HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Protect Umstead State Park from PCB contamination by stopping the quarry operationJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:42 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Umstead State Park from PCB contamination by stopping the quarry operation From: Adrian Vrouwenvelder [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:27 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Umstead State Park from PCB contamination by stopping the quarry operation l request that the NC DEQ deiny the Wake Stone Corpo ratio in's mi16ling �peirmit 92 10 and r6linstate the Sunset Clause from 1981. Instead, l would like sale of the ON F`61Hows tract to The Conservation Fund to proceed so that the Ilaind cain Ibe (preserved for the vital) Ipuirpose of Niking and mouintallin bilking tralOs. As a IloingtGime iresident of the RaIleigh Duirhaim Chapell KH metro area, ll Ihave witinessed the ineed to (preserve our area's precious gireein space. Green space, oince (paved or mined, is inot coming Ibaclk, and gireein space is Ipairticullairly precious llin uirbain areas and train sportatio in corridoirs, such as we Ihave aIloing l 40. Umstead State Park and IL.alke Crabtree are Ipubllic spaces that would Ibe inegafiv6ly impacted Iby mi16ling operations, and this llin itself is a ireasoin to deiny Wake Stone's Ipeirmit. (Ref: Section '74 51 (d) of the 1971 Mi16ling Act (Mine Safety and Heafth Act of North Cairofina): DEQ may deiny the (permit upoin fiin6ing: (5) That the operation will Ihave a sig16ificaintly adverse effect oin the Ipuirposes of a publicly owined Ipairk, forest or irecreation area.) As someone who cheir9ishes the outdoor pairks and wiMeirnesses, l aim 1 fairnifiair with the research llinto the Ibeinefits of gireein spaces, inot oinlly to preseiMing our area's allir and water quafity, Ibut to sustallinlling Mldllkfe and to supporting the Ipsyclholloglicall and Iplhysicall Ihealltlh of our area residents. The preservation of our water quallkty abine shoUld Ibe sufficient to deny the imiinlling Ipeirmit due to the Ipoteintiall of imiinlling operations causing IleacNing of contaminants llinto Ilocall steams. (Ref: Section '74 51 (d) of the 1971 Miinlling Act (Mine Safety and Heafth Act of North Cairofina): DEQ may deny the �peirmit upoin fiin6ing: (2) That the operation WEI have uindWy adverse effects on Ipotalble groundwater supplies, Mldfife, or fresh water, estuairline, or imair9line fisheiries.) As a father of a very outdoors oriented fairnHy, 1I Ikinow Ihow vital) the tral10s of L.alke Crabtree and Uirnstead are inot just to our fairnHy Ibut to imainy, imainy otheirs, and 1I waint the Odd FeElows tract to Ibe Ipreseirved for outdoor recreation, inot irUlined Iby imiinlling operations. 1I caEl upoin my ellected offic4ls to see my opposition to the quarry and to j6lin me llin voicing tlhellir opposition. Adidain ViromenveNeir adrianl(d)-cantocrew.com 2465 Wayfarer Court Clhapell KEI, North Cairofina 27514 N