HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ Protect Umstead State ParkJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 5:49 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] Protect Umstead State Park From: Elizabeth Slight [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 5:47 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Protect Umstead State Park l Ihave Ibeein a iresident of Wake County for 32 years. l aim wirifing you today to request your assistance to require DEC. to "ir6l instate" the 50 year suinset clause for the Wake Stone quarry Ibetweein l 40 and Uimstead State Park. The suinset clause llin Wake Stone's orligliinall DEC. Ipeirmit stated that quairiryllii (alka miii operations were to eind llin the current location witNlin 50 years. If the suinset clause were to be irellinstated it wound ireirnove the ecoii vl4bflllty of tlhellir inew proposed quarry, as the old oine wound still be required to process the inewly mined mateiri4l from the inew (pit. l also request you DENY any Ipeirmit for a inew quarry pit oin the Odd Fellows Tract. A (private business s1hoWd inot be aIHowed to destroy and �profit from publicly owined Ilainds, especially whein the Ilaind is so vaIluable for the people of North Cair6lllina. Over a mflfioin IpeopNe frequent Umstead Park ainii People ineed t1his safe and Ipeacefull Ipairk to mallii a heafthy Illife. If theire is oine (positive that Ihas air9isein from t1his COVIID 19 paindeimic, it is that faimflies are searcNing for and fiii sofice llin our pairks. We s1hoWd be doing eveirytINIng possible to Ipreseirve these precious gireein spaces and addling to theim wheire (possible. Ad61ng a inew, fourth iroclk quarry inear RDU and Uimstead State Park does NOT Ibeinefit the Ipeople of Walke and Duirhaim counties. Whein you Iloolk at the einviiroinimeintall impact, the negative llimpact to the einviroiniment from security fencing, air IpoHution from iroclk quarry dust and diesell truck emissions, inolise Ipollllutioin, and liincreased water Ipollllutioin and the Illilkelly death of Crabtree Cireelk, these abine are reasons to DENY a inew quarry �pit adjacent to Uimstead Park. Flease ireviiew the issues irellated to protecting our IpulbBlic Ilainds and request DEQ to reinstate the 50 year suinset cVause liin the imiinlling Ipeirmit for the cuirireint Walke Stone quarry at Harrison Avenue and DENY any inew Ipeirmits for mi16ling operations oin any �hinds adjacent to Uimstead Park. Thank you for time, coin side ratio in, and service. &inceirelly, Efizabeth SIHglht 405 IL.ochside Drive Cary, INC 27518 919 614 1940 01FAmmum libbyslightCcD_qmail.com 405 IL.ochside Drive Cary, North Cairohina 27518 N