HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210726_LQS_CommentsFrom: Denton, Bill To: Parr, Adam Cc: Garcia, Lauren V Subject: 98-34 Flat Rock Pit transfer - RRO comments Date: Monday, July 26, 2021 3:37:24 PM Attachments: 98-34 20210726 InsDRDt.odf Adam, Joe and Lauren visited these sites today. RRO comments are as follows: 1. The most recent mining map is from 2013. A map representing current site conditions should be submitted and include all items listed in Part 2 (items a-o) of the mining permit application. a. There are stockpiles and inert debris piles onsite that are not depicted in the map. b. Basin B does not match the basin depicted in the map. The riser and outlet are depicted through the spillway, but are installed in a different location. The basin currently outlets through a perforated riser, but a skimmer is recommended. If the riser remains installed it will need a trash rack. c. Part of the access road is depicted in the map as being located in the undisturbed buffer. 2. An NCG020000 General Industrial Stormwater Permit has not been issued to a Flat Rock Mine. The site has a concentrated discharge from a riser basin. 3. Some slopes and stockpiles require stabilization. The area around the outlet of Basin B requires stabilization. If you need any additional information, please advise. Best regards, Bill William H. Denton, IV, PE Regional Engineer — RRO Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — Land Quality Section Department of Environmental Quality 919 791 4200 office bill.denton&ncdenr.gov 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.