HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Give us clean air Umstead State ParkJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:40 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Give us clean air Umstead State Park From: Joy Ali [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 6:51 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Give us clean air Umstead State Park l don't usually s1haire a ton of causes to support, Ibut t1his one matters. This is IpulbBlic land, granted a Ipeirmit to a Iprlivate company, to destroy Ipreseirved natu14l habitat for tlhelhr own gain with the con6tion that they stop and restore it Iby 2031. Instead, they waint to expand it. This is appaIlfiing. We cannot let t1his happen. Your letter can Ibe as s1hoirt or as(long as you waint. I've Included mine Iheire if you waint to copy it. To wlhoim it may concern and to anyone w1ho willl Illisten, I'm inot the type to take the time to write letters to anyone about anytINIng, �but t1his issue is sometINIng l Ibelllieve is more than worth my time, and you abs6lutelly s1hoWd too. Umstead State Park was created to Ipreseirve inatuire for the enjoyment of people, and the inouir9islhirnent of aIIII the creatures w1ho ineed a habitat. It legally Ibelloings to the Ipubllic, and that s1hoWd Ibe enough to stop the ridiculous notion that a private company could seize the Ilaind for tlhellr own 1 gallin. It appears, however, that the Ipoweirs that Ibe ineed even imore of a reason to deny the atrocity of hand destruction, so Ilet late Illist a few The Odd Fell ows Tract has Ibeein identified as a "CirificallII-and Acquisition Tract" Iby NC State Parks for Urnstead State Park for water quallllty protection and IpoteintGall forested Ibilke tral10s. The 1Boy Scouts have camped, (Milked, and bilked on this Ipropeirty since 1958; how imany others coUld find their (love of inatuire sparked or their llinineir (peace fed llin this space? A inew quarry at Odd Fell ows Tract would sever the one known Mldllllfe corridor connecting RaIleiglh to the rest of the Eastern VvHdway that iruins from Canada to Florida. We cannot (let that happen; to tlNlinlk that we humans are above the inatuir4ll woirld is Ihulbrlis. Too imuch of our inatuir4ll wodd has aIliready Ibeein destroyed llin the inairne of Iprogiress or Ipeirsoinall �profit, and we are seeking the impacts of that llin aIlairming ways. Why would anyone tlNlinlk it's a good idea to destroy even imore? Espec4lHy llin such a rapidlly devebping area? We have aIlready done the hard work of deci61ng this land is worth protecting; we imust keep it that way! In light of aH that, here is a Mist of what 1I ask of the you. For the DEQ 1. Deny Wake Stone Corp's application for a inew crock amine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts on Urnstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireenway, recreation llin the OM Reedy Greek Corridor and the three adjacent homeowners. We've aIlready seen the impact they've had to their ineliglhlboirs off Hairirisoin ird, and the Ipolllution of this would llimpact inatuire and (people for decades if this is aIHowed to go through 2. Restore the Sunset CIIause to the current Wake Stone quarry operations that were promised to end llin 2031, 50 years from 1981 This is Ipulbllic land. A Iprlivate company asked to inot oimly use it, Ibut to amine and take owneirsINIp of what is Ibelbw the dirt and ir9iglhtfUllly Ibelbings to the owneirs of the land (agallin, the pubfic). The sunset clause was a con6tion to that Ibelling (permitted. The reirnovall of it without any Ipubllic comment is alkin to theft. You cannot chainge the terms of a contract without all Ipairties belling lin agreement. We, the IpulbBlic, are inot. 3. Establish and rnallintallin that as recreation areas gireenways s1hoUld Ihave a 250ft uin6stuirbed Ibuffer (old Reedy Greek Road) to rnallintallin the gireenway experience. No (berms or waHs witNlin that Ibuffer zone. For IpulbBlic officialls: Flease see imy imessage to the DECK as an In6cation of imy opposition agallinst the quarry, and l Ilimploire you to (please send a imessage to the DECK malking your opposition agallinst the quarry known, as weEl. As a IpulbBlic official, you are lin your role to Ibe the voice of the Ipublic at these meetings and lin these contexts w1heire the thousands of us you represent cannot all Ibe present. We ineed you to spealk up! Indeed, it is your duty as our representative to do so! Flease do inot let faincy wordsmiths or anyone else try to convince you that destroylling t1his (piece of land for is a good c1hoice. We, the (people, ineed t1his land Intact; the earth and all its linlhalbitaints ineed t1his land Intact; �please do eveirytINIng lin your Ipoweir to Ikeep it the way it was meant to Ibe. Joy Ali a oyalincCcD_qmail.com 2621 C(henry Field Drive Ralleiglh, North Cairofina 27603 3