HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix H - Technical Memorandum – Groundwater ModelPiedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I North Carolina Mining Permit Application Appendices PIEDMONT LITHIUM Appendix H: Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model JI2NVA[! Technical Memorandum Groundwater Model Piedmont Lithium Carolinas Inc. Gaston County, North Carolina August 30, 2021 This page intentionally left blank. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Contents Contents 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1 2 Conceptual Site Model/Groundwater Model Framework ..................................................... 1 2.1.1 Mine Pits............................................................................................................... 1 2.1.2 Temporal Constraints............................................................................................ 2 2.1.3 Dewatering and Water Handling........................................................................... 2 3 Transient Model Set-up....................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Modeling Software.............................................................................................................. 3 3.2 Discretization...................................................................................................................... 3 4 Dewatering Simulations...................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Dewatering Effect on Water Supply Wells........................................................................... 4 4.2 Dewatering Effect on Wetlands........................................................................................... 5 4.3 Dewatering Effect on Streams............................................................................................ 9 5 Model Limitations...............................................................................................................10 6 Summary and Conclusions................................................................................................10 7 References........................................................................................................................11 Figures Figure 1 — Groundwater Model Domain Figure 2 — Site and Receptor Well Location Map Figure 3 — Revised Model Grid Figures 4A — 4J — Model Predicted Drawdown from Dewatering Figure 5 — HDR Delineated Wetlands Figure 6 — Location of Stream Reaches Tables Table 1 - Transient model sequence of mine pits....................................................................... 2 Table 2 - Model predicted dewatering withdrawal rates.............................................................. 4 Table 3 - Model Predicted Drawdown in Local Wells.................................................................. 5 Table 4 - Model predicted changes in groundwater flow to wetlands(gmp)................................ 7 Table 5 - Changes in base flow to streams that cross the site .................................................... 9 Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Contents This page intentionally left blank. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. i Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Introduction 1 Introduction Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. (PLCI) is proposing to construct an open pit mine in the Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt (TSB) of North Carolina where lithium -bearing pegmatites have been identified. The Concentrate Operations and the Lithium Hydroxide Conversion Plant (the Site) is in the TSB of the Piedmont physiographic province in south-central North Carolina. The approximately 1,548-acre Site is in an unincorporated area of Gaston County, on private land surrounding portions of Hephzibah Church Road, Whitesides Road, and St. Mark's Church Road, approximately 1 mile east of Cherryville, North Carolina. The overall Concentrate Operations are composed of three components: the Piedmont Lithium Carolinas Mine #1, a Concentrate Plant, and an Industrial Minerals Plant. The Piedmont Lithium Carolinas Mine #1 (Figure 1) will consist of four open pits of varying sizes, a waste rock disposal area, topsoil stockpiles areas, haul roads, and other mine support areas. Mining will occur through open pit excavations which will require dewatering. On behalf of PLCI, HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) performed groundwater modeling to estimate the rate of water withdrawal during pit dewatering and evaluate possible effects pit dewatering may have on local water resources and water users. The base groundwater model was developed by HDR for PLCI and documented in a Technical Memorandum Groundwater Model dated July 2, 2019 (HDR, 2019). The groundwater model updates include a refined model grid, revised pit shell geometries, and transient simulations of pit dewatering. 2 Conceptual Site Model/Groundwater Model Framework The groundwater flow model domain includes the southern portion of Indian Creek watershed, Beaverdam Creek watershed, and a reach of the South Fork Catawba River. The 32.5 square mile (mil) model domain and Site boundary are shown in Figure 1. Model input parameters were, in part, derived from hydrogeologic data obtained during an aquifer test conducted in 2018; however, those data have been manipulated during calibration of the groundwater flow model. The conceptual model, model framework, and model calibration for natural state conditions are described in the 2019 Technical Memorandum (HDR, 2019). 2.1.1 Mine Pits PLCI plans to remove resource from four mine pits (North, South, East, and West pits) within the permitted mine boundary. The current mining operations plan calls for no more than two pits to be actively mine at the same time, as shown in Table 3. PLCI intends to dewater mine pits to facilitate removal of the resource. Groundwater removed from the pits during dewatering will be pumped to settling ponds throughout the permitted area prior to discharge through outfalls monitored via National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting and compliance. PLCI's most recent estimate of resource extent was used to establish the potential extents of pit excavation used in the transient model (see Figure 2). The mine pit geometries over time were Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Conceptual Site Model/Groundwater Model Framework estimated by the mining engineer, Marshall Miller & Associates (MMA), in 2021 and provided as 3-dimensional shapefiles of topography for each year. MMA used MiningMath SimSched software to optimize pit geometries and Maptek's Vulcan Evolution software to establish the mine operations schedule (MMA, 2021)1. The differences in yearly topography were used in the model to represent transient change in mine pit geometry (newly mined volume for each year). Mine pits were simulated in the transient models as water -filled, high conductivity cells. Mine pit extents for model layers were based on contours from the pit excavation geometries that coincide with model layers. Seepage into cells was accounted for with drain return package boundary conditions set to the bottom of lowest layers of the mine pits. Water collected by the drains was returned to model cells at the discharge locations provided by MMA where pumped water may discharge to a stream or wetland or infiltrate to groundwater. 2.1.2 Temporal Constraints The calibrated steady state model of natural state conditions provided the initial conditions for the transient modeling. Pit dewatering operations were simulated with a series of transient models to account for temporal variation. The transient models represent mine pit extents at various points in time with portions of different pits open at the same time. Drawdown due to dewatering is greatest when the mine pits have been excavated to the designed terminal depth. After completion of mining, pits may be allowed to fill with water or be filled by native waste rock material, native mine tailings, and the non -hazardous residue created by the Lithium Hydroxide Conversion Plant. The mine pit dewatering sequence for predictive simulations is shown in Table 1. Table 1 - Transient model sequence of mine pits Pits with Dewatering Model Year South Pit East Pit West Pit North Pit 1 Mining 2 Mining Mining 3 Mining Mining 4 Filling Mining 5 Filling Mining 6-10 Filling Mining 11 Filling Mining 12 Filling Mining Mining 13 Filling Filling Mining Mining 14-20 Fillina Fillina Minina Minina 2.1.3 Dewatering and Water Handling Water is assumed to be pumped from the lowest levels of the mine pit into settling basins prior to discharge to adjacent streams or wetlands. Dewatering is simulated with a MODFLOW drain cell (water level controlled by a conductance value at a specified elevation) to estimate the amount of water removal necessary to achieve dewatering of the mine pits. The water removed by drain cells is returned to the model at discharge locations identified by MMA (Figure 2). Water from mine pit dewatering returned to the model infiltrates to groundwater or flows out of The mine pit geometries are resource -based and in some locations extend beyond the mine permit boundaries. For this reason, the effects of dewatering are conservative and at some places reflect greater dewatering than is currently envisioned. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Transient Model Set-up the model domain through streams and wetlands. Returning water from dewatering operations to the model provides a better representation of aquifer recovery after dewatering ceases. 3 Transient Model Set-up The set-up and calibration of the steady state model, which provides the initial conditions for the transient groundwater flow models, is described in the Technical Memorandum Groundwater Model dated July 2, 2019 (Tech Memo) (HDR, 2019). The model layers and boundary conditions were not modified (including how wetlands and surface water bodies were simulated). This section describes the revisions and updates required for the transient models. 3.1 Modeling Software Transient groundwater modeling was performed using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) groundwater model software MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh, 2005). MODFLOW-2005 is an enhanced version of the USGS modular groundwater flow model, MODFLOW. MODFLOW- 2005 allows for enhanced management of internal data. Aquaveo's 2021 Groundwater Modeling System, GMS, (Aquaveo, 2021) was used to manage data to develop the groundwater flow models and to evaluate model simulations. GMS's graphic interface and data handling functions were used develop and update the base conceptual model and the hydrogeologic framework described in the previous Tech Memo. GMS was used to display and evaluate transient model results. 3.2 Discretization The model grid was refined to focus on the area near the Site, allowing for increased resolution in the vicinity of the mine pits. The refined portion of the model grid was expanded to the south and west from the original steady state model to include the pit extents used for this transient model. Cells in the model for the previous and current modeling efforts range in size from 50 feet on a side in refined areas in the vicinity of the Site to 500 feet on a side in remote areas. The revised model grid is shown in Figure 3. 4 Dewatering Simulations Mine pit dewatering was simulated by changing model cells within the horizontal and vertical extent of the pit to a high conductivity material. Drains cells were placed at the base of the lowest layers and the elevations of the drains adjusted to the bottom elevation of the pit coincident with the timeframe being simulated. Water seeping out of the cells surrounding the pit was removed by the drains. The water removed by all drains used to simulate dewatering was summed to estimate dewatering volumes and rates needed to dewater the pits. The water removed from the pits by the drains was returned to the model at locations identified as discharge from settling ponds by MMA. Stream cells connected to the stream network were placed in the same cell and given large conductance values so the water would be simulated to be returned to the streams. Drawdown of the water table resulting from dewatering was calculated based on the total change in water level between the initial steady state non -pumping model and the mine -year simulated (model year). The estimated withdrawal rates are presented in Table 2. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Dewatering Simulations Table 2 - Model predicted dewatering withdrawal rates Pumping Rate (gpm) Model Year South Pit East Pit West Pit North Pit Total 1 525 50 575 2 975 1,225 2,300 3 725 775 1,500 4 25' 1,025 1,050 5 75' 950 1,025 6-10 N/A2 1,250 1,250 11 N/A2 1,575 1,575 12 N/A2 1,050 950 2,000 13 N/A2 0 500 850 1,350 14-16 N/A2 N/A2 10753 1,075 Pumping to maintain drawdown while filling pit with excavated material 2 No dewatering modeled. 3 West and North Pits are merged. 4.1 Dewatering Effect on Water Supply Wells Predicted drawdown in wells within the Site boundary, which will be decommissioned by PLCI during mine development, ranged from 0 feet to 17.8 feet and averaged approximately 1.9 feet. Predicted drawdown in wells outside the Site boundary ranged from 0 feet to 21.5 feet and averaged approximately 4.0 feet. Within the Site boundary, four wells are expected to experience significant loss of water column (available drawdown) during dewatering of East, West, and North Pits. Outside the site, two wells are expected to experience significant loss of water column during dewatering of West and North Pits. Estimated drawdown in wells in the vicinity of the Site are shown in Table 3 and on Figures 4A, though 4J. Note that the excavation extents used in the models are based on the extent of the resources and not necessarily the extent of planned mining activities, specifically along the southern permit boundary where the resource is estimated to extend beyond the permit boundary (MMA, 2021). The greatest extent of drawdown is simulated to occur in years 14 through 20 when the West Pit is being dewatered and the East Pit is filling. The drawdown shown in Figure 4 represents dewatering to the extent of the resource boundaries rather than the permit boundaries of the pits, providing a worst -case estimate of drawdown that may occur. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum - Groundwater Model ��� Dewatering Simulations Table 3 - Model Predicted Drawdown in Local Wells South Pit Pumping East Pit Pumping West Pit Pumping North Pit Pumping Receptor Well Drawdown (ft) Well Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year6- 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year14- 20 Wells Within Site Boundary 1523 R W McLamb Dr. DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY 12.1 13.1 13.4 12.5 819 Whitesides Rd. 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.4 1121 He hzibah Church Rd. 3.1 1.8 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 10.6 16.9 17.8 901 Whitesides Rd. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 1.1 921 Whitesides Rd. 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 2.4 1266 He hzibah Church Rd. 0.5 0.7 1.1 2.9 3.4 5.2 5.2 7.6 13.3 17.5 1021 He hzibah Church Rd. 1.3 1.1 0.0 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 1.3 633 Aderholdt Rd. 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 8.5 1029 He hzibah Church Rd. 2.3 1.3 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.4 1.1 2.4 Wells Outside of Site Domain 732 Whitesides Rd. 8.5 13.7 21.5 18.9 15.0 15.6 12.4 11.1 11.4 11.2 129 George Pa seur Rd. 0.3 0.5 0.9 2.0 2.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 4.2 663 Aderholdt Rd. 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.2 20.4 534 Whitesides Rd. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Dewatering Simulations 4.2 Dewatering Effect on Wetlands Potential changes to groundwater flow into wetlands during dewatering operations were evaluated by comparing flow into wetlands in the steady state model with the dewatering predictive simulations. Dewatering of the South Pit caused Wetland 2 to go dry and it remains dry during the remainder of the 20-year mining operation. Dewatering of the South Pit also results in drying of Wetlands 11 and 12, although they are restored when dewatering operations shift to the East Pit and dry up again when dewatering commences in the West Pit. Dewatering of the East Pit results in drying of Wetlands 4 through 8; these wetlands remained dry for the remainder of the 20-year mining operation. Simulated West Pit dewatering resulted in drying of Wetland 16 prior to its elimination by mining operations when the West Pit and North Pit merge. Note that pit dewatering water discharged near wetlands helps maintain flow in some of those wetlands; routing of additional flow into wetlands may help mitigate the drying predicted by the model. Wetlands 6, 7, and 8 maintain some flow from groundwater while discharge from the South Pit is occurring nearby. Changes to predicted groundwater discharge to wetlands are presented in Table 4. The location of wetlands in the vicinity of the Site are shown in Figure 5. Note that although the model returns water removed from the pits to the simulated streams, this return only marginally influences the impacts on the wetlands. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum - Groundwater Model ��� Dewatering Simulations Table 4 - Model predicted changes in groundwater flow to wetlands (gmp) Model Year 1 Model Year 2 Model Year 3 Model Year 4 Model Year 5 Model Year 6 - 10 Model Year 11 Model Year 12 Model Year 13 Model Year 14 - 20 Pits D watering S S, E S, E E E E E E, W W, N W, N Wetland Wetland Size Acres Steady State Flow m Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change ' Flow Ft3/d Percent Change' Wetland 1 0.28 1,327 1328 -0.03 1330 -0.20 1323 0.36 1262 4.92 1204 9.33 1104 16.79 1103 16.88 486 63.41 0 Dry 0 Dry Wetland 2 0.15 6,330 4634 26.79 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry Wetland 3 3.19 11,519 11517 0.02 11730 -1.83 7261 36.97 5282 54.15 4485 61.06 4424 61.59 6204 46.14 5737 50.19 4597 60.09 0 Dr Wetland 4 0.66 1,703 1671 1.88 1670 1.94 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dr Wetland 5 2.21 5,483 5270 3.89 5269 3.92 1706 68.88 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry Wetland 6 0.09 2,061 2197 -6.62 2014 2.26 1190 42.25 130 93.71 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dr Wetland 7 0.38 3,752 3233 13.83 2968 20.90 2698 28.08 35 99.06 0 Dry 0 Dry 351 90.64 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry Wetland 8 0.23 2,559 535 79.07 432 83.10 481 81.21 320 87.50 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dr Wetland 9 0.18 660 1028 -55.67 1002 -51.79 1000 -51.50 1001 -51.63 1005 -52.29 1010 -52.99 1019 -54.42 1021 -54.74 1011 -53.22 0 Dr Wetland 10 0.12 1,796 1785 0.62 1783 0.72 1781 0.85 1780 0.87 1780 0.87 1781 0.85 1782 0.78 1783 0.73 1782 0.79 0 Dr Wetland 11 0.04 1,930 693 64.09 427 77.87 0 Dr 0 Dry 0 Dry 147 92.40 351 81.82 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dr Wetland 12 0.06 1,930 0 Dry 0 Dry 380 80.31 395 79.53 442 77.10 653 66.15 830 57.01 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dr Wetland 13 0.09 2,007 1939 3.38 1824 9.10 1741 13.26 1707 14.95 1703 15.16 1720 14.31 1768 11.90 1555 22.54 1269 36.79 0 Dr Wetland 14 5.45 5,310 5296 0.27 5279 0.58 5252 1.09 5223 1.65 5204 2.00 5194 2.19 5194 2.18 5165 2.73 4964 6.52 0 Dry Wetland 15 0.04 2,147 2086 2.86 2085 2.89 2085 2.88 2088 2.77 2090 2.68 2094 2.47 2100 2.22 2099 2.23 2086 2.86 0 Dr Wetland 16 0.08 76 70 8.52 69 9.74 69 10.25 55 27.66 61 20.60 68 11.62 73 4.68 0 Dry 0 Dry 0 Dry ' Negative indicates an increase in flow to the wetland from groundwater. Positive indicates a decrease in flow to the wetland from groundwater. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Dewatering Simulations This page intentionally left blank. Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Dewatering Simulations 4.3 Dewatering Effect on Streams Mine pit dewatering alters stream base flow by reducing the contribution of groundwater to streamflow. Change in stream baseflow was assessed by comparing stream baseflow estimated by the steady state model with stream baseflow in the dewatering predictive simulations. Baseflow was evaluated for three streams crossing the Site (Figure 6). Decreases in simulated baseflow to Beaverdam Creek up stream of Little Beaverdam Creek ranged from 2.2 percent in model year 11 (when dewatering in East Pit occurs) to 5.9 percent in model year 12 (when dewatering occurs in East Pit and West Pit). Simulated baseflow in Beaverdam Creek downstream of the confluence with Little Beaverdam Creek ranges from 3.1 percent in model year 1 (when dewatering occurs in South Pit) to 9.0 percent at the end of plan year 20 (when West Pit is dewatered). Decreases in simulated baseflow to Little Beaverdam Creek ranged from 0.1 percent in model year 1 (when South Pit is dewatered) to 6.9 percent in model year 13 (when East Pit is being filled and West Pit is dewatered). An unnamed tributary to Beaverdam Creek (Stream 3) exhibited baseflow decreases ranging from 0.4 percent during model year 2 (when South Pit is dewatered) to 3.1 percent (when West Pit is dewatered). Model -predicted changes in stream baseflow are presented in Table 5. Table 5 - Changes in base flow to streams that cross the site Beaverdam Creek Above Confluence' Little Beaverdam Creek Beaverdam Creek Below Confluence' Unnamed Tributary Model Flow2 Percent Flow' Percent Flow' Percent Flow' Percent Year (Ft3/d) Change (Ft3/d) Change (Ft3/d) Change (Ft3/d) Change Steady -569,356 -435,255 -1,681,833 -163,653 State 1 -545,113 4.3 -434,660 0.1 -1,631,117 3.0 -162,320 0.8 2 -541,563 4.9 -433,446 0.4 -1,622,721 3.5 -162,917 0.4 3 -538,616 5.4 -431,440 0.9 -1,609,935 4.3 -162,797 0.5 4 -538,716 5.4 -428,394 1.6 -1,608,281 4.4 -160,529 1.9 5 -541,270 4.9 -418,435 3.9 -1,600,251 4.9 -162,576 0.7 6-10 -548,891 3.6 -418,899 3.8 -1,615,812 3.9 -161,519 1.3 11 -556,696 2.2 -419,820 3.5 -1,629,960 3.1 -160,985 1.6 12 -535,792 5.9 -414,010 4.9 -1,580,594 6.0 -161,027 1.6 13 -536,719 5.7 -405,337 6.9 -1,553,419 7.6 -159,911 2.3 14-20 -539,972 5.2 -406,888 6.5 -1,530,283 9.0 -158,582 3.1 Confluence is with Little Beaverdam Creek. 2 Negative sign indicates stream baseflow from groundwater. Groundwater removed from the pits during dewatering will be pumped to settling ponds throughout the permitted area prior to discharge through outfalls monitored via NPDES permitting and compliance. In the transient model simulations, water lost from stream baseflow due to pit dewatering was recycled back to the streams through the settling basins and discharge points shown in Figure 6. Note that there is a stream that flows into the West Pit starting in about Year 14 once the West Pit and the North Pit merge. The model estimated that this stream will still receive about 13,000 9 Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model Model Limitations cubic feet per day of base flow, which then flows towards the pit and is not accounted for in the dewatering estimates. The water from this stream will either be re-routed to Beaverdam Creek or will be included in water pumped from the West Pit to Beaverdam Creek. Either way, this water, which is not accounted for in Table 5, will be included in the flow of Beaverdam Creek. When it is included, the greatest percent reduction in flow, which occurs in Year 20, is reduced from 9.0 percent to 8.2 percent. 5 Model Limitations Groundwater flow models are generalizations of complex groundwater flow systems that cannot be reasonably simulated without extensive data, detailed inputs, and large computational requirements. The complexity is contained in the generalization, but local effects may influence real world outcomes. Other limitations of the groundwater model of the Site are described in the Tech Memo. 6 Summary and Conclusions Transient groundwater flow modeling was used to estimate the rate of groundwater withdrawal required to dewater four planned mine pits and evaluate potential impacts on adjacent water resources due to dewatering. The transient groundwater model was developed from the calibrated, steady state model for natural conditions described in the Tech Memo and refined to capture currently planned resource extents and sequencing, as provided by PLCI and MMA. • Model -predicted dewatering rates ranged from 525 gpm for the South Pit to 1,575 gpm for East Pit. The total dewatering rate in any given year ranged from 575 to 2,300 gpm, with the greatest amount of pumping occurring in year 2. Predicted drawdowns for wells located within the Site, which will be decommissioned by PLIC during mine development, ranged from 0 to 17.8 feet and averaged about 1.9 feet. Predicted drawdowns for wells outside the Site ranged from 0 to 21.5 feet with an average of approximately 4.0 feet. Four wells within the site are predicted to have significant loss of available drawdown (water column) during dewatering of the East, West, and North Pits. Beyond the permit boundary, two wells are predicted to experience significant reduction of available drawdown during dewatering. One well was predicted to experience significant water column loss throughout most of the 20-year mine operation, while another is predicted to experience significant water column loss during dewatering of the combined West and North Pits in years 14 to 20. • Predicted impact to wetlands were most significant during the East and West/North Pit dewatering simulations, indicating drying of 7 and 10 wetlands, respectively. Three wetlands are predicted to dry up during dewatering of South Pit. Note that routing of additional flow into wetlands may help mitigate the drying predicted by the model. The contribution of groundwater to stream flow (baseflow) to the three streams crossing the Site decreases between 0.1 to 9.0 percent based on the location of the stream relative to the pit which is being dewatered. The largest predicted decrease in baseflow occurred in Beaverdam Creek at the very end of the last year simulated after the West Pit merged with the North Pit. Adding flow from a stream that is disconnected from the stream network would decrease this impact to 8.2 percent. 10 Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model References • PLCI will return water withdrawn during dewatering to streams at NPDES permitted discharge points to reduce potential pumping effects due to mine operation. Some water withdrawn due to dewatering may be diverted to wetlands to offset potential impacts to wetlands. 7 References Aquaveo, 2021, Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) Harbaugh, A.W., 2005, MODFLOW-2005, The U.S. Geological Survey modular ground -water model —the Ground -Water Flow Process: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6- A16, variously p. HDR, 2019, Technical Memorandum Groundwater Model. Prepared for Piedmont Lithium. Marshall Miller & Associates (MMA), 2021, Estimated Mine Pit Extent with optimization using MiningMath's SimSched program and scheduling using Maptek's Vulcan Evolution program. 11 Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model References This page intentionally left blank. 12 Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Figures Figures F 1 Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc. I Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Model ��� Figures This page intentionally left blank. .T V aG.1 ;., Q,knP ✓2� K;,11 Crep{ 3 y ci l• -- - - - -- - -- � TM b. d �= 'Clse{•s y 7 �°e crouee rouse der C L'� n ources: Esri, HERE, Gar..m.in, F - _ Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, ��sarn-:vrnc� NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, r. o x Cry v o �e` nd X v_ 7CY LEGEND . _ rya it iu °' No Flow Boundary `�- urcnst ❑� E-Cft Site ® Receptor Wells ."� .Ltd°8eaverdsl"-T y� h� ®Planned Pits _ 4 South Fork Catawaba River Dewater Discharge Locations Streams , 1227R DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, v ^+ Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet pME��o3yC` o lKafry! 8 C� � �f� I �y � L•re <Q"o• 'q tn",t'dlkhti GROUNDWATER MODEL DOMAIN \ r +trr ftd 3 c� ' N i e Rd ar 0 1 2 ''I Rdr Qr, MILES Sun�s'� 51c3aY lieu c�� O�r�v 1-, Sr � Ra Cpq } �4�C c+rwcnRa a2 sr Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp; , GEBCO, PIEDMONT FN USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance :i rr. I u.Y. Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong ), swisstopo, © FIGURE 1 v� OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIs User Community PATH: H:%PLI\ANALYSIS%FIGU RE 2.MXD - USER: JTROYER - DATE: 8/17/2021 r. ources: Esri, HERE, Gar..m.in, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, lerholdt LEGEND kderholdt Rd 0 Model Domain Site ® Receptor Wells - Known Well Depths O Possible Domestic Well - No Known Data Rd ® Planned Pits { Dewatering Discharge Locations 0 Simulated Mined Pit Area DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, O Zone: North Carolina (PIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet - - O Sources: Esri, HERE Garmin, Infermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIs User Community SITE AND RECEPTOR WELLS LOCATION MAP kc N 0 0.2 0.4 MILES PIEDMONT FN IITp iuPA FIGURE 2 PATH: HAPLI\ANALYSISOGU RE 1.MXD - USER: JTROYER -DATE: 08/27/2021 kcrY_ q+ w • yid 1 p y �# P c1e�'F t �S: Wye Rv r 'r a 76 Rd, CAU'w' r ntt ,,I%VW f- a coye.e�tin s rre NU I �n v� c ;n •CSN .T :4 �5 a�' L, High ShC F� iw c� LEGEND 0 Domain 0 Site Grid Sources: Esri, HERE, Garm.in, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet �F,xfk$p REVISED MODEL GRIn Rd �µy1 01 croaY- �`F 0 1 2 + ywr MILES Ce fy - Perk II C ��� f Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, PIEDMONT USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, o,�r FIGURE 3 -��,� OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community I PATH: HAPMANALYSISOGU RE 3.MXD -USER: JTROYER -DATE: 815=21 Qa '(1E r1t@rs S(i�le R�1 '4 NORTH WEST �IIS ` �'� 0i M/Al I - I I Weller i EAST Q I ff ® o O r Sources, Esri;;'HERE,4Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEE a �m USGS, FAO;"NPS, NRCAN, GeOBas&, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordna Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community tGeoBase, .yE, Gar..min, nt P Corp., O, NPS, , IGN, Legend Domain Drawdown (ft) Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 7- 11 ® Receptor Wells 11 -15 O Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 Streams DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (PIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN FROM DEWATERING YEAR 1 N 0 0.25 0.5 MILES PIEDMONT FN LITH i u m FIGURE 4A PATH: C:%USERS%JTROYER\DESKTOP\PROJECTS%PLI\FIGURES\FIGURE 4A.MXD -USER: JTROYER. DATE: 811912021 0 Q' apt � •r`� • Nr � ources: Esri, HERE, Garm. in, NORTH Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCANLegend ® Domain Drawdown (ft) WEST q Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 11 Receptor Wells 11 - 15 Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 SOUTH i/ Streams dent rs a �_ DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, � ��{fi1E l' 1 • - Zone: North Carolina (PIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet EAST o MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN ��%►%�� FROM DEWATERING YEAR 2 I r .o ® o _ N Q 0 0.25 0.5 MILES .O Sources) EsriNERE,4Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, PIEDMONT FN USGS, FAOSNPS, NRCAN, GeoBas'�, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance - �. �� Survey, Esrl Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, OpenSt/ etMap contributors, and the GIS User Community FIGURE 4B PATH: C:%USERS%JTROYER\DESKTOP\PROJECTS%PLI\FIGURES\FIGURE 4B.MXD - USER: JTROYER - DATE: 811912021 Qa 1 WEST L SOUTH 'PL nters SciLol` • NORTH g. EAST Ldt! / e BPa. / ® � J .l.7yr+Gj4 • co Sources) Esri¢HERE,4Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEE kr. USGS, FAOSNPS, NRCAN, GeOBaS'6, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordna Survey, Esrl Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, �o OpenStrreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community I. II ources: Esri, HERE, Garm.in, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend Domain Drawdown (ft) Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 7 - 11 ® Receptor Wells 11 - 15 • Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 Streams DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 19832011, feet MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN FROM DEWATERING YEAR 3 N 0 0.25 0.5 MILES PIEDMONT FN FIGURE 4C PATH: C:\USERS\JTROYER\DESKTOPWROJECTSWLOFIGURES\FIGURE <C.MXD- USER: JTROYER - DATE: 8/19/2021 Qa ___l IPL'rter5 SciLol` R'r NORTH EAST X/ Ldtfe ge � '.i y J � Sources) ESri" ERE, Garmin Intermap, increment P Corp., GEE USGS, FAO;°'NPS, NRCAN, GeOBasD, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordna Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, OpenStr etMap contributors, and the GIS User Community I. II ources: Esri, HERE, Gar..m.in, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend Domain Drawdown (ft) Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 7 - 11 ® Receptor Wells 11 - 15 • Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 Streams DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 19832011, feet MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN FROM DEWATERING YEAR 4 N 0 0.25 0.5 MILES PIEDMONT FN L ITH iulA FIGURE 4D PATH: C:\USERS\JTROYERZESKTOPWROJECTSW LOFIGURES\FIGURE <D.MXD -USER: JTROYER -DATE: 8/19/2021 0 Qa �.i e' 2 ources: Esri, HERE, Gar..m.in, NORTH Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend ® Domain Drawdown (ft) WEST Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits s \ _ ' Simulated Mined Pit Area 11 Receptor Wells 11 - 15 " • Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 ®� SOUTH Streams venters scs °�e R ti G � G� :Ic ,�,.•. o DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 19832011, feet EAST ar 1 — ® MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN FROM DEWATERING YEAR 5 Ldtfe Be,3r ♦� ♦ •.a 0 0.25 0.5 • MILES O FN r Sources' EsriPIEDMONT ;; HERE, Garmiln ermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO;"NPS, NRCAN, GeOBas&, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance UTH lupu ^ Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, () '" OpenSt�eetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community FIGURE 4E PATH: C:IUSERSIJTROYERID ESKTOP%PROJECTSW LRFIGURES\FIGURE BE.MXD -USER: JTROYER. DATE: 811912021 G O Qa �.i e' 2 ources: Esri, HERE, Gar..m.in, NORTH Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend ® Domain Drawdown (ft) WEST Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 7 - 11 ® Receptor Wells 11 - 15 • Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 SOUTH / Streams 'lJenters S0.�1` R,y • DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 19832011, feet EAST \ o MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN }' • FROM DEWATERING YEARS 6-10 Little � eav i � N c�P� 54 �� • 0 0.25 0.5 �� . O • MILES FNI `� r Sources) Esri;; HERE, Garmin, Intermap, c ement P Corp., GEBCO, PIEDMONT o �m USGS, FAO„`'NPS,�RCAN GeoBa�se�fGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance LITH Iuld Survey, Esri Japan, ME-TI-Esri-GFiina (Hong Kong), swisstopo, OpenStr/eetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community FIGURE 4F PATH: C:\USERSIJTROYERZESKTOPWROJECTSW LOFIGURES\FIGURE CF.MXD -USER: JT ROYER - DATE: 811912021 G O l ....+ .... i.r Qa 1 r Yq fe6r ources: Esri, HERE, Gar..m.in, NORTH Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend ® Domain Drawdown (ft) WEST Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 11 i Receptor Wells 11 - 15 • Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 ® SOUTH / �) Streams 'lJenters S0.`.61e Fth 'C - DATASOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 19832011, feet EAST r � — MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN • FROM DEWATERING YEARS 11 Little N SP ij/ 0 0.25 0.5 . O MILES O r Sources. Esri;; H'ERE,4Garmin, Intermap, in5Xement P Corp., GEBCO, PIEDMONT a �m USGS, FAO„'NPS-„ NRCAN, GeOBasV IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Wi,, i um Survey, Esri Japar ME—TI., Esri China ((Hong Kong), swisstopo, OpenStr/eetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community FIGURE 4G PATH: C:\USERSIJTROYERZESKTOPWROJECTSW LOFIGURES\FIGURE BG.MXD. USER: JTROYER -DATE: 811912021 Qa Ldtle�g "aw,. \�71 Cr eck r 'A SOUTH r ources: Esri, HERE, Garm.in, Intermap, increment P Corp., NORTH GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend Domain Drawdown (ft) WEST 1-3 Site r� 3 7 Planned Pits Simulated Mined PitArea 1 - 11 ® Receptor Wells 1 - 15 • Possible Domestic Well 15-21 Streams r DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 19832011, feet EAST MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN FROM DEWATERING YEAR 12 '• 0 0.25 0.5 �:. MILES CSP o Sources, EEssri; HERE,4Garmin, Intermap, incr ent P Corp., GEBCO, P I E V ! 1�1 T 01 a kr. USGS, FA01NF , NRCAN, GeoBas'6�GN Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esrl Japa�METI, Esri Chip Hong Kong), swisstopo, 'Po OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community FIGURE 4H PATH: CAUSERSWTROYE RID ESKTOPWROJECTSWLOFIGURES\FIGURE <H.MXD- USER: JTROYER-DATE: 8/20/2021 Qa C Ldt7e gPavcr aV/11 (;I CCK Do,, 1 NORTH I ►:. Sources) Esri;; HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEE USGS, FAO„`'NP.S, NRCAN, GeoBasD, IGN!Kadaster NL, Ordna Survey, Esri Japan\, METI, Esri China-(H nog Kong), swisstopo, OpenSt�eetMap contributors and the GIS User Community I. II ources: Esri, HERE, Gar..m.in, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Legend Domain Drawdown (ft) Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 7 - 11 ® Receptor Wells — 11 -15 • Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 Streams DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 19832011, feet — MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN FROM DEWATERING YEAR 13 N 0 0.25 0.5 MILES PIEDMONT FN L ITH iulA FIGURE 41 PATH: C:\USERS\JTROYERZESKTOPWROJECTSW LOFIGURES\FIGURE CI.MXD - USER: JTROYER - DATE: 8QO12021 Qa a 1 ® SOUTH 'venters Sci�l` R1t Q EAST I : _ o Q r Sources) Es ¢HEREGarmin�lnte�map, i ent P Corp., GEE �o USGS, FAO,NPS, NRCAN, GeOBas&, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordna Survey, Esrl Japan, METI, Esri China (HongKog.�isstopo, " OpenS " etMa�c`ntributors, and the User Community • tGeoBase, .yE, Gar..min, nt P Corp., O, NPS, , IGN, Legend Domain Drawdown (ft) Site 1 - 3 Planned Pits 3-7 Simulated Mined Pit Area 7- 11 ® Receptor Wells 11 - 15 O Possible Domestic Well 15 - 21 Streams DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (PIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet MODEL PREDICTED DRAWDOWN FROM DEWATERING YEARS 14-20 N 0 0.25 0.5 MILES PIEDMONT FN L ITH iuPA FIGURE 4J PATH: C:%USERS%JTROYER\DESKTOP\PROJECTS%PLI\FIGURES\FIGURE 4K.MXD - USER: JTROYER - DATE: 8/2012021 ¢a Wetland 15 Wetland 10 Wetland 9 Wetland 14 Wetland 13 =� ��PF rxe rs 5c1�je R�1 t m C�st1e r•' Little $ears adrn Crsek y. MIS Da y5 yQ INS iIN \ �M1 SOUTH etland and 7 EAST Ind 1 Wetland 3 MAI �a a® Y Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin', Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METE_Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIs User Community ro- ources: Esri, HERE, Garrnin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, LEGEND 0 Domain Site 0 Deliniated Wetlands ® Planned Pits 2 I DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (FIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet HDR Delineated Wetlands N 0 0.25 0.5 MILES PIEDMONT FN L1Tp iuPA FIGURE 5 PATH: HAPLI\ANALYSISOGU RE S.MXD - USER: JTROYER -DATE: 8/19/2021 Crouse RG Gef Crouse Crouse o, V o Robe Ra Sr C4sto r}-weber C� a� ¢� Cho yv ille Go and CL t tryclu ..� RoA 15D � •" {off r a Cr t 4hurGh'St ojF ~L �� Sunbeam Gas CrsS am 6 J Sources: Esri, HER Garmin, Intermap, incremen P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAQ NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, LEGEND 0 Domain Site ® Planned Pits Total Flow Measurements Beaverdam Creek Above Confluence Little Beaverdam Creek Unnamed Tributary Beaverdam Creek Below Confluence DATA SOURCES: State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: North Carolina (PIPS 3200) NAD 1983 2011, feet LOCATION OF STREAM REACHES N 0 0.5 1 MILES / Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, PIEDMONT rjl( USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN,-Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hon91 'Kong), swisstopo, © FIGURE 6 OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community S. PATH: HAPLI\ANALYSIS\FIGURE 6.MXD - USER: JTROYER -DATE: 8/19/2021 FN 440 S Church Street, Suite 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 (704) 338-6700 hdrinc.com © 2021 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved