, Remove sediment.depinsits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume 4. Placement of the outlet so that waiter flowing through it will not create an for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take cane to avoid erosion hazard below - avoid. steep. slopes . below the outlet and areas undermining the fence during cleanaut. without protective Vegetation. Use slope brains ,if necessary'. Remove all fs ncin& materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been The silt fence outlet shall be installed in accordance with the standard detail; and properly stabilized, the approved erosion control plan. S�O�E #57 STONE ��;"CO- NTS GO 2.0%MIN SLOPE 3'y,5�Nd �S3D SCOPE 4 0% MAX AX SLOPE DISCHARGE LINE FROM PUMP OWN TEMPORARY INTERNAL SITE ROAD SEDIMENT FILTER BAG (BAG SIZE. BASED ON MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS) LAY ON 6-12" THICK BED OF 2"-3" DIA. STONE NTS STONE BED TO BE RELATIVELY FLAT curs SEDIMENT FILTER BAG 1 SEDIMENT FENCE INSTALLATION USING THE SLICING�IETFiOI� Instead of excavatin a. b=c . � placing fabric and ttrelzbackfrlling trench, g ; . NTS is is is is is is is S is sediment fence may be installed using specially designed equipment that j inserts the fabric into a cut. sliced in the ground with a disc (Figure 6.62b). I s' MAX. NOTES: If tallation '.The base. of both end posts should be at least uric foot higher than the STABLIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES PER NCDEQ STANDARDS 5p� IG�ll�rlS middlecsfthefence. Check with a level if necessary: FOR TIME FRAMES FOR DENUDED SLOPES 1 Install posts 4 fectapart. iin critical areas, and 6 feet apart on. standard INSTALL SILT FENCE PER SILT FENCE DETAIL applications. 3. Install posts 2 feet deep on. the downstream side of the silt fence, and as close as to the fabric, enabling to the fabric from MIN. 12-1r2GA. MIN. 10 GA. INTERMEDIATE possible posts. support WIRES TOPSOIL SHALL BE PLACED WITH : MAX SLOPES upstream water pressure. LINE WIRES ALL SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED AND PERMANENTLY SEEDED AT 10 FT HEIGHT 4. Install posts with the hippies facia awa from the silt fabric. p pP y SI IN"TALL, FEN E FAB TO S IC CON 5. Attach the fabric to each post with three ties, all spaced within the top 8 WIRE-FR-CM TO inches of the fabric. Attach each tic diagonally 45 degm4s through the: fabric, (TYP) with each puncture at least l inch vertically apart.. Also, each tie should be GRADE -_ - _ - _ - _ _ _ positioned to hang on post. rt le when ti tuned to lvvent sagging.I„I p P pp P I III i f I I I T_l; l f l 1„I I! I 1„I I I I I I; l l l I� I f l i ill f l=„ I I I L i rl lT I I � - TI I i Fes_ - A 1.5' 6. Wrap. approximately 6 inches of fabric: around the cAd posts and secure g, MIN With 3 ties. A NTS MIN 7. No more than 24 inches of a 36 inch fabric is allowed above ground � II� _ IT GLASS "B" RIP RAP level. I 12" NCDOT #5 or #57 WASHED ] OHI 11. The installation should be checked.and corrected for any deviations before II 2. STONE 's� 24"MAX compaction, � It f>�- FRONT VIEW -� FILTER FABRIC Op FILTER FABRIC fi At CENTER 9. Compaction is vitally important. for effective results. Compact the Soli itnmudiately next to the silt fence fabric with the front wheel of the, tractor, skid steer, or roller exerting at ►east. 60 pounds per squaio inch. Compact the upstream side first, and then each side twicefor a total of 4 trips. � A STEEL POST SECTION A -A Maintenance Impect.seilimentfences atleast once a week and'afcrcaeitraiufaii. Make. any NOTE: WOVEN WIRE FABRIC NTS F A L B required repairs immediately.. DOES NOT EXCEED 114 ACRE AND NEVER IN SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC INSTALLATION 1. REMOVE ALL OS�i`�C:�tCB t. k�Cuce st��e-t� ila�.lii1�� �.atd �tiar€�:=��i�,tr� �,i€au�s1 i€1 thy: pf°d�€z can �� talt�r' td€cri::� � Sho€11d the fabric of a sediment fence Collapse, tear, de.�ompose or become AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW -USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA UPSLOPE BERM TREES, BRUSH #irt$r�datict€�. effective, replace it promptly. -FND OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL. o Ir 3 4 4 f ERSpecificationsL EXISTING G 1 ✓ 1 � � ROUND ; ✓`�N ;��i1�.-XIS. K€ )a it:e c c tie o st�rxa�cca(1[t Ott 1aM�t. t i[€s€ $�1av ta.kEIca f;rci€€�tl Ike ,THE DISTANCE SUCH f THAT POINTS A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION Remove sediment deposits as nccosssry to provide:adequate storage vCllllt7[le -1 � r ❑ � z - TING1lNG atilnel 1.1�€I11�S. ROv � "tine€�the;€lrintt abuts di _ ibt nOnc' tClO � . channels atleast e6klyasddOe chsignificant(1t for the next rain and to reduce. pressure on the. fence. 'Take care to avoid undermining the fence duringcleanout FpR REPAIR OFSILT Z _ FENCE FAILURES, USE NOTE 3. I c lire tcillc at Fast 1-5 i�et l� t�$$�i tiac alit la ir$traic.(,t`i a$t ° f_ ,�S:lo t , k. la inch or greater) rainfall event and repair.inunvdi ly. Clean Gilt sediment � FOR ANCHOR V1HECN No. 57 WASHED p SIL I SEE PLAN SHEET C-2 FOR WIDTH w aier f:ow CCIttfiie arruond this eiich� o dw check dam. sf a'�r, lirta�, aT ai a r-d�beis t��tc�sld clog ��ie channel w� -a Cla:�: Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and brio the � rat deli �.- � _ � BACKFILL TRENCH FENCE IS PROTECTING E HEIGHT DETERMINED BY SfDE SLOPES. W area to grade and stabilize it after fine contributing .draitlage :area bas been I.I OVER SILT FENCE CATCH BASIN. '. 2, WIDTH INDICATED ON PLAN IS BOTTOM f, [ >as irs i i 474i1i t€i Cl1$€t`3 to ds"Ut-Q thaL Este ele� "atiol$ kit t]$v Lop of I)1€ Anticipate s encea€rdd assiiianal�or+etlaee>h al tl.er€ ionircain - properly stabilized. y ._ WIDTH. low.cr dal a E ' the a'tSi22t .I: the to 4'i�4'e€ti4311 of tbo-i€pj)s�€' Cis#.w. 3. SEED PER TEMPORARY/PERMANENT high �L74 �Igiil� 3� # �$ {3f tll� di£liii. R Ct4i t,$l% a, At�l�, �f si niflca i ert r i cot s between darts„a€�iti l 5 be. taken � SECTION VIEW CW N I �I I SEEDING SCHEDULE ON SHEET C-7. �. fret"t I-Iit, cl mik;l att> r I L towt 1 C11� ck J $a1a it m lwavv flow that �:ouI l 4. NATURAL VOLUNTEER VEGETATION aach as, -i tai]iza >� []Tot���e riprap ' in that gcs�kl€nrrt �f #h� camel SHALL REMAIN. INIUsu 1rosiunl (l itl&e 6.31,Ripe'a�--linemis�.e aved hwj: e1,�). 5. BERM ENDS SHALL BE 4:1 SLOPES LIKE ]r SILT FENCE SIDE SLOPES. Ie I gk( sttr� tat. t1 11411z"i�l [ech aIovo the most u lstrczuri d1111 is stabh' Remove Suhment cu-mulak4 behindthe ,damsas.to pmyent damugo to damel vegetA49n,augw,1a d7ipg3�t.0 NTS 7. , and prevent large saws frorq carriing Ise€liment over. the d%m Add. sWnen to VEGETATIVE BERM (TYP)chcek &ins. €re. not srlbiett to ct,u t.ic i or bjl )�k,;tL a'rtrnl rtisral=tee i stolws. . n to an d66 i tight and =sg 3eclltso. NTS CHECK DAM NTS �i S' Temporary Diversion Berm # ° ° ie:e°Te: :r => DA # .................... Calculate Flow -Rational Method 25-Yr Storm ----- -- Qzs=CIA C= 1={ "e€2lin/hr Qss = 1,94 A- Channel Slope== € F ( k Channel DV2th= Bottom width= m elg° Im- C1 Side Sloj_} s= Veloeit ram-- s't€$ em�m e�l�$: Sow e 0:At�fyita�tr3. ,g Slopes= Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds Y= 62A Ibs ele€e°zi54ft T= 0.7498 Ibs/fta s= itlO'ft/ft ''$ytawvyf nEt Temporary- ri Permanent=ernauda Temporary Diversion//Berm #, ._- _> DA# Calculate Flow - Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Qas = CIA C= 1= ?:s.ar.�4;8t1i in/hr Qz,= 39.53 A= Channel Slane Channel depth=el e ' '-iii34k Bottom width= vlel°e 17fi' . Side Slopes=,rvw e•:•:•:• ; V elocitY= 'i`� Soil Type @a7t itrart slopes=40 Channel Lining �i Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwoeer= em'a'a1.9 ft T= 2.60208 lbs/ft's= s w:' _'=,i33E ft/ft Temporary54 Permanent=1idRts Temporary Diversion/Berm #;''T > DA # 17 Calculate Flow - Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Qzs = CIA C- € r] 3t1 i !dt Afl m/hr 11.42 A 3 ac 4 ..-..........-...-...-- ChannelSlope= Channel DepthW ee Bottom width= eeevE=" and i9 f3Q Side Slopes Velocity= d 3 Soil Type sand Slopes Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds Y= 62.4 lbs d_ ees'ee 4 ift T= 0.5928 lbs/ft,ft/ft Temporary-S�C�?!FFY+PI�i��Cf�i e'=.' Permanent rmt�iagrass I Temporary Diversion/Berm #' > DA tt r - Lr$ .. Calculate Flow - Rational Method_ 25-Yr Storm Qzs = CIA Qzs = 18.14 ac ChannO Slope» ° Channel Depth= 'w"wi it Bottom width Side Slo es= Velocity=glgfl Soil Type Cy) Slopes Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= _ 62.4 Ibs it T= 0,71136 ibs/tt' s� ' M° °'£9;i15. ft ft TemporaryStraww/netlIt) Permancnt 8etrnzacfaara Temporary Diversion/Berm # Calculate Flow - Rational Method 25-YrStorm - - Qs = CIA C d ddQ.3Q Qz, 77,82 A S SR,ae Channel Slope= �annelt3etth_-___ �41 a.aa�z.e, Bottom width Side slopes' Uelacit = Soil Type 4W sandli fo r m F slopes Channel Lining Shear Calculation r=yds y= 62.4 Ibs d a 9 it li T= 1.722241bs/ft' s nl§� �i2lff/ft Temporary :APLk1Vr Perma ne n t=8errii�itf��C�SS_°€l' roSGis° Temporary Diversion/Berm # 4 > DA # „ gq .-......._..�-.�.... - ..x..,r Calculate Flow - Rational Method ZS-Yr STOnl� City =CIA C- C? Q3 6.80 A=if:'sY0 2;ID;a Channel Slope=:...........„,; Channel Depth= Bottom width . He N € €":TJ SideSEopes=mi°�m� €3,r;iSY_ Velocity='8 Sail iYpe sag dy j prc _' Slopes C} 1fl% LhanRel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 9 62A Ibs duce Mpg ���Tt T= U.49296 Ibs/ft' ft/ft Temporary Straw uvfr�et+pg Permanen[-:f��rrtivcla�rass:>°�` �," 6 Temporary Diversion/Berm => DA # >W=(f Calculate Flow--Rationai Method 25-Yr Storin Qzs = CIA C= QL = 11.02 A .._...... `= ec Channel slime" i'3e(30 Channellgepth= °es-,t7Q Bottom width= Side slopes,_ 8Ct Velocity= Soil Type 0santf� axrt,.,, Slopes fl 1!3°._..-- Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.41bs Ei"si3i&iEiaEdEFE �» T= 1-44144 lbs/ft'ft/ft .. Temporary :5itarniyy/i1fttY5ig .... s Permanent= Seamutiagra W ems Temporary Diversion Berm #?;"w iA.- °', _ => DA 4 v Calculate Flow- Rational Method 25-Yr Siarrn Q,,i = CIA C- f e v :A.3d3g tlz5 = 15,88 A= e{Ee4i0;ac Channel Slope= �mm v.-">165C�i Channel Depth= 2 ............ Bottom width=.._ _W.m. ,; m Side Slopes=_ Ll. velocity= Soil Type @ sSlopes ;€T Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds Y= 62.4 lbs ft T= 0.94536 lbs/ftz`ft/ft Temporary rstra}pryy�pdttip� �" =i Permanent i�eratusfasr�&�€'<m��«: Temporary Diversion/Berm FI',,,,-z => DA # fl:...- Calculate Flow -- Rational Method 25-YrStorrn--4-- - Qzs = CIA C= ,` N" 0-3,R; I ]4 8Q injhr .ef Channel Depth= m 245 Bottom width- SideST_...i02es=_», Velacrty � 4 �; Soil Typpe_-a�3 Andy loam, Slopestf tiT Channel LiniM Shear Calculation 7=yds y= 62.4 lbs ft tl:E2, T= 0,9'734<j Ibs/ft' s= o,`.-`'o ft/ft Temparary�36wy jotl if} Permanent W*W-,grass Temporary Diversion/Berm _> DA # 'Ba >[iggA Calculate Flow - Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Qv w CIA C= 1= ed ie;1C#;Q in/hr Qz> 4.s4 A n.-14;(i€ ac Channel Slop ergm_i;;;:fiU Channel Clepth='=:"i�i.�W Bottom widthm Side Slopes-;em`e`'8 ia�',�1U Velocity, 4 7 Soil lype saredylcr slopes 11tt... M Channel Lining Shear Calculation T-yds y= 62.4 Ibs ,a v T= 1.0296 lbs/ft' s= = ft/ft Tempo ra ry=. yetr?i uk[rIig in;"` Temporary Diversion/Berm It ;, > DA # 11 m oa Caltu ate Flow - Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25 = CIA C ........... 111 'V in/hr Qzs = 4.54 A .........i ac Channel Slope= Channel Depth Bottomwrdth-,r, Side slopes velocity ys soil Type @ sarjdy 84di1 e Slopes=,Ffq :.... Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yd.s y= 62A lbs d„.t. xx =''U%ft T= 0.24024Ib5/ft2 s= ©¢Q ft/ft Temporary-StraltWizettut Perm anent-,xlUiaras en Temporary Diversion/Berm # .e.12. _» , DA # Cal cuiate Flow - Rational Method 25-Yr Si Orin Qzs = CIA C in/hr Qts = 11.99 A= Channel Slope= Channel Depth- €E°`° °°i °` ii Bottom width -- Side Slopes- Velocity- ; m'w < 4 66' Soll Tvpe �i tfy loailr Sla es- U ID° P! N p Channel Lining Shear Ca€cu{atir n T=yds y= 62.4 Ibs d. arEr=d's e ne.S9aft T= 0,85176 Ws/ft' s > QD eft/ft Tenporary= IIW.:ktttian$. Perrr�arrent=eL�i•i259;fd��t�SS:�:W=a ""; C C U DJ Skimmer Basin # 5i ft Velocity- 0 ft/s Skimmer BaJn.# DA # . Weir Lining Calculate Flow -.Rational Method Calculate Flow- Rational.Method 10-Yr Storm 25-Yr Storm Shear Calculation 10-YrStorrn 25-YrStorm C -CIA 1=,CIA C= CIA C= �Cio L . T=yds Y= 62.4 Iles. Q10 27.4752 A 31.104 A= 0.9 ft Q10 28-62 A= Q25 t 32.4 A=� T= 0.5616 lbs/ft2 S= 0.01 ft/ft Calculate Required Surface Area Calculate Required Surface Area Use Class A Rip Rap SA=Q25 X 325 sf/cfs 31.104 cfs Skimmer Sizipy, SA=Q,, x 325 sf/cfs Qz5 = 32.4 cfs SA= 10108.8 Calculate Dewater Time SA= 10530 Side Slopes Qd=V/Td V= 17280 Side S I Pond t. Depth= Td= �3 2-5 days typ Pond Depth= ft Qd= 5760 Basin Dims- Basin Dims ,-,:,j A.= Weir= x 10368 sf Calculate Orifice Diameter Weir= x 4 6 10658 sf Top = ", 4,� 13104 ft Tap x 13430 ft Bottom 6804 sf D=sqrt((Qd/(2110sqrt(h))) Qd= 5760 -2 Bottom "'i .... .. . x 7040 sf h= 1.75 Volume Required D= 1.816205 Volume Required VK=Ax1800 cf/ac A= 9-6 Use 5kirnmert 1,8 Orifice V�mAx1800 cf/ac A= 10 Skimmer Outlet Protection Vl,= 17280 VR= 18000 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Volume Proposed Volume Proposed Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 La 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Vp=((Top Area + Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 10368 368 vellocity= 2.36 ft/s W= I Use 3.0 ft Vji=((Top. Area + Bottom Areo)/2)xD Top= 10658 Bottom= 5804 Zc)ne= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Bottom= 7040 VP= 25758 D= 3 VP= 26547 0= 3 OK OK Weir Sizing V41eir Sizing Per AutoCad Hydraflow Software Per AutbCad Hydraflow'Software L= ft L= 71-5- ft D-f t D= ft ft fv 7 t clwaler� 4'f 31.104 cfs %S32.4 cfs Velocity= f t/s .. . . .. .... Skimmer Basin H DA # city= Ve �o ft/S Weir Lining_ 11Veir Lining Calculate Flow- Rational Method Shear Calculation 10-W Storm -- - ---------------------------- 25-Yr Storm Shear Calculation 'U 4AwM,- (�,10 CIA C. QI5 CIA mm C= T=yds 62,4 lbs E R i T-Vds y 62.4 lbs 0.74 ft Qjo 22.037 4 A U-, Q25 24.948 A 0.78 ft T= 0.46176 lb S/ft2 S= 0.01 ft/ft T= 0.4.8672 lbs ft s= 0.01 ft/ft Calculate Required Surface Area Use Class. A Rip Rap Use Class A Rip Rap Skimmer Sizing SA=Q2S x 325 sf/cfs Q?-,; = 24.948 cfs 'Skimmer SizIM Calculate Dewater Time SA= 8108.1 Calculate Dewater Time Qd=V/Td V= 18000 Side S1 opes Qd=V/Td V= 13860 Td= 3 2-5 days typ Pond Depth= ft Td= 3 2-5 days typ Qd= 6CCO Qd= 4620 Basin Dims Calculate Orifice Diameter x ai 8192 s f Calculate Orifice Diameter Tap g!;­��-�.'l TN�- �2`z­-K 7­ 6' x 10640 ft D= s q rt ((Qd/(2 3 1 C5q r t(h))) Qd= 6000 Bcttom x 5060 sf D=5 q rt((Qd/(2- 310 sq rt(h))) Qd= 4620 h 1.75 h= 1.75 D= 1.853656 Volume Required D= 1,626577 Use Skimmer 1.9 Orifice 4 Vac R=Ax1800 cf/ 73 Use ri Skimmer 1.6 Orifice Skimmer Outlet Protection Skimmer Outlet Protection vR= 13860 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual New York method Manual Vollurfie Proposed Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 La= 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 La= 1.32 Use:7.5 ft velQcity= 2.36 ft/s W= 1 Use 3.0 ft Vl,=((Top Area.+ Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 8192 Velocity= 2.36. ft/s W= I Use 3.0 ft zone= 'I Stone Diameter= Class.,A' Bottom= 5060 7urie= 1 Stone Diameter--: Class A vp= 19878 D= 3 OK Weir Sizing Per AutoCad Hydraflow Software L= 0,Tft ft 879,` t f 24.948 cfs