HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201021_Water_Balance_narrativeJISUNROCK (10 77 P, 4r VL PROSPECT HILL QUARRY WATER BALANCE Mop i Prospect Hill Water o Zero Discharge Quarry Process Why? High Quality Water Shed NCG02000 Requires All process water discharge rates (cfs (cubic feet per second) must be 50% below the 7Q 10 of the receiving water body. Definition of 7Q 10 The 7Q 10 is the lowest 7-day average flow that occurs (on average) once every 10 years. The 7Q 10 for all surrounding water bodies is (Determined by USGS (July 2020) Thus No Discharge of process water is possible 7r rj Typical Quarry Dewatering System (Sunrock Kittrell Quarr 4 r'- tilt Plant r- Plant Water Pond �ttling I I 13 Kittrell Quarry —22 years old —45-acers 150' maximum pit depth (sump B) Average annual production + (-500k-1 million tons/yr.) f.: r Ik F SuP. ns Plant Make-up Water/Dewatering Pond Typical Quarry Dewatering S stem Sunrock Butner Quarry) 0 Butner Quarry,- i r• ~50 years old ~ 100 Acres'- 250' maximum pit depth (sump B) Average annual 1000 production (~ 1-3 � - x million tons/yr.) -_ Sump A --___ _ �..�-.��"-may - _ __. - _ �•� _ � . ld mow, � f• k ` , _ + • "7� = Sump B A _ De -watering Pond` Prospect Hill Quarry Process Water Flow Dia M ram It Quarry Pit Dewatering Groundwater/Stormwater Inflow (Pit A) Concrete Plant Production Pump/Pipe Plant Make-up Process Waterfromrter Valve Pond- AGravityFlowPipe Mixer Truck washout FPI.nt Pump/PipeWeir/filtration system to remove solids Water Pond lant Make-up Solids recycled back FP Pump/Pipe Pond- B into the production Excess Water process Pump/Pipe Gravity Flow Pump/Pipe Pipe Pump/Pipe Aggregate Excess Processing Settling Basins Water pH neutralization Facility Solids reclaimed back into system (CO2) production process, or disposed in permitted overburden/pond Gravity fine disposal areas Flow Pipe Plant Make-up Plant Make-up All other process water developed at the facility shall Pond- B Gravity Spillway Spillwaybe Pond- diverted/pump to above listed process water Pump/Pipe facilities and reused in the production process * Pit B — Dewatering system to be pumped and contained within Pit A (upon Pit A's Completion) Prospect Hill Quarry Process Water Ponds M t T$I71p BflSln#17—warwrI KMFM 1 � �welll� ` ■ Plant Water Pond/Plant Make-up SheetC3.03 Water Pond A _ - - - ,� Temp Basin v SheetC3.04 ■ Fed directly from Pit Dewatering ? o Plant Makeup Water Pond -A ■ Interconnected gravity flow ' -2-Acre - 2.574,947 gal Capacity Plant Water Pond 344,220 Cat Storage Capacity ■ Plant Water Pond Pumps to -1Acre- Sheet7G Processing Plant and 1,447.000 gat Capacity Miscellaneous uses (i.e. plant dust 193,378CtA suppression) storage capacity Sheet7a ��, Pump lines equipped with 1 ' diverters to allow for discharge directly back to Pit A as needed. Il. 24' H E �. 2f E At '�'B� ■ Plant Process Water Settling Ponds Series of (8) eight individual Plant Process ponds � Water fettling Ponds Fed via gravity directly from -3Acres Aggregate Wash Screens 705.488 gal capacity._ Discharge via gravity flow 9010.08Cutt =- -----� direct) back to Plant Water �\ G� Storage Capacity Temp 8&sin 91 y 16 shegt7a ;' _ strdetcs.aa ■ Complete Closed loop System I;r , . �4 -1 .._. Sediment Trap #4 24 PE Sheet C3.11 a�ftft PEA M Prospect Hill Quarry Process Water Ponds Plard Make-up Water Pond-B -1"cre- 27,801,126 gal Capacity -3,718,470 Out Storage Capaclty See Details - $heat 73 TempBain42 Sheet C3.41 V. PlarA Make-up Water Pa&C �. -trAcre - e08.167gal Capa* -918,140 Cut Storage Capacity See Details - Sheet 7G ■ Plant Make-up B/C It Water Pond Fed directly from Pit Dewatering Pit A Also fed from excess process water from concrete plant systems (truck wash out weir) via pump Interconnected gravity Spill . way to Plant Make-up Water Pond C owatareac �r�z'��- �F 01`` e��JS Both Ponds equipped with pumps supplying Concrete and Asphalt facility's with water for their process Pumps also equipped to discharge back to either Pit A and or Plant Water Pond/Plant Make-up Water Pond A as needed Complete Closed loop System Prospect Hill Quarry Process Water Storage o Quarry Water Usage Water Usage Gallons/Day Gallons/Month Gallons/Year % Process Loss Gallons Loss/Day Gallons Loss/Month Gallons Loss/Year Aggregates Process facility 2,100,000 54,600,000 655,200,000 20% 420,000 10,920,000 131,040,000 Dust Suppression 9,000 234,000 2,808,000 100% 9,000 234,000 2,808,000 misc. 6,000 156,000 1,872,000 100% 6,000 156,000 1,872,000 Totals 2,115,000 54,990,000 659,880,000 - 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 Aggregate Process facility wash screen water use is 3500gpm Two wash screens proposed only screen used in calculations Aggregate facility limited to operating 6-days a week 10-hours per day for calculation purposes only Typical Aggregate Process Facility —20% water loss Water lost via evaporation, saturation of finished products, saturation of generated fines (pond fines or waste materials) M Prospect Hill Quarry Process Water Storage o Pit Dewater In flows Is Water Inputs Stormwater ft./day Gallons/day Gallons/Month Gallons/Year Drainage Groundwater Inflow Pit A 150'* - - 134,702 4,097,186 49,166,230 Groundwater Inflow Pit A 300'* - - 237,160 7,213,617 86,563,400 Groundwater Inflow Pit B 150'* - - 114,169 3,472,640 41,671,685 Groundwater Inflow Pit B 300'* - - 302,690 9,206,821 110,481,850 Mean Annual Rainfall PIT A** 1,829,083 0.011 145,572 4,427,805 53,133,664 Mean Annual Rainfall PIT B *** 3,613,925 0.011 287,622 8,748,515 104,982,179 Totals 5,443,007 - 1,221,915 37,166,584 445,999,008 o All design calculations based on maximum fully developed I pit to a depths of 150' & I r 300' below grade 13 Average annual precipitation of 46.60 in/year Prospect Hill Quarry Process Water Storage o Pond Capacity and Evaporation Rates Water Storage Capacity Pond Capacity (gal) Surface Area Annual Gallons Gallons Gallons (sgft) Evaporation (ft.) Loss/Day Loss/Month Loss/Year Settling Ponds 705,488 15,718 2.5 805 24,496 293,953 Plant Water Pond 1,447,000 31,862 2.5 1,632 49,655 595,858 Plant Make -Up Water Pond -A 2,574,947 43,324 2.5 2,220 67,517 810,209 Plant Make -Up Water Pond-B 27,801,1 26 406,355 2.5 20,820 633,281 7,599,366 Plant Make -Up Water Pond-C 6,868,167 185,945 2.5 9,527 289,784 3,477,404 Total 39,396,728 - - 35,005 1,064,733 12,776,790 o Average Evaporation for North Carolina is 3' per year Source USGS o Note Evaporation Rates can be increased via other industrial practices Evaporators (Average increase of 25% to 60%) M Prospect Hill Quarry Process Water Storage It Storage Remaining Total Process Total Process Total Process Total Process Total Process Total Process Excess Water Excess Water Excess Water Total Storage Capacity Capacity (gal/day) (gal/Mo) (gal/yr) Loss (gal/day) Loss (gal/Mo) Loss (gal/yr) (gal/day) (gal/Mo) (gal/yr) Capacity (gal) Remaining Balance for (gal/year) evaporation Pit A @ 150' -154,726 -2,785,009-33,420,106 39,396,728 72,816,834 85,593,624 2,115,000 54,990,000 659,880,000 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 Pit A @ 300' -52,268 331,422 3,977,064 39,396,728 35,419,664 48,196,454 Pit B @ 150' -33,209 911,155 10,933,864 39,396,728 28,462,864 41,239,654 2,115,000 54,990,000 659,880,000 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 Pit B @ 300' 155,312 6,645,336 79,744,029 39,396,728 (40,347,301) (27,570,511) o Pit A a Additional Notes ■ Pit A — operating loss for water through 1 50' pit depth no additional water storage required ■ Pit B is to be opened at or near the completion of Pit A ■ Pit A — —3.9 million gallons excess water annually at 300' pit ■ Both working pits as demonstrated by our existing facilities to depth to be stored in onsite pond system for future use or allowed have multiple working levels, and an Internal working sump to be evaporated system providing additional storage capacity and operational flexibility ■ Pit A has —30 to 60 year life span to reach calculated capacities at 300' pit depth ■ Pit A - 1,555,355,057 gallon capacity when it reaches equilibrium post dewatering at a 300 foot depth for the pit 13 Pit B phasing shown on the mine map. Pit A will reach equilibrium in ■ Pit B - —1 1 million gallons excess water annual at 1 50' pit depth to —13 years post dewatering (-25' below the natural ground be stored in onsite pond system for future use or allowed to be surface) based on the Piedmont Geologic hydrogeological study evaporated infiltration rates and precipitation estimate ■ Pit B - —80 million gallons excess water annually at 300' pit depth ■ Remaining Pit A storage capacity post de -watering and to be stored in combination of onsite pond system and/or Pit A equilibrium is—324,333,295 gallons to its surface elevation ■ Pit B has —40-80 year life span to reach calculated capacities ■ Groundwater hydraulic conductivity/transmissivity of Pit A to allow excess annual Pit B water to be absorbed through infiltration to groundwater within 1.5 years