HomeMy WebLinkAboutWakeStone Combined Response 2Johnson, Robert E From: Lance, Kathleen C Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 8:12 AM To: NCMiningProgram Attachments: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Boy scouts used to be here, until Wake Stone comes along - Stop quarry operation at Odd Fellows Tract; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] We want and end to the dust at Umstead State Park; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Please reject Wake Stone Corp's mining permit on Odd Fellows Tract; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Don't give away Raleigh's only connection to the Eastern Wildway to Wake Stone; [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018, don't let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop RDU Quarry; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Umstead State Park Park -deny new quarry pit; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Keep the Old Reedy Creek Road Corridor for recreation - not a new rock quarry; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] We want and end to the dust at Umstead State Park; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] The public deserves our public lands to be protected - deny rock mine; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Don't give away Raleigh's only connection to the Eastern Wildway to Wake Stone; [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect the Old Reedy Creek Recreational Corridor Kathleen C. Lance Special Assistant to Secretary Michael S. Regan North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (919) 707-8661 office (919) 368-4310 mobile ktlh_I9.u.:.lu�pe.C�u�cdeu�ir.gov 217 West Jones Street 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Ernadd correspondence to aria drrvorn this address is or biecd to the lVorldr Carolina Public Records Law aria irro.y be disclosed to third drorldco. Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Urnstead Park is such a IbeautifUl Iparlk and it shoUldin't Ibe 6stuirbed and destroyed so for a prllvate Ibusiness. This Iparlk shoUld Ibe Ipreseirved and protected from such uninecessairy explosions. Not imeintion the Ihealltlh of aEl the (people that use and(hive around the Ipairk. Rlease protect the Ipairk! Taybir Mucaida tmuc05l5@gmal!Lcoim 900 E. Six Forks Rd, Uinllt 310 RaIleiglh, North Cairofina 27604 Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, 2M Thank you for your time. Flease (protect Urnstead Iparlk from Walke Stone. The Iparlk is aimuch more vaIluable resource to the commu16lty thain another quarry. ■ Craig Thompson Heatwave23@yalhoo.coim 830 Haindsworth Ilin Apt 103 RaIleiglh, North Cairofina 27607 Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Flease do inot aHow a quarry to go oin the Odd FeElows track. This Ilaind WH Ibe importaint to the future of the Tiriainglle. tainkmtbinc@gimal!Lcoim 2130 Cirigain Elluff Dir Cary, North afro Tina 27513 Johnson, Robert E From: Sylvia Drew <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 3:26 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Keep the Old Reedy Creek Road Corridor for recreation - not a new rock quarry Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Rlease deiny any inew it iinlling Ipeirmits. We ineed to make sure are liindustrli4ll growth is liin the llinteirests of all Wake Co. iresidents. Sylvia Drew syllvlia_direw@bellllsoutlh.inet 3103 Paxtoin Place RaIleiglh, North Cairohina 27613 Johnson, Robert E From: Andrea Hill <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 8:46 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Please reject Wake Stone Corp's mining permit on Odd Fellows Tract Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Hello, I'm widting to ask that you reject Wake Stone Corp's imiinlling Ipeirmit oin the Odd FelIlIows Tract. doin't tNlink it's safe to Ihave a mine ir9iglht Iby Umstead State Park, IL.alke Crabtree Park, wind for aIIII those w1ho visit the pairks. In Ilisteinlling to the Ipublic hearing l was llimpressed with the speakers' expertise oin the einviroinimeintall risks wind the arguments imade. l tNlink they Iproved tlhellr Ipoliints wind imade the case for deinylling the Ipeirmit. Please do inot allow t1his quarry. Thaink you. Kind regards, Aindirea Hill aimtbeir2@gimallV.com 307 IKeeineir St Cary, North Cairohina 27511 1 Johnson, Robert E Michag Regain, Secretairy DEQ, Flease be a Iheiro and protect ourpairH Youir clNlOdirein's clNlOdirein WEI tlhankh u one day. Defia Flanagan dve6a@ime.coim 211 Cairmicha6l couirt Cairy, North Cairohina 27511 Johnson, Robert E From: NANCY BLACKWELL <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 9:43 AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Umstead State Park Park -deny new quarry pit Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, l request that DEQ deiny Wake Stone Corp's appfication for a inew iroclk mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts oin Umstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation liin the OM Reedy Creek Corridor and the three adjacent Ihorneowineirs To the elected officials, please see imy imessage to the DEQ as ain liindlication of imy opposition against the quarry, and please send a imessage to the DEQ making your opposition against the quarry known, as welH. The operation of a inew quarry will Ihave uindUly adverse effects oin potable groundwater supplies, wildlife, or fresh water, estuarine, or mairine fisheiries. The current quarry is (bad einough, creating dust and inoise, and ruining the enjoyment of Umstead Park! NANCY 1:11...ACIKWE�I..Jl... inlblackwelll12000@yalhoo.com 1130 STURDIIVANT DRIVE CARY, North Cairohina 27511 1 Johnson, Robert E From: Mike Turner <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 8:16 AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop RDU Quarry Vlichaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, Rlease Ipreseirve Umstead ainy way you cain. Deinylling Ipeirmits is a start to protecting our �behoved inatui4l resources. Thaink You, Mike Turner Mike Turner miketrnir@aoLcoinn 213 coveinaint irock Maine HoHy sprllings, North Cairohina 27540 Johnson, Robert E Michael) Regain, Secretairy DEQ, Deny Ipeirmit, since walke stoine agireed to cease aM it iinliing operations Iby 2031, as ireq uliired Iby the so cabled "suinset cVa use." It has Ibeein irelpoirted that walke stoine was ablke to cVallm that tlheire weire TYPOS liin the Ilegall contracts and that they wainted to it alke ADMINISTRATIVE l IVE chainges. The chainges they r ade (Gin 2013) effectGvelly inUllllifiied the suinset cVa use. Welke stoine tricked DEQ. Welke stoine tricked the iresidents of INC Welke stoine accomplished a Ilegall stunt that it alkes it (possible foir tlheirr7 to Ikeep irr i16ling, liin ain expainded airea adjacent to a Ibelbved and IheavuVy trafficked state Ipairlk. Welke stoine Dimly caires about the short teirm it piney they it alke. We acre aIIII Ipawins to Ibe talkein Flease do inot einable tlheirr7 to fuirtlheir Ileveirage tlheliir connections wlhlille destroyliing o uir Ibea utifUl region. Theire acre co uintVess otlheir aireas to amine, and Ipeirlhalps walke stoine slhoUld inot Ibe the foram awairded the irights to do that futuire it iinliing SINCE WE (KNOW THEY DO NOT HONOR THEIR C7MMIT"I"IME TS , Illilke the Sunset CUause. Wa tear Davidson waa lteirdavlidsoin2@gmalill.coim 1809 1Balkeir iroad RaIleiglh, North afro Tina 27607 Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, The proposed inew quarry MH daimage nine of the Tiriainglle's it Ibelbved IpulbBlic assets. llin ad6fioin, 1I Ikinow Ipeirsoinalllly Ihow imuch daimage a stoine quarry does to the commuinllty, as 1I have Ibeein a Ihomeowineir inear North Harrison llin Cary (Beechtree neighborhood) for weEl over 20 years, and have had to Iput up With the inoisy and daingeirous duimp trucks from the current quarry for a Iloing tune. Flease oppose the inew quarry, and flind a imoire sulltable use for the �hind. Rudolph ZaIlesalk rzaIlesalk@gimal!Lcoim 116 1Beech Forest Ct Cary, North Cairofina 27513 2418 Johnson, Robert E From: John Pasqua <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 4:45 AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] We want and end to the dust at Umstead State Park Vlichaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, No mi16ling Ipeirmit Iheire. 1Bad for the great einviroinimeint. NO ROCK QUARRY MINE John Pasqua kflHseff5150@yaIhoo.coim 843 south Escondido Ibvd Escondido, CaIIlIfoirnlia 92025 5005 Johnson, Robert E From: Jeremy Kurtz <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 3:29 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] We want and end to the dust at Umstead State Park Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, To the elected officials, please see imy imessage to the DEQ as ain liindlication of imy opposition against the quarry, and please send a imessage to the DEQ making your opposition against the quarry known, as well On top of t1his Ibeliing a great resource for f6lks of the triainglle (it is oine of imy favorite spots to walk, ir9ide, etc. with imy faimily, friends and visitors) theire are a few key ireasoins that l Ibelllieve you s1hoUld deiny Wake Stone Corp's appfication for a inew iroclk mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative llimpacts oin Umstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation liin the ON Reedy Greek Corridor and the t1hiree adjacent Ihorneowineirs. l imoved from the North East to einjoy the "gireein iness" of the triainglle and efforts like t1his to Iprlioritize �profit over einviroinimeint are inot the Ipropeir 61rection that l Ibellieve NC s1hoUld Iprlioir9itize. Few ad6fioinall key ireasoins for imy feedback: Recreation areas gireeinways s1hoUld Ihave a 250ft undisturbed Ibuffeir (old Reedy Creek Road) to imallintallin the gireeinway experience. No (berms or waIHs witNlin that Ibuffeir zoine. RIDU Airport Authority was offered a fair deal to conserve the property Iby the Conservation Fund and s1hoUld reconsider that offer liin Illiglht of the public Ibeinefits it would Iprovlide There is precious little uindevelloped gireein space left liin the Tarr 4nglle area; it s1hoUld Ibe treasured and protected iratlheir t1hain destroyed. Concerns about air Ipollllutioin from quarry imiinlling operations cain fuirtlheir inegafivelly impact the visitors of Uimstead State Park Ipeir year for the inext 25+ years if a inew quarry is at work. Jeremy IKuirtz jpkislheire@gimal!Lcoinn 1503 Elloomiingdalle Didve Cary, North afro Tina 27511