HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ Protect Umstead State Park - _Mining Permit 92-10_ Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State ParkJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:41 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] Protect Umstead State Park - [Mining Permit 92-10] Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State Park From: Elizabeth Slight [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 6:52 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Protect Umstead State Park - [Mining Permit 92-10] Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State Park l aim widting you today to request your assistance. DECK must deiny Wake Stone Corp's application for a inew quarry (Permit 92 10) due to the negative liirnpacts oin Umstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation llin the OM Reedy Creek Corridor and the thiree adjacent homeowners. A private business should inot be aIHowed to destroy and (profit from Ipubllicly owined Ilainds. The current Wake Stone quarry oin Harrison Ave llin Cary has Ibeein a bad ineighbor for Umstead State Park (ii air Ipolllution from huge aimouints of quarry dust and as mainy as 500 dliesell trucks a day, water Ipollllutioin by aIHowiing iruin off from their operations directly llinto Umstead State Park and Crabtree Creek, deforestation led to loss of wHdlIlIfe habitat). l aim also writing to request your assistance to require DEC. to "ire i instate" the 50 year suinset clause for the Wake Stone quarry Ibetweein ll 40 and Umstead State Park. The suinset clause llin Wake Stone's origllii DEC. �peirmit stated that quairirylling (alka miming) operations were to eind llin the current location witNlin 50 years. These were promised to eind llin 2031, 50 years from 1981. Recreation area gireenways should Ihave a 250ft undisturbed IbufPeir (old Reedy Greek Road) to rna�lintallin the gireenway experience. No Ibeirms or walls within that Ibuffer zone. The Odd FelIlIows Tract has Ibeein identified as a "CirificallII-and Acquisition Tract" Iby NC State Parks for Uirnstead State Park for water qualIlIty protection and Ipoteintiall forested Ibilke tral10s. The 1Boy Scouts Ihave camped, (Milked, and bilked on this Ipropeirty since 1958. RDU Airport Authoirrlty was offered a fair deal to conserve the Ipropeirty Iby the Conservation Fund and should ireconsideir that offer lien light of the public Ibeinefits it would Iprovlide There is Iprecious little uindevelloped gireen space left lien the Tiriainglle area; it should Ibe treasured and protected rather than destroyed. Thomas W. Morse, Superintendent of State Parks, North Cairofina, states the one basic purpose of state Iparlks is TO SERVE PEORL.E. That's it! There are 1.8 million visitors to Uirnstead State Park aininualIlIy. This inumbeir is up 35% over the Iprlior year. THESE are the PEOPL..E that MUST 113E SERVED! Do inot allow a inew quarry to Ibe Ibulilt adjacent to Uirnstead State Park. It will adveirs6ly affect the Ipuirpose of this Ipulblicly owned Iparlk. Pe6atriciains, doctors, Globall Public Health Iprofessioinalls and others lien health care Ihave assessed the air qualIlIty at the existing RDU quarry, and Ihave stated how the air Ipolllution from quarry imiinlling operations can further negafivelly impact the visitors of Uirnstead State Park Ipeir year for the inext 25+ years if a inew quarry is at work. A inew quarry at Odd FelIlIows Tract would sever the one known wildlife corridor connecting RaIleigh to the rest of the Eastern VWIdway that runs from Canada to Florida. Accord�ling to Dr. Ron Sutheirland, Chief Scientist, fflldllainds Network, the southern end of Uirnstead irepreseints the best chance to imake sure the state Iparlk ireirnaalins ecologicalIlIy connected to other inatuir4ll areas, Iparticularly Joirdain L.ake, which has over 40,000 acres of Ipulblic forest/gairnellainds. Joirdain L.ake's forests are also connected (via seve14l Ilairge rivers) to the Ibroadeir network of habitat across North Cairofina, and it is esseinfiato try to keep Uirnstead I�Iinked together with that network. The proposed quarry would close off the wildlife corridor Ibetweein Joirdain L.ake and Uirnstead Park that keeps the wildlife lInside the Park thirrlviing. This would create habitat fragmentation, and result lien the death of many species lien the Park. Deforestation would also inegativelly impact the habitats of imainy species. More liinfo about Eastern WHdway cain Ibe found Iheire with Ilinteiractive map: https:Hwildlandsnetwork.org/wildways/eastern/ Flease act inow to meet the irecreatioinall demands of triainglle iresidents and �preseirve and (protect the Gireeinways, traH systems, Crabtree Creelk, and the Iprlicelless forested gireein space and wHdllhlfe Ihalbitats that Uimstead State Thank you for time, coin side ratio in, and service. Efizabeth SIHglht 405 IL.ochside Drive Cary, INC 27518 919 614 1940 Efizabeth SIHglht libbyslightCcD_qmail.com 405 IL.ochside Drive Cary, North Cairohina 27518