HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211118_ESCRockingham Quarry • Mining Permit No. 77-01 Vulcan Construction Materials. LLC Mining Permit Modification November 18, 2021 Introduction Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC ("Vulcan") operates the Rockingham Quarry, Permit No. 77-01, in Richmond County, North Carolina. The site is located on the south side of NC Highway 1117, Galestown Road, where it intersects US 74. This mining permit modification provides an overview of the existing conditions of the quarry and a detailed plan for the proposed site improvements. The proposed activities are to be within existing permitted area for the Overburden Storage Area. The purpose of this modification is to install additional erosion and sediment control measures in order to utilize more of the Overburden Storage Area without impacting streams and wetlands (Waters of the US). Existing Conditions Property and Permit Boundary The existing permitted property at Rockingham Quarry consists of 1,249.23 acres of land owned by Vulcan Lands, Inc. This permitted area is shown on Operations Plan. Landuse Within the 1,249.23-acre permitted area, Vulcan currently has approximately 580.6 acres for quarry related activities including: approximately 58.0 acre for tailings / settling pond area, 54.9 acres for stockpiles, 158.0 acres for overburden storage area, 63.3 acres for processing / haul roads area, and 194.2 acres for mine excavation area. The remaining areas are used for buffers and wildlife enhancement. Wetlands and Streams The area included in this permit modification request has been investigated for the presence of Waters of the U.S. (wetlands and streams). Any such areas have been verified and delineated using appropriate protocol and their locations surveyed. No impacts to Waters of the US are proposed by this modification request. Page 1 of 5 Rockingham Quarry • Mining Permit No. 77-01 Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC Mining Permit Modification November 18, 2021 Proposed Land Disturbance Boundary All the property involved in this mine permit modification (approximately 33.0 acres) is within the existing approved mine permit boundary, as well as already approved for disturbance. The purpose of this modification is to install erosion and sediment control measures in order to expand the existing Overburden Storage Area without impacting streams and wetlands (Waters of the US). All storm water runoff from the proposed modification area will be controlled by existing Outfall 112-007 and proposed Outfalls 112-012,112-013, and 112-014. Included with this modification are the design drawings and computations for these outfall structures. Construction Sequence 1. Clear area without grubbing. Grubbing may be performed in areas where required to install silt fence. 2. Install silt fence. 3. Commence excavation and filling to establish access road and channels, as per design plans. 4. Install rip rap outfalls, check dams, and channel lining as final grades are achieved. 5. Vegetate disturbed areas as soon as final grades are achieved. Page 2 of 5 Rockingham Quarry Sediment Channel Outfall 112-012 At Sta 18+43 Design Computations - Sediment Storage and Stormwater Flow Sub Basin Sediment Storage Characteristics NCDEQ Requirements - 3,600 CU FT PER ACRE Total Drainage Area - 3.00 Acres Disturbed Drainage Area - 1.00 Acres Required Sediment Storage - 3,600.0 cu-ft I Required Sediment Storage - 0.083 ac-ft Runoff Coefficient, C - 0.4 Travel Length - 816 feet Time of Concentration Tc - 20.0 min Inters , i2 - 3.67 in/hr Intensity, 6r, - 5.50 in/hr Intensity, i,00 - 6.44 in/hr Peak Runoff Discharge, Q2 - 4.6 cfs Peak Runoff Discharge, Q25 - 6.9 cfs Peak Runoff Discharge, Q,00 - 8.1 cfs Designed Storage 5,850.0 Spillway Design Invert Elevation - 199.0 ft Bottom Width - 10 ft Total Depth - 2 ft Freeboard - 1.00 ft Side Slopes - 5 :1 Capacity with 1' Freeboard - 33.7 cfs 100 Year Storm Flow Depth - 0.4 ft Average 100 Year Velocity - 2.1 fps Sediment Channel Cell Channel Slope % Ponded Ponded Length Minimum Pond Depth D, (ft) Check Dam Height D2 (ft) Bottom Channel Width (ft) Channel Side Slope (z:1) 100 Yr Flow Depth Over Check Dam (ft) Volume (cu-ft) Total Volume (cu-ft) Total Volume (ac ft) Sta 17+50 to Sta 19+00 0.00 150 3 3 4 2 0.3 5,850.0 5,850.0 0.134 Page 3 of 5 Rockingham Quarry Sediment Channel Outfall 112-013 At Sta 29+33 Design Computations - Sediment Storage and Stormwater Flow Sub Basin Sediment Storage Characteristics NCDEQ Requirements - 3,600 CU FT PER ACRE Total Drainage Area - 10.80 Acres Disturbed Drainage Area - 3.00 Acres Required Sediment Storage - 10,800.0 cu-ft Required Sediment Storage - 0.248 ac-ft Runoff Coefficient, C - 0.4 Travel Length - 1051 feet Time of Concentration Tc - 20.0 min Intensity, i2 - 3.67 in/hr Intensity, i2S - 5.50 in/hr Intensity, i,00 - 6.44 in/hr Peak Runoff Discharge, Q2 - 16.6 cfs Peak Runoff Discharge, Q25 - 24.9 cfs Peak Runoff Discharge, Q,00 - 29.2 cfs Designed Storage 24,902.0 Spillway Design Invert Elevation - 199.0 ft Bottom Width - 12 ft Total Depth - 2 ft Freeboard - 1.00 ft Side Slopes - 5 :1 Capacity with 1' Freeboard - 40.4 cfs 100 Year Storm Flow Depth - 0.8 ft Average 100 Year Velocity - 3.0 fps Sediment Channel Cell Channel Slope % Ponded Ponded Length Minimum Pond Depth D, (ft) Check Dam Height DZ (ft) Bottom Channel Width (ft) Channel Side Slope (z:1) 100 Yr Flow Depth Over Check Dam (ft) Volume (cu ft) Total Volume (cu-ft) Total Volume (ac-ft) Sta 20+90 to Sta 22+00 5.09 98 0 5 4 2 0.5 2,648.4 2,648.4 0.061 Sta 22+90 to Sta 24+00 5.09 98 0 5 4 2 0.5 2,648.4 5,296.8 0.122 Sta 24+90 to Sta 26+00 5.09 98 0 5 4 2 0.5 2,648.4 7,945.2 0.182 Sta 26+90 to Sta 28+00 5.09 98 0 5 4 2 0.5 2,648.4 10,593.6 0.243 Sta 28+52 to Sta 30+14 0.00 162 5 5 4 2 0.5 11, 340.0 21, 933.6 0.504 Sta 31+00 to Sta 32+10 4.38 110 0 5 4 2 0.5 2,968.4 24,902.0 0.572 Page 4 of 5 Rockingham Quarry Sediment Channel Outfall 112-014 At Sta 40+00 Design Computations - Sediment Storage and Stormwater Flow Sub Basin Sediment Storage Characteristics NCDEQ Requirements - 3,600 CU FT PER ACRE Total Drainage Area - 13.30 Acres Disturbed Drainage Area - 4.00 Acres Required Sediment Storage - 14,400.0 cu-ft I Required Sediment Storage - 0.331 ac-ft Runoff Coefficient, C - 0.4 Travel Length - 2033 feet Time of Concentration Tc - 20.0 min Intensity, iz - 3.67 in/hr Intensity, i25 - 5.50 in/hr Intensity, i,00 - 6.44 in/hr Peak Runoff Discharge, Qz - 20.5 cfs Peak Runoff Dischar e, Qzs - 30.7 cfs Peak Runoff Discharge, Q,co - 36.0 cfs Designed Storage 46,362.9 Spillway Design Invert Elevation - 185.5 ft Bottom Width - 12 ft Total Depth - 2 ft Freeboard - 1.00 ft Side Slopes - 5 :1 Capacity with 1' Freeboard - 40.4 cfs 100 Year Storm Flow Depth - 0.9 ft Average 100 Year Velocity - 3.2 fps Sediment Channel Cell Channel Slope % Ponded Ponded Length Minimum Pond Depth D, (ft) Check Dam Height D2 (ft) Bottom Channel Width (ft) Channel Side Slope (z:1) 100 Yr Flow Depth Over Check Dam (ft) Volume (cu-ft) Total Volume (cu-ft) Total Volume (ac-ft) Sta 34+00 to Sta 35+00 4.98 100 0 5 4 2 0.6 2,954.3 2,954.3 0.068 Sta 35+00 to Sta 36+00 4.98 100 0 5 4 2 0.6 2,954.3 5,908.6 0.136 Sta 36+00 to Sta 37+00 4.98 100 0 5 4 2 0.6 2,954.3 8,862.9 0.203 Sta 38+77 to Sta 43+77 0.00 500 5 5 5 2 0.6 37,500.0 46,362.9 1.064 Page 5 of 5