HomeMy WebLinkAboutWakeStone Combined Response 3Johnson, Robert E From: Lance, Kathleen C Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 7:53 AM To: NCMiningProgram Attachments: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Keep the Old Reedy Creek Road Corridor for recreation - not a new rock quarry; [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State Park; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our state park!; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop the trucks, noise, dust - allow the public to fully enjoy Umstead State Park Kathleen C. Lance Special Assistant to Secretary Michael S. Regan North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (919) 707-8661 office (919) 368-4310 mobile ktlh_I9.u.:.lu�pe.C�u�cdeu�ir.gov 217 West Jones Street 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Ernadd correspondence to aria drrvon') this address is or biecd to the lVorldr Carolina Public Records Law aria irro.y be disclosed to third drorldco. Johnson, Robert E From: Judith Strickland <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:23 AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Keep the Old Reedy Creek Road Corridor for recreation - not a new rock quarry Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, I'm Judith Strllcklaind, residing at 202 Chiseflhuirst Way, Cary, about 300' froinn Winstead Road wind Weston Parkway llinteirsectioin (cain see crosswalk flashes). My faimily wind l frequently utflize the 1:11ac1k Creek Gireeinway wind tral10s at Uimstead State Park, are liincoinveinlienced Iby current mine operation frequent Ibooms (dirywalH cracks wind auirall assauft), wind vehemently oppose ain ad6fioinall quarry Ibeliing allowed to operate closer to imy home. Quarry operation expansion adjacent to Ipubliic access recreation and education areas at Uimstead State Park are huge Ipubllic health and safety concerns. Members of DEML-R, please deiny Wake Stone's Ipeirmit appfication because imme operation will violate vital) standards of water and air quality, plus Ihave a siginffiicaintly adverse effect oin the Ipuirposes of Uimstead State Park, a publicly owined Iparlk. The quarry application as proposed vi6lates citizens' rights and NC laws regarding clean air and clean water, and reduces quality of Ilife: *61miinisNling air quality Iby the reduction of foliage, AND quarry operation Iparticullate imatteir AND macNlineiry and trainspoirt vehicle emissions Ibreatlhed liin Iby tral!ll users and inearby horneowineirs, especially daingeirous for Iparlk exercisers because silica and other Iparticullate imatteir willll go deeper liinto the Iluings, a tremendous Ipulbllic health Ihazaird; a clear vi6lafioin of air quality standards under the Mi16ling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat. '74 51 (d)(3). Imposes a Iplhysicall wind imeintall health Ihazaird Iby ireduciing aimouint of accessible space for recreafioinall wind therapeutic usage liin a fime whein liincreased access to inatuire should Ibe happeinlling, especially lImportaint due to consistent inuimeir9lc liincreases liin residents, wind also a siginllficaint adverse effect oin the Ipuirposes of a Ipulbllicly owined Iparlk, forest or recreation area under the Miinlling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat. '74 51 (d)(5). *ireduciing quafity of surface water and ground water via quarry operation iruinoff, and velNlc�e and quarry irr7achinery emissions entering Crabtree creelk. Violation of surface water and groundwater quallkty under the Miinlling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat. '74 51 (d)(3) *reduces surface water and ground water quallkty Iby reducing airnouint of earth with liirr7peirviious surface. A iroclk lkined Ilalke (left liin the walke of operation ceasing is inot einviroinimentaEly sound inor is it a Ipulbllic Ibeinefit. VVIation of surface water and groundwater quallkty under the Miinlling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat. '74 51 (d)(3). *eindaingeiding Ipedestrliain and IbicycHst safety trainspoirt velNlcles wiH exit ointo ON Reedy Cireelk, at times a nine Maine road. The Town of Cary Ibulillt a Ipairlking and irestrooirr7 facHkty oin this road and specificaEly designated and thus Ipainted for IbicycHsts to access the trallflhead facHkty and traHs at IL.alke Crabtree and Urnstead via ORC. Ellcycfists and 2 toin trainspoirt velNlcles 'shaiding' a nine Maine road is a safety hazard. Transport trucks passing trallll users are heafth and safety hazards. The estimated 500 dalllly truck trips aIloing Weston Parkway and Harrison Avenue would excee61nglly inegafivelly affect vehicUlair traffic at aIliready Iprovein to be fal!lIking traffic llinteirsections, via traffic studies Ipeirformed Iby the Town of Cary. *ireduciing quafity of Ikfe for Ihuindreds of iresideints Ikving adjacent to IL.alke Crabtree, liin ad6fioin to reduces quallkty of experience of Ellack Cireelk Gireeinway, with llincreasing in6lse Ilevells (bombastic dyinaimite Nasts, opeirafioinall irr7achinery and lhuge trainspoirt velNlcles), AND decreases to air quallkty liin close Iproxiimity to their homes liincreases their Iluings' exposure to cairciinogeinllc IpairticUlate imatteir. *ellkmiinates the possibHkty of expansion of Ibilke tralOs and abifity to host top Revell competitions, a crushing (blow to IlocaIl cycHsts abHkty to expaind slkiHs, and aIlso efiminates lirr mense food&beveirage and lhotell tax ireveinue liinlput from Ipairticipaints and attendees at a top fier �professioinall cycHing event. Air quallkty, water quallkty, and citizens' quallkty of Ikfe imust Ibe vital) coin side rations of Ipulbllic stewards. Members of Department of Einviroinirneintall Management, (please Iput citizens' rneintall Ihealltlh, �plhysicaIl Ihealltlh and weEl belling, and einviiroinirneintall degradation liin the forefiroint of your decision imalkiing process and deiny the Ipeirmit for ain ad6fioinall quarry adjacent to inreplaceable Urnstead State Park. Thank you! Judith Stdcldaind niglhtslkygazeir2@aoLcoim 202 Clhisedhuirst Way Cary, North afro Tina 27513 Johnson, Robert E From: Katherine Heim <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 10:11 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our state park! Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Dear representatives of Ipulblic liinteirests, It is liin the (best liinteirest of a siginllficaint inumbeir of the geinei4l IpubBlic and inatui4l ecosystems to keep the Ilaind wild, and NOT approving the inew iroclk quairirylling appfication. This appfication would Ibeinefit oinlly a few IpeopNe and destroy wild areas liin the heart of the triainglle area. Furthermore, it iinlling activity adveirselly affects the adjacent well used Ipulblic Umstead Park. As representatives of IpeopNe liin t1his state, please consider the IImpBlications and greater good of deinylling the inew quairirylling application so current and future generations of IpeopNe and wildlife imay einjoy t1his area liin its current forim. Sincerely, Katlheir9line Heim, PIhD �Katlheir9line Heim Ikate.lhellim@firointieir.com 7624 IKeininebec dir Clhapell NI�Il, North Cair6lllina 27517 1 Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, My inaime is Sacra N�Ich6lsoin and 1I was Iborn and raised Iheire liin RaIleiglh, and 1I continue to Ibe devastated Iby what 1I see Ihalppein to our inatui4l woirld around Iheire. Over the past 39 years Iheire I've seein too imuch of our Ilaind get cVeaircut, dug up and devebped aIlkl liin the inaime of the W61H I'm sorry Ibut a quarry to lhellp it alke a Ibiggeir "ecoinomy" is inot a "ineed". Our IheaIltlh is a "ineed". Nature is a "ineed". CUeain water and cVeain air is a "ineed". More gireein spaces for the droves of Ipeople that Ihave it oved and continue to it Iheire are ain actuall "ineed". If we cain learn ainytINling from the current Ipaindeimic cain we inot adimit inow what is trUly esseint4l and mportaint, and what is inot? So uinlless Welke Stone is going to amine for the cuire for the Coroinaviirus lain t1his quarry, thein theire is Ihitei4lkly inotlNling ellse lain t1his woirld worth aIlkl these ir9islks to our einviiroinimeint and our heaft1h... these ir9islks that Ihave Ibeein outhined and Iprovein Iby so it ainy otheir Ipeople lain t1his commu6ity (scientists, activists, etc). We cannot afford to fuirtlheir 6minish what IllittVe gireein space we Ihave heft lain RaIleiglh 1I urge you to Iput Ipeople over Iprofit and Ibe oin the right side of RaIleiglh's Ihlistoiry and the good side of RaIleiglh's iresideints Iby deinylling Welke Stone Corp's appfication for a inew iroclk amine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts oin Uimstead State Park, Crabtree Creelk, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation lain the ON Reedy Cireelk Corridor, the wH6hlfe and the adjacent Ihomeowineirs. PLEASE and Thanker g Saira Mchdlsoin gdlksaira8O@yalhoo.com 3908 L.JitflefieN Ct R2eiglh, North Cairohina 27606