HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210831_SW_LQS_emailFrom: Lambe, Brian To: Snider, Hollev Cc: Parr, Adam; Faulkner, Megan D Subject: RE: Request for clarification Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 8:54:25 AM Per Bethany Georgoulias: The NC Surface Water Quality Standards 1SA NCAC 02B .0224 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR HIGH QUALITY WATERS (c)(2)(E) (c) New or expanded wastewater discharges in High Quality Waters shall comply with the following: (2) All new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) wastewater discharges, except those for single family residences, shall comply with the following: (E) Volume: The total volume of treated wastewater for all discharges combined shall not exceed 50 percent of the total instream flow under 7Q10 conditions. If 7Q10 = 0, 0.50 x 0 still equals 0 cfs So no new wastewater discharges allowed. You could only allow that discharge if it was not mine dewatering and not some other discharge considered wastewater. Only stormwater. But even rain -induced overflows from a sand pit are usually considered wastewater per federal regs. I could not open one of the documents you sent — it was corrupted or something. There were some cases when mines told Linda they wouldn't discharge, and we restricted the permitted discharges to stormwoter only. In some cases like that, they might have done it anyway. Be sure to check any historical COC documents and notes in BIMS about that. 0 We were discussing summertime zero flow conditions. I/We need to read the rest of the .0224 to see if there is something about the ORW or HQW Brian Lambe Environmental Specialist 910-796-7313 919-268-1678 cell State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 7215 T 1 910 350 2004 F I http,//t)ortal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/ From: Snider, Holley Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 7:38 AM To: ncgeology@yahoo.com Cc: Lambe, Brian <brian.lambe@ncdenr.gov>; Parr, Adam <adam.parr@ncdenr.gov>; Faulkner, Megan D <megan.fauIkner@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Request for clarification Good morning Mr. Izzell, Your request for clarification regarding the proposed mine wastewater discharge into the SA;HQW and designated Primary Nursery Areas waters of Goose Creek has been forwarded to Brain Lambe with DEMLR who is responsible for implementation of the NPDES requirements for mine discharges. I am hopeful he can assist in answering your questions. Sincerely, Holley Snider ,������°>•, .. ..><((((°>.• - Environmental Specialist II Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Phone: (910) 796-7304 DPEQ 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties