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Technical Memorandum Aquifer Test Piedmont Lithium Gaston County, North Carolina January 25, 2019 Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Contents Contents Contents......................................................................................................................................... i Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 Methods........................................................................................................................................1 PumpingWell............................................................................................................................1 Results..........................................................................................................................................5 Conclusions..................................................................................................................................7 Figures Figure1 - Site Feature Map..........................................................................................................2 Figure2 - Pumping well drawdown...............................................................................................4 Figure 3 - Drawdown in observation wells....................................................................................6 Tables Table 1 - Pumping well and observation well construction details and locations relative to the pumpingwell.................................................................................................................................3 Table 2 - Step test and constant rate pump test methods............................................................4 Table 3 - Results of the analyses..................................................................................................6 Appendices Appendix A - Aquifer Test Analyses Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test �J� Contents This page intentionally left blank. Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Introduction Introduction HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) performed an aquifer test at the planned Piedmont Lithium, Inc. (PLI) mine site (site) between October 8 and 10, 2018. Pumping well PW-1 was pumped and observation wells OW-1 S, OW-1 D, OW-2S, OW-21D, and MW-5 were monitored to evaluate hydrogeologic properties of the unconfined regolith and fractured bedrock rock aquifers. Methods Pumping Well The aquifer test was completed by pumping from PW-1, a well located in the northern part of the project area on PLI-accessible land (Figure 1). Well PW-1 is a 6-inch (in) diameter, 500 foot deep open borehole, with the top 105 feet completed with 6-in diameter schedule 40 PVC within the unconsolidated regolith. Geologic Exploration, Inc. installed a Berkeley 4-in submersible 5- horsepower (HP) pump at 318 feet below the top of casing and operated the pump test while HDR monitored water levels and directed the pumping rate changes. An In -Situ vented transducer (Level TROLL 700) was suspended in each of the pumping and observation wells in Table 1. Water level measurements were recorded at 1-minute intervals for several weeks prior to the test, during the test, and during aquifer recovery. 0 Pumping Well Observation Well Study Area Stream Topographic Contour CA - SITE FEATURE MAP PIEDMONT JANUARY 2019 FIGURE 1 PATH: \\CLTSMAIN\GIS_DATA\GIS\PROJECTSM135_PIEDMONTLITHIUM100896a0_PIEDMONTLITHIUM7.2_WORK _IN_PROGRESS\MAP_DOGS\MMHYDROGEO\PUMPINGTEST_HOURE A= - USER:CMARCHIN - DATE:112512019 AQUIFER TEST ANALYSIS Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Methods Table 1 - Pumping well and observation well construction details and locations relative to the pumping well Distance Well Total Well ID to PW-1 Diameter Depth Screened unit or open borehole (feet) (feet bgs) PW-1 0 6-in 500 Cherryville Granite OW-1S 102.37 2-in 60 Unconsolidated regolith OW-1 D 110.33 6-in 302 Cherryville Granite OW-2S 217.31 2-in 30 Unconsolidated regolith OW-21D 207.96 6-in 300 Cherryville Granite MW-5 547.22 6-in 152 Cherryville Granite The aquifer test was planned as a step-drawdown test followed by a 72-hour constant rate pumping test. A step-drawdown test is a single -well pumping test designed to investigate the performance of a pumping well under controlled variable discharge conditions. In a step- drawdown test, the discharge rate in the pumping well is increased from an initially low constant rate through a sequence of pumping intervals (steps) of progressively higher constant rates. Each step is typically of approximate equal duration. The step drawdown test was planned with steps of pumping intended at 35, 55, 80, and 100 gallons per minute. The purpose of the step drawdown test at PLI was to evaluate the maximum pumping potential of the fractured rock. Table 2 provides the sequence of pumping and recovery completed and Figure 2 displays the drawdown and recovery curve in the pumping well PW-1. The pump and motor utilized did not have the horsepower to pump the 80 gpm rate, and investigation of the pump curve for the pump provided by Geologic Exploration, Inc. indicated that there was a higher horsepower motor for the same pump that would be more likely to achieve the higher pumping rates desired. The new pump was ordered and intended to be installed the morning of October 10, 2018; however, rainfall made the road unsuitable for a pump rig to access the well. Therefore, a constant rate test was still completed at the highest rate possible for the installed pump. The length of the constant rate pump test was shortened to 30 hours for two reasons, 1) Hurricane Michael was approaching and the rainfall was predicted to be significant starting on October 11, 2018, which would skew the drawdown effects making analysis unfeasible; and 2) the drawdown had stabilized in the pumping well (Figure 2). Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Methods Table 2 - Step test and constant rate pump test methods Adjustment Rate (gpm) Date and Time Duration (min from start) Notes Step Test Start 35 10/8/2018 0 NA 15:38 Step Test Rate Change 55 10/8/2018 121 NA 17:39 Step Test Rate Change 80 10/8/2018 300 Pump could not sustain 80 gpm 20:38 so began troubleshooting Step Test End (Recovery 0 10/8/2018 344 NA Start) 21:21 Rate held at 57 gpm for 10/9/2018 approximately 4 hours, then Constant Rate Test Start 45-57 8:12 995 slowly decreased as the water level decreased and stabilized for last 14 hours at 45 gpm End test 0 10/10/2018 2783 30 hours 14:00 PW-1 Pumping Well Drawdown 250 200 c 150 3 0 100 .Ik 50 0 OOtiA °`ti ti 'O-O\Y Figure 2 - Pumping well drawdown tio� tio19 ,�olti �olti 1olti �o`titi Date 4 Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Results Results The constant rate pumping test was completed over 30 hours of pumping. The pumping rate started at 57 gpm and was maintained for several hours before the water level dropped such that the pump could not maintain the rate and slowly declined. During the last 14 hours of the test, the pump maintained a rate of 45 gpm. Figure 3 displays the drawdown recorded by transducers in observation wells. In wells approximately 100 feet from the pumping well, approximately 1.15 feet of drawdown was recorded in the deep well and 0.87 feet of drawdown in the shallow well. In wells approximately 200 feet from the pumping well, approximately 0.70 feet of drawdown was recorded in the deep well and 0.17 feet of drawdown in the shallow well. Well MW-5 had a maximum drawdown of approximately 0.46 feet and is located approximately 550 feet away from PW-1. Other monitoring wells on the property were also monitored (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4) and no drawdown was observed. These four monitoring wells are between 1,000 and 4,500 feet away from the pumping well. Aqtesolv was used to analyze the drawdown data. Specifically, HDR applied the Theis (1935) and Neuman (1974) method of analysis for unconfined aquifers. Aquifer model solutions assume anisotropy, even though all the wells are partially penetrating in the formation. Table 3 summarizes the transmissivity, calculated hydraulic conductivity, storativity, and specific yield and Appendix A includes the curve fit graphs and model results. The aquifer transmissivity was calculated to range between 0.014 and 0.034 feet squared per second (ft2/s). Using the saturated thickness of the pumping well as the assumed saturated thickness of the aquifer (494.8 feet), the aquifer hydraulic conductivity ranged between 0.040 to 0.098 feet per day (ft/d). The storativity and transmissivity values are very similar between the shallow and deep observation wells. The results indicate that the aquifer has high hydraulic conductivity (0.040 to 0.098 ft/d) for fractured crystalline rock (Heath, 1983, Domenico and Schwartz, 1990). Shallow observation wells (OW-1 S and OW-2S) were completed in the unconsolidated regolith above the bedrock. Deep observation wells were completed in the bedrock (OW-1 D, OW-2D, and MW-5). The following data indicate that there is high horizontal and vertical connectivity between the fractured rock and the unconsolidated regolith that lies above: • Very similar storativity and transmissivity values between the shallow and deep observation wells; • Drawdown response in deeper wells (delayed yield) indicates recharge from overlying regolith; • Water levels in the shallow and deep observation wells are very similar (approximately 0.5 foot difference in OW-1 S and OW-1 D and approximately 1 foot difference in OW-2S and OW-2D); • Water levels in the shallow and deep observation wells respond to pumping and recovery and rainfall events similarly (Figure 3); • Recharge rates in bedrock wells are rapid and similar to rates observed in paired regolith wells; • PLI and HDR boring logs do not indicate any confining unit between the unconsolidated material and the fractured rock. Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Results PLI Aquifer Test 1.5 Constant , / Pump Stop Rate Test r 1 S art / Recover 0.5 / Recovery 9�s -OW-IS N 00 'zT O LD N 00 'zT O LD fV 00 V O LD N LD N 00 'q O lD N 00 ':T O-OW-ID N Ln I, O M Ln 00 O M LD 00 N M lD a) c-i 0) :T n Ol N Ln I, O " Ln 00 O N LD 0) c-i M Ln 00 O N �T n 0) rI M to 00 O N O1 N �7r to 00 N M Ln I, -a c-i t-I N N N N N" N M M M M v v M M Ln Ln LD LD LD LD —OW_2S M0.5 \ OW-21D Step Test M W-5 1 Recharge from hurricane rainfall (3.5") _y�+ -1.5 -2 Time (min) Figure 3 - Drawdown in observation wells Table 3 - Results of the analyses Solution OW -IS OW-1D OW-2S OW-2113 MW-5 Transmissivity (ft2/s) 0.032 0.034 0.027 0.020 0.014 Theis Hydraulic Conductivity 0.092 0.098 0.078 0.058 0.040 Unconfined (ft/d)* Storativity 0.067 0.054 0.089 0.021 0.007 Transmissivity (ft2/s) 0.032 0.034 0.024 0.019 0.014 Neuman Hydraulic Conductivity 0.092 0.098 0.069 0.055 0.040 (mod)* Unconfined Storativity 0.067 0.053 0.076 0.019 0.0073 Specific Yield 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 "assuming a saturated thickness of 494.8 feet (saturated thickness of PW-1) 6 Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Conclusions Conclusions The results of the aquifer test provide a baseline understanding of hydrogeologic properties beneath the project site and show connection between the regolith and fractured bedrock geologic units. Further, drawdown was observed in shallow observation wells, as far as 200 feet from the pumping well, and in deep observation wells, as far as 550 feet from the pumping well. Based on these data, HDR recommends completion of additional aquifer testing within the PLI site to evaluate spatial variability in hydrogeologic properties and to assess potential effects of pumping on nearby water supply wells, wetlands, and streams. Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test �1� Conclusions J This page intentionally left blank. Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Appendix A - Aquifer Test Analyses Appendix A - Aquifer Test Analyses Piedmont Lithium I Technical Memorandum - Aquifer Test ��� Appendix A - Aquifer Test Analyses This page intentionally left blank. 0 0.1 0.01 0.001 L 1. 10. 100. Time (min) WELL TEST ANALYSIS 1000. 1.0E+4 Data Set: C:\Users\mreeves\Documents\Piedmont Lithium\Aquifer test data\Analysis\OW1 D.aqt Date: 12/14/18 Time: 09:36:35 Company: HDR Test Well: PW1 Saturated Thickness: 494.8 ft PROJECT INFORMATION AQUIFER DATA \A/P:I I r)ATA Well Name X ft Y ft PW-1 0 0 Aquifer Model: Unconfined T = 0.03435 ft2/sec Sy = 0.1 Observation Wells Well Name X ft Y ft ° OW-1 D 110.33 0 Cnl I ITInN Solution Method: Neuman S = 0.05314 R = 1.021E-5 0 0.1 0.01 0.001 L 1. 0 10. 100. Time (min) WELL TEST ANALYSIS 1000. 1.0E+4 Data Set: C:\Users\mreeves\Documents\Piedmont Lithium\Aquifer test data\Analysis\OW1S.agt Date: 12/14/18 Time: 09:33:04 Company: HDR Test Well: PW1 Saturated Thickness: 494.8 ft PROJECT INFORMATION AQUIFER DATA \A/P:I I r)ATA Well Name X ft Y ft PW-1 0 0 Aquifer Model: Unconfined T = 0.03213 ft2/sec Sy = 0.1 Observation Wells Well Name X ft Y ft ° OW-1 S 102.37 0 Cnl I ITInN Solution Method: Neuman S = 0.06671 R = 1.021E-5 z 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 OE 4 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4 Time (min) WELL TEST ANALYSIS Data Set: C:\Users\mreeves\Documents\Piedmont Lithium\Aquifer test data\Analysis\OW2D.agt Date: 12/14/18 Time: 09:37:59 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: HDR Test Well: PW1 Pumnina Wells WELL DATA Well Name X ft Y ft PW-1 0 0 Observation Wells Well Name X ft Y ft ° OW-21D 207.96 0 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Theis T = 0.02006 ft2/sec S = 0.02054 Kz/Kr = 1. b = 494.8 ft z a� a) U (6 Q Cn w 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 OE 4 ❑ a a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4 Time (min) WELL TEST ANALYSIS Data Set: C:\Users\mreeves\Documents\Piedmont Lithium\Aquifer test data\Analysis\OW2S.agt Date: 12/14/18 Time: 09:37:25 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: HDR Test Well: PW1 Saturated Thickness: 494.8 ft AQUIFER DATA WELL DATA Well Name X ft Y ft PW-1 0 0 Aquifer Model: Unconfined T = 0.02449 ft2/sec Sy = 0.3 Observation Wells Well Name X ft Y ft ❑ OW-2S 217.31 0 SOLUTION Solution Method: Neuman S = 0.07642 R = 0.03063 440 S Church Street, Suite 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 hdrinc.com © 2019 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved