HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect Crabtree CreekJohnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretairy DEQ, l aim dear ain6ing that the Welke Stone imiinliing Ipeirmit 92 10 Ibe deinied as lit is agallinst the public llinteirest and WEI cause Iirirepairable Ihairm to ouir coimmuinllty, gireein space, and ouir And to those elected officialls l aim sayuing foir the irecoird that l aim completely opposed to any devellopmeint llin t1his airea and l aim asking you, as ouir elected irepreseintatives, to step llin and ireject t1his assault oin ouir disappeair9ling, Iprecious gireein space Ibecause oince goine, it's goine foireveir. Jaine King jainiecIlking'7@gimallLcoinn 113 1Beasley Couirt Carry , North afro Tina 27513