HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect the publicJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:41 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect the public From: Paul Vincent Sianghio [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:40 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect the public To the DEQ and all offiicialls, Rease DENY a mi6ling Ipermit to Welke Stone for the follllowiing treasons: 1) The (proposed quarry will disrupt the system of gireeinways constructed over the years to connect the towns of Moirirlisvnlllle, Carry to RaIleligh. 2) The current quarry operated by Welke Stone has garnered seve14l compll Hints from iresidents and (park users iregairdliing air and inoise IpollllutGoin. Anotheir quarry wound oinlly aggravate the Ilevells of IpoHution already experienced by Ihumains and wHdlllife. 3) The Sunset Clause In the orligliinall agreement has been covertly altered thus inee61ng to be (probed and clarified to the Ipublic. In view of this, ino activity related to openliing anotheir quarry shoulld occur until this tissue has 4) The Odd Fellllows Direct is identified as a "CrlitGcall (Land AcqulisitGoin Direct" by NC State Parks for Umstead State Park for water quality (protection and poteint4l forested Ibilke tral10s. The 1Boy Scouts have camped, NlIked and �bulked on this Ipropeirty since 1958. 5) RDU Airport Autlhoir9lty was offered a fallr Beall to conserve the Ipropeirty �by the Conservation Fund and shoUld Iprlioritize that offer llin Might of the agreement lit entered llinto Wth the owineirs and the IpubBlic Ibeinefits the Ipairlk provides. 6) A inew quarry at Odd Fellklows Tract severs the oine Ikinowin Mldllkfe corridor connecting Ralleiglh to the rest of the Eastern VVHdway that iruins from Canada to Florida. This Metter Iprovlides a v6lce to the affected M6kfe that may Ipoteintialllly disappear as a iresullt of this inew quarry. '7) There is Iprecious IllittVe undevebped gireein space (left llin the Tarr ainglle area; lit shoUld Ibe treasured and protected for generations to einjoy the �beinefits of inatuire llinstead of sbWy ripping lit apart for short term Ibeinefits. 8) As a father and resident, I'd k1ke my cNIM and my future giraindchHdirein to einjoy the Iimmeasuralble Ibeinefits of the cuirireint state Ipairlk especiaMy when firnes (become clhaHeinglling and a retreat to inatuire is Ihellpfull. 9) Another quarry oinlly aggravates the allr and inolise IpoHution experienced �by residents and Ipairlk users from the current quarry. Rls do inot llincrease the iriislks to IpulbBlic Ihealltlh 10) There lis ino lasting Ipublic Ibeinefit llin alHoMng a second quarry llin our area. llin the eind, oinlly Walke Stone stainds to (profit siginllficainfly llin the short term wlNl0e the Iloing Uastiing IiIM effects of the two quainries are experienced Iby both residents and whatever Mldllkfe ireirnallins shoUld this quarry Ibe allklowed. Flease DENY the Ipeirmit PaW Vincent Siainglhio bibssianghio(d)-yahoo.com 3000 1Biristoll Creelk Dir MoririsvHkle, North Cair6lkina 27560 N