HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210728_LQS_Inspection_reportNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, Land Quality Section MINE INSPECTION REPORT ® PERMITTED MINE SITE ❑ UNPERMITTED MINE SITE 1. MINE NAME: Flat Rock Mine 2. MINE LOCATION: Flat Rock Road (SR113D 3. COUNTY: Wilson 4. RIVER BASIN: Neuse 5. CASE: 6. OPERATOR: FSC IL LLC 7. ADDRESS: 701 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 101, Raleigh, NC 27607 8. MINING PERMIT #: 98-34 ❑ N/A 9. PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: LOM ❑ N/A 10. PERSON(S) CONTACTED AT SITE: An email was sent to Bailey Watkins, Mine Manager, on 7/19/2021. No response was received. 11. PICTURES? ® Yes ❑ No TAKEN BY: Lauren Garcia 12. TYPE OF INSPECTION: ❑ A. Initial Inspection (Unpermitted Mine Sites) 1. Size of affected land: ac. (attach sketch map) 2. How was this area measured? Measured by: ® B. Routine Inspection (Permitted Mine Sites) Fj C. Follow-up Inspection 13. Date of last inspection: 09/05/2018 14. Any mining since that date? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, cite evidence of such mining activity: Activi . in footprint noted. 15. Was mine operating at time of inspection? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: No personnel onsite, no mining activity during the time of the inspection. 16. Is the mine in compliance with the Operating Conditions of the Permit? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ N/A If no, explain: It appears that the mining permit boundary was marked with flags in the past, however they were not permanently marked, and flags have faded or are non-existent. Current onsite conditions do not match the 2013 Mining Map. Basin B's Riser has not been installed where depicted on the plans. A trash guard has not been installed over the riser. Stockpiles are present onsite in areas outside of where depicted in the plans and without erosion control measures. Inert debris are also piled onsite and appear to have been buried in some areas. A roadway is present at the southern side of the site that services a house. Additionally, part of the access to the site is shown in the undisturbed buffer. 17. Is the mine in compliance with the Reclamation Conditions of the Permit? If no, explain: 18. Is there any off -site damage? A. ❑ Yes B. ❑ No C. ® None observed If A, describe the type and severity of the damage: Yes I I No I I N/A If B or C, is there potential for offsite damage? 12A Yes U No Explain: Area around the riser outlet of Basin B should be stabilized to avoid erosion and offsite sediment. 19. Corrective measures needed and/or taken: The top and backslope of the berm at the eastern edge of the site should be stabilized. A map showing current onsite conditions should be provided. Stabilize stockpiles and provide required erosion control measures. 20. Other recommendations and comments: 21. Is the Annual Reclamation Report +/- map accurate? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Explain) ® Not Reviewed ❑ N/A 22. Follow-up inspection needed? ® Yes ❑ No Proposed date 09/01/2021 23. No. of additional pages of Inspection Report N/A 24. Copy of Report sent to operator 1 INSPECTED BY: Lauren Garcia/Joe Dupree DATE 7/26/2021 Telephone No: (919)-791-4200 Copy to file Copy to operator Copy to Mining Specialist